Home Of Essex Jitsu Back to top. aikijutsu. An ancient system of combat based on jujutsu; foundedby Shinra Saburo Yoshimitsu during the Kamakura period (1185 - 1336) in Japan. http://privatewww.essex.ac.uk/~jitsu/jitsu/whatis4.htm
Extractions: Last Updated: Sat, October 11, 2003 17:11 [What is Jitsu] Jitsu has very deep historical roots. An art different from every other and the Art from which others - including Aikido and Judo - were born. Below is a long story cut short...but it's still quite a read; maybe you should go get a cup of coffee and some jaffa cakes... Also note that this is the un-abridged version; this will get ironed out and made entertaining in the next few weeks... History of Jitsu th to mid 19 th century, more than 700 jujitsu systems appeared in Japan. Among those mentioned prominently in martial arts chronicles are: Tenjin-Shinyo-ryu, Takenouchi ryu, Sousuishitsu ryu, the Kito ryu (relevant to us) and the Sekiguchi-ryu. Many other ancient and reputable schools, such as the Yagyu-Shingan ryu or the Date clan and the Juki ryu or Sawa Dochi, are listed within the doctrine of jujitsu. The vital issue in jujitsu was effectiveness in combat. Methods were tested in duels and public competitions among members of various schools. These encounters were frequently lethal. Such testing not only improved weapons and ways of employing them, but established the reputations of the survivors.
Best - Aiki Jujutsu Offer Home Home Search aiki jujutsu. Directory. » aikido. » Ninpo Jujutsu Ryu producersof Ninpo Ju-jutsu martial arts DVD Kuden Ninpo Ju-jutsu Ryu, based in http://tatet.com/search-aiki_jujutsu.html
Extractions: From: USA Argentina Australia Brazil Canada China Colombia Egypt France Germany India Japan Kenya Mexico - All Bands Pakistan Peru Philippines Poland Romania Russia South Africa South Korea Spain Sri Lanka Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom USA Other Country To: USA - Continental Argentina Australia Brazil Canada China Colombia Cuba Egypt France Germany India Italy Jamaica Japan Kenya Mexico - All Bands Nepal Nigeria Pakistan Peru Philippines Poland Romania Russia South Africa South korea Spain Sri Lanka Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom USA - Alaska USA - Continental Vietnam Other Country USA International Flower Delivery Argentina Australia Austria Bahrain Belgium Brazil Canada China China (Hong Kong) Colombia Denmark Egypt France Germany Great Britain (UK) India Ireland Israel Italy Jordan Jordan Korea (South) Kuwait Lebanon Luxembourg Malaysia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand (Aotearoa) Oman Peru Philippines Poland Puerto Rico Qatar Russia Saudi Arabia Singapore Spain Switzerland Syria Taiwan Thailand Ukraine United Arab Emirates Uruguay Vietnam tatEt projects: tatEt Encyclopedia tatEt Travel Guide
Extractions: by H. E. Davey Aiki-jujutsu is a traditional Japanese combative discipline that has the potential to vitally transform the lives of its participants. This transformation takes place of course in the realm of one's newly developed skills of self-protection, but due to the nature of the art, it is also equally possible to experience profound spiritual realizations. I was once asked by a skilled jujutsu instructor why I had "tacked on" this spiritual emphasis to what were essentially arts of combat, and if I had not added this dimension to the arts that I was teaching, why was this dimension there to begin with? In other words, why use as unlikely a medium as a martial art for spiritual development? Over the passing years, I have reflected on that question many times. One of the essential issues that we have to deal with throughout our lives is the certainty of our own demise. Many of us have tried to put it out of our normal consciousness for many years, with the thought returning only occasionallyperhaps late at night while lying awake in bed, with no other activities to distract us from the inevitable outcome of life. It is a fear that never leaves.
