Extractions: Grandmaster Jody Perry optimizes the natural talents of martial artists, grapplers, and wrestlers with a proprietary blend of techniques and over 30 years of competition and coaching experience. PFC fighters compete in Sambo, Pankration, Sport Jujutsu, San Shou, Grappling, Cage Fighting, Kamana, Karate, and Self-Defense tournaments in the U.S. and Mexico.
OXiDE :: Live Life Through OXiDE! (TM) Gibson Kickboxing and pankrationTeaches kickboxing, submission wrestling and pankration in Port Moody, British Columbia. Includes http://www.musical-adventures.com/band_pages/pank/pankration.html
Worldpankration An international governing body that works with other organizations to promote pankration in the Olympic Games. Includes message from the President, news, rules, and events. http://worldpankration.homestead.com
Extractions: The World Pankration Federation is dedicated to the continuing development of pankration throughout the world, and the return of pankration to its rightful place, the Olympic Games. To this end, the WPF provides, sanctions and oversees training and competitive events through its licensed national organizations, provides advice and support to affiliated and associated organizations, and conducts international competitions, including the WORLD PANKRATION CHAMPIONSHIPS The World Pankration Federation invites all pankratiasts, martial artists, athletes and organizations to join us in furthering the sport of pankration and its continued growth throughout the world, in the spirit of honor, integrity and fair competition. Click on Globe to Enter Site W O R L D F E D E R A T I O N - International Olympic Committee HONOR ~ INTEGRITY ~ FAIR COMPETITION
Olympic Page / Wrestling OUTLINE HERE pankration Gallery pankration (Wrestling). pankration bouts were extremely brutal and sometimes lifethreatening to the competitors. http://www.greece.org/olympics/research/wrestling/
Extractions: Wrestling Page.... under Construction OUTLINE... HERE... Pankration Gallery Pankration (Wrestling) The Greek race is certainly well-known for its athletic and military achievements in the PreChristian era. In truth, we must credit them for both the word "athlete" and the ideal it expresses. It was also the Greek soldier who would represent the standard for the rest of the world to follow for centuries. The contribution of the Greeks to the evolution of the martial arts, as we presently know them, is now certainly evident. Fighting systems that have originated in both Eastern and Western parts of the world may indeed be linked to this ancient combat form. Kicking was an essential part of pankration, especially rising kicks to the groin or stomach, and powerful leg sweeps meant to take an opponent off his feet. Kicks above the belt were used sparingly, with blows aimed to the head or face only when one's adversary was on the ground and too weakened to block or catch the attacker's foot. Due to this unique tactic alone, some combative experts credit pankration as the first comprehensive unarmed fighting system on record. Pankration bouts were extremely brutal and sometimes life-threatening to the competitors. Rules were minimal in number. In addition, there were no weight divisions and no time limits. The fighting arena or "ring" was no more than twelve to fourteen-feet square to encourage close-quarter action. Referees were armed with stout rods or switches to enforce the rules against biting and gouging. The rules, however, were often broken by some participants who, realizing they were outclassed by a heavier and stronger foe, would resort to such measures to escape being seriously maimed. The contest itself continued uninterrupted until one of the combatants either surrendered, suffered unconsciousness, or, of course, was killed.
Olympic Page / Wrestling pankration Gallery. The painting is another epresentation of anopankration with the contestant on the left launching blows with fists and feet. http://www.greece.org/olympics/research/wrestling/gallery.html
Extractions: Pankration Gallery Greek bronze statue (400-300 B.C.) The "heaver" (pile driver) The painting is another epresentation of ano-pankration with the contestant on the left launching blows with fists and feet. The opponent is shown backing off and preparing to counter. The referee stands ready to enforce the rules. Armlock from the rear. Painting of Spartan warrior Greek statue ( 400-300 B.C.) Maneuvering to the top control position. Roman wall sculpture (0-200 A.D.) Arm trap with knee stike to the groin. Roman bronze statue (0-200 A.D.) Low front kick. Low kicks are a rigid rule in both the ancient and cotemporary forms of Hellenic pancration. The statue, the ststue dipicts a powerful low front kick aimed at the knee. This statue is a classic exampleof kato-pankration (Greek:ground combat) The top mounted pankratiast applies an arm lock on his downed foe while preparing to reign an onslaught of punches to the head. Greek vase (525-510 B.C.) waist lock in preparation for suplex. Greek vase (500 B.C.) Headlock applied during ground combat.
