Uefa.com - UEFA Futsal C'Ship Training Ground. Magazine. Fanzone. Football Europe. UEFA Organisation. uefa.com UEFA futsal C Ship, launch uefa.com action. Big names form formidable finals. http://www.uefa.com/competitions/futsal/
Extractions: LanguageLinks('E') Competitions - Club - UEFA Champions Lge UEFA Cup UEFA Super Cup UEFA Intertoto Cup Euro/S.America Cup Cup Winners' Cup - National - UEFA EURO 2004 UEFA EURO 2008 FIFA World Cup UEFA Regions' Cup - Youth - UEFA U-21 C'ship UEFA U-19 C'ship UEFA U-17 C'ship Meridian Cup - Women - UEFA Women's Cup UEFA Women's C'ship UEFA WU-19 C'ship - Futsal - UEFA Futsal Cup UEFA Futsal C'ship Countries Albania Andorra Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia-Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark England Estonia F.Y.R. Macedonia Faroe Islands Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Israel Italy Kazakhstan Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Moldova Netherlands Northern Ireland Norway Poland Portugal Republic of Ireland Romania Russia San Marino Scotland Serb. and Mont. Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine Wales Competition Info News Standings Teams All-Time Statistics
FOTBAL.CZ - /c/futsal/index.asp 31.5.2004 pondelí 0940 futsal Magazín 2003 2004 c.9; CC Jistebník - ERA-PAC Chrudim - finále play off. (R4). Reprezentace odjídí do Nizozemska. http://www.fotbal.cz/c/futsal/
Extractions: O ÈMFS Aktuální informace Reprezentace "A" Ostatní reprezentace Gambrinus liga Volkswagen Cup Domácí soutìe Øídící komise ÈMFS Kraje a okresy Adresáøe Futsal-FIFA Fotografie Otázky a odpovìdi Kluby v pohárech Ostatní CHAT Veobecné informace Valná hromada ÈMFS Výkonný výbor ÈMFS ... Pøedseda ÈMFS Sekretariát ÈMFS Komise a pracovní skupiny Legislativa ÈMFS Pravidla fotbalu Nabídka pracovních míst na ÈMFS Generální sekretáø ÈMFS Reprezentaèní a mezinárodní oddìlení Odd. komunikace, vnìjích a vnitøních vztahù Oddìlení profesionálního fotbalu Oddìlení neprofesionálního fotbalu Finanèní oddìlení Oddìlení logistiky a slueb ... Oddìlení vzdìlávání trenérù Legislativnì-právní oddìlení Oddìlení regionálního fotbalu Mezinárodní úsek Reprezentaèní úsek Sklad reprezentaèního vybavení Úsek internetu ... Praha Støedoèeský kraj Jihoèeský kraj Plzeòský kraj Karlovarský kraj Ústecký kraj Liberecký kraj Královéhradecký kraj Pardubický kraj Kraj Vysoèina Jihomoravský kraj Olomoucký kraj Zlínský kraj Moravskoslezský kraj Beneov Beroun Kladno Kolín ... Mezinár. mládenické turnaje (DOC) FUTSAL FIFA Soubory pøedpisù SF ÈMFS 31.03. - Uveøejòujeme návrh nového Souboru pøedpisù Svazu futsalu, který je urèen k pøipomínkování ze strany èlenské základny. Soubor vychází obsahovì z 2.doplnìného vydání z roku 2001. Jeho struktura i nìkterá ustanovení vak doznaly èásteèných úprav. V prùbìhu mìsíce dubna a zaèátku kvìtna bude na internetu ÈMFS tento materiál prùbìnì doplòován a aktualizován. Na kvìtnovém zasedání Komise futsalu pak dojde k zapracování úprav a pøipomínek. Dle závìrù VH SF ÈMFS vstoupí tento dokument v platnost se zahájením soutìního roèníku 2004/05. Své návrhy adresujte na prusa@fotbal.cz, pøípadnì faxem na tel. 23 33 53 107, p.Prùa.
FUTSAL FRANCE Translate this page futsal France est un site spécialisé dans le futsal ou football en salle ou encore foot ý cinq. Actualités, résultats des compétitions http://www.futsal.asso.fr/
FIFA.com The official site of the international governing body of the sport with news, national associations, competitions, results, fixtures, development, organisation, world rankings, statistics, the International Football Association Board, history, laws of the game, futsal, publications, downloads, and contact details. English/Spanish/French http://www.fifa.com/
FUTSAL FRANCE Translate this page futsal France est un site spécialisé dans le futsal ou football en salle ou encore foot ý cinq. futsal France est un site spécialiste du futsal. http://www.futsal.asso.fr/index1.htm
Futsal Hellas Portale dedicato ai campionati ellenici, con notizie, risultati e classifiche; offre anche notizie e risultati delle competizioni europee e mondiali. http://www.futsalhellas.gr/italian/
Extractions: 6th AFC Futsal Championship 2004. L' Iran continua a vincere il titolo del campione Asiatico. Nella finalissima del 6o AFC Futsal Championship che si e' giocata in Macao, ha battuto il Giapone per 5-3 ed ha conquistato il trofeo per la 6a volta consecutiva. L' Iran, il Giapone che arriva in finale per la terza volta di fila e la Tailandia che ha battuto nella finale ...
