Extractions: "So, wie die blanke Oberfläche eines Spiegels alles wiedergibt, was vor ihm steht, und wie ein stilles Tal selbst den schwächsten Laut weiterträgt, soll der Karateschüler sein Inneres leermachen von Selbstsucht und Boshaftigkeit, um in allem, was ihm begegnen konnte, angemessen zu handeln." Tai Chi ist eine Bewegungskunst, deren Wurzeln auf dreitausend Jahre alte Übungen taoistischer Mönche zurückgeht. Es vereinigt im wesentlichen drei Aspekte der chinesischen Kultur: Meditation, Heilkunst und Kampfkunst. Tai Chi basiert auf der praktischen Anwendung des Prinzips von Yin und Yang. Korrekt erlernt und praktiziert, pflegt und stärkt es den Fluss der inneren Lebensenergie "Chi".
Wing Chun (1994) Cast Michelle Yeoh. Yim Wingchun. Donnie Yen Ji-dan, Leung Pok-to. The spear is under my feet, come and get it baby. . wing chun (1994) AKA n/a. http://www.kungfucinema.com/reviews/wingchun.htm
Extractions: Choose a Category Jidai Geki (Chambara) Short Films Wuxia Pien (Swordplay) Movies I Articles I Books I Games I People I Store I Links I Forum I Contact HOME MOVIES REVIEWS Distributor: Guang Dong Tung Ah Format: Region DVD, NTSC Length: 97 min Aspect Ratio: Widescreen (1.85:1) Audio Tracks: Cantonese (Dolby Digital), Mandarin (Dolby Digital) Subtitles: (imbedded) English, Chinese Extras: None Notes: The image quality is sadly quite poor for a Hong Kong release and suffers from low resolution and color saturation. English subtitles contain minor translation errors and are not always easy to read. Picture: n/a Sound: n/a Extras: n/a Rent: Order: Amazon.com HKFlix.com Distributor: Modern Audio Format: Region DVD, NTSC Length: 97 min Aspect Ratio: Widescreen (1.85:1)
Ottawa Kung Fu Center Web Site Under the instruction of 4th Degree Gold Sash, Sifu John Peluso, offering wing chun and Wu Shu classes. Profile, classes information. http://www.ottawakungfucenter.com/
Extractions: WING CHUN KUNG FU (Wing-èchun kung-fu) WING CHUN KUNG FU Metodická pøíruèka Leo Kotlár zaèal s bojovým umìním ve svých 14 letech, a to souèasnì s karate a judo. V roce 1972 v Havíøovì zaloil spolu s dalími nadenci jeden z prvních oddílù karate na severní Moravì v TJ Dùl Prezident Gottwald Horní Suchá. Od roku 1979 a 1989 byl nepøetritì mistrem republiky v zápase v kategorii do 65 kg. V letech 1979 a 1985 èlenové havíøovského oddílu pod jeho vedením získali mnoho titulù mistrù republiky v jednotlivcích i drustvech. Poté, v roce 1985, pøestoupil do TJ Baník Ostrava, který se poté stal jedním z nejlepích klubù v bývalé ÈSSR; jeho svìøenci získali spoustu titulù mistrù republiky, jak jednotlivcù tak drustev. Bìhem své èinnosti v karate získal mnoho vítìzství na domácích i mezinárodních turnajích. Bohuel v té dobì se reprezentace karate bývalé ÈSSR z dùvodu politické situace nemohla zúèastòovat mistrovství Evropy a svìta. V letech 1980-1989 pracoval jako zkuební komisaø karate pro ÈSSR.
Wing Chun China Online, wing chun. Information on the Southern Chinese martial art known as wing chun. Articles Resources. Salt City Athletics Online Teaching wing chun. http://chineseculture.about.com/od/wingchun/
Extractions: zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About China Online Sports Chinese Martial Arts ... Daily News zau(256,152,145,'gob','http://z.about.com/5/ad/go.htm?gs='+gs,''); Arts Chinese Language Entertainment Geography ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','http://z.about.com/0/ip/417/0.htm','');w(xb+xb); Subscribe to the About China Online newsletter. Search China Online Information on the Southern Chinese martial art known as wing chun. Alphabetical Recent Up a category Bay Area Wing Chun Association Information about wing chun and a list of schools in the US. Planet Wing Chun Teaching the Southern Chinese martial art known as wing chun in US. Site includes history of wing chun, a list of schools and the wing chun family tree. Salt City Athletics Online Teaching wing chun. An informative site. Wing Chun Dragon Koon Alliance HQ (UK) Wing Chun Kuen UK - WCDKA. Chinese self-defence and active meditation. Direct Hong Kong lineage. Disciple of Grand Master Ip Chun. Undiluted system. WingChun.Net Links to wing chun and other martial arts sites. Topic Index email to a friend back to top Our Story ...