Mizzou Martial Arts Club Teaches Sli Beathaceltic combat arts and MU pankration-(combat sport) at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Class information, history, links and general interest articles. http://mizzoumartialarts.bizland.com
Ims-pankration.com Latest News Pain Inc. Grappling Championships Coming to Santa Cruz on February 21st, will be the first qualifier for an upcoming http://www.ims-pankration.com/
Extractions: Coach goes to Tokyo: On August 26th Coach Burns went to Tokyo Japan to referee X-1, an event produced by Brian Johnston and Masa Saito of the World Japan wrestling organization. The card featured such notables as Dave Valasquez, Bobby Southworth, Dan Bobbish, Kensuke Sasaki, Christian Wellish, and John Fitch, to name as few. To see more check out
History Of Pankration History of pankration. What is pankration? pankration is the ancient Hellenic sport of freefighting, which was the most popular http://www.ims-pankration.com/history.shtml
Extractions: History of Pankration What is Pankration? Pankration is the ancient Hellenic sport of free-fighting, which was the most popular of the Olympic Games up to 648 BC. Pan (all) and Kration (powers), or the one who wins by total strength and knowledge. There were only two rules, no biting or eye gouging and victory came by knockout or submission. Later Pankration was abolished by the Christians, leaving behind only two elements of the contest, wrestling and boxing, but not before the Roman Empire left its influence on Asia leading to the creation of the Shaolin Monastery, recognized as the birthplace of Asian martial arts . Today the sport of modern Pankration is practiced in various forms by different organizations around the world. A relatively new form of Pankration exists in the US today, widely referred to as the Ultimate Fighting Challenge . Modern Pankration, also known as Shootfighting, Vale Tudo, or mixed martial arts challenges combatants in a contest of striking and submission grappling. This requires fighters to be well versed in knowledge of different skills of combat. The combination of multiple disciplines and athletic ability determine the winner in Pankration fighting. It is both a departure from traditional martial arts and a return to the origin of contested hand to hand combat. W3C VALIDATION HTML CSS SITE BY NEVERBEAT.COM
Pankration Project pankration Project. GO TO SITE MAP. Renaissance. pankration Project. The Renaissance pankration Project originates from Steve Richards http://www.tibetankungfu.com/pankration_project.htm
Extractions: Pankration Project GO TO SITE MAP Pankration Pankration Links Renaissance Pankration Project The Renaissance Pankration Project originates from Steve Richards lifetime research into martial arts and Classical Western (Greek) culture. Steve is a 30 year member of the famous Chin-Woo Athletic Association becoming a life member of the Hong-Kong Chin Woo in 1987. The Chin Woo Athletic Association was founded in Shanghai in 1908 as a non-political school of martial arts, athletics, culture and education. "Chin-Woo" translates as 'Multi-Art' or 'All Arts' and has successfully established itself throughout the world as a leading light of cross cultural study, education, sport and martial arts . 'Pankration' means 'All Powers' or 'All Strengths' and was a Hellenic (Greek) martial art as far back as the 13th Century BC. By the 6th Century BC it was one of the leading events in the original Olympic games. Steve has founded the World Renaissance Pankration Academy (see Pankration pages and external links on this site) as a Western modeled 'Chin Woo' - a project to unite all martial arts and peoples of the world equally without discrimination, committed to athleticism, education and cross cultural studies. 'Renaissance' is in honor of the re-birth of Classical learning that signaled the end of the long cultural darkness between the fall of Greco- Roman civilization, and the end of the High Middle Ages in Europe. The World Renaissance Pankration Academy has affiliated branches in Europe, the United States and Australia. All achievements are recognized towards an individuals continued growth and development, from whatever field of constructive human endeavor. The aim is to instill the ideals of cosmopolitan humanism in ways understood by the Classical Greeks.
The Greek Martial Art Portal is pankration greek martial art pankration kickboxing muay thai bjj brazilian jiujitsu ju-jitsu karate mu tau ufc ifc iska grappling wrestling submission http://www.mutau.net/
PANKRATION - Walka Z Ca³ych Si³... Zapraszamy do galerii. NEWS 30 08, Witamy na nowej stronie pankration. 2003 Copyright Polskie Stowarzyszenie pankration. All Rights Reserved. http://pankration.pl/
Historia - PANKRATION - Walka Z Ca³ych Si³... Wypowiadajac sformulowanie trenuje pankration, kazdy czlowiek zaczyna miec powazny problem w przekazaniu odbiorcy, co ma na mysli. http://pankration.pl/historia.htm
Extractions: Kopniêcia by³y pierwotnie czê¶ci± pankrationu, zw³aszcza kopniêcia w podbrzusze i brzuch oraz si³owe podciêcia maj±ce na celu wytr±cenie przeciwnika z równowagi. Kopniêcia powy¿ej pasa by³y wykorzystywane bardzo oszczêdnie, zw³aszcza wówczas, kiedy przeciwnik by³ na ziemi, lub by³ zbyt s³aby, aby móc zablokowaæ lub z³apaæ kopi±c± nogê. Ze wzglêdu na swoj± unikaln± strategiê i taktykê walki, pankration zosta³ zaliczony do jednego z najbardziej efektywnych metod walki wrêcz. Chocia¿ nokauty w pankrationie by³y bardzo czêste, wiêkszo¶æ walk by³a koñczona na ziemi z wykorzystaniem zarówno uderzeñ jak i ówczesnych technik grapplerskich. Zawodnicy pankrationu byli wykwalifikowanymi grapplerami, doskonale zorganizowani pod wzglêdem technik obalaj±cych, duszeñ i d¼wigni. Duszenia zreszt± by³y najczêstszymi technikami koñcz±cymi walki i prowadzi³y z regu³y do ¶mierci, jakkolwiek zawodnik móg³ podnie¶æ rêkê w momencie, kiedy przewidywa³ pora¿kê na skutek oddzia³ywania na tchawicê b±d¼ têtnicê szyjn±, przerywaj±c w ten sposób walkê.
