Paladin Press Author Of The Month - Jim Arvanitis Paladin Press author Grandmaster Jim Arvanitis is internationally renownedas the undisputed father of modern Hellenic (greek) pankration.
Extractions: Along with his almost fanatical obsession with training, Arvanitis is a highly respected historian, technician, and innovator. He has been featured in more than 150 articles in the top martial arts publications, including Inside Kung-Fu Official Karate Fighting Champion Karate Illustrated Martial Arts Masters Jiu-Jitsu/Grappling Inside Karate Fighting Stars American Karate, Taekwondo Times Martial Arts Ultimate Warriors World of Martial Arts Grandmaster Action Martial Arts , and Karate International . He has also been on the cover of the prestigious Black Belt magazine. The Greek-American martial artist has made numerous television and radio appearances, starred in instructional videos, and conducted seminars throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe. He is listed in the Martial Arts Encyclopedia The World's Martial Arts Elite Who's Who in American Martial Arts , and Jim Arvanitis has combined natural athletic ability with a diligent work ethic to become the most famous practitioner of Greek descent in the 20th century. He exemplifies the classic Spartan athlete by training religiously, and his teaching prowess is in great demand at seminars throughout the world. This innovative martial artist's efforts have been instrumental in reviving an ancient Greek legacy that is believed to be the oldest form of all-out utilitarian combat on record.
PANKRATION - Paladin Press pankration. The Traditional greek Combat Sport and Modern Mixed MartialArt. by Jim Arvanitis. Massad Ayoob of Black Belt magazine
Greek News Events of greek sports in prehistoric times and in antiquity, as well as the modern revivalof the Olympic Games. The Olympic Games Events Wrestling and pankration
Extractions: Choose one event to research for the Greek Newspaper Project. Follow the links back to the Greeks Multimedia Project or other websites for additional information and visuals. Solon's Reforms in Athens - Council of 400 Established (about 500 B.C.) Solon (from Hyperhistory Project) a short description of Solon as one of the Seven Wise Men of Greece, a statesman, lawgiver, and poet. His reforms prepared the way for the introduction of democracy in Athens. Solon (Encyclopedia entry from Infoplease for Kids of Columbia University Press) gives additional information about Solon. Solon's Reforms (from Perseus Project, Tufts University) gives details about the reforms of Solon. Death of Solon - Pisistratus Takes Over Athens as Tyrant (560 B.C.) Pisistratus (information from on-line encyclopedia). Additional information about Pisistratus is found with Encarta Online.
Untitled Document The Official Website of the USA Federation of pankration Athlima Affiliated withHellenic Federation of pankration Athlima greek Ministries of Sports and
Greco-Roman Wrestling This is why the pankration survived along with another form of wrestling that isa combination of the greek and Roman styles, which we now know today as Greco State University Greek
Extractions: The forms of wrestling we know today as Greco-Roman and Freestyle found their origins in the lands on the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea. These lands are where the Ancient Greeks resided, and developed the art of wrestling. Wrestling to the Greeks was not only part of a soldier 's training regimen, but also a part of everyday life. Youth did not only learn grammar, rhetoric, and mathematics , but young men also went through physical training which consisted of dancing and the art of wrestling. Boys were paired up and learned the art of wrestling in their master's palaestra , or private exercise court built onto the house of a schoolmaster , under the supervision of their instructor. The Greek recognized wrestling as a means of development of grace and symmetry in a vigorous activity that demands a high degree of skill and physical fitness. Greek literature points out that the skill of wrestling was utilized by gods and kings, as well as by soldiers and private citizens, in their efforts to triumph over ignorance, evil, and brute force. Most of the heroes of
Extractions: This Pankration Vase Pin is the official Pankration Vase Pin manufactured under license by the Athens 2004 Olympic Committee and the US Olympic Team. It is manufactured under the highest quality standards. Buying this product means you are sponsoring the US Olympic Team and the Olympic Games. This product ships from Los Angeles, California as soon as your order is received (provided the licensed manufacturer can supply). The destination can only be inside the United States. Please do not condone non-licensed products as they are illegal. This site is buying its stock only by licensed manufacturers.
Extractions: This Boxer Vase Pin is the official Boxer Vase Pin manufactured under license by the Athens 2004 Olympic Committee and the US Olympic Team. It is manufactured under the highest quality standards. Buying this product means you are sponsoring the US Olympic Team and the Olympic Games. This product ships from Los Angeles, California as soon as your order is received (provided the licensed manufacturer can supply). The destination can only be inside the United States. Please do not condone non-licensed products as they are illegal. This site is buying its stock only by licensed manufacturers.
World Of Pankration Click on the more info button to watch. History of pankration. The word pankrationis a greek word, which translated means all powers , or all powerful .
Extractions: PANKRATION Foundation of the World Pankration Athlima Federation WPAF The Hellenic Pankration Athlima Federation recently hosted the World Pankration Athlima Congress at the Hellenic Olympic Committee's conference centre in Athens, Greece in February 2002. The congress founded the World Pankration Athlima Federation (WPAF). As well as being a focus for the sport on the World arena, this organisation will also promote the youth pankration event at the 2004 Athens Olympiad. Delegates from the international federations of 24 countries took part, including Mr. Ian Pirie from Temple Martial Arts, who was subsequently elected as the WPAF UK representative. Athens 2004 Olympiad Pankration The IOC has announced that no new medal sports will be admitted to the Olympic Games for the foreseeable future.
