Butternut Squash Soup Made with chicken stock, flour and maple syrup; serves 12 to 16. http://members.aol.com/trishanne2/bsqsoup.html
Extractions: Butternut Squash Soup 2 lbs. butternut squash, trimmed, seeded and cleaned 4 cups water 1 T. salt 1/2 cup diced celery 1/2 cup diced onion 1/2 cup diced green pepper 1/2 cup butter, melted 1/4 cup white wine 1 t. tarragon 1/2 t. ground cinnamon 1/2 t. grated nutmeg 1/4 t. ground cloves 4 cups chicken stock 1/4 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 cup maple syrup 1/4 cup dry sherry In a large pot, cook the squash in salted water until soft, about 40 minutes. Strain the squash, reserving 2 cups of the liquid, and discard the remaining liquid. In a large pot, saute the diced vegetables in 1/4 cup of the butter and the white wine for 5 minutes. Add the herbs and spices. Add the chicken stock and 1 cup of the reserved liquid. Bring the mixture to a boil, then thicken it with a roux made by mixing the flour with the remaining 1/4 cup of butter, melted. Puree the cooked squash in a blender or food processor with the remaining 1 cup of reserved liquid. Add to the pot and cook on low for 5 minutes, stirring often. Add the syrup and sherry. Mix well and serve. Makes 12-16 servings.
Edmonton Squash League Edmonton squash Players Association runs the Edmonton squash League. Look here for your team s statistics and other information about league events. http://www.squash.edmonton.ab.ca/&e=747
Esbjerg Squash Klub Information om spillet, klubben og medlemsskab. http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/4768/
Extractions: Kan du lide at få sved på panden ? Så er squash måske noget for dig. I squash er nøgleordene hurtighed og taktisk sans. Squashspillere der skal "prale" lidt af deres sportsgren siger gerne, at squash er som at spille et parti skak og løbe en maraton på samme tid. (Måske en lille overdrivelse !!). Squash kan dog spilles på alle plan, bare man er 2 nogenlunde jævnbyrdige spillere, der er indstillet på, at der skal ydes en indsats. Esbjerg Squash Klub har åbnet for tilgang af nye medlemmer og vil med denne skrivelse gerne kort præsentere vor sportsgren. Squash er en ketchersport, der spilles af 2 spillere på en lukket bane med vægge på alle sider. Det gælder om at få bolden op på frontvæggen, og til det formål må man gerne bruge de andre vægge, så man kan få skæve vinkler og på den måde snyde modstanderen. Esbjerg Squash Klub er en af Danmarks ældste squashklubber med ca. 26 år på bagen. Vor klublokale er placeret i udkanten af byen på adressen - Energivej 9 -i ældre lokaler, hvor der forefindes 4 squashbaner samt omklædnings -og badfaciliteter for både mænd og kvinder. Klubben er bygget op som en ren motionsklub, d.v.s. der er ikke noget hold eller nogen fællestræning. I stedet har man normalt nogle faste makkere, som man spiller med. Lidt om medlemsskabet.
Tout Sur Le SQUASH En France Translate this page version 2.0 Ce site est optimise pour Netscape 4 avec une resolution ecran minimum de 800*600 Compatible sous UNIX. http://perso.easynet.fr/~ayvk/&e=747
Extractions: Auf dieser Homepage wird Euch der Squashboard 81 Münster vorgestellt. Ihr findet hier alle News, Ergebnisse und Tabellen der verschiedenen Mannschaften. Gästebuch... Kalender: Aktuelle Termine Bilder: Galerie der Squashboarder Newsletter: Immer aktuell ... Gästebuch: Trag Dich ein Kommende Termine:
Ut Squash Home Welcome to UT squash. This is the home page for UT squash, the squash club at the University of TexasAustin. Texas squash Dallas squash, Houston squash. http://studentorgs.utexas.edu/utsquash/&e=747
Squash On Line El mejor sitio de squash en espa±ol. http://www.squash.com.ar/
Extractions: Capital Federal, Argentina - La Asociación Argentina de Squash Rackets invita a participar del Primer Torneo del Circuito Porteño a llevarse a cabo en el Club "Ciudad de Buenos Aires" ubicado en la calle Libertador 7501 de Capital Federal del 28 de mayo al 6 de junio. Golan extiende su record en finales victoriosas
Squash Recipe Index Recipes for acorn, butternut, spaghetti, and summer squash, and zucchini. http://www.hugs.org/squashdex.shtml
Welcome To Squash Ontario On-line squash Ontario, working to promote and develop the sport of squash in the province Ontario. We have moved. squash ONTARIO 1185 Eglington Ave. http://www3.sympatico.ca/squash.ontario/&e=747
Squash Centrum Rudná RelaxaÄn a sportovn centrum Rudn¡. Turnaje rodinn½ch klanů a v½sledky. http://www.squashrudna.cz/
Extractions: Squash centrum nabízí celou øadu sportovních a relaxaèních moností - od squashe pøes aerobic a solárium a po billiard a ipky. K dispozici jsou dva squashové kurty FIBERSIN, samozøejmostí je sport bar s pøíjemným posezením. Otevøeno je dennì od 7 do 23 hodin, ovem doporuèujeme si vèas podat rezervaci. K dispozici je rovnì monost zakoupení permanentních karet za zvýhodnìné ceny a dále pak i monost zakoupení zlaté nebo støíbrné podnikatelské karty za velmi zvýhodnìných podmínek. K doplnìní výètu moností se sluí dodat monost zapùjèení sportovního náøadí a zajitìní drobných servisních slueb.
