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Abdominal Migraine: more detail | |||||
41. Abdominal Migraine Neither is MGH or MGH Neurology responsible for the content of any articles or replies. No messages are screened for content. abdominal migraine. http://neuro-www.mgh.harvard.edu/forum_2/HeadacheF/abdominalmigraine.html | |
42. Neurological Disorders, Headaches, Migraine, Abdominal JAMA Migraine Information Center abdominal migraine Prophylactic Treatment and Follow-up - Abstract of an article published in the January 1999 issue of the http://www.iseekhealth.com/abdominal-2039.php | |
43. Stroke The most wellrecognized type of migraine equivalent is abdominal migraine, in which cyclical vomiting, periodic attacks of nausea, or abdominal pain occur http://www.wfubmc.edu/neurology/migweb2/stroke.htm | |
44. Australian CVS Association Official Web Page - Medical References Prevalence and clinical features of abdominal migraine compared with those of migraine headache. abdominal migraine A cause of abdominal pain in adults? http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Village/7495/reference.html | |
45. ADC -- Abstracts: Dignan Et Al. 84 (5): 415 The prognosis of childhood abdominal migraine. AIMS To determine the clinical course of childhood abdominal migraine, seven to 10 years after the diagnosis. http://adc.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/abstract/84/5/415 | |
46. ADC -- Abstracts: Abu-Arafeh And Russell 72 (5): 413 in Childhood. PAPERS. Prevalence and clinical features of abdominal migraine compared with those of migraine headache. I AbuArafeh http://adc.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/abstract/archdischild;72/5/413 | |
47. AN INTEGRATIVE MODEL OF MIGRAINE Designations such as abdominal migraine, dietary migraine, cervical migraine, menstrual migraine, etc. abdominal migraine is diagnosed most often in children. http://www.meridianinstitute.com/migrai4.html | |
48. SchoolNurse.com:Migraine Equivalents The first to gain some credibility was abdominal migraine. These syndromes remain vague and difficult to diagnose and treat, even for neurologists. http://www.schoolnurse.com/med_info/migraineeq.html | |
49. Medicdirect - Comprehensive UK Health Information abdominal migraine. Sometimes classified with the functional syndromes abdominal migraine may be a precursor to migrainous headaches. http://www.medicdirect.co.uk/clinics/default.ihtml?step=4&pid=1946 |
50. Medicdirect - Comprehensive UK Health Information years old. Younger than 8 years old children may have abdominal migraine which causes tummy pain (Abdominal pain). More often than http://www.medicdirect.co.uk/clinics/default.ihtml?step=4&pid=311 |
51. Dr George Russell - Child Health Thorax 1995; 50 674676. Symon DNK, Russell G. Double blind placebo controlled trial of pizotifen syrup in the treatment of abdominal migraine. http://www.abdn.ac.uk/child_health/russell.hti | |
52. Research - Child Health Dr G Russell. The clinical delineation of the syndromes of abdominal migraine and cyclical vomiting in childhood. . -. Dr JHG Williams, Prof A Whiten (Univ. St. http://www.abdn.ac.uk/child_health/research.hti | |
53. Brain Explorer - Further Reading - Migraine Hemiplegic migraines, cluster headaches, and even abdominal migraines are all clearly described by the author, complete with symptoms, treatments, and traits http://www.brainexplorer.org/further_reading/Further_Migraine.shtml | |
54. Headaches In Children paroxysmal torticolis; Cyclic vomiting; Sea sickness; abdominal migraine; Space adaptation syndrome. Ophthalmoplegic migraine abnormal eye http://gucfm.georgetown.edu/welchjj/netscut/neurology/headaches.html | |
55. Informed Health Online Some doctors disagree, and believe it is really a kind of abdominal migraine , food allergy, or irritable bowel syndrome, and there are other theories too. http://www.informedhealthonline.org/item.aspx?review=003017 |
56. Abdominal Migraine Headache Medication Treatment abdominal migraine headache medication treatment organic medicenal herbs for health. migraine health. abdominal migraine. abdominal migraine. http://www.migraine-headache-medication-treatment.com/abdominal_migraine.htm | |
57. Madison Magazine - The Magazine Of Lifestyle And Business with Dean Health System and reports it s not uncommon for her migraine patients to describe an earlier history of abdominal migraine, cyclical vomiting or http://www.madisonmagazine.com/index.php?section_id=918&xstate=view_story&story_ |
58. Basilar Artery Migraine (BAM) abdominal migraine Some forms of childhood migraine do not involve headaches. An abdominal migraine is characterized by recurrent http://groups.msn.com/BasilarArteryMigraineBAM/yourwebpage1.msnw | |
60. Migraines During Childhood & Adolescence Partial seizures can also produce true vertigo. abdominal migraine (cyclical vomiting). xiLundberg PO. abdominal migraine. Triangle 1978;178184. http://www.migraines.org/treatment/treatkid.htm | |
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