Startseite Translate this page aiki Jujutsu Bokuyokan durch Michael Daishiro Nakajima. www.aikido.de Zentrale Seitenfür aikido in Deutschland. www.aikijutsu.de aiki-jutsu innerhalb der http://www.aikijujutsu.de/
Extractions: AIKIJUJUTSU.DE ..... Links ..... Mit Urteil vom 12. Mai 1998 hat das Landgericht Hamburg entschieden, daß man durch die Ausbringung eines Links die Inhalte der gelinkten Seite ggf. mit zu verantworten hat. Dies kann - so das LG - nur dadurch verhindert werden, daß man sich ausdrücklich von diesen Inhalten distanziert. Ich habe auf WWW.AIKIJUJUTSU.DE (sowie meinen namensverwandten Seiten) Links zu anderen Seiten im Internet gesetzt. Für alle diese Links gilt: Ich habe keinerlei Einfluß auf die Gestaltung und die Inhalte der verlinkten Seiten. Deshalb distanziere ich mich hiermit ausdrücklich von allen Inhalten aller verlinkten Seiten und mache mir ihre Inhalte nicht zueigen. Diese Erklärung gilt für alle auf WWW.AIKIJUJUTSU.DE zu findenden Links. www.daitoryu-bokuyokan.de
CMU Aiki Ju Jutsu community selfdefense seminars and classes in the martial arts, specifically aikiJujutsu. Arts Society , a school in the nearby area teaching aiki Ju jutsu http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~cmuajj/
Extractions: We meet at 5pm on Wednesdays in Activity Room A, and 12:30PM on Sundays in Thistle Hall. Both meeting will be in the Gymnasium building (not the Student Center) T he martial arts training is for continual improvement; learning to protect yourself, should physical confrontation be necessary. Some of the benefits of training include improved coordination, stamina, defense capability, and increased awareness of surroundings. We have an arrangement with The Traditional Martial Arts Society , a school in the nearby area teaching Aiki Ju Jutsu . Being CMU Grads themselves, they have given us a discount for their instruction. Please send email to cmuajj@andrew.cmu.edu for more information
The Hidden Roots Of Aikido: Aiki Jujutsu Daitoryu : Bücher The Hidden Roots of aikido aiki Jujutsu Daitoryu Größeres connection between aikidoand Daitoryu Jujutsu is made excellent work for aikijujutsu beginners I http://www.einkaufszentrum-online.com/item_4770023278/
Extractions: First and foremost, this was a good book. A clear connection between Aikido and Daitoryu Jujutsu is made, especially with the visual aid of the many photographs of the techniques. Their similarities are evident. However, not much is given to readers on the actual working relationship of Daitoryu and Aikido, and what exactly makes them different. I feel that this book was created for the Aikido practitioner who perhaps is looking for answers that he may be asking about where his or her PHYSICAL techniques ... weiter I am an instructor of Goshin Ryu Aikijiu-jutsu and I really enjoyed this book. It is well organized and readable. The action sequence shown in the photographs is very clear. If you are familiar with the principles common to all styles of this art you will be fond of this work, particullarly with the references to counter-techniques, rarely seen. An excellent book.
Ez2Find Aiki Jutsu Guides, aiki jutsu. ez2Find Home Directory Sports Martial Arts Jujutsu aiki jutsu (27) Daito Ryu (16). Related Categories http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Sports/Martial_Arts/Jujutsu/
SJJF Ju-Jutsu Kai Daito Ryu aiki Bujutsu, Daito Ryus officiella sida. Daito Ryu aiki Jujutsu Takumakai,Daito-ryu aiki Jujutsu, Bra site om en amerikansk (klassisk) Ju-jutsustil. http://www.ju-jutsu.se/links/links.html