EUROPEAN FEDERATION OF PANKRATION Translate this page Désolé, votre navigateur ne prend pas les cadres en charge. Cliquez sur les liens suivants pour télécharger les versions actuelles http://www.pankration.freesurf.fr/
Pankration - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia pankration. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. pankration is a sport or martial art introduced in the Olympic games in 648 BC. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pankration
Extractions: Other languages: Deutsch Eesti From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Pankration is a sport or martial art introduced in the Olympic games in 648 BC . It combined striking and grappling , and a match would be won by submission of the opponent. A contestant could signal submission by raising his hand, but sometimes the only form of submission was the death of one of the contestants. Joint locks and choke holds were common techniques of accomplishing this. In fact, there were only two rules: contestants were not allowed to gouge each other's eyes out, or to bite each other. The ancient Olympics also had a less violent pankration contest for young boys. Ancient sculptures and pottery paintings depicting naked pankration fighters show blade-like hands and crouches reminiscent of modern martial arts Among pankration fighters, Dioxippus was the most famous. He won several Olympic games as no one dared challenge him. He became friends with Alexander the Great , and was challenged by one of Alexander's soldiers named Coragus. Coragus fought with weapons and full armour, but was still defeated by the unarmed Dioxippus; Alexander was ashamed for his army and forced Dioxippus to commit suicide.
World Of Pankration pankration. Foundation of the World pankration Athlima Federation WPAF. The Hellenic pankration Athlima Federation recently hosted http://www.templekickbox.freeserve.co.uk/pankration.htm
Extractions: PANKRATION Foundation of the World Pankration Athlima Federation WPAF The Hellenic Pankration Athlima Federation recently hosted the World Pankration Athlima Congress at the Hellenic Olympic Committee's conference centre in Athens, Greece in February 2002. The congress founded the World Pankration Athlima Federation (WPAF). As well as being a focus for the sport on the World arena, this organisation will also promote the youth pankration event at the 2004 Athens Olympiad. Delegates from the international federations of 24 countries took part, including Mr. Ian Pirie from Temple Martial Arts, who was subsequently elected as the WPAF UK representative. Athens 2004 Olympiad Pankration The IOC has announced that no new medal sports will be admitted to the Olympic Games for the foreseeable future.
Extractions: team challenge 1 team challenge 2 kata , pankration, presentations fight gallery 1 fight gallery 2 Due to restrictions on available web server space, unfortunately it is not possible to offer high resolution individual photos - sorry. These pages are the property of Temple Institute of Martial Arts. Any material they contain may not be copied or used commercially without prior consent.
Brief History Of Pankration Home. A Brief History of pankration. pankration Pics. pankration bouts were extremely brutal and sometimes lifethreatening to the competitors. http://www3.telus.net/kevinotoole/history.html
Extractions: The Greek race is certainly well-known for its athletic and military achievements in the PreChristian era. In truth, we must credit them for both the word "athlete" and the ideal it expresses. It was also the Greek soldier who would represent the standard for the rest of the world to follow for centuries. The contribution of the Greeks to the evolution of the martial arts, as we presently know them, is now certainly evident. Fighting systems that have originated in both Eastern and Western parts of the world may indeed be linked to this ancient combat form. Kicking was an essential part of pankration, especially rising kicks to the groin or stomach, and powerful leg sweeps meant to take an opponent off his feet. Kicks above the belt were used sparingly, with blows aimed to the head or face only when one's adversary was on the ground and too weakened to block or catch the attacker's foot. Due to this unique tactic alone, some combative experts credit pankration as the first comprehensive unarmed fighting system on record. Pankration bouts were extremely brutal and sometimes life-threatening to the competitors. Rules were minimal in number. In addition, there were no weight divisions and no time limits. The fighting arena or "ring" was no more than twelve to fourteen-feet square to encourage close-quarter action. Referees were armed with stout rods or switches to enforce the rules against biting and gouging. The rules, however, were often broken by some participants who, realizing they were outclassed by a heavier and stronger foe, would resort to such measures to escape being seriously maimed. The contest itself continued uninterrupted until one of the combatants either surrendered, suffered unconsciousness, or, of course, was killed.
Pankration Pictures pankration and Wrestling Pictures. With UFC veterans Dennis Hallman and Lance Gibson. Fireball Challenge 1999, TOP. http://www3.telus.net/kevinotoole/pankrat.html