TAO WORK Wing Chun Kung Fu Traditionelle chinesische Kampfkunst mit Christian Hauser. http://www.wingchunschweiz.ch
Wing Chun Amsterdam: Wing Chun Nieuws Home Topics wing chun Nieuws. Tarzan, woensdag, 24. maart 2004 gespannen. Uiteindelijk won Serkan het eerste wing chun Ringfight. De http://wingchun.antville.org/topics/Wing Chun Nieuws/
Extractions: David Dijkstra nam het op tegen de 12 kilo zwaardere Serkan Senyurek. Een gevecht over twee rondes van twee minuten, met als scheidsrechter niemand minder dan K-1 hoofdscheidsrechter Henk Verschuur. Ondanks dat het een eerste keer was dat er een Wing Chun gevecht in de ring werd uitgevochten was het een spannend en interessant gevecht. Beide vechters waren voor het gevecht behoorlijk gespannen. Uiteindelijk won Serkan het eerste Wing Chun Ringfight. Een andere Wing Chun vechter, Christiaan van Die, had zijn eerste gevecht in de ring tegen een ervaren Franse freefighter. In veel gevallen wordt een gevecht in het freefight in de eerste ronde al beslist, maar de Fransman kon geen grip krijgen op Christiaan. Pas in de tweede ronde kon hij Christiaan in een armklem krijgen. Toch een zeer geslaagde eerste poging van Chris.
Wu Tao Kwoon Kung Fu Traditional Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan, Tao Yoga, Chi Kung, Hung Gar, and wing chun. Located in Edinburgh, Scotland. http://it.geocities.com/genbhikkhu/taichikungfu
Extractions: Taoist Yoga (to improve health) - Chi Kung (to use universal energy) - Basic Massage (for self tratment) - Meditation (to live better our outer life thanks to our inner journey) Member of the International Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan Association, directed by M. Yang Jun, official representative in the world of the Yang family (6th generation) Traditional Kung fu and Inter-style training
Wing Chun Amsterdam: Wing Chun Links Home Topics wing chun Links. Tarzan, dinsdag, 4. maart 2003, 1311 wing chun Links Nederland http//www.wingchun.nl (NWCF) http//www.wckf.nl wing chun http://wingchun.antville.org/topics/Wing Chun Links/
Chinatown Online - Martial Arts: Wing Chun wing chun wing chun is arguably the style of martial arts that most people think about when they hear the words Kung Fu. It originated http://www.chinatown-online.co.uk/pages/lifestyle/martial_arts/wingchun.html
Extractions: Wing Chun Wing Chun is arguably the style of martial arts that most people think about when they hear the words Kung Fu. It originated in the Shaolin temple, and was popularised by Bruce Lee, although Bruce Lee had his own particular style of Wing Chun - and this association alone has meant that the Wing Chun style is one of the most popular 'fighting styles' in the West. More recently, the style has received new publicity following the death of long time grandmaster Yip Man as at least three of his senior disciples are now in conflict as to who should now carry the title grandmaster. Wing Chun, on the face of it, is a fairly basic form of martial arts, and some have misunderstood this to mean it is rudimentary. However, the simplicity is a result of extreme refinement, and as such is a highly developed art. Wing Chun's origins, like so many forms of martial arts, is lost in legend and myth, and several stories of the origin of Wing Chun exist. All agree that the form was created by a Shaolin 'nun' called Ng Mui, a senior kung-fu practitioner who was interested in combining the best techniques from the broad array of traditional Shaolin kung fu into a simple, master style. It is said that the techniques were developed when Ng Mui observed a battle between a crane and a snake. Ng Mui met a young woman named Wing Chun (Beautiful Springtime) who was being forced to marry a local warlord who had threatened to kill her and her father if she did not. Wing Chun, on the guidance of Ng Mui got a delay of one year before the marriage, during which time Ng Mui passed on her art to Wing Chun. On the day of the wedding, Wing Chun challenged the warlord to a duel, and humiliated him. In this way she and her family were freed from tyranny, and the Wing Chun style was born.
Home A formless martial art using the foundations of other martial arts such as Taekwondo, wing chun Kung Fu, Eskrima and Capoeira. Features materials, demonstrations, techniques, meditation, schools and events. http://www.geocities.com/bbthelord/home.html
Extractions: Võ Nam Chi is a dynamic martial art. My philosophy is that all basic martial art movements are like letters of the alphabet. Knowing the alphabet, a person can create words, poems, stories, etc.... The combinations are limitless. As in Võ Nam Chi, I have taken the basic martial art movements from my experiences to make limitless combinations out of them. Now, I have created an art of my selfexpression, an art that is unique to me, an art that is limitless because it is dynamic, an art that is formless.... The Art of Not Being! Võ Nam Chi is represented by a tiger inside a circle. The circle has no alpha or omega. The circle represents the true meaning of formlessness. The bottom of the circle are the words written in Vietnamese with the English translation at the top. Two encircled swords or crosses separate these words. The swords represent the "weapon elements" and the encircled crosses represent trials, hard work, and sacrifices required to master the art. These are symbols of my religious affirmation (Roman Catholic Christian). They represent my prayers for protection and good use of this art by all its practitioners. Finally, the center is represented by the tiger. The tiger represents strength as well as gentleness. A tiger can be trained to be gentle as a kitten, i.e., it may kiss you or lick you showing affection; but it can also be ferocious and wild devouring you instead. Do you know which it will do? This is the essence of Võ Nam Chi - UNPREDICTABILITY!!!
