Ultimate Frisbee -- Disc Fly The Sky-Styler is the Discraft 160 gram SkyStyler click here for details Discraft 160 gram Sky-Styler Category Ultimate frisbee-freestyle http://www.discfly.com/Ultimate Frisbee.html
Extractions: Open 18 Hours a day Search Results Ultimate Frisbee Ultimate Frisbee is an exciting, non-contact team sport, played by thousands the world over. It mixes the best features of sports such as Soccer, Basketball, American Football and Netball into an elegantly simple yet fascinating and demanding game. Please browse through our ultimate frisbee inventory. Free Shipping over $49!
Discraft 160 Gram Sky-Styler - Disc Fly Discraft 160 gram SkyStyler. Category Ultimate frisbee-freestyle Check out basic and advanced freestyle tips from frisbee.com. http://www.discfly.com/Discraft 160 gram Sky-Styler.html
Extractions: Description: The Sky-Styler is the perfect freestyle disc. At 160 grams it is the perfect weight for brushing and guiding. With a slightly sharper angled inside edge, rimming couldn't be easier. This disc has more world titles in the 90's than any other. Find out why this disc is the freestylers' choice! One of the most dramatic event in disc sports, freestyle combines aspects of rhythmic gymnastics and dance to create exciting routines choreographed to music. Based on the simple game of throw and catch, freestyle has evolved into a sophisticated event with moves such as air brushing, nail delays, and triple-spinning catches. Teams are judged in artistic impression and difficulty in a similar manner as figure skating. The Freestyle Players Association is the official organization representing Freestyle and is sponsored by Discraft. Check out the Official FPA Web Page and read the latest issue of the FPA Forum, or visit www.frisbee.com, another valuable resource for freestylers. You can join the FPA for $10 and receive a freestyle disc for free. The best way to learn freestyle is to play with other freestylers in your area (check out www.frisbee.com for a list of jam spots and freestylers worldwide). Besides basic throws and catches, it is helpful to learn the fundamentals of the nail delay and air brush first. The nail delay, or spinning the disc on your finger nail, is a basic freestyle skill, as is the air brush. Check out basic and advanced freestyle tips from frisbee.com.
Freestyle Frisbee Workshops Bij kun je freestylefrisbee workshops doen onder leiding van ervaren freestylers. Sinds kort heeft Nike een frisbee-reclame op tv. info@freestyle-frisbee.nl. http://home.planet.nl/~moor0094/freestyle/freestyleles.html
Extractions: Gelukkig voor jou zijn wij al ongeveer vijftien jaar aan het freestylen. Je krijgt wetenswaardigheden en trucs uitgelegd die 'eeuwen' hebben gekost om uit te dokteren. Jij zal echter merken, dat je de basis vrij snel onder de knie zal hebben. We leren je trick-catches, brushen en nail-delayen. Het is mogelijk dat je al binnen anderhalf uur een combinatie van bovenstaande 'trucs' doet!
Freestyle Frisbee In Nederland De Amsterdamse freestyle frisbee site. Ook voor heel Nederland. Wil je een presentatie cq show op maat of freestyle frisbee les? http://home.planet.nl/~moor0094/freestyle/freestyle.html
Frisbee.web-log.nl Welcome @. The freestyle frisbee weblog! Movies, news, tricks and more .. 22 mei 2004. 21 mei 2004. AmsterJam 2004. Open freestyle frisbee kampioenschappen. http://frisbee.web-log.nl/index.log
Frisbee.web-log.nl The freestyle frisbee weblog! Movies, news, tricks and more De kinderen kunnen kennis maken met veel sporten inclusief het vrij onbekende freestyle frisbee. http://frisbee.web-log.nl/
LookSmart - Directory - Freestyle Frisbee freestyle frisbee Find a range of site introducing the world of freestyle frisbee competition. Directory Listings About. Flying http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317834/us317901/us167289/us167294/us2
Extractions: To Friend Your Email Friends Email The UK's No.1 Flying Disc and Footbag Specialists Since the introduction of the Frisbee in the 1960's, the flying disc has manifested itself in many forms and continues to evolve. In sport, the evolution has become a revolution - disc sports are attracting increasing numbers of players and fans. It was a fascination for disc golf that led to the creation of Discology in 1999. Now, the company embraces all aspects of flying disc culture, community and lifestyle. Discology offers our customers an understanding, service and range of products that is second to none in the UK. We provide equipment, information and support for flying disc sports , including Disc Golf, Ultimate, Freestyle, Double Disc Court (DDC), Goaltimate and Guts, as well as recreational 'throw and catch' discs. We are also supporting the development of another great sport, Footbag , and offer the UK's best range of footbags.
