Probleme/Projekte/Prozesse: Turkologin Annemarie Von Gabain Translate this page Bekannt sind zB die Mathematiker Richard von mises (18831953) und seinespätere Frau hilda Pollaczek-geiringer (18931973, BM 12/98).
Chirurg Rudolf Nissen Translate this page Betätigungsfeld, so ua die Mathematiker Richard von mises (1883-1953) und seinespätere Frau, die Mathematikerin hilda Pollaczek-geiringer (1893-1973, BM 12
Untitled Document Fan Graham Chung Florence Nightingale FlüggeLotz Gertrude Cox Hanna Neumann HelenaRasiowa Herta Freitag hilda Hudson hilda von geiringer mises Hypatia of
Extractions: MATHEMATICAL MINIATURE 19 Bradman, Beethoven, Brown and Bolt CENTREFOLD Vernon Squire Vernon Squire arrived in New Zealand in October 1987, when he took up the Chair of Applied Mathematics at the University of Otago. Since his arrival, he has played a significant role in promoting applied mathematics at Otago and throughout New Zealand. Vernon's PhD research marks the point at which advanced mathematics was first applied to modelling the interaction of ocean waves and sea-ice. One of the significant features that Vernon introduced was the effect of flexure, especially the flexure of ice floes (smallish pieces of sea-ice). At SPRI most students were encouraged to take part in experimental programmes in the belief that hands-on experience should guide the development of models. Vernon became active in the experimental program during his PhD, working in northern Canada and from a Royal Navy submarine in the Greenland Sea, and he was to continue this blend of theoretical and experimental work for many years. After completing his PhD in 1978, Vernon stayed on at SPRI as a research associate and later acquired a University of Cambridge established position. Although there were no undergraduates housed in the Institute, he was involved in service teaching undergraduates, teaching MPhil students, and supervising PhD students. He also continued his experimental and theoretical research program, travelling to the Arctic and Antarctic over extended periods. Using strain gauges deployed on ice floes, he showed experimentally that the inelastic flexure of ice floes was a significant factor in their response to waves and, accordingly, had to be included in all models. He also contributed to detailed measurements of ocean wave propagation and attenuation through a field of sea-ice floes in the Bering Sea, using a helicopter to hop from floe to floe. These measurements, published over 15 years ago in Nature, still remain the most detailed study of this phenomenon.
Biography-center - Letter M Mirsky, Leon;mises, hilda geiringer von;
Extractions: random biography ! Any language Arabic Bulgarian Catalan Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Turkish 791 biographies
BSHM: Abstracts -- S SiegmundSchultze, Reinhard, hilda geiringer-von mises, Charlier series, ideology,and the human side of the emancipation of applied mathematics at the
Extractions: The British Society for the History of Mathematics HOME About BSHM BSHM Council Join BSHM ... Search A B C D ... Z These listings contain all abstracts that have appeared in BSHM Newsletters up to Newsletter 46. BSHM Abstracts - S Sabidussi, Gert, Correspondence between Sylvester, Petersen, Hilbert and Klein on invariants and the factorisation of graphs 1889-1891, Discrete mathematics A collection of 47 letters shedding light on the background and origin of Petersens famous 1891 paper on graph factorisation, and on his abortive collaboration with J. J. Sylvester. Saito, Ken, Doubling the cube: a new interpretation of its significance for early Greek geometry, Historia mathematica Nothing is known of how Hippocrates of Chios justified his reduction of the problem of doubling the cube to that of finding two mean proportionals between two given lines. A reconstruction is proposed, modelled after an argument of Archimedes, leading to a new interpretation of the development of proportion theory in early Greek mathematics. Salmon, Vivian, Thomas Harriot (1560-1621) and the English origins of Algonkian linguistics
Portraits Of Statisticians GEARY, Robert Charles 18961983. geiringer, hilda 1893-1973. MERSENNE, Marin1588-1648. mises, Richard von 1883-1953. MOORE, Peter Gerard 1928-.
