Timeline Of Gravitational Physics And Relativity discovers the Lorentz transformations ; 1889 roland von eotvos uses a torsionfiber balance to test the weak equivalence principle to 1 part in one billion; http://www.guajara.com/wiki/en/wikipedia/t/ti/timeline_of_gravitational_physics_
Extractions: Timeline of gravitational physics and relativity Galileo Galilei induces the period relationship of a pendulum from observation (according to later biographer). - Galileo Galilei invents a hydrostatic balance for measuring specific gravity - Galileo Galilei formulates modified Aristotlean theory of motion (later retracted) based on density rather than weight of objects. - Galileo Galilei conducts experiments on pendulum motion. - Galileo Galilei conducts experiments with inclined planes and induces the law of falling objects. - Galileo Galilei arrives a mathematical formulation of the law of falling objects based on his earlier experiments. - Galileo Galilei discovers the parabolic arc of projectiles through experiment. Ismael Bullialdus suggests an inverse-square gravitational force law. Isaac Newton introduces an inverse-square universal law of gravitation uniting terrestrial and celestial theories of motion and uses it to predict the orbit of the Moon and the parabolic arc of projectiles.
ScopertaConquista Translate this page E. Niglutsch e B. Wagner con G. e B. Bernard. 20 lug. 1878 Croda Rossa di Sesto(2965m). roland von eotvos con Michel Innerkofler. ? ? 1878 CIMA UNDICI (3092m). http://web.tiscali.it/abcdolomiti/ScopertaConquista.htm
Extractions: Quando il Monte Bianco era già diventato una montagna alla moda (fu conquistata nel 1786 da Jacques Balmat e dal Dottor Paccard), il mondo dolomitico era ancora completamente sconosciuto. Il velo dignoranza cominciò ad essere eliminato grazie alla guida Das land Tirol (1837) di Beda Weber e soprattutto dalla guida edita nello stesso anno a Londra da Murray ed intitolata A handbook for travellers in southern Germany Da un passo di detta guida si capisce perché subito essa destò linteresse su questa parte di Alpi Orientali: ...Alcune (montagne di dolomite) hanno vette slanciate e cime che sergono come pinnacoli ed obelischi arditi; mentre altre si estendono in creste seghettate e dentellate, simili alla mandibola irta di zanne di un alligatore. Pareti alte molte migliaia di piedi incombono verticali sulla valle, squarciate da profondi canaloni; esse sono assolutamente brulle, spoglie da ogni vegetazione e hanno per lo più una colorazione giallastra o biancastra. (...) Talvolta assumono la forma di torrioni; in altri casi le guglie sono così numerose , appuntite, sottili e ravvicinate, da poterle paragonare ad un fascio di baionette o di spade... Affascinati e incuriositi da tali descrizioni
Timeline GravitaÄnà Fyziky A Relativnost 1889 roland von eotvos pouívá kroutící vláknovou rovnováhuk pokusu slabá rovnocennost princip k 1 cásti v jednom bilionu; http://wikipedia.infostar.cz/t/ti/timeline_of_gravitational_physics_and_relativi
Biography-center - Letter V Mathematicians/von_Dyck.html; von Eötvös, roland wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/eotvos.html;von Helmholtz, Hermann http://www.biography-center.com/v.html
Extractions: random biography ! Any language Arabic Bulgarian Catalan Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Turkish 205 biographies Vaca, Alva Nuñez Cabeza de
Eponyms eotvos unit, roland, Baron von Eötvös (18481919), Hungarian physicist.epicure; Epicurean, Epicurus (341-270BC), Greek philosopher. http://users.tinyonline.co.uk/gswithenbank/eponyms.htm
Extractions: Eponyms An eponym is a word derived from the name of a real, fictional, mythical or spurious character or person. Most eponyms originate from a person's surname: boycott , for instance, from the Irish landlord Captain Charles Cunningham Boycott; dahlia , from the Swedish botanist Anders Dahl; the sousaphone , from the American bandmaster John Philip Sousa; and volt , from the Italian physicist Count Alessandro Volta. Many eponymous words come from literary, biblical or mythological sources: malapropism , from Mrs Malaprop in Sheridan's The Rivals Dickensian , from the English writer Charles Dickens; as old as Methuselah , from the age of the Old Testament patriarch; and aphrodisiac , from the Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite. There are thousands of eponyms in everyday use in English today and study of them yields a fascinating insight into the rich heritage of the world's most popular language and its development. Here are some more examples of names that have been immortalised in such a way.
