Extractions: Események Paszi szülinapja Barna névnapja Anti névnapja Peti névnapja Edi szülinapja Andi szülinapja VI. Nemzetközi Nyáritorna Berni szülinapja Kriszta névnapja Viktor szülinapja Fórumtémák Klubunk dolgai Utolsó: máj.03, Ádám KisKenguruk Utolsó: ápr.21, Syl NagyKenguruk Utolsó: már.24, Andi Frissítések Utolsó: már.23, Ádám Vélemények Utolsó: már.22, DrabAAL Tornák 2004 Utolsó: feb.08, Ádám egyéb, vagy valami ilyesmi Utolsó: feb.06, Ádám edzés Utolsó: jan.14, Syl EgyKenguru!!! Utolsó: dec.16, rabbi Egy kis okfejtés a Mikulásról... Utolsó: dec.11, DrabAAL Üdvözlünk a Budapesti Korfball Klub Honlapján! korfball Internet Explorer Roden - góllövõk Andi, 2004-04-14
Club Sandwich Korfball Includes tournament diary, fixtures and results, photos, social events and contacts. http://www.clubsandwichkorfball.co.uk/
Korfball An Der Uni München Informationen zum Studentenkorfball in M¼nchen. http://www.muc.de/~gerald/korfball/index.html
WebRing: Hub Help/Support Sign In. korfball WebRing. Join This Ring Home Recreation Sports Sports korfball. About this Ring http://www.webring.org/hub?ring=korfball
The British Korfball Association The British korfball Association, governing body of korfball in Great Britain Association Rules What is korfball Magazine Copyright British korfball Association 2001, 2002, 2003 http://www.british-korfball.org.uk/
Norwich Union Korfball Club General information, events, training details, fixtures, results and a photo gallery. http://www.nukorfball.org.uk/
What Is Korfball? What is korfball? The Federation International de korfball was formed in 1923 and this changed its name to the International korfball Federation in 1978. http://www.korfball.co.uk/whatiskorfball/whatiskorfball.html
Extractions: Korfball , invented in 1901 by an Amsterdam schoolmaster, Nico Broekhuysen , is a game comparable to netball and basketball with one major exception - the game is designed to be played by mixed teams . It was designed by Nico Broekhuysen in this way because he wanted a game which could be played by his schoolchildren where both boys and girls were able to compete on an equal footing within the same game Korfball is played by two teams of 8 (4 men, 4 women) on a rectangular pitch 40m by 20m (although smaller sizes have to be used in Britain where most Sports Halls tend to be based on Badminton Courts). The pitch is divided into two halves so that each end is square. At either end, at one third of the length of the square measured from the back line, is a goalpost supporting a cylindrical basket open at both ends with the rim of the basket 3.5 m (11.5ft) from the ground
Welcome - Stingers Korfball Club Welcome. This website should hopefully show you everything you ever wanted to know about Stingers korfball Club. It has been split http://www.stingers.co.uk/
Extractions: home training fixtures teams ... contact This website should hopefully show you everything you ever wanted to know about Stingers Korfball Club. It has been split into sections to help you find your way around - these are accessed using the links to the top right of the page. If you ever want to return to this page, click on the bee. Congratulations are in order for Stingers 2 who have won the second division of the Norfolk Indoor League. The trophy will be presented to us at the Stingers Tournament after the games have concluded. 6 Jun 2004 Dan Brown 21 Jun 2004 Caroline Martin
Korfball World - International Korfball Resource korfball international resource site, giving news, information and background about this challenging, fast paced, mixed team sport. korfball back in Finland. http://www.korfballworld.com/main.php
Extractions: Welcome to Korfballworld.com, the international site about korfball worldwide. We offer background information about this great sport, as well as actual news from various countries and a meeting point for korfball fanatics and interested people. NZ - The sixth Asia-Oceania korfball championship will take place in Christchurch, New Zealand, with teams participating from Australia, Indonesia, Hong kong, Taiwan and of course host New Zealand. TW - Professor You-Jeng Chen, to many known as Eugene, died last week due to cancer. He was president of the Taiwanese korfball federation and a Asian korfball evengelist for twenty years. CZ - From 14 to 19 June a Dutch selection will visit the Czech republic as a kick-off for the new Neighbours to neighbours initiative, with participants from Slovakia, Romania, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Hungary.
Home Pr¤sentation der Angebote des Sportclubs. Die Fachabteilungen sind korfball, Freizeit und Breitensport, Volleyball, Tischtennis und Fuball. http://www.werner-sc.de/
Extractions: Das Wunder von Bern Die U 9 des Bundesligisten FC Schalke 04 holt mit einem 1:0 Sieg im Endspiel gegen den Werner SC den Anderbrügge Cup nach Gelsenkirchen. Schalkes Eurofighter Ingo Anderbrügge übernahm beim Werner SC die Patenschaft des Anderbrügge F-Junioren Cup Wernes Solebad Dragon Sport AH Cup 2003 Fußball Promi Cup ... Treten Sie in Kontakt mit dem Webmaster , wenn Sie Kritik oder Verbesserungsvorschläge haben.
PROTO TYPE NEW SITE Korfbal v Äesk½ch BudÄjovicch; v½sledky, tabulky a odkazy. http://www.korfball.com/czech/KCB.htm
The British Korfball Association The British korfball Association, korfball the fast and exciting mixed team sport. The BKA Website has moved. Click here to go to korfball.co.uk. http://www.british-korfball.org.uk/bka.htm
What Is Korfball British korfball Association. What is korfball? Playing korfball. Action consists almost entirely of passing the ball by hand from person to person. http://www.british-korfball.org.uk/whatiskorfball.htm
Extractions: Youth Some History Korfball, invented in 1901 by an Amsterdam schoolmaster , Nico Broekhuysen, is a game comparable to netball and basketball with one major exception - the game is designed to be played by mixed teams. I t was designed by Nico Broekhuysen in this way because he wanted a game which could be played by his schoolchildren where both boys and girls were able to compete on an equal footing within the same game. It is the world's only true mixed team sport with the rules laid down so that both men and women have equal opportunities. It was first demonstrated in Holland in 1902, just a few years after James Naismith invented basketball in the USA. A national association was formed in Holland in 1903 and soon the game spread to almost 40 other countries, including Armenia, Australia, Belgium, Britain, Germany, India, Indonesia, Portugal, Spain, Japan, Taiwan and USA. The Federation International de Korfball was formed in 1923 and this changed its name to the International Korfball Federation in 1978. The IKF is recognised by the International Olympic Committee and is a member of ARISF and the IWGA. In the latter organisation, which organises the World Games - for non-main Olympic Sports and held the year after each Olympic year, Korfball is one of the more popular sports and has its President as one the Senior Vice-President of the IWGA
Cardiff University Korfball The homepage of the University of Wales Cardiff korfball club http://www.cf.ac.uk/suon/korfball/
Magyar Korfball Szövetség Klubok. Linkek. Mi a korfball? Fórum. Szponzorok. A szövetség. Nemzeti Sport Szövetség. Magyar korfball Szövetség www.korfball.hu korfball@korfball.hu. http://www.korfball.hu/index2.html