Extractions: PORTRAITS OF STATISTICIANS Click here for information about sources Click here for information about the life and work of statisticans Complementary information can be found at ABBE, Ernst ADAMS, John Couch ADRAIN, Robert ... ANDERSON, Oskar Nikolayevich 1887-1960 = ANDERSON, Oskar Johann Viktor ANDERSON, Roy Malcolm ANDERSON, Theodore Wilbur ANDERSON, Virgil ANSCOMBE, Frank J ... BECHHOFER, Robert with SOBEL, Milton (left) and GUPTA, Shanti S (right) BELLHOUSE, David A BENJAMIN, Bernard BERGER, James O BERNOULLI, Daniel ... BOSKOVIC, Rudjer Josip, S.J. 1711-1787 = BOSCOVICH, Ruggiero Giuseppe = BOSCOVICH, Roger Joseph BOWLEY, Sir Arthur Lyon BOX, George Edward Pelham BRADLEY, Ralph A BRAVAIS, Auguste ... CHEBYSHEFF, Pavnutii Lvovich 1821-1894 = TCHEBYCHEFF, Pafnuty Lvovitch = CEBYSEV, Pafnuty Lvovitch CHERNOFF, Herman CHETVERIKOV, Nikolai Sergeevich CHIANG, Chin Long CHUPROV, Alexander Alexandrovich 1874-1926 = TSCHUPROW, Alexander Alexandrovich COCHRAN, William Gemmell
Sources Of Portraits Of Statisticians Die Mathematik war eing Halt und eine Freude hilda geiringer zum 100 Geburtstag Studiesin Mathematics and Mechanics Presented to Richard von mises by Friends
Extractions: PORTRAITS AND ARTICLES FROM BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARIES Click here for information about the life and work of statisticans INITIAL LETTER OF SURNAME ABBREVIATIONS USED Complementary information can be found at From the internet at DSB , 6-9; ESS From the internet at DSB From p.242 in S M Stigler, Mathematical statistics in the early states, Annals of Statistics (1978), 239-275, reprinted in S M Stigler and I M Cohen (ed.), American Contributions to Mathematical Statistics in the Nineteenth Century , New York, NY: Arno Publishing Company 1980 (SF STI).
Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page 188*) Gassendi, Pierre (284*) Gauss, Carl Friedrich (2364*) Geber, (Jabir ibn Aflah)(529) Gegenbauer, Leopold (123*) geiringer, hilda von mises (1469*) Geiser
Humsssubj von mises, hilda (geiringer), Papers, 19141973 Harvard University Archives.von mises, Richard, Papers, 1893-1953 Harvard University Archives.
Extractions: Harvard University Science/Medicine/TechnologyManuscript Collections by Subject: Preliminary List Biology Barghoorn, Elso Sterrenberg Papers, ca. 1937-1984 Harvard University Archives Henderson, Lawrence Joseph Papers, 1905-1942 Harvard University Archives Mark, Edward Laurens Papers, 1880-1944 Harvard University Archives Mayr, Ernst Papers, 1931-1987 Harvard University Archives Mudd, Emily (Hartshorne) Papers and Additions, 1912-1985 Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America Pencharz, Dorothy Sherman Marion Taylor papers, 1912-1958 Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America Porter, Keith R. Papers, 1951-1973 Harvard University Archives Romer, Alfred Sherwood Papers, ca. 1911-1989 Harvard University Archives Thimann, Kenneth Vivian Papers, ca. 1931-1953 Harvard University Archives Watson, James Dewey Papers, 1945-1954, 1968 Harvard University Archives Anatomy Bailey, Irving Widmer Papers, 1907-1967 Harvard University Archives Lyman, Charles Peirson Papers, 1952-1982 Harvard University Archives Warren, John Collins Papers, 1814-1827 Harvard University Archives
Extractions: HOVERFLY-2 INDOOR HELICOPTER Hoverfly is a great little helicopter. It comes attractively finished and ready to fly. Its small, tough and quiet - and it flies indoors. Yet it handles just like its bigger brothers. You have a web site and you want to earn money, then click here. We recommend you the, Commission Junction Program
Extractions: I realize that this is a classic text and a 3-star rating is not really appropriate, but I think there's some things someone should know before buying this book that arn't spelled out. First of all, despite its fancy cover, this book is older than Ozzy. In fact, the first edition was put out in 1929 (to be fair, this is mentioned on the cover.) A lot has happened since then, but what really bothers me is how the back cover markets this book as a definitive exposition on probability. In reality, Von ...
Kronoloki Pregled 18911936); hilda geiringer von mises (1893-1973); Cecilia Krieger (1894-1974);Sof ja Aleksandrovna Janovskaja (1896-1966); Nola Haynes
Extractions: KRONOLOKI PREGLED 19. stoletje Ada Byron King, Countess of Lovelace (1815-1852) Susan Jane Cunningham (1842-1921) Elizaveta Fedorovna Litvinova (1845-1919) Christine Ladd- Franklin (1847-1930) Sofia Kovalevskaya (1850-1891) Ellen Amanda Hayes (1851-1930) Hertha Ayrton (1854-1923) Ida Metcalf (1857-1952) Charlotte Angas Scott (1858-1931) Charlotte Barnum(1860-1934) Alicia Boole Stott (1860-1940) Ruth Gentry (1862-1917) Winifred Edgerton Merrill (1862-1951) Leona May Peirce (1863-1954) Helen Abbot Merrill (1864-1949) Clara Eliza Smith (1865-1943) Clara Latimer Bacon (1866-1948) Annie MacKinnon Fitch (1868-1940) Grace Chisholm Young (1868-1944) Isabel Maddison (1869-1950) Mary Frances Winston Newson (1869-1959) Emilie Norton Martin (1869-1936) Agnes Baxter (1870-1917) Virginia Ragsdale (1870-1945) Louise Duffield Cummings (1870-1947) Lao Genevra Simons (1870-1949) Roxana Hayward Vivian (1871-)
JACM: Volume 5, Issue 3 , The Approximate Solution Of ... 9 (1956), 11121. 14 RICHARD von mises AND hilda POLLACZEK-geiringer, PraktischeVerfahren der Matrixaufl6sung, Z. angew. Mat. Mech. 9 (1929), 58-77, 152-64.
APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS V 3 (in MARION) Mathematical theory of compressible fluid flow by Richard von mises; completedby hilda geiringer and GSS Ludford. New York, Academic Press, 1958. MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS V 3
Extractions: On June 23 I had my weekly luncheon date with Leonard Lipschitz, first meeting him in my office. As usual, I had picked up my mail from my mailbox and I had just begun to look through it, when Leonard entered my office. Among the daily pieces of junk mail, solicitations from political and charity organizations, there was a large sheet with the word Telex in large boll letters in the center of it. I had never before seen a piece of telex and I was ready to drop it in the wastepaper basket, thinking it was another ad from a computer company, when Leonard stopped me and pointed to the top line on the sheet. I read "Der Regierende Buergermeister Von Berlin". I was puzzled, why would I receive mail from the office of the mayor of Berlin, but I was not curious enough to pursue this matter right now. But Leonard urged me to read on, it was important news. To my astonishment I read the following letter on the attached sheet: Sehr geehrter Herr Professor
28 Sep History: This Date America and the world. 1893 hilda geiringer von mises, Jewish AustrianUS mathematician who died on 22 March 1973. She was an assistant
Extractions: Pope John Paul II, 83, announces the names of 30 of the 31 men he has decided to make cardinals at the ninth consistory of his papacy, on 21 October 2003. After the consistory, the total number of cardinals will be 194 (not counting the unnamed one) and the electors will be 135. The unnamed one is presumably from a country where the Church is persecuted. The 30 named are:
BÖLÜM HAKKINDA ilk dekani olan matematik profesörü Kerim Erim`in girisimleriyle dönemin Almanya sindanayrilan Richard von mises, hilda geiringer ve Wilhelm Prager
Extractions: Ýstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Matematik Bölümünün amacý Türk Milli Eðitiminin amaçlarý doðrultusunda, matematik ve matematik ile ilgili alanlarda daha ileri düzeyde çalýþma yapmak isteyenlere, temel bilgileri vermek, öðrencilerin, eðilim ve yeteneklerine yönelik ve mezuniyet sonrasý iþ sahibi olabilecekleri, programlarý uygulamak, profesyonel iþ ve araþtýrma sürecinde; çaðdaþ düzeyde bilimsel düþünce ve araþtýrma yeteneðine sahip, Lisans düzeyinde, matematikçi yetiþtirmektir. Bölüm, 6 Anabilim Dalýndan oluþmaktadýr, bunlar; Analiz ve Fonksiyonlar Teorisi, Cebir ve Sayýlar Teorisi , Geometri, Topoloji , Uygulamalý Matematik, , Matematiðin Temelleri ve Lojik Anabilim Dallarýdýr. Bölümde 8 profesör, 1 Doçent, 4 Yardýmcý Doçent, 1 Öðretim Görevlisi, 2 Mühendis ve 10 Araþtýrma Görevlisi
Hypatia - Book List 1983) / Else Hoyrup; Irmgard FluggeLotz (1903-1974) / John R. Spreiter and WilhelmFlugge; hilda geiringer von mises (1893-1973) / Joan L. Richards; Sophie
Extractions: Howard A. Landman A library card catalog shows you which books a particular library has. This page is the opposite: an inverted card catalog that shows you which libraries have certain books! In this case, I've collected all the books and magazine articles which appeared in my searches of the world's libraries for information about Hypatia of Alexandria, the great mathematician, scientist, and teacher of antiquity. Also included are a number of items identified by Dr. M.A.B. Deakin. Most of the library references below were obtained through the net, using the University of Kansas' CWIS database, which pointed to almost every known electronic library card catalog in the world. The United States "Other Libraries" list alone was staggering enough! Unfortunately, this resource moved or disappeared, so I have had to remove my (broken) links to it. If you know where this is now, please let me know! If you're broadly interested in Women And Science, click here for a more general bibliography.