Lukol Directory - Sports Water Sports Surfing Skimboarding SkimPages Directory of skimboarding sites. Skimmin Vancouver Provides Vancouver skimboarding spots, tidal charts, photos, and related links. Entertainment skimboarding catching a popular wave. Williamsen, 18, is one of hundreds of local athletes who have caught on to the new ocean sport of skimboarding.
Extractions: Entertainment Editor Bare-chested Adam Williamsen strolled down the white sand at Edgewater Beach Resort. His hair was bleached blond. White Oakleys wrapped around his eyes. A skimboard was tucked under an arm. Williamsen, 18, is one of hundreds of local athletes who have caught on to the new ocean sport of skimboarding. "It's a high," said Williamsen, a student at Gulf Coast Community College. "It's an extreme sport. You go fast. You fall down fast. When you fall it hurts. But when you pull off a phat trick it's worth it." Skimboarding is the hottest sport since skateboarding. Tony Johnson, co-owner of Mr. Surf's, has seen skimboarding's popularity erupt. "We sell skimboards every day," Johnson said. "They've brought the skateboard maneuvers and the surfboard tricks to the sport. Skimboarding has always been around. It seemed to resurge in the last couple years. It has just snowballed." Resembling miniature surfboards, skimboards measure about 3 feet long and an inch thick. Skimboarders toss their boards on the shoreline, hop on and enjoy the ride. Skimboards start at $25 and can cost well over $100. Small children have embraced the sport because it takes place in shallow water near shore.
AnySearchInfo Directory - Sports: Water Sports: Surfing: Skimboarding Bill Bryan Photographs, links, and professional skimboarding. Dead Tail skimboarding Pictures, tips, tricks, reviews, weather, and contacts.
SearchBug Directory: Sports: Water_Sports: Surfing: Skimboarding Search skimboarding, http// Includes videos, pictures, board building, general information, history, and links.
Extractions: Web Pages - ranked by popularity Skim Online Http:// Skimboarding history, news, information, tutorials, video clips, gifs, pictures, video reviews, contest schedules, links, and message board. Skim Magazine Pictures and subscription information. Cramik Skim Skimboarding in and around the San Francisco Bay Area with pictures, videos, and conditions. Goskim Skimboarding news, photos, profiles, videos, and events. Includes videos, pictures, board building, general information, history, and links. SkimPages
Surfing News From The Space Coast These conditions are not the greatest for skimboarding, said Evers, who advanced to today s semifinal in the professional division.!NEWSROOM/special/surfing/localcoverage/041104fest.h
Extractions: TODAY'S NEWS Local Space/Next Launch National/World Elections 2004 ... 14-Day Archive /* You may give each page an identifying name, server, and channel on the next lines. */ var pageName="" var server="" var channel="" var pageType="" var pageValue="" var prop1="" var prop2="" var prop3="" var prop4="surfing" var prop5="entertainment" var prop6="entertainment_tourism" var prop7="outdoors" var prop8="" var prop9="" var prop10="" /********* INSERT THE DOMAIN AND PATH TO YOUR CODE BELOW ************/ /********** DO NOT ALTER ANYTHING ELSE BELOW THIS LINE! *************/ var s_code=' ' Complete FLORIDA TODAY coverage delivered to your door.
The Good 5 Cent Cigar Senate debates funding of trip, recognizes skimboarding club, , The Good 5 Cent Cigar, a newspaper of University of Rhode Island.
Extractions: document.write(''+''); Home News By Nat Binns Published: Thursday, October 25, 2001 October 25, 2001 - At the University of Rhode Island's Student Senate meeting Wednesday night, the senate debated approval of a bill allocating funds to the URI Psychology Club for a trip to a Psychology conference in Boston. The group requested money for books and magazines, programming, recruitment, office supplies, advertising, travel and lodging. The money for travel and lodging would fund their trip to Boston for the conference, said psychology club member Autumn Alpert. The group applied for $1,011 for their trip, which included train tickets to and from Boston via the Kingston Amtrak station, museum tickets and cab fare from the hotel to the museum and back.
Qango : Recreation: Sports: Surfing: Skimboarding Qango Directory skimboarding all of Qango only this category Options Help. Home Recreation Sports Surfing skimboarding, Suggest a Site. Recreation, etc.
Sports: Skim City Outdoors. Skim City. A sporting treat for the young, tough and swift, skimboarding skids to a new crest of popularity. That s especially
Extractions: Growing up on the beach back in the '70s, summer meant skimboarding. "That is all we ever did," said Gary Sullivan, 45. "Here on the Gulf Coast, we don't always have waves big enough to surf, so skimming is the next best thing." Back then, every kid wanted a Juan Rodriguez "Western Flyer," a wooden/fiberglass composite disc-shaped board that would be launched down the beach like a Frisbee. "We would try to do as many 360s as we could," said Sullivan, who owns Florida Oceansports, a surf/skateshop in downtown St. Petersburg. "The main thing was to just fly down the beach as fast and as far as you could go."
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David Orme-Johnson's Paintings Art really has its source in the transcendent, the unmanifest field of pure consciousness, which is the nonchanging, immortal field of all possibilities.
Extractions: Home Recent Works David's Art Bio Landscapes ... Family Photos David Orme-Johnson's Paintings "Art really has its source in the transcendent, the unmanifest field of pure consciousness, which is the non-changing, immortal field of all possibilities. That supreme intelligence, complete in itself, designs the activity and destiny of all creation."Maharishi In this website you will find my landscapes, still lifes, portraits, sculptures, and family photos. Most paintings are watercolors, although I also do oil paintings and acrylics. Many of my paintings are of life around the beach where we live in Seagrove Beach on the beautiful Emerald Coast of the Florida Panhandle, rated the most beautiful beach in America! If you are interested in buying a painting or one like it, please email me. Research has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that we possess a technology capable of creating permanent world peace. All proceeds from the sale of my paintings will be donated to an Endowment Fund for World Peace to create a permanent group to implement this technology. Conflict Resolution Research Summary Published Studies Click picture to see Recent Works.