MusicaBona | Classical Music Shop | Roland Dyens Translate this page Durufle Maurice (1902-1986) Dyens roland (*1955) Eccard 1530?) Enescu George (1881-1955)eotvos Peter Falla Ferdinand (1670?-1746) Flotow von Friedrich (1812 http://www.dvorak.musicabona.com/cdshop3/dyens01.html
Venetoimage - NOTE DI STORIA Translate this page di Lavaredo, le baronessine Ilona e rolanda von eotvos (Croda da fu la volta di vonGlanvell e von Saar che Nel 1924 due Tedeschi roland Rossi e Felix Simon http://www.venetoimage.com/NoteStoria2.html
Extractions: Finita questa prima lunghissima epoca che aveva come spettatori solo i primi dinosauri e fiere che oggi non ci appartengono, ne è iniziata un' altra tra queste montagne dove l'uomo partecipò in prima persona prima sporadicamente nel Paleolitico (Campon di Monte Avena 30.000 A.C.), (Tomba e Ripari in Val Cismon 10.000 A.C.), nel Mesolitico (bivacco del Colbricon 9000 c.A.C.) e Plan de Frea (Val Gardena) poi con i primi cacciatori che salivano nei prati alti. A testimonianza abbiamo l'interessante sepoltura di Mondeval in Val Fiorentina, sotto il Pelmo sopra i 2000 metri (5000 c. A.C.). Da questo momento tra queste cime incantatrici e l'uomo che le percorse nacquero fantastiche leggende che incredibilmente dalla notte dei tempi giunsero oralmente alla fine del 1800 e poi grazie alla raccolta di Karl Felix Wolff fino a noi. Ecco che da quella lontana epoca dei cacciatori del neolitico ci giunge Spina de Mul (scheletro di mulo) una figura che sta tra lo sciamano e il mago dall' aspetto raccapricciante con la parte anteriore ricoperta da una pelle e la parte posteriore solo di ossa nude. Abitava in una grotta nei Lastoni di Formin e possedeva la Rajetta una pietra spendente con poteri magici. Tsicuta che abitava sul Megòn de Megòjes l'attuale Monte Migògn sopra Sottoguda, pure essa maga, era sua sorella ed aveva al suo servizio un corvo parlante. Spina de Mul girava di notte per i boschi e nessuno osava avvicinarlo finché una volta al Lec de Lìmedes presso il Nuvolau fu ferito e messo in fuga da un giovane guerriero del popolo dei Duranni, Ey
CURRICULUM VITAE awards Imre Brody Prize, roland eotvos Physical Society of Hungary, 1984; rolandEötvös Prize Steigerung der Wärmeübergangszahl von Glasorberflächen. http://www.banki.hu/szervezeti_egysegek/cra/BitoJanos/BitoJanos_en.htm
Extractions: CURRICULUM VITAE of János F. Bitó Date: 25. November, 2002 Name: Prof. Janos F. Bito D.Sc. Nationality: Hungarian Present address: Korompai utca 22/A H-1124 Budapest, Hungary E-mail: jbito@zeus.banki.hu Fax: Phone: Date of birth: 21.July, 1936. Marital status: married (two children) Knowledge of languages: Mother tongue: Hungarian Others: English (read, write, understands easily, speaks fluently) German (read, write, understands easily, speaks fluently) Russian (read, write, understands easily, speaks fluently) Education: "Radnoti Miklos" Secondary School, Szeged (Maturity Exam, general); "József Attila" University, Szeged (Faculty of Natural Sciences), Physics, Mathematics, University Diploma (M.Sc.); Doctor of Natural Sciences (Dr. Rer. Nat.) with qualification "summa cum laude", "József Attila" University, Szeged; PhD, at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Science (D.Sc.), at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), Budapest; Publications: About 200 scientific papers (number of citations: 97) and 5 university guidebooks, over 200 papers and 5 books for science propagation in the fields as follows: electron and plasma physics, optoelectronic sensors, optical signal processing, physical foundations of robot control strategies, kinematics of robot arm movement, robot application, planning of robotized systems, social and economic effects of robotization, modelling and simulation of assembly and painting robots and their environment, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) research for control and pattern recognition tasks, application of Information and Communication Technology.
IAD - International Association For Danube Research LIBRARY Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de roland eotvos nominataeSection Biologica Tomus 4. 1961. (Danubiali a Hungarica, XL) von Dr. G http://www.iad.gs/content/library/artikel/artikel8.php
Extractions: (10% of the original article (introduction and methodology and summary of results) processed by computer translation and one quick proof reading) Dr. G. Szemes The pontoons of the Danube ports, the different water constructions are all visibly (macroscopically) covered well developed alga carpets. There are almost no places at the berth areas which would be free from alga coatings.
