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61. Pediatrics: Mercury In The Environment: Implications For Pediatricians - Technic globulin administered at highdoses or for a long period of time, or as intentionallyingestedhave resulted in toxicity, including acrodynia, chronic mercury http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m0950/1_108/76601737/p7/article.jhtml?term= |
62. Autism: A Novel Form Of Mercury Poisoning 5). Primary data derive from victims of contaminated fish (Japan Minamata Disease)or grain (Iraq, Guatemala, Russia); from acrodynia (Pink Disease) induced http://www.whale.to/v/mercury2.html | |
63. Charts Paint Companies Have Used Phenylmercuric Acetate As A paint companies have used phenylmercuric acetate as a preservative to prolong theshelf life of interior latex paint.^Based Interior 1989, acrodynia, a form of http://www.co-race.com/Interior-Paint-Samples.htm |
64. Mercury In acrodynia, symptoms of sufferers (vs. acrodynia sufferers describe excessive painwhen bumping limbs, numbness, and poor circulation (Farnesworth, 1997). http://www.speech-express.com/alternative-therapy/mercury-autism.html | |
65. Chapter 9 History. 1926 Goldberger tried to produce Pellagra in rats, developeda severe dermatitis called acrodynia (painful extremities); http://www.animal.ufl.edu/ans6449/Vitamin B6.htm | |
66. Amazon.com: All Products Search Results: Acrodynia aaaabdominal aortic aneurysm ab variant gangliosidosis gm2 in skull and mandible acrocephalosyndactylia acrocephalosyndactylias acrocephalosyndactylyacrocephaly acrodermatitides acrodermatitis acrodynia acrodynia due http://www.independentcommerce.com/icDirectory/keyword.asp?keyword=acrodynia |
67. Tandvårdsskadeförbundet - Artikel I TF-bladet Vad ställer amalgamet idag till med? En föreställning om vidden av det helafår man genom att studera sjukdomen som kallades akrodynia (acrodynia). http://www.tf.nu/artiklar/87-3_Akrodynia.html | |
68. Toxicity, Mercury In the 1940s and 1950s, mercury became known as the product that causedacrodynia, also known as Pink Disease. Manifestations of http://www.vaccinationnews.com/DailyNews/July2002/ToxicityMercury18.htm |
69. Autism: A Novel Form Of Mercury Poisoning 5). Primary data derive from victims of contaminated fish (Japan MinamataDisease) or grain (Iraq, Guatemala, Russia); from acrodynia (Pink Disease http://www.cqs.com/autism.htm | |
70. A Fact Sheet For Health Professionals - Elemental Mercury A rare syndrome called acrodynia, or pinks disease, can occur in childrenexposed to mercury vapor. Few children exposed to mercury develop acrodynia. http://www.idph.state.il.us/envhealth/factsheets/mercuryhlthprof.htm | |
71. Gail Garrett In addition, toxicological syndromes include erythism and acrodynia. Erythismconsists of personality changes, withdrawal, and loss of selfcontrol. http://wwwchem.csustan.edu/chem4400/sjbr/Garrett.htm | |
72. THE MERCK MANUAL, Sec. 9, Ch. 105, Disorders Of The Oral Region acrodynia may be caused by a toxic reaction to mercury or by hypersensitivityto various substances; exposure to mercury is now rare. http://www.merck.com/mrkshared/mmanual/section9/chapter105/105b.jsp |
73. Zebra Card HD-306: Hyperpigmented Forehead Nodules 101; Children with acrodynia characteristically assume an Islamicprayer-likeposition that acrodynia is a rare manifestation of childhood mercury poisoning. http://www.zebracards.com/HD-306.html | |
74. Specialised UMD Dictionaries Translate this page ÇáæóÈÇÆöíøóÉ º, epidemic erythema ( = acrodynia), ÍõãÇãóìæóÈÇÆöíøóÉ ( = óáóãõ ÇáäøöåÇíÇÊ) º, http://www.emro.who.int/umd/browsingsubj.asp?PageNo=9&subj=311&cat=9 |
75. Attract use of diuretics or cathartics. Chronic exposure results in renal failure,dementia, and acrodynia. acrodynia, known as Pink disease http://www.attract.wales.nhs.uk/question_answers.cfm?question_id=1133 |
76. AUTISM RESEARCH INSTITUTE She wrote a paper about acrodynia and pink disease, which had puzzled physicianssince the late 19th century and were not established as a result of mercury http://www.autism.com/ari/editorial/garbagescience.html | |
77. Tiscali - Search Web, Immagini, Video, Mp3, News, Mappe, Home Search Health Conditions_and_Diseases Neurological_Disorders Peripheral_Nervous_System acrodynia. http://directory.tiscali.it/Health/Conditions_and_Diseases/Neurological_Disorder | |
78. Poisoning ABOUT KAROLINSKA INSTITUTETEDUCATIONRESEARCHLIBRARY. Library ». Resources. Databases. The Library Catalogue. Journals. Electronic Books. Publications from KI. Biomedical Links. Swedish MeSH. Service . http://www.mic.ki.se/Diseases/c21.613.html | |
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