CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Telecommunications Ltd., NOKIA, John von Neumann Computer TCP Congestion Control AlgorithmsRoland Gecse and Ltd.) and Balazs Kotnyek (eotvos Lorand University
Extractions: Budapest, Hungary The IFIP 12th International Workshop on Testing of Communicating Systems (IWTCS'99) is organised by the Technical University of Budapest, ERICSSON Telecommunications Ltd., NOKIA, John von Neumann Computer Society and Conference Tours Ltd. The Technical Committee 6 of IFIP invites you to participate in their international workshop on Testing of Communicating Systems in Budapest, Hungary, 1-3 September 1999. The aim of the workshop is to provide opportunities to bring together researchers and practitioners in the field of testing of communicating systems. The workshop will consist of presentations of reviewed and invited papers, tool demonstrations and discussion sessions. Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to: Types of testing: Conformance testing, Interoperability testing, Performance and QoS testing, Embedded testing, Certification and harmonization Phases of the testing: Test case generation, Means of testing, Test execution, Test result analysis
STAFF, VISITORS, AND COLLABORATORS visitor) Christian Guillemot James Hurrell roland Madden (deputy Tamas Prager; EotvosLoran University; 917 June Han von Storch; Max-Planck Institute; 4 July
Eseminars-200202html, News/events/calendar/seminar/2002 Tuesday, Febuary 5, 2002 1030 am, Building H, Room VR3 FROM BARON roland VONEOTVOS TO LOCKHEEDMARTIN GRAVITY GRADIOMETRY SOME APPLICATIONS . Herr Prof.
GG Presentation, NASA Conference On Fundamental Physics Indeed, the whole history of EP testing, from the pioneering experiments of Rolandvon Eötvös in Budapest at the turn of the century to the modern, careful
Extractions: References Abstract "GALILEO GALILEI" (GG) is a proposal for a small, low orbit satellite devoted to testing the Equivalence Principle (EP) of Galileo, Newton and Einstein. The GG Report on Phase A Study recently carried out with funding from ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana) concludes that GG can test the Equivalence Principle to 1 part in 10 at room temperature. The main novelty is to modulate the expected differential signal of an EP violation at the spin rate of the spacecraft (2 Hz)
Origin Unit's Name (others) - Egyéb Egységek Nevének Eredete Eötvösegység; eotvos unit (E), BÁRÓ EÖTVÖS LORÁND (Hungarian), Baron vonRoland Eötvös (German), (b. July 27, 1848, Pest, Hung.d. April 8, 1919
Extractions: Language: Hungarian , English (Origin of unit's names 3.) (Others) a) SI-ben megengedett (accepted for use with the SI ) liter litre )( l) Latin l itra liter ; en: litre, liter) French : litre tonna metric ton )(t) French: t onne ; en: tun) perc minute )(min) Latin min utus kicsiny En: small hour )(h) Latin h ora ; En: hour) nap day (d Latin: d ies nap ; En: day) year )(a) Latin a nnus ; En: year) kilometre/hour )(km/h) kilo Latin h ora ; En: hour) watthour )(Wh) James Watt Jan. 19, 1736, Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scoland Aug. 25, 1819, Heathfield Hall, (near Birmingham), Warwick, England. Scottish instrument maker and inventor Latin h ora ; En: hour) Celsius-fok degree Celsius o C) Anders Celsius Nov. 27, 1701, Uppsala, Swed April 25, 1744, Uppsala Swedish physicist and astronomer astronomical unit )(au) English a stronomical u nit Latin a stronomia astronomia) ; En:astronomy) + Latin u nitas ; En: unit) parsec parsec )(pc) par allaxis+ sec undum, Greek p (parallaxis) En: parallax) + Latin se c undus light year )(ly) English l ight y ear (hectare)(ha) h ecto Latin: a rea ; En: area) gon (gon) Greek gwn a (gonia) En:angle, corner)
Untitled A a an international symbol for year, taken from the Latin word annus. Although Englishspeaking countries will certainly continue to use the traditional symbol yr for most purposes, scientists use
Extractions: Past Is Prologue (Study History) "Gravity is the 4th Dimension because physical matter itself is 4-Dimensional. As Einstein proved and the institution of academic physics(presently insists it) acknowledged sixty-five years and five months ago (as of 10/'76 when this discourse was publicly delivered, at San Francisco CityCollege). "Consider the physical definition of an expanding field. The singular definition for all expanding field systems is: 'A measurable and definable area or system of or within space, which is inherently and constantly growing larger (or smaller). "Such definable field areas of space may have any number of dis-similarities. But all manifestations of expanding field energy have in common one inevitable characteristic. Consider the comparative relationship of two otherwise totally un-related fields. Specifically, we will compare the qualities of an ex-panding field of sound with that of an expanding field of electro-magnetism - which is light. (Refer p. 49, Illustrations 5 and 6)
Extractions: Phys. Rev. Lett. Phys. Rev. A Phys. Rev. B Phys. Rev. C Phys. Rev. D Phys. Rev. E Phys. Rev. ST AB Rev. Mod. Phys. Phys. Rev. (Series I) Phys. Rev. Volume: Page/Article: Previous article Next article Issue 21 contents View Page Images or PDF (668 kB) [ Buy this Article R. A. Ferrell , H. Schmidt , F. Schwabl Received 24 April 1967 The absence of a characteristic length at the lambda temperature T lambda of liquid helium is used to determine the wave-number dependence of the phase fluctuations and the second-sound dispersion relation omega ak where omega and k are the frequency and wave number and a cm sec T T lambda singular temperature variation for second-sound damping ( lambda ) and the thermal conductivity ( lambda URL:
Extractions: Phys. Rev. Lett. Phys. Rev. A Phys. Rev. B Phys. Rev. C Phys. Rev. D Phys. Rev. E Phys. Rev. ST AB Rev. Mod. Phys. Phys. Rev. (Series I) Phys. Rev. Volume: Page/Article: MyArticles: View Collection Help (Click on the to add an article.) Previous article Next article Issue 11 contents View Page Images or PDF (751 kB) [ Buy this Article I. Nagy, A. Arnau, and P. M. Echenique