Extractions: Heritage Martial Arts, under the direction of Chief Instructor Terrance Carling, teaches Augustine Fong's system of Wing Chun. Sifu Terrence Carling has been studying martial arts for more than 30 years. He has been teaching Augustine Fong's complete system of Wing Chun since 1991. At Heritage Martial Arts we are proud to trace my lineage from Sifu Terrance Carling, to Sigung Augustine Fong, to Master Ho Kam Ming, to Yip Man the grandmaster of the Wing Chun style. Rick Gonzalez, What is Wing Chun Gung Fu? Wing Chun Gung Fu is a unique Chinese martial art that was invented approximately 300 years ago by a Buddist nun named Ng Mui. Wing Chun is a relatively simple system based on natural movements of the human body. It is a close range fighting system noted for its speed, aggressiveness and efficiency of movement. The system includes three hand forms, one wooden dummy form, eight kicking principles, the butterfly swords, the 61/2 point long staff and the
Culture & History History of wing chun Kung Fu (LEGEND of the origin not necessarily the actual way things happened!). Standing over him was a beautiful girl, wing chun. http://www.francisfongacademy.com/Pages/culturehistory.html
Extractions: (LEGEND of the origin - not necessarily the actual way things happened!) F our hundred years ago, there lived a man named Yim Say Koan who had trained for many years in the Shaolin Temple. His bean cake store was the means by which he supported his only child, a girl, named Yim Wing Chun. Mr. Yim started his daughter training in the martial arts under his tutelage while she was still very young. As she reached her mid-teens, she began attracting many suitors. One was a gangster who tried to force Wing Chun into marriage. In order to prevent this, Mr. Yim sent his daughter to Pot Hok Kwoon, a temple where she could continue her boxing training under the nun, Ng Mui. "The words are fingers pointing at the moon; if you watch the finger, you can't see the moon." Often applied to Wing Chun principles. One morning while walking, Ng Mui was reflecting on her teaching at the temple. She was not totally satisfied with the low horse stance and power-oriented punches and felt they were not particularly suited for a woman. Lost in thought, she was startled by the noise of an ongoing battle between a snake and a crane. She was particularly impressed by the crane's ability to simultaneously block the snake's attack and retaliate. Later, Ng Mui began to modify the methods she already knew. She incorporated some of the snake and crane movements and altered the horse stance and punch. From this she developed three forms: Sil Num Tao, Chum Kiu, and Bil Gee. She also instituted Chi Sao training. She called the new system Wing Chun, after her first disciple who, after much study, returned to her father to help in his business.
Wing Chun Do Details history and development of fighting style and provides instructor profiles and class schedules. http://www.wcdgungfu.com/
Extractions: Prices are provided by the merchants. We assume no responsibility for accuracy of price information provided by merchants. However, we gladly field inquiries about pricing discrepancies and will bring them to the attention of the merchant in question. Write to us by clicking here Product specifications are obtained from third parties, and while we make every effort to assure the accuracy of product information, we do not assume any liability for inaccuracies. Please bring any product information discrepancies to our attention by
Seattle Classical Wing Chun Dechaira Next event May 15th and 16th, 2004. wing chun Camp with Sifu Kenneth Chung June 24th27th, 2004 Sausalito, California. http://home.comcast.net/~selaimy/info.htm
Extractions: THE CHINESE MARTIAL ART CLASSES OF WING CHUN ( also known as Ving Tsun, Yong Chon) The Chinese Martial Art of Wing Chun Kung Fu is a traditional southern style of kung fu. Wing Chun does not require great strength or speed but focuses on developing of skill and co-ordination. Wing Chun is characterized by its linear motions and allowing a practitioner to deflect and redirect any force that is directed to them while countering. Proper deflection and redirection is obtained through proper positioning, good footwork, co-ordination of hands and feet and proper timing. Christian Wushu Fellowship offers classes in the Yip Man/Moy Yat lineage of Wing Chun (Ving Tsun or Yong Chon) under the teaching of Sifu Nelson Chan. The Class Curriculum consists of the following: HOME The Chinese Martial Art of Wushu The Chinese Martial Art of Tai Chi The Chinese Martial Art of Wing Chun ... Links