43 Femmes Mathématiciennes 17061749) Gertrude Mary Cox (19001978) Kate Fenchel (19051983) Irmgard FluggeLotz(19031974) hilda geiringer von mises (18931973) Sophie Germain http://www.mjc-andre.org/pages/amej/evenements/cong_02/part_suj/fiches/femmes.ht
Extractions: Grace Chisholm Young (18681944) This book includes essays on 43 women mathematicians, each essay consisting of a biographical sketch, a review/assessment of her work, and a bibliography which usually lists most of her mathematical works, a few works about her, and occasionally a few other references. The essays are arranged alphabetically by the women's best-known professional names. A better arrangement would have been by the periods within which the women worked; an approximation to that can be achieved by using the list in Appendix A of the included women ordered by birthdate. With its many appendices and its two good indexes, the bibliographic structure of this book is excellent. This together with its reviews of the work of many less-known women mathematicians makes it a valuable contribution to the history of mathematics.
HISTORIA MATHEMATICA VOLUME 20, PAGES 343471, NOVEMBER 1993 343 hilda geiringervon mises, Charlier Series, Ideology, and the Human Side of theEmancipation of Applied Mathematics at the University of Berlin during the http://www.math.uu.nl/ichm/hm/20343471.html
Extractions: Previous , by Jean-Claude Martzloff (Joseph W. Dauben) ................................................... 437 ABSTRACTS ............................................................. 447 INDEX OF AUTHORS OF ARTICLES AND REVIEWS IN VOLUME 20.......................................................... 466 INDEX OF AUTHORS OF PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED AND ABSTRACTED IN VOLUME 20........................................... 467
Extractions: ART: Salvatore Dali DeChirico Rodin Magritte ... Modeglian i BIO / BIOCHEM: PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) Genetics BUSINESS: On-Line Marketing Capital Markets More on Marketing Time Management ... Chinese Economy CARS: BMW SAAB Luxury Cars Automotive Links COMPUTER RELATED: Computer History Alan Turing and Computing Computers and Law Creating Web pages ... CREATIVITY and INNOVATION ELECTRONICS: TTL (Transistor-Transistor Logic) Electronic Circuit Design CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide-Silicon) NEW ** DIRECT CONNECT **
Cynthia Lanius' Presentation: Girls And Science 2000 Olive Clio Hazlett, Lorna Mary Swain. hilda geiringer von mises, Cecilia Krieger.Sof ja Aleksandrovna Janovskaja, Nola Haynes. Marguerite Lehr, Gertrude Blanch. http://math.rice.edu/~lanius/pres/oame/gtech2000x3a.html
Extractions: Girls and Science 2000 Throughout history, rare women became mathematicians. Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia (1646-1684) Emilie du Chatelet (1706-1749 Maria Gaetana Agnesi (1718-1799) Caroline Herschel (1750-1848) Sophie Germain (1776-1831) Mary Fairfax Somerville (1780-1872) We begin to see progress influence of women's movement. Nineteenth Century Ada Byron Lovelace Florence Nightingale Mary Everest Boole Susan Jane Cunningham Elizaveta Fedorovna Litvinova Christine Ladd- Franklin Sofia Kovalevskaya Ellen Amanda Hayes Hertha Ayrton Ida Metcalf Charlotte Angas Scott Charlotte Barnum Alicia Boole Stott Ruth Gentry Winifred Edgerton Merrill Leona May Peirce Helen Abbot Merrill Clara Eliza Smith Clara Latimer Bacon Annie MacKinnon Fitch Grace Chisholm Young Isabel Maddison Mary Frances Winston Newson Emilie Norton Martin Agnes Baxter Virginia Ragsdale Louise Duffield Cummings Lao Genevra Simons Roxana Hayward Vivian Elizabeth Dickerman Anna Irwin Young Suzan Rose Benedict Charlotte Elvira Pengra Grace M. Bareis