KSU: Chronology Carl Neumann, Ludwig Sohncke, Friedrich Meyer, Woldemar Voigt, roland eotvos, LudwigHesse From 1849 to 1855 the prominent naturalist Hermann von Helmholtz (1821 http://www.albertina.ru/eng/?id=5
Hungarian Stamps 468-479 roland eotvos, 18481919, distinguished physicist and inventor of the eotvosPendulum for Michaly Munkacay (Michael von Munkacsy) 1844-1900, a http://www.hungarianphilately.org/intro_stamps/Intro_sectional/468_479.htm
List Of People By Name: E Eichhorn, Hermann von?, German soldier; Eichmann, Adolf, (19061962), German SS Germanpoet; Eormenric?, (534-564), King of Kent; eotvos, roland?, (1848-1919 http://www.fastload.org/li/List_of_people_by_name:_E.html
Extractions: Home Up List of people by name A B C ... D E F G H I ... Eadbald of Kent , (616-640), King of Kent Eagan, Seamus[?] , musician Eakins, Thomas , (1844-1916), painter Eames, Lord[?] Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland Earhart, Amelia , (1897-1937), US aviator Earle, Steve , (born 1955), songwriter, musician Earle, Sylvia[?] , biologist Eastman, George , (1854-1932), roll film Easton, Charles F.[?] , poet Easton, Sheena[?] Eastwood, Clint , (born 1930), film director Eaton, Timothy , (1834-1907), founder of Eaton's department stores Eaubonne, Françoise d' , (born 1920) Ebbers, Bernie[?] , CEO (former) of WorldCom - largest bankruptcy in world history Ebbinghaus, Hermann Eberhart, Richard[?] , poet Ebert, Friedrich , (1871-1925), First President of the Weimar Republic (SPD) Éboué, Félix[?] Echaurren, Federico Errázuriz[?] , Chilean president Echevarria, Lydia actress Echols, Damien , criminal Echols, Damien , criminal Eck, Johann Eckert, John Presper , computer developer Eckhart, Meister[?]
List Of Physics Topics Emergent complexity? ?; Energy; Energy level ?; Engineering;Enthalpy ?; Entropy; eotvos, roland von?; EPR paradox; Equationof http://www.fastload.org/li/List_of_physics_topics.html
1993 UIUC TOURNAMENT TOSSUP QUESTIONS By CHICAGO A Edited By axis. Answers WEAK EQUIVALENCE PRINCIPLE; Baron roland von eotvos;perihelion shift of Mercury, gravitational lensing B14. (3020 http://quizbowl.stanford.edu/archive/ill93/ill93a_chi_a.txt
Extractions: ********************************************************************** 1993 UIUC TOURNAMENT TOSSUP QUESTIONS by CHICAGO A Edited by Sendhil Revuluri With contributions from Messrs. Edward, Sheahan, and Wang T1. Born in 1879 of mixed Welsh and English ancestry, this man is considered one of the greatest authors of the twentieth century. His writings are known best for their attention to moral, ethical, and human values, as well as their evocative descriptive scenes in England, Italy, and India. Name this man who has enjoyed recent popularity due to the movies of James Ivory and Ismail Merchant. Answer: E. M. FORSTER T2. The people who answered his ad thought they were being recruited for a study of memory and learning at Yale. These subjects were asked to administer increasing electric shocks to a "victim" to see if it would aid his learning ability. In reality, there were no shocks, and what was being tested was the subjects' willingness to follow orders. Name the man who performed this 1963 psychology experiment, "Behavioral Study of Obedience." Answer: Stanley MILGRAM T3. Approximately 90% of thoroughbred horses are descendants of a single Arabian stallion brought to Britain in the late eighteenth century. This horse also lends his name to the award for thoroughbred Horse of the Year. Name the horse, the award, or the name of the astronomical phenomenon caused by the temporary concealment of one celestial body by another. Answer: ECLIPSE T4. Thomas Lovejoy of the Smithsonian Institute led the mass resignation of a special scientific advisory board that he believed was hurting his reputation as well as those of the other members. What they were overseeing is a curiosity that receives 230,000 visitors a year and collects $4 million in gift shop purchases. This project funded by billionaire Ed Bass was supposed to be a closed environment, but it has repeatedly broken that goal. Name this supposedly self-contained world in Oracle, Arizona. Answer: BIOSPHERE 2 T5. He was the last man to be imprisoned in the Tower of London, having been detained there during World War II. He is better known, however, for spending the last 40 years of his life as the last occupant of another European prison. Name this Nazi leader, who when he died was the only inmate of Berlin's Spandau prison. Answer: Rudolf HESS T6. The four sections of his last major work are entitled, "Why I am so wise," "Why I am so clever," "Why I write such good books," and "Why I am a destiny." Name this less-than-humble