Pankration Books - Books - Martial Arts Books & Videos pankration The Traditional greek Combat Sport Modern Martial Art, pankration The Traditional greek Combat Sport Modern Martial Art By Jim Arvanitis
David Brent Wolfe Dictionary Of Greek Martial Art Terms of greek history and archaeology. A. Ankule is a thong or strap attached to a throwingspear, javelin. It was used to retrieve a thrown spear. Ano pankration
ÿþ Html Head Title David Brent Wolfe Dictionary Of li b Pale lutte / b means the greek style of wrestling . / li li b Pan / b means all . / li li b pankration / b means
Extractions: D a v i d B r e n t W o l f e D i c t i o n a r y o f G r e e k M a r t i a l A r t T e r m s T h e D a v i d B r e n t W o l f e D i c t i o n a r y o f G r e e k M a r t i a l A r t T e r m s T h e s e a r e t e r m s t h a t I h a v e c o m e a c r o s s i n m y r e a d i n g s o f G r e e k h i s t o r y a n d a r c h a e o l o g y . P P a l a e s t r a m e a n s t h e l o c a t i o n w h e r e p a n k r a t i o n w a s t a u g h t o r p r a c t i c e d . F r e q u e n t l y , t h i s i s a n o p e n a i r l o c a t i o n o r p e r h a p s a n o p e n i n g i n a g r o v e o f t r e e s . P a l e l u t t e m e a n s t h e G r e e k s t y l e o f w r e s t l i n g . P a n m e a n s a l l .
Pankration View Full Version pankration. Jim. Old greek arena combat that issupposed to be the forerunner to modern western boxing. We train
Extractions: We train in the more advanced forms of this in Kakuto Goshin Jutsu which consists mainly of breaks and dislocations. A very 'Yang' martial art and very effective but doesn't leave much room for friendly sparring or mercy. Freeform Cool, if I may spill my conversation with Andrew Green over into your humble thread Jim....
I.R.IRAN Pankration Federation : History and knowledge . The Ancient greek Olympians termed the sport of Pankrationas the Worthiest of All Olympic Contests . As Greece
Extractions: History of Pankration Pankration Athlima is an authentic Greek martial art and an athletic combat sport that was an integral part of the ancient Olympic games from 648 BC onwards for about another thousand years or so. The origins of the sport can be traced to the ancient mythical Greek demi God Herculeus and its current day propagation is attributed to Alexander the Great, who took the sport with him across his conquests over Europe and Asia. The name Pankration is derived from the words PAN + KRATOS, which literally translates to mean "All + Strength" or "the one who has power" or "the one who wins with total strength and knowledge". The Ancient Greek Olympians termed the sport of Pankration as the "Worthiest of All Olympic Contests". As Greece will be the host nation of the Olympic Games in 2004, the International Federation of Pankration Athlima (IFPA) and the World Pankration Organization (WPO), are actively and jointly working towards the goal of reintroducing Pankration to its rightful place in the International Olympic Arena. Pankration Athlima is essentially an ideal Olympic Sport, for it unites all Martial Art practitioners throughout the world. Under a common set of rules and regulations, with particular attention being paid to safety aspects, Pankration Athlima's modern set of rules and regulations, permit competitors to safely utilize their individual fighting technique without compromising or limiting their own traditional Martial Art style.
Yoogoo - Your Best Archive International Union of pankration Comprehensive site on this greek martial art.Includes ranks, history, rules, techniques and events. French/English;
Extractions: Tel: 07976 610901 (UK) ; +44 7976 610901 (International) Film and Television Appearances M.A.I. Awards M.A.I. Syllabus M.A.I. Instructors' Profile ... Email Author Wai-Po Tang, 1998. Webpublish Dec 2001 Combat Sports in Ancient Societies Antiquity of combat sports reflects the culture and its ideologies of ancient society. In today's culture, blood sport is becoming much more intolerant. The definition of sport used in this essay has been quoted by Poliakoff (1987:7), " A person physically competes against another in a contest with established regulations and procedures, with the immediate object of succeeding in that contest under criteria for determining victory that are different from those that mark success in everyday life (warfare, of course, being included as part of everyday life in antiquity)." Boxing is a controversial sport that is considered barbaric, and medical associations attempted to ban it; arguing the high risk of brain damage or potential death. The counter argument is that there are popular sports such as rugby, mountaineering, motor racing and American football that is far more dangerous to health.
The Ancient Olympics (1996) New studies challenge traditional notions about greek Athletes and why they competed Wrestling,boxing, and the pankration, a combination of the two, were known
Extractions: Your browser does not support javascript The Ancient Olympics Volume 49 Number 4, July/August 1996 Note : The full text of each of these articles is now included in our exclusive online guide to the ancient Olympics Winning at Olympia by Donald G. Kyle New studies challenge traditional notions about Greek Athletes and why they competed. Many of those watching the Olympics in Atlanta this summer will assume that the modern games are a true reflection of the ancient ones, that the events and ceremonies and the ideology of universal brotherhood and amateurism recall the Olympics of Greece's golden age. A generation ago scholars simply accepted such idealistic notions about who these athletes were and why they competed. Now, we are demythologizing the ancient Olympics, testing and revising ancient literary accounts of how athletes trained, worshiped, competed, won, and celebrated, and how they were motivated, rewarded, and honored. By the sixth century athletes were specializing in particular events and hiring coaches. Training was intensive and there were experiments and fads concerning diet, exercise, and sex. Athletes from Kroton in southern Italy believed in the value of a meat diet and saw the consumption of beans as taboo. Milo of Kroton, the greatest Olympic wrestler, reputedly ate 40 pounds of meat and bread at one sitting, washing it down with eight quarts of wine. The basic equipment of an athlete consisted only of an unguent jar (aryballos) of oil and a scraping instrument (strigil) for anointing and cleaning himself, though for various events a competitor might need boxing thongs, jumping weights, discus, or javelin. He had no shoes, no jockstrap, no uniform, and no endorsements.