Indice Cron. Delle Donne Matematiche Goldie Prentis Horton (1819) Olive Clio Hazlett (1890-1974) Lorna Mary Swain(1891-1936) hilda geiringer von mises (1893-1973) Cecilia Krieger (1894-1974 e soc/Elenco cronologico.htm
Matematikos Istorija 1819); Olive Clio Hazlett (1890-1974); Lorna Mary Swain (1891-1936);hilda geiringer von mises (1893-1973); Cecilia Krieger (1894 http://www.emokykla.lt/mokymas/tinklapiai/matematika/istorija.html
Extractions: Senovës matematikos istorija http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/index.html Ðioje svetainëje sukaupta daugybë medþiagos matematikos istorijos klausimais. Svetainæ sukûrë Ðkotijos Ðv. Andrëjaus universiteto Matematikos ir statistikos mokykla. Tekstai paraðyti aiðkia, graþia anglø kalba, todël gali bûti panaudoti integruojant matematikos pamokas su anglø kalba. Patraukliai ir ádomiai apraðyta daugiau kaip 1000 matematikø, pateikiami jø portretai, trumpai pristatomi esminiai darbai. Yra ávairiø ádomybiø, pavyzdþiui, prie kiekvieno mokslininko spragtelëjus pateiktà nuorodà rodoma jo gimimo diena. Matematikø biografijos pateiktos sugrupuotos pagal abëcëlæ ir pagal gyvenimo metus. Manau, kad matematikø biografijø iðsamus ir vaizdus pateikimas yra vertingiausia ðios svetainës dalis. Ir ypaè ádomu, kad kiekvienam matematikui pateikiamas þemëlapis, kuriame nurodomos jo ir kitø þymiø matematikø gimimo vietos. Pateiktas nemaþas garsiø istoriniø temø skyrius (apie 40 temø). Èia galima rasti medþiagos viktorinoms, olimpiadoms, arba norint paávairinti kai kuriø temø pamokas, pavyzdþiui, kalbant apie trigonomerines funkcijas ar skaièiaus
Liste Historischer Mathematischer Habilitationen Von 1810 Bis 1933 Translate this page 36, Pollaczek, geb. geiringer, hilda (1893-1973), Über starre Gliederungen vonFachwerken. (von mises, Bieberbach, Schmidt, Schur), Die Grenzwertsätze der http://dochost.rz.hu-berlin.de/listen/histhabillist.php3?sec=ALLE
GRG 6 - Rahlgasse Wien forschen 16.10.2003, 9 Uhr 30 hilda geiringer von mises. http://www.ahs-rahlgasse.at/tagebuch/index.php?p=7&c=1
Women In Math: Biographies G. G. geiringer von mises, hilda (18931973) geiringer von mises, hilda Gentry,Ruth(1862-1917) Germain, Sophie(1776-1831) Germain, Sophia (1776- 1831) Sophie http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~wmnmath/People/Biographies/G.html
Extractions: Publications AMS Notices Special Issue on Women in Mathematics, Notices of the American Mathematical Society 38 no. 7 (1991), 701-754. Black pioneers in mathematics, Focus 1991 no. Jan-Feb . Grace Brewster Murray Hoopper, mathematician and computer softwared designer known as the mother of COBOL., in Particular Passiosn; Talks with Women Who Have Shaped Our Times, L. Gilbert and G. Moore, Eds., 1981), 58-63. Julia Robertson: Functional equations in arithmetic, Association for Women in Mathematics Newsletter (1988), 2-3. Math teacher Delores Wilkins dies at age 61, Washington Post, 1995, May 14, (1995) Sec B, p6 col4.