ALL KYUSHU FREESTYLE FRISBEE MEETING The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.shozo.info/jpdgafukuoka/freestyle.htm
Extractions: Andere Sprachen: English Nederlands aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Eine Frisbee ist ein meistens aus Plastik gefertigtes, scheibenförmiges Sport- und Freizeitgerät. Sie wird durch aerodynamischen Auftrieb und Kreiselbewegung in der Luft gehalten. Im Sommer erfreut sich dieses Sportgerät großer Beliebtheit. In den USA Kanada und den skandinavischen Ländern aber auch in Großbritannien und Deutschland wird der Mannschaftssport " Ultimate " gespielt, mit Regeln grob vergleichbar denen des American Football , aber ohne Körperkontakt. Folgende Sportarten können mit der Frisbee betrieben werden: Die heutige Bezeichnung "Frisbee" lässt sich historisch auf eine Übertragung des Firmennamens "Frisbie Pie Company" zurückführen. Dieses Familienunternehmen wurde von dem Bäcker William Russel Frisbie an der amerikanischen Ostküste gegründet. Diese Bäckerei verkaufte unter anderem Torten in runden Kuchenblechen (Pie-Tins). In den 40er Jahren begannen Kinder mit den weggeworfenen Blechen zu spielen, die Bleche waren aber nur über sehr kurze Distanzen flugfähig.
Frisbee Dog FAQ: Disc Dogs FAQ While catch and retrieve is the most common event, and the easiest for beginners, the most spectacular and fun to watch canine frisbee event is freestyle. http://www.discdog.com/FAQ.htm
Extractions: FAQ URL: http://www.discdog.com/frisbee-dog-faq.htm ncac@discdog.com Version History 3-31-97 Version 1.0 7-15-97 Version 1.1 Updated Club List, Added Info under Distance Event Descriptions 1-20-99 Version 1.2 Updated Club List, Added New organizations The catch and retrieve event is the backbone of most Frisbee dog events. It consists of a timed round where teams, which consist of one dog and one thrower, attempt to make as many successful throws/catches as possible before time runs out. Generally, the field is a rectangle laid out with lines representing distances from the throwing line, much like a football field with the throwing line being the end zone. Teams score more points for longer throw/catch combinations. Usually only one Frisbee disc may be used. Rounds usually last one minute. 1.2 Freestyle ( Known as "Freeflight" in ALPO events )
NCAC Frisbee Disc Dog Competitions Advanced Division teams must use frisbee Fastback discs or soft Floppy discs freestyle.Intro division teams have 60 or 90 seconds and Advanced Division have 90 http://www.discdog.com/compete/
1998 Frisbee World Freestyle Championships The freestyle Players Association presents 1998 frisbee ® WORLD freestyle CHAMPIONSHIPS AND ALTERNATIVE SPORTS FESTIVAL. July 24 26, 1998. http://www.nwlink.com/~heather/fpa98/
Registration - 1998 Frisbee World Freestyle Championships freestyle Players Association / 1998 frisbee ® freestyle World Championships Lisa Hunrichs TD, 5711 Kensington Place N. Seattle WA 98103 206517-8142. http://www.nwlink.com/~heather/fpa98/register.html
Frisbee Disc Golf :: Frisbee-nostalgi SUFO80 frisbeefreestyle team i Søndermarken 1981. Fra venstre mod højre Niels, Christian og Jakob Juhl. SUFO80 frisbee-freestyle team i Søndermarken 1981. http://www.frisbee.dk/sw1162.asp
Extractions: 1. præmie: Erik Hammer Det var i de gode gamle dage, da DM i disc golf var henlagt til Sæbygård Skov. Christian Skriver landede nærmest i Sæby Å, men ikke helt ude i vandet. Og så ved en rigtig golfer, at det er legalt at 'spille discen som den ligger'. Og hvad gør man ikke for at undgå et strafkast? Ungdomsbillede af Peter Jepsen, der i 80'erne markerede sig som Danmarks absolut bedste freestyler. Høj international klasse gjorde ham til en god opvisningsspiller, men det blev ikke til internationale titler ganske enkelt på grund af mangel på en kvalificeret dansk makker. Her laver han et flamingitis nail-delay - bemærk at håndledet er roteret i en stilling, hvor det nærmest er låst. Foto: Stephen Skriver
Frisbee Disc Golf :: Forum Emne freestyle frisbee! på EuroSport. EuroSport programmet Watts har afholdt afstemning blandt seernes favorit klip, og freestyle frisbee vandt med 41% http://www.frisbee.dk/sw380.asp?forumid=6&postingid=455&index=1&mode=view