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81. International AIDS Society The International aids Society contributes to the control and management of HIVinfection and aids through advocacy, education, facilitation of scientific http://www.ias.se/ | |
82. AIDS Server - Informaèní Zdroj O Problematice HIV A AIDS Ilustrovan½ průvodce po problematice aids a HIV. http://aids.alms.cz/ | |
83. CAS / SCS http://www.cdnaids.ca/web/home.nsf/home?OpenPage&Click= |
84. Golf Improvement Aids - Improve Your Game! Presents a variety of aids for putting, full swing, chipping, and sand play with purchase information. http://www.golf-improvement-aids.com | |
85. CAS / SCS National coalition of communitybased aids organizations across Canada. Includes detailed event listings http://www.cdnaids.ca/ | |
86. UAB School Of Medicine CME Courses on the development and strategies for the management of HIV disease, reviews current practices and recent developments. (University of Alabama) http://main.uab.edu/uasom/show.asp?durki=30529 |
87. Finding Aids Useful finding aids to assist in searching or browsing for Federal Government information.Click here to return to the GPO Access home page. About these tools. http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/tools.html | |
88. Tooties International Development aids to improve math, reading, writing science, and selfesteem and coordination skills in children of any age using Quick Effective Therapy (QET). http://www.tooties.com/ | |
89. National Association Of People With AIDS http://www.napwa.org/ |
90. Probleme Von AIDS Und Arbeitswelt Nach einer HIVInfektion k¶nnen Betroffene jahrelang symptomfrei in ihrem Beruf t¤tig sein. Die Website gibt Infos und Tipps f¼r Einstellungs- und Bewerbungsgespr¤che. | |
91. Thekidsaidssite.com http://www.thekidsaidssite.com/ | |
92. OI: Dementia -- ÆGIS A comprehensive guide to this condition called ADC, dementia, sub acute encephalitis or HIV encephalitis from AEGIS. http://www.aegis.com/topics/oi/oi-adc.html | |
93. Welcome To STOP AIDS Project! The mission of STOP aids Project is to prevent HIV transmission among all gayand bisexual men in San Francisco, through multicultural, communitybased http://www.stopaids.org/ | |
94. HEAREASY WHOLESALE DIRECT HEARING AIDS Presents canal, overthe-ear, and refurbished hearing aids and accessories. http://www.heareasy.com/ | |
95. HIV/AIDS - World Bank world bank, aids is not just a public health problem. Welcome to WorldBank HIV/aids. aids is turning back the clock on development. http://www1.worldbank.org/hiv_aids/ | |
96. Crestwood Communication Aids, Inc. - Communication Aids For Children And Adults Offers speaking aids, switches, and adaptive toys for children and adults with communication difficulties. http://www.communicationaids.com/ | |
97. AIDS Project Los Angeles APLA, a nonprofit organization, provides direct services to people with HIV/aids. EVENTSCommunity Forum HIV/aids in the African American Community May 21. http://www.apla.org/ | |
98. Kinsman Enterprises Manufactures aids for daily living, rehabilitation products and mobility equipment. Distributes the Swedish Helparm and EVA Walker. http://www.KinsmanEnterprises.com | |
99. National Minority AIDS Council The National Minority aids Council is dedicated to developing leadership within communities of color http://www.nmac.org/ | |
100. Mulholland Positioning Systems Inc. - Home Page Full line of standing aids, seating systems, adaptive components, and bath aids. http://www.mulhollandinc.com/ | |
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