WLRN Public Radio And Television U of Miami, 305271-7150. 10/24/04, Sunday Afterrnoons of Music, aaron rosand, violinist, U of M Gusman, 305-271-7150. 10/29/04 - 10/31 http://www.wlrn.org/cultural.cfm?LineNbr=5&StartRow=121
Ernest Bloch : Sonata For Violin & Piano No. 1 Recordings (in alphabetical sequence of name of violinist). CT, Vox c 9021. aaron rosand (violin) John Covelli (Piano), CD, Audifon CD72033 Hebraic Legacies , http://homepage3.nifty.com/bloch/works/violin_sonata_1.htm
Julian Rachlin - Official Website My favourite violinist is still aaron rosand, not only because of his grandioso style or his long carreer, but chiefly because of his original repertoirechoice http://www.julianrachlin.com/index.php?cccpage=jr_guestbook
Sundays Live - The Clicakable Chamber Music Newsletter He has also studied with aaron rosand, and LAURA and EDUARD SCHMIEDER. members of the ROSSETTI STRING QUARTET, cellist ERIC GAENSLEN, violinist HENRY GRONNIER http://sundayslive.org/newsletter.cfm
Extractions: The Clickable Chamber Music Newsletter, published weekly as a free community service, covers chamber music offerings in Southern California and items of interest to music lovers. Visit this page for the current issue. If you would like to have the newsletter delivered to you via email, send a request to Jim Eninger . Your email address will never be disclosed, given out, or sold to anyone. THE CLICKABLE CHAMBER MUSIC NEWSLETTER FROM THE SOUTH BAY No.188: Wednesday, June 2, 2004 - Thursday, June 10, 2004
The Miami Herald 05/13/2004 Excerpts From James Roos Herald Sunday, Dec. 8, 1985. Recalling his 67year career as an acclaimed violinist, aaron rosand seems to remember more disasters than delights. http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/2004/05/13/news/8659447.htm
Maestro School Of Music - Dana Scoby a marketing and public relations consultant and publicist for music clients such as jazz violinist Jeremy Cohen and classical virtuoso violinist, aaron rosand. http://www.maestrocommunications.com/school/founder.html
Extractions: At age 7 Dana started playing the violin, studying under Dorothy Compinsky. Mrs. Compinsky and her violinist and composer husband, Manuel Compinsky, developed a violin teaching method based on the teachings of Mr. Compinskys father and Fritz Kreisler. Kreisler was one of the 20th century's finest violinists, known for his romantic style with lush vibrato and richness of tone. While studying violin, Dana participated in both her junior and senior high school orchestras in addition to learning piano. Since then, Dana has honed her skills as a violinist, playing in the first violin section of several orchestras and as a soloist. She has played with the New Valley Symphony (Los Angeles), the Coastside Community Orchestra (as concertmistress and soloist), the Lyric Theatre, the Mission Chamber Orchestra, the Palo Alto Symphony, the Peninsula Symphony, the San Jose Symphonic Choir, and the Stanford Jazz Band (with Louis Belson). Dana has also played for the First Congregational Church in San Mateo and as a soloist for Skyland Church in Los Gatos. In summer of 2003, Dana participated in a 10-day Italian concert tour with the Mission Chamber Orchestra and San Jose Symphonic Choir. Dana's "other" occupation is as a marketing and public relations consultant and publicist for music clients such as jazz violinist Jeremy Cohen and classical virtuoso violinist, Aaron Rosand. She is a graduate of UCLA and holds a BA degree.
All.info: Recreation And Entertainment / Music / Instruments / aaron rosand, Virtuoso violinist Among the world s outstanding violinists is aaron rosand, whose great art has left audiences spellbound in the United States http://all.info/directory/Recreation_and_Entertainment/Music/Instruments/
Rosand, Aaron Among the world's outstanding violinists is aaron rosand, whose great art has left audiences spellbound in the United States, Europe and other parts of the world. His many recordings, which have http://www.aaronrosand.com/