philosopher, whose final work was "Ecce Homo." Answer: Friedrich NIETZSCHE T7. A protege of the famed geneticist Thomas Hunt Morgan, this man believed that the percentage of genetic recombinations had some relation to the physical distances between gene loci. Using his theory, he began mapping chromosomes in 1913 by defining one map unit as the distance that would give one recombinant organism per 100 eggs. Who is this man whose maps helped prove that genes are located on chromosomes at fixed positions? Answer: A. H. STURTEVANT T8. His first opera, "Le Devin du Village," was an instant success when it debuted in 1753 and for a short time he was the most popular composer in France, but he soon after abandoned music altogether and never wrote another opera. To many, this action was seen as an attempt to reconcile his life with the philosophical principles of his "Discourse on the Sciences and Arts," in which he criticized the culture of grand operas like the one he had just written. Name this composer, philosopher, and novelist, the author of "Emile" and "The Confessions." Answer: Jean-Jacques ROUSSEAU T9. Alfred Uhry was born in Atlanta and went to Brown University. He then went to New York to become a lyricist. His musicals include "Here's Where I Belong," "America's Sweetheart," and "The Robber Bridegroom." But it was his first nonmusical play that brought him popular attention as well as the 1988 Pulitzer Prize in Drama and the 1989 Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay. Name this work, which portrays the relationship of an elderly woman and her driver. Answer: "DRIVING MISS DAISY" T10. When this residence was raided in 1986, among the things found were medical equipment for the ex-President's kidney problems, 500 black brassieres, and a few thousand more famous items. What is the name of this residence, former home to former President Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines, his wife Imelda, and many pairs of shoes? Answer: MALACANANG Palace T11. Jack Miller, Marguerite Tate, Marcella Lawrence, Martha Ruwart, Lois Hawes, Sherry Miller, Marjorie Wantz, and Janet Adkins have one thing in common they all had the same doctor. Name the physician whom they shared a thorn in the side of the state of Michigan. Answer: Jack KEVORKIAN T12. Built in 1912, this ornate New York building has long been a cultural mecca and locus of popular political and social activism. In the 1920s, Marcus Garvey's United Negro Improvement Association used the hall to welcome those arriving in the Great Migration. In the 1930s the Transport Workers Union was established there. Later, a young Gregory Hines danced there. However, the building is most famous as the site of the assassination of Malcolm X in February 1965. Name this building that shares its name with a prominent American naturalist? Answer: AUDUBON BALLROOM T13. His 1977 Clarinet Concerto is only such work to enter the American repertory in the last half of the 20th century. His acclaimed Symphony No. 1 of 1990, an elegy for friends who died from AIDS, is one of the most important orchestral pieces of the last decade. Name this American composer whose opera The Ghost of Versailles was recently staged by the Met. Answer: John CORIGLIANO T14. Ruled by the Mensheviks after the Russian Revolution, the secession of this nation from the Russian Empire and its independence from the USSR were both solemnly recognized by Lenin and the Russian Bolsheviks in 1920. Though its independence lasted longer than that of its neighbors, it would soon return to the orbit of Moscow: at the urging of the Bolshevik leaders Sergo Ordzhonikidze (ord-joe-ni-KID-zeh) and Josef Stalin, it was invaded early in 1921 and annexed to the Soviet Union. Name this former Soviet republic and non-member of the CIS, the birthplace of both Ordzhonikidze and Stalin. Answer: GEORGIA T15. This nation covers an area about twice the size of the District of Columbia and has a population of about 200,000, almost half of whom are under 15. It is predominantly Sunni Moslem, and its main language is Divehi, a Sinhalese dialect. Name this nation of 19 atolls and over 1000 islands, most of which are uninhabited, located in the Indian Ocean, with its capital at Male. Answer: MALDIVES T16. Janis on bass, Zoot on sax, Floyd Pepper on guitar, Dr. Teeth on keyboards, and, of course, Animal on drums. In what musical group do all these gifted musicians play? Answer: DR. TEETH AND THE ELECTRIC MAYHEM T17. He began his musical career with the violin, but turned to the guitar for rehabilitation after his left hand was badly injured in a caravan fire. The unusual two-fingered technique this Belgian gypsy developed as a