Randomness Everywhere Computably Enumerable Reals And measuretheoretical pr.. (context) Calude, Chit - 1988 1 Edited and Complementedby hilda geiringer (context) - von mises, of et al. - 1974 http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/calude00randomness.html
Citations Hilda Geiringer Von Mises - Richards (ResearchIndex) JL Richards, hilda geiringer von mises (18931973) in Women of Mathematics, LSGrinstein and PJ Campbell, eds., Greewood Press, Westport, 1987, pp. 41-46. http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/context/2136046/0
DMV Translate this page Pöschl, Theodor (1882-1955), 73, 170-175. Pollaczek-geiringer, hilda (1895-1973)später hilda von mises, 71, 189. Prager, William (1903 -), 72, 182. http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/DMV/archiv/pinl_u.html
Historia Mathematica, Volume: 20, Issue: 4, November, 1993 hilda geiringervon mises, Charlier Series, Ideology, and the Human Side of theEmancipation of Applied Mathematics at the University of Berlin during the http://else.hebis.de/cgi-bin/sciserv.pl?collection=journals&journal=03150860&iss
List Of Mathematicians - Information 1777 1855); hilda geiringer von mises (1893-1973); Gerhard Gentzen(Germany, 1909 - 1945); Sophie Germain (France, 1776 - 1831); Joseph http://www.book-spot.co.uk/index.php/List_of_mathematicians
Extractions: The famous mathematicians are listed below in English alphabetical transliteration order (by surname Table of contents: A B C D ... Z Asger H. Aaboe Niels Henrik Abel (Norway, Ralph H. Abraham (USA, University of California, Santa Cruz John Couch Adams Petrus Apianus Jean-Robert Argand (France, Yoriyuki Arima (Japan, Vladimir Igorevich Arnol'd Wilhelm Ackermann (Germany, Maria Gaetana Agnesi (Italy, Lars Valerian Ahlfors , (Finland, Ahmes , (Egypt, roughly around 17th century BC Jean le Rond d'Alembert (France, Abu Ja'far Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi (Persia, Alexander Anderson (Scotland, André-Marie Ampere , (France, Apollonius of Perga (Asia Minor, 265 B.C. 170 B.C. Antoine Arbogast (France, Archimedes (Syracuse, 287 B.C. 212 B.C. Aristotle (Greece, 384 B.C. 322 B.C. Vladimir Arnol'd (Russia, Emil Artin (Austria, Michael Artin (USA?, - ) Arzachel (Al-Zarqali) (Muslim Spain, Michael Francis Atiyah (Britain
Hilda image saint seiya hilda valkyrie hilda whitby chester hilda comix erotic hilda doolittleheat hilda dr hilda hutcherson geiringer hilda mises von artist hilda http://www.midnightcollector.com/cherished-teddies/hilda.shtml
Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent 25 Richard von mises (1957) Probability, Statistics, and Truth, 2nd revised Englishedition, prepared by hilda geiringer, New York The Macmillan Company, pp. http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/links/doi/10.1111/1468-0114.00163/enhancedabs/
Extractions: Home An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie A cookie is a small amount of information that a web site copies onto your hard drive. Synergy uses cookies to improve performance by remembering that you are logged in when you go from page to page. If the cookie cannot be set correctly, then Synergy cannot determine whether you are logged in and a new session will be created for each page you visit. This slows the system down. Therefore, you must accept the Synergy cookie to use the system. What Gets Stored in a Cookie? Synergy only stores a session ID in the cookie, no other information is captured. In general, only the information that you provide, or the choices you make while visiting a web site, can be stored in a cookie. For example, the site cannot determine your email name unless you choose to type it. Allowing a web site to create a cookie does not give that or any other site access to the rest of your computer, and only the site that created the cookie can read it. Please read our for more information about data collected on this site.
Online Encyclopedia - List Of Mathematicians 1777 1855); hilda geiringer von mises (1893-1973); Gerhard Gentzen(Germany, 1909 - 1945); Sophie Germain (France, 1776 - 1831); Kurt http://www.yourencyclopedia.net/List_of_mathematicians.html
Extractions: The famous mathematicians are listed below in English alphabetical transliteration order (by surname A B C ... Z Charles Babbage (United Kingdom, John Baez Alan Baker (Britain, Stefan Banach (Poland, Grigory Isaakovich Barenblatt (Russia, USA, Charlotte Barnum Isaac Barrow (England, Thomas Bayes (England, Eric Temple Bell (Scotland, USA, Jakob Bernoulli (Switzerland
¿Qué Es La Base De Datos FILOS? Translate this page Richard von mises, Probability, Statistics and Truth. New York,Dover Publications,1957. Segunda edición en inglés preparada y revisada por hilda geiringer. http://minerva.filosoficas.unam.mx/~Modus/MP2/mp2roa.htm