Extractions: Längst upp Ai Ki Do Allt är på franska Aiki web Har en del MPEG filmer Aikido at Stanford Aikido Dojo Gammelstaden Aikido Dojo Iwama Ryu Aikido FAQs Långsam Aikido Journal Online Aikido Today Magazine Aikido World Headquarters Aikidoklubben i Växjö, Shishi Shin Dojo ... AikiWeb: Aikido Dojo Search Engine Sökmotor för Aikido Banyu Hatten Aikido Budoklubben Tomoe Christian Tissier Hikari Aikidoklubb ... Iwama Ryu Aikido Scandinavia Mycket snygga sidor! Johns Aikido Stuff Kaizen Aikido Vännäs Ki Aikido Center of Northern California Ki no Kenkyukai Göteborg ... Stefan Stenudd: Dojo Otroligt utförliga sidor av en kunnig författare Stockholm AikiKai Svenska Aikikai The Aikido Dojo Guide Torsby Aikido ... Unofficial Ki Society Site Iaido
Aiki Jutsupagina aikijutsu is een aiki bujutsu vorm waarvan de basis hoofdzakelijk ligt gelegenin technieken die komen uit het Daito Ryu aiki jujutsu van Soke Sokaku Takeda http://home.quicknet.nl/qn/prive/cpj_jansen/Aiki Jutsu.htm
Extractions: Aiki-Jutsupagina. (Home) Schets van de Heilige berg Mount Fuji Aiki-Jutsu heeft veel overeenkomsten met Aikido ! Aiki-Jutsu is een honderden jaren oude traditionele zelfverdedigingskunst terwijl Aikido pas uit de afgelopen eeuw stamt (rond 1930 door Ueshiba O-sensei gesticht!). Mijn ervaringen met deze tak van Budo komen vooral uit stages die ik bij Cees de Jongh heb gelopen i.v.m. mijn LMA-opleiding . Hiervoor moest ik stages lopen bij andere leraren dan die van mijzelf! Aangezien ik veel belangstelling had, en heb, voor Aiki-vormen, ben ik bij Cees terecht gekomen. Hij heeft mij dan ook erg geholpen om lesvoorbereidingen te maken die geschikt waren om ook in deze Budotak toe te passen! Hiervoor ben ik hem dan ook erg dankbaar! Hieronder staan enkele foto's van basissituaties die in Aikivormen veel voorkomen! Daar weer onder vergelijkende beschouwingen tussen Aiki-vormen. Hieronder enkele handpakkingen! Hieronder enkele handstanden! Aiki-jutsu, aiki-do, aiki-budo en andere aiki - krijgskunst stijlen Vele studenten van Ueshiba zijn na jaren van training hun eigen weg gegaan. Ueshiba ontwikkelde zijn Aikido gaandeweg terwijl hij les gaf. Het gevolg was dat zijn eerste studenten met een heel ander soort Aikido kennis maakten dan zijn latere studenten.
Extractions: Search: Web Directory Daily News PHP Manuals mySQL Manuals ... Svenska Browsing Sports, Martial Arts, Jujutsu, Aiki Jutsu Category See also: This category in other languages: Italian The SDS Aiki-Jitsu Dojo located in Tahlequah, Oklahoma.. Provides training in Senso-Ryu Aikijutsu and Zen meditation. Dojo schedule, glossary of terms, links and related information.. Teaching Akijutsu, and related Japanese styles. Contains details of curriculum and contact information.. Organization founded by Obata Toshishiro. Features biography, dojo details, news letter, links and related information. [English/Japanese]. Japanese sword and Aikijutsu training. History, events, class schedule, announcements, supplies and background. [Seattle, WA]. Teaching Aikiju-jitsu. Class information, style details, instructor profile and webring. [Toronto, Canada]. Teaching Nippon Kobudo Kamishin Ryu. History, black belt listing, pictures, art and links. [Summerville, South Carolina].
Extractions: Andrew Frye - Sensei Major Aikido Dojo Sites World Aikikai Foundation / Hombu Dojo Aikido Schools of Ueshiba Association homepage. Aikido Shobukan Dojo Boulder Aikikai ... A COMPLETE list of NGA and unaffiliated NGA dojos is at the bottom of this page. OTHER AIKIDO RESOURCES AND SITES. Aikido TERMINOLOGY Dictionary.
Namenlos Translate this page Kokusai Gendai Budo Renmei USA. Graduierungen/Auszeichnungen 1.DanJiu Jitsu 1.Dan Ju jutsu 5.Dan Nihon Jujutsu 6.Dan aiki Jujutsu. http://www.bver.de/ausbilder.html
Örebro Aikido Iwama Ryu Under många år studerade och undervisade han i Daitoryu aiki Jujutsu. Deursprungliga teknikerna kallas för aiki-jutsu (jutsu betyder teknik).