result contributed to his substantial influence on contemporary jazz guitar style. Name this founding member of Le Hot Club de France who toured the U. S. with Duke Ellington's orchestra in 1946. Answer: Jean Baptiste "Django" REINHARDT T18. Dr. Marion Tinsley defeated the computer program Chinook by a score of 4 victories to 2 in the most recent World Championship match of this board game. Name this game that involves kings, but not queens, and captures, but not castles. Answer: CHECKERS (accept draughts) T19. Josip Broz Tito, Jean-Paul Sartre, Karl Doenitz, Vladimir Vysotsky, Sanjay Gandhi, Henry Miller, Reza Pahlavi, Tex Avery, Peter Sellers, Archbishop Oscar Romero, and Steve McQueen. In which year did all these men die, a year which also saw the deaths of John Lennon and 36 victims of Mt. St. Helens? Answer: 1980 T20. In the late 1970s and early 80s, he was known in Hollywood primarily for his screenplays, including those for "Conan the Barbarian," "Year of the Dragon," "Scarface," and "Midnight Express," for which he won an Oscar. Although he has been directing films since 1970, only in the late 1980s did he become successful in this capacity. Since 1986 he has been nominated three times for best director, winning twice. Name this director of "Salvador," "Talk Radio," and "JFK." Answer: Oliver STONE T21. When gas in a tube carries current, it glows. 19th century physicists investigating this phenomenon concluded that the glow was caused by rays coming from the negative pole in the tube, which led to the name they gave these rays. What is this name that is retained today in the terminology of computer monitors? Answer: CATHODE rays T22. "Island Son." "Night of the Hunter." "Shogun." "Wallenberg: A Hero's Story." "The Thorn Birds." "Dream West." "The Bourne Identity." what "King of the Miniseries" starred in all these TV programs, and first gained fame in the title role of "Dr. Kildare?" Answer: Richard CHAMBERLAIN T23. In the Book of Zechariah, the prophet sees a "flying scroll; its length is 20 cubits, and its breadth 10 cubits." If one were similarly inspired today, however, one might prefer more conventional units of measurement. To within one inch, how many inches are in one cubit? Answer: 17 or 18 INCHES (17.49) T24. Last February, 90 million viewers watched Oprah Winfrey interview the self-proclaimed King of Pop, Michael Jackson. Among the various issues brought up in the interview, one of the most astounding was that Jackson revealed that he did not bleach his skin, but that he suffers from a skin disease that makes his skin look white. Name this condition that blocks the skin's ability to produce pigment. Answer: VITILIGO ********************************************************************** 1993 UIUC TOURNAMENT BONUS QUESTIONS by CHICAGO A Edited by Sendhil Revuluri With contributions from Messrs. Edwards and Wang B1. (30 points) The science of taxonomy is much more complicated than Kingdom, Phylum and Class. There are several other taxa used to classify living things. For five points each, match the following six classifications of Homo sapiens with the taxa of which they are an example; for example, Animalia would match Kingdom. a. Vertebrata 1. Tribe b. Theria 2. Subfamily c. Unguiculata 3. Infraorder d. Catarrhini 4. Cohort e. Homininae 5. Subclass f. Hominini 6. Subphylum Answers: 1-F, 2-E, 3-D, 4-C, 5-B, 6-A B2. (30-20-10 points) Name the American author from his novels. 30: "Long After Midnight", "A Medicine for Melancholy", and "The Golden Apples of the Sun" 20: "Dandelion Wine", "The Illustrated Man", and "The Halloween Tree" 10: "The Martian Chronicles", "Something Wicked This Way Comes", and "Fahrenheit 451" Answer: Ray BRADBURY B3. (30 points) These two men have been called two of the most similar Justices to ever sit on the Supreme Court of the United States of America. Not only were they both thoughtful legal thinkers known best for their dissents, they were also related and shared the same name. The grandfather served from 1877-1911 while the grandson served from 1955-1971. For 20 points, give their full shared name and for ten points more, name the famous dissent the elder Justice is best remembered for. Answers: JOHN MARSHALL HARLAN, PLESSY V. FERGUSON B4. (25 points) Born in 1875, his exposure to Western political ideas in his early schooling led him to join the Independence Club and later to be imprisoned for six years. After his release, he went to the United States and studied at Princeton, which isn't much different from prison. He hung around long enough to earn a doctorate and be converted to Christianity, and then returned to Korea as a YMCA worker. When the Japanese annexed the country, he returned to the U. S. and was elected president of the Korean government-in-exile in 1919. When the U. S. gained control of South Korea after World War II, he returned and was elected the first president of the Republic of Korea in 1948. Name this staunch anti-Communist who was forced to resign amid student protests in 1960, after winning his fourth consecutive term as president. Answer: Syngman RHEE B5. (30-20-10 points) Name the musical group, given the following clues. 