Searching For Plug-in Please Wait Women's Professional squash tour World rankings, tour calendar, news, draws and results. http://www.wispa.net/&e=747
Squash Bond Nederland Informatie over de bond, actualiteiten, toernooien, competitie, rankings en reglementen. http://www.squash.nl/
Guernsey Squash Scene Welcome to the Guernsey squash Scene. Visitor Number. The following pages have been setup for your enjoyment. The Beau Sejour squash Rankings. http://www.guernsey.net/~squash/&e=747
Extractions: High Performance Moisture Management Sportswear Raglan Sleeve Polo Shirt Six Panel Lined Athletic Shorts Mock Athletic Jersey Tailored Sports Top Despite the classic tailored finish, our sports apparel line is designed for athletes Aquaduct is a revolutionary moisture management - unparallel performance, but with a cotton soft hand. No longer do you have to be tired, irritated and uncomfortable in wet, heavy uncomfortable clothing. Aquaduct will keep you dry and comfortable point after point. John White World #1 Squash Design joins all his fans congratulating John's achievement. We are excited to have John endorse our performance apparel collection. SDX Indoor Court Squash Shoes Gum rubber sole, leather sport mesh upper, polyurethane coated toe piece Ring Spun Cotton Athletic Tee Series of athletic tees shirts designed for rugged squash workouts The Tackiest Ever - Mighty Grip A good strong non slip grip is critical in sports, particular racquet sports Discontinued Merchandise - Clearance Sale - Great Savings!
HSRC Helsinki squash Rackets Club. Tietoja seuratoiminnasta, j¤senasioista, sek¤ kilpailuista. http://www.hsrc.fi/
Stanford Squash Home of the West Coast s fastest rising squash program, the Stanford University men s and women s intercollegiate teams and recreational club. http://www.stanford.edu/group/squash/&e=747
Losquashitaliano.it Notizie dal mondo dello squash italiano e internazionale. http://www.losquashitaliano.it/
Extractions: document.write(day + myweekday + " ");document.write(month + year + " "); IN ITALIA Le Porte Franche LA FOTOGALLERY Le foto di Pier LE CLASSIFICHE La classifica italiana Assi Le classifiche mondiali LA TECNICA La zona di Hesham LE REGOLE Le norme e gli arbitri ENNIO MARCHESIN VINCE IL GREEN DI ARONA IL GRAND PRIX VALSIR DI BOLZANO LINCOU CAMPIONE DELLE SUPER SERIES sabato 15 maggio 2004 FRANZINI VINCE L'ORANGE DI LONATO NICOL RITORNA NUMERO 1 DEL MONDO IL DIARIO DI GKEATS PIER MARIA SPETTOLI AL MANIA ... A TORINO STABILITI I PLAY-OFF - domenica 25 aprile 2004 AGAZZI VINCE AL TIME OUT GHIRELLI VINCE A BIELLA IL DIARIO DI GKEATS SIGURTA' VINCE A LONATO - mercoledì 14 aprile 2004
British Open Squash Championships Official site. Includes news, results, draws, reports, players, and photo gallery, and history sections. http://www.britishopensquash.co.uk/
Squash For Mac OS X squash is a Mac OS X application for creating compressed and encrypted archives and managing their contents. support. (or see squash Help Menu). http://www.matriciel.co.uk/squash/&e=747