Default Contains contacts, a newsletter, championship teams, a listing of places to play, pictures of beach
Bulldogs Klubinformation, nyheder, tr¦ning, hold og resultater.
Usa Floorball Association Offical Homepage of the United States floorball Association The Men s National Team to meet in Raleigh! floorball tournament in Raleigh around the corner!
ÅFS Floorball Flere artikler Gæstebogen Lørdag den 5. juni foregår festen på Ske Spil floorball hos ÅFS! Der er plads til nye spillere på alle hold.
Oespfloorball Site in Englisch, Berichte ¼ber das floorball Team der sterreichischen Schule in Prag, Links zu floorballseiten und zur Schule, Fotos
Floorball Equipment - Certified Products All floorball Equipment Testing and Certification at Swedish National Testing and Research Institute. SP - floorball Homepage. New on the floorball Site. Norway Norway, Czech floorball Union Czech Republic, Denmark Denmark, Germany Germany, Finland Finland, Canada/United States North America.
Floorball floorball. floorball THE FUTURE SPORT. One of the fastest games in the world and the fastest growing sport in Sweden is floorball. Why? The gear for the game is very simple, a pair of shoes, a plastic stick and somewhere to play. The birth of floorball. It was Carl-Åke Ahlqvist from Gothenburg who brought some plasticsticks with him
Extractions: One of the fastest games in the world and the fastest growing sport in Sweden is floorball. Why? The gear for the game is very simple, a pair of shoes, a plastic stick and somewhere to play. Anyone can play floorball irrespective of sex, age and handicap. Here you get the story about floorball; the history, how to play it and much more..... The birth of floorball Sweden is one of the countries that established floorball. Sweden has over 65% of all floorballplayers in the world. Sweden with Switzerland and Finland founded the IFF, International Floorball Federation 1985. Nowadays there are 19 members totally about 140 000 floorballsplayers in 3300 clubs. Floorball is a very popular sport in Scandinavia but now also in the rest of Europe. Every twentieth Finn In Finland floorball is a quite a big sport. Every twentieth Finn plays some kind of floorball. Finns have been playing floorball from the very beginning. Finland was one of the countries that founded IFF. Some Finnish students had been in Sweden and they brought with them some plasticsticks and balls. 1980 the Finnish began to play floorball on a larger court with bigger goals. It's about 20 000 Finns who play floorball in 700 clubs. Unihockey in Switzerland A physical teacher in Bern was the founder of floorball in Switzerland. He wrote rules for "unihockey" (the Germanspeaking countries call floorball for unihockey) as early as in 1973. Unihockey was from the beginning a kind of ice free version of icehockey, but played with a ball and on a small court. Every team had one goalkeeper and three players. It was the different rules between the Nordic countries and Switzerland that made it difficult for an international co-operation. But after some years the Swiss gave up their own sport unihockey and began to play floorball. Switzerland has 400 clubs and there are 17 000 Swiss who play floorball.
AUSTRIAN FLOORBALL ASSOCIATION (Innebandy, Unihockey) Translate this page Welcome to our Homepage ÖSTERREICHISCHER floorball VERBAND (ÖFBV) AUSTRIAN floorball ASSOCIATION (AFA) Peter Tunnerstr. 19/15, D10, A-8700 Leoben, Tel.
AUSTRIAN FLOORBALL ASSOCIATION (Innebandy, Unihockey) Offizielle Seite, Informationen zur floorballentwicklung in sterreich,den Nationalteams und den Meisterschaften mit ausf¼hrlichen Statistiken, Adressen aller Vereine, Forum, G¤stebuch, in Deutsch und Englisch.
Homepage Of Kimmo Raivio Various sports. floorball, alpine skiing, sailing.
Extractions: D.Sc (Tech) Kimmo Raivio is a researcher in the Laboratory of Computer and Information Science at Helsinki University of Technology Applications of neural networks in telecommunication: See also my list of publications My sport hobbies are floorball alpine skiing and sailing Helsinki University of Technology
International Floorball Association International floorball Association. Please click on the banner below if you are looking for our latest website The Official ISHuskies floorball Team Website.
Floorball Thurgau - Unihockey Im Thurgau Nederlandse floorball en Unihockey Bond; ook wel bekend als Nederlandse floorball en Unihockey Bond Interesse in Unihockey, Floorbaal, Innebandy, Salibandy, Stockey? Hier vind je informatie
Extractions: click latest news (mehr unter Rubrik "News") Herren 1.Liga GF Tschechischer Internationaler Pavel Kozusnik zu Thurgau! Herren 1.Liga GF Roger Gerber im Gespräch.. EVENT Die Unihockey WM im Fernsehen! EVENT Schweiz im Halbfinal gegen Tschechien Herren 1.Liga GF Transfererfolg: Naticrack Roger Gerber von Chur zu Floorball Thurgau
Extractions: Home Immer auf dem neuesten Stand bringen wir euch hier die aktuellsten Resultate und Tabellen der verschiedenen Schweizer Ligen. Aber nur mit dem Besuch auf unserer Homepage ist der Durst sicherlich noch nicht gestillt, also begebt euch beim nächsten Heimspieltag oder dem Spieltag in eurer Nähe in die Turnhalle (Buochs, Breitli) und fühlt die Emotionen auf und neben dem Feld, riecht den Duft der Anstrengung und lauscht dem Ball in der Luft, den Sohlen auf dem Boden. Denn das ist Unihockey. Keine andere Hallensportart ist so schnell und so dynamisch; also seid dabei, wenn es das nächste mal wieder im Lautsprecher heisst: "Herzlich willkommen in Buochs, in der Turnhalle Breitli".
Joel's Homepage Personal site, covering his interests in acting, dancing, floorball and computers.
Extractions: @import url(advanced.css); 1 Besucher online Sonntag, 23. Mai 2004 Sweden - Czech Republic (M) Finland - Switzerland (M) Samstag, 22. Mai 2004 Switzerland - Czech Republic (M) Sweden - Finland (M) Italy - Estonia (M) Netherlands - Hungary (M) Freitag, 21. Mai 2004 Estonia - Hungary (M) Italy - Netherlands (M) Great Britain - Slovenia (M) Denmark - Austria (M) USA - Australia (M) Norway - Latvia (M) Russia - Germany (M) Donnerstag, 20. Mai 2004 Austria - Sweden (M) Switzerland - Finland (M) Germany - Norway (M) Denmark - Latvia (M) Slovenia - Estonia (M) USA - Singapore (M) Italy - Great Britain (M) Die WM in der Schweiz ist vorbei. Mit etwas Wehmut wagen wir einen ersten, nicht immer ganz ernst gemeinten Rückblick auf eine grossartige Unihockey-Woche.
CZECH TOURNAMENTS Includes details of ice hockey, floorball, and football tournaments organised, plus an overview of training camps also available and contact details. - Helsingør Floorball Team Oplysninger om den popul¦re form for indend¸rs hockey som blandt andet kendes fra folkeskolen og fritidsinstitutioner.
Extractions: En virkelig kompetent træner, der har betydet meget for froeningen, så kort kan Bo Paulssons indsats opsummeres. Efter at have været "tirsdagssvensker" i en periode på 1½ år skal Bo i gang med nye udfordringer i Sverige. Bestyrelsen takkede for samarbejdet i forbindelse med afviklingen af et fremtidsseminar og samtidig blev det aftalt, at Helsingør fremover kan trække på Bo's erfaring som ekstern foreningskonsulent.
Floorball Equipment - Testing And Certification floorball Equipment Testing and Certification at Swedish National Testing and Research Institute. One new ball from floorball Masters more.