Uefa.com - UEFA Futsal Cup uefa.com UEFA futsal Cup, launch uefa.com action. Benfica 43 Boomerang (agg 5-7) Boomerang Interviú FS continue Spain s monopoly of the UEFA futsal Cup. http://www.uefa.com/Competitions/FUTSALCUP/
Extractions: LanguageLinks('E') Competitions - Club - UEFA Champions Lge UEFA Cup UEFA Super Cup UEFA Intertoto Cup Euro/S.America Cup Cup Winners' Cup - National - UEFA EURO 2004 UEFA EURO 2008 FIFA World Cup UEFA Regions' Cup - Youth - UEFA U-21 C'ship UEFA U-19 C'ship UEFA U-17 C'ship Meridian Cup - Women - UEFA Women's Cup UEFA Women's C'ship UEFA WU-19 C'ship - Futsal - UEFA Futsal Cup UEFA Futsal C'ship Countries Albania Andorra Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium Bosnia-Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark England Estonia F.Y.R. Macedonia Faroe Islands Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Israel Italy Kazakhstan Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Moldova Netherlands Northern Ireland Norway Poland Portugal Republic of Ireland Romania Russia San Marino Scotland Serb. and Mont. Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine Wales Competition Info News Standings Clubs All-Time Statistics
CP Soccer & Futsal Esperanza Soccer club in Japan for adults with cerebral palsy and other disabilities. With information on the CP team, other clubs, national teams and fixtures. http://www.dcns.ne.jp/~yukiojin/tope.htm
Extractions: Soccer is one of the most popular sports played throughout the world. People with disabilities have the opportunities to take part in this very exciting and enjoyable team sport. CP Soccer give opportunities for people to play a sport for recreation and fun but also take part at a higher level. The rules are modified from FIFA rules so that all ambulant CP people can take part and the game is exciting.To take part very little equipment is required with only a ball and two goals. Let's get CP Soccer " ON THE MOVE". Last update 22th March, 2004
Halton/Peel Futsal League The league offers Fall/Winter indoor soccer for children 714. Milton, Ontario, Canada. http://www.haltonpeelfutsal.com/
Extractions: Kiki Wear is coming soon. Look for it at www.kikiwear.com The Halton/Peel Futsal League has arrived in Mississauga / Oakville and Burlington areas. Wein Way Sports is our major sponsor. Futsal, is the perfect sport to develop soccer players for the future and it goes along with Horst Wein's "Soccer Development Model" of small sided games and letting children play at their maturity level. This is a great opportunity to enter your teams into an exciting sport, which will be beneficial to your player's technical skill development and team play. The leagues will be open to house-league/rep teams and individual players who want to join an indoor team. Our leagues will initially target the younger age groups boys and girls from 7-12 year olds and in the fall of 2003 older age groups will be considered. The format of play is as follows:
Futsal Club Dynamic Club information, players, fixtures, tournaments, cup, photographs, and links. Located in Houthalen. http://www14.brinkster.com/zvcdynamic/Engels/frame-engels.html
The 2003 Futsal England Trophy The official site of the first ever tournament bringing together teams from ten countries to play for the bespoke futsal England Trophy in Cheltenham. http://www.futsalenglandtrophy.com/
Extractions: Hits: 3955 Welcome to the 2003 Futsal England Trophy All results are now in as the event has finished for 2003. Check all the match reports from all the game son our reports page HERE Hello and welcome to the first ever Futsal England Trophy, where 16 top UK and International teams will compete to be the first ever team to take home the prestigious Futsal England Trophy.
Futsal.tosú{ÌtbgTt The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.futsal.to/
Futsal-Team Der Universität Münster Translate this page Diese Internetseiten stellen das futsal-Team der Universität Münster vor. Hier erfahren Sie alles rund um den futsal-Sport. Home, http://www.futsal-muenster.de/
Futsal Veneto Presenta notizie, calendari, classifiche, forum, schedine, schede delle squadre di tutti i campionati FIGC LND Veneto(C1,C2,D). http://www.futsalveneto.com/
Extractions: [ Seleziona un torneo ] Coppa Veneto serie D Femminile Serie A Femminile Serie B Finali Regionali Serie D Play Off serie D Secondo torneo Serie B Gir. B Serie C1 veneto Serie C2 Serie D Bassano Serie D Belluno Serie D Padova Serie D padova xx Serie D Treviso Serie D Venezia Serie D Verona Serie D Vicenza Torneo di prova
FIFA.com Futsal The official site of the international governing body of the sport with news, futsal World Championship, laws of the game, committee, referees list, and FAQ's. http://www.fifa.com/en/development/futsal/index.html