Seminár Aikijutsu Yamaue Ryu A Tantojutsu Yamaue Ryu aiki jutsu = Daito ryu aiki jujutsu systém rodiny Takeda , v líniijedného z dvoch ludí ktorí obdrali certifikát na výuku Daito ryu http://www.aikikai.sk/presov/saikijutsu.htm
Extractions: Yamaue Ryu Aiki Jutsu zaloil prof. Jimmy Keido Yamaue , ktorý cvièil bojové umenia v Japonsku, v Èíne a v Európe viac ako 48 rokov. Yamaue Aiki Jutsu je aktívny a úèinný sebaobranný systém Ju Jutsu , zaloený na sile Ki, Yamaue teórii 45 stupòov, pirálovitom pohybe a dostredivej sile. Yamaue Ryu Aiki Jutsu = Daito ryu aiki jujutsu systém rodiny Takeda , v línii jedného z dvoch ¾udí ktorí obdrali certifikát na výuku Daito ryu - Takuma Hisa - ktorého vnukom je soke J. K. Yamaue /10.DAN/ Boj s noom - tantó sa vyuèuje v ÈR v kole IZUMI ako vyia odborná záleitos ktorá nie je poskytovaná beným záujemcom z ulice, osobám nezrelým alebo dokonca osobám majúcim sklon k páchaniu trestnej èinnosti. Vedomosti sú získavané od Soke Shoto Tanemura 10.Dan (intruktor KIDOTAS - pec. zloka polície v Tokyo) a soke J. K. Yamaue /10.DAN/
Shinki Dojo Maribor - Uvod To e posebej velja za aikijutsu, ki so ga razvili v klanu Takeda. Po koncu fevdalnedobe je to vecino raziril Sokaku Takeda kot daitoryu aiki jujutsu. http://users.volja.net/janezk/uvod.html
Extractions: Kaj je Aikido Shinki Rengo Da bi razumeli, kaj pomeni aikido moramo pogledati na njegovo povezavo z budom. Budo je skupni naziv za vse japonske borilne veèine. Zaèetki buda leijo v èasu samurajev. Najprej so se borilne veèine samurajev imenovale bu-jutsu (bu - boj, jutsu - veèina ali tehnika). Zraven tega se je pojavilo tudi poimenovanje bushido, kar v dobesednem prevodu pomeni "pot samuraja". Budo zajema oba poimenovanja in se je uveljavil po odpravi fevdalnega sistema na Japonskem. V dobi samurajev so se do popolnosti razvile tevilne borilne veèine, tako z kot brez oroja. V borbi pa se je pokazalo, da dobra tehnika za obrambo pred sovranikom pogosto ni dovolj. Zato so samuraji poskuali razen popolnosti v tehniki doseèi skozi olanje duha notranjo moè, ki bi jim pomagala premagati teave in pravoèasno zaznati nevarnost. Pred smrtjo, ki je bila v takratnih èasih nekaj vsakdanjega, pa jih ni mogla obvarovati tudi ta notranja moè. Spoznali so, da v borbi izgubi tisti, ki eli èititi lastno ivljenje in ima strah pred smrtjo. Tako je postala glavno naèelo samopremagovanje. Borec se je moral prepustiti "nièu". V tej povezavi tehniène popolnosti in duhovnega olanja dosee budo svoj vrhunec. Budo torej ne pomeni samo obvladovanje borilne veèine, ampak tudi olanja skozi premagovanje jaza. V ozadju tega stoji misel, da je mogoèe doseèi popolnost v borbi samo z zlitjem z ritmom in gibanjem narave in vesolja.
Www.selfdefence.se The plans to introduce a Bu jutsu section at the Kodokan were abandoned In 1933 Mochizukiwas awarded the Daito Ryu aiki Jujutsu Okuden Inka a set of scrolls http://www.selfdefence.se/files/mushizuki.htm
Extractions: Minoru Muchizuki (1907-2003) 10th dan, Meijin Aikido, IMAF. 9th dan, jujutsu. 8th dan, Iaijutsu. 8th dan, Judo. 5th dan, Kendo. 5th dan, Karate. Minoru Mochizuki Kancho was born in Shizuoka in 1907 and died in France in 2003. His family moved to Tokyo where at the age of five he began to study Judo and Kendo. In 1924 he joined the Kendokan Dojo of Toku Sambo, a noted Judoka and Kendoka of the time. In June 1926 Mochizuki achieved his Shodan (black belt) in Judo at the Kodokan. Here he came to the attention of Master Kyuzo Miftme who invited him to be his personal student and assistant instructor. Mochizuki's training became very intense; he took part in special summer and winter training sessions. He had a perfect attendance. The leader of the Kodokan, Jigoro Kano, wanted to preserve the traditional Martial Arts of Japan by creating a special group of the Kodokan devoted to their practice. Minoru Mochizuki was chosen by Jigoro Kano to study a variety of Martial Art Disciplines that were to be added to the Kodokan syllabus. Mochizuki studied Aiki jutsu under Morihei Uyeshiba, Katori Shinto Ryu under Yazaemon Hayashi, Kendo under Hakudo Nakayama and Shindomuso Ryu Jutsu under Master Takaji Shimizu.
