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1. AIDS Education Global Information System (AEGiS) - Enhanced Site AEGIS is one of the largest HIV/aids databases in the world, includes the HIV Daily Briefing, updated hourly. http://www.aegis.com/ | |
2. AIDS.ORG: Educating - Raising Awareness - Building Community A non profit worldwide aids organization harnessing the power of the Internetin the battle against HIV. Click here to Help Donate to aids.ORG. What s New. http://www.aids.org/ | |
3. UNAIDS: The Joint United Nations Programme On HIV/AIDS Celebrities. HIV/aids, Human Rights Law. HIV/aids, security humanitarian response Breaking the Barriers Partnership to fight HIV/aids in Europe and Central Asia http://www.unaids.org/ | |
4. AIDS - Home Official journal of the International aids Society. http://www.aidsonline.com/ | |
5. The AIDS Memorial Quilt To preserve, care for, and use the aids Memorial Quilt to foster healing, heighten awareness, and inspire action in the struggle against HIV and aids http://www.aidsquilt.org/ | |
6. HIV InSite Gateway To HIV And AIDS Knowledge Genotypic Testing for HIV1 Drug Resistance R. Shafer, MD, 4/04. Updated HIV InSite Knowledge Base chapter. Regarding Generic Production of Norvir Kaiser Daily HIV/aids Report, 5/13/04. President http://hivinsite.ucsf.edu/ | |
7. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe E.V. Umfassende Informationen rund um aids. http://www.aidshilfe.de/ |
8. CDC-NCHSTP-Divisions Of HIV/AIDS Prevention (DHAP) Home Page CDC's HIV mission is to prevent HIV infection and reduce the incidence of HIVrelated illness and death, in collaboration with community, state, national, and international partners General Information on HIV and aids. Cause, Transmission, Testing, Treatment, Prevention http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/dhap.htm | |
9. Critical Path AIDS Project copyright © 20002004 critical path project http://www.critpath.org/ |
10. AIDS Treatment News Complete archive of aids Treatment News through current issue. aidsTreatment News is published twice a month by John S. James. http://www.aids.org/atn/ | |
11. HealthDEV: HIV/AIDS Discussions Forums Topics include HIV/aids and access to treatment and care, communitybased research, PLWHA networking, sex work, human rights, and immigration rights. http://www.hivnet.ch/aids98/ | |
12. AIDS Decade A series of multimedia essays about the past decade of the aids crisis, with topics ranging from aids treatments to aids adoptions. http://www.journale.com/aidsdecade/ |
13. Johns Hopkins AIDS Service- Infectious Diseases Accurate, updated information on HIV/aids treatment, guidelines, prevention, research,education, and epidemiology from doctors at Johns Hopkins Hospital http://www.hopkins-aids.edu/ | |
14. Toledo Physical Education Supply Supplier of sports equipment and accessories; offerings include instructional aids. http://www.tpesonline.com | |
15. HATIS Hearing Aid Compatible Headsets Develops products to connect hearing aids with cellular phones, telephones, and other listening devices. http://www.hatis.com |
16. AllAfrica.com AIDS allAfrica African news and information for a global audience Zimbabwe Topics AGOA. aids. Aid. Arms and Armies Fund, George Bush's US$15bn President's Emergency Plan for aids Relief, announced during his January 2003 State of the http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://allafrica.com/aids/&y=0257980414972E |
17. The Body The Internet S Most Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Resource The Body covers every aspect of HIV and aids from the medical to thesocial, and hosts over 70 top aids groups. Free interactive http://www.thebody.com/ |
18. ThinkQuest : Library : Kids, What You Need To Know About AIDS And Were Afraid To Explains the disease and tells about the latest treatments. Also includes tips for staying safe. http://library.thinkquest.org/J003087F/ | |
19. The Body: Women And HIV/AIDS Articles on women and HIV/aids general issues, demographics, prevention,and more, at The Body, the complete aids and HIV information resource. http://www.thebody.com/whatis/women.shtml | |
20. Home Health Care Products And Supplies-ShopHomeHealth.com Personal Health Produc Offers daily living aids, first aid supplies, therapy supplies, and medical goods. http://www.shophomehealth.com/ | |
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