Aiki-Budo Stile , Hisa Takuma, , Mori Hakaru, , (Nipponden aiki-Jujutsu), , TsuruyamaKozui, , Omiya Shiro, , , , (Takedaryu aiki no jutsu), , -, Maeda Takeshi, , http://www.shinkirengo.de/daitoryu/stile.htm
Extractions: Stilrichtungen (=Ryuha) des Aiki-Budo Saigo Tanomo Minister des Aizu-Han (Fürstentum) Kampfkünste von Takeda-Han und Aizu-Han Kano Jigoro Aiki-Jujutsu Judo -Gründer) Takeda Sokaku Saigo Shiro (Adoptivsohn v. Tanomo) Takeda-ha Daitoryu-Aiki-Jujutsu Saigo-ha Daitoryu-Aiki-Jujutsu Kitano Unsui (Daitoryu Kenpo) Yamashita Houei Sogawa Kazuo (Shukikai) (Shodokai) Ueshiba Morihei (AIKIDO) Sagawa Yukiyoshi Kimura Tatsuo Horikawa Kodo Okamoto Seigo (Kodokai) (Roppokai) Inoue Yusuke (Kodokai) Yonezawa Hiromitsu Yonezawa Katsumi Tung Tim (Bokuyokan) Nakajima Daishiro Iida Hiroo (Mudenjuku) Nishikido Takeo (Kodo) Hisa Takuma Mori Hakaru (Nipponden Aiki-Jujutsu) Tsuruyama Kozui Omiya Shiro Matsuda Toyosaku Okuyama Ryuho Okuyama Ryuho II (Hakkoryu) Ohba Sachiyuki (Takedaryu Aiki no Jutsu) Maeda Takeshi Yamamoto Kakugi (Mugenryu Taido) Takeda Tokimune Kondo Katsuyuki (Daitoryu Aiki-Budo)
Aikido In Der Ufa-Fabrik Berlin - Aikido-Geschichte: Namensgebung Translate this page angenommen, wie sie in dem vom Meister des Kito-ryu jujutsu verfaßten Toka Danebengibt das 1892 veröffentlichte Budo-hiketsu aiki no jutsu eine neue http://www.ufa-aikido.de/geschichte/name.html
Extractions: Die ... Ryu Weil (ai = verbinden, vereinen) eine Einheit bildet mit (ai = Liebe), habe ich mich entschlossen, meine Form von budo "Aikido" zu nennen, obwohl der Ausdruck "aiki" ein sehr alter ist. Die Bedeutung des Wortes, wie es von den Kriegern in der Vergangenheit verwendet wurde, ist eine grundlegend andere. Ueshiba Morihei Der Begriff " aiki aiki Toka mondo aiki Budo-hiketsu Aiki no Jutsu eine neue Definition: danach ist aiki In diesem Sinne können aiki und kiai als der passive und der aktive Aspekt desselben mentalen Zustandes angesehen werden, in dem zwei Opponenten geistig so verbunden sind, daß derjenige mit dem stärkeren Geist den schwächeren beherrscht. Erst Ueshiba Morihei gibt dem Begriff aiki eine neue Bedeutung, indem er beginnt, von universeller Liebe zu sprechen. Aiki impliziert nun nicht mehr Prinzipien und Techniken, einen Gegner im Kampf zu beherrschen, zu überwinden und zu vernichten, sondern es wird Ausdruck des Bemühens, die gegensätzlichen Intentionen der Kontrahenten im Sinne einer himmlisch-kosmischen Harmonie in Einklang zu bringen, zu harmonisieren. Das Prinzip des aiki , der Überlegenheit durch die völlige Fokussierung aller Sinne, dient dazu, den eigenen Zweifel und inneren Konflikt zu besiegen, um aus diesem Zustand heraus eine friedliche und harmonische (Ko-)Existenz aller Lebewesen zu schaffen.
Extractions: An information and resource service for teachers, students and anyone interested in Aikido in Australia. Of course we want to promote our club, but we also want to promote the Art of Aikido to the general and uninformed public, in an effort to follow the Founders dream and spread Aikido in the World community. We are pleased to announce, and pass on our congratulations to Derek Minus Sensei, who was awarded 5th Black belt at the Kagami Biraki Ceremony of Aikikai Honbu Dojo in January with nomination by Saburo Takayasu Shihan. Derek Sensei's Turramurra dojo now has their own webpage, which can be found here
Extractions: ABOUT DAITO RYU JUJUTSU A famous classical Aiki-Jutsu martial art school founded in the 12th century, during the Meiji-period. The art was disseminated by Sokaku Takeda in numerous parts of Japan until his death in 1943. Daito-Ryu Jujutsu was one of the earliest schools to teach empty-handed techniques and consists primarily of a large number of jujutsu techniques, although Sokaku also taught sword techniques and other weapons on occasion. Daito-ryu was taught mainly to prominent people which included police and military officials, judges, school administrators, etc. Morihei Ueshiba, founder of Aikido, first began his study of the art, known then as Daitokan, in Hokkaido in 1915 and received his teaching certification in 1922 in Ayabe.