30: Although they were not very active in the 1980's, they produced two albums in that decade: "Famous Last Words" (1982) and "Brother Where You Bound" (1985). 20: This group was originally bankrolled by a Dutch millionaire named Sam, who heard some of its members playing in a Munich club called The Joint. Sam underwrote their experimental albums, "Indelibly Stamped" and another which bore the group's name. 10: They are best known for the album "Breakfast in America," which includes the hits "The Logical Song," "Goodbye, Stranger" and "Take the Long Way Home." Answer: SUPERTRAMP B6. (30 points) He is probably most famous in the scientific community for his reformulation of quantum mechanics known as the "pilot wave" theory. However, he also made fundamental contributions to the consideration of the philosophical implications of basic quantum principles, perhaps best laid out in "Causality and Chance in Modern Physics". However, refusing to testify before the House Unamerican Activities Committee got him "blacklisted", and he was forced to leave Princeton in 1950. He taught in Brazil and then in London until his retirement. Name this recently-deceased physicist who tried to keep modern physicists from becoming dogmatic about quantum mechanics. Answer: David BOHM B7. (30 points) Anyone who's taken a physics class has probably seen footage of the spectacular oscillation and collapse of a bridge in high winds in Washington state in 1940. 1. For 15 points, the wind blowing across the bridge caused standing waves in the bridge that increased in amplitude until the bridge broke up. What physical principle does this illustrate? 2. For another 15, name this unfortunate bridge. Answers: RESONANCE; TACOMA NARROWS Bridge B8. (30 points) There are 3 grips commonly used in competitive table tennis. For 10 points each: 1. Which grip commonly used by Americans and Europeans involves extending the index finger? 2. Which grip commonly used by Asians involves gripping the paddle as one would grip a writing implement? 3. This grip is named for its inventor, the longtime Dean of US table tennis and dominant US player of the 1970's and 80's. Answers: SHAKEHANDS; PENHOLD; SEEMILLER grip B9. Name the authors of the following seminal works in the study of religion for ten points each. You'll be given the year for some extra help. 1. "Varieties of Religious Experience" (1902) 2. "The Idea of the Holy" (1917) 3. "The Sacred and the Profane: The Nature of Religion" (1957) Answers: Henry JAMES; Rudolf OTTO; Mircea ELIADE B10. (30 points) The bombing of the World Trade Center has made Americans much more aware of incidents of terrorism aimed at Americans at both home and abroad.Given a description of a terrorist attack, tell where it occured for ten points each. 1. On December 27, 1985, these two European cities experienced attacks at their airports, killing five Americans. Name the cities for five points each. 2. A bomb destroyed a disco in this city and an American serviceman was killed. This attack led to President Reagan's attack on Libya in 1986. 3. FALN, a Puerto Rican independence group, bombed the TWA terminal at this airport in 1975, killing eleven people. Name the airport. Answers: ROME and VIENNA; WEST BERLIN; LA GUARDIA B11. (30 points) Name these playwrights given one of their works for five points each. 1. You Never Can Tell 2. The Barber of Seville 3. The Seagull 4. Under Milk Wood 5. The Doctor in Spite of Himself 6. Murder in the Cathedral Answers: George Bernard SHAW; BEAUMARCHAIS; Anton CHEKOV; Dylan THOMAS; MOLIERE; T. S. ELIOT B12. (25 points) For five points each and a five point bonus for all four, name the main parts of a steel plow. You'll get short descriptions to help you. 1. This part precedes the main body of the plow, and acting as a wedge, creates a furrow by making a vertical cut in the soil. 2. This part follows the coulter and also acts as a wedge, making a horizontal cut and freeing the top layer of soil. 3. Attached to the share, this part also acts as a wedge to lift and turn the layer of soil freed by the share. 4. This part is fixed to the side of the moldboard and slides along the vertical wall of the furrow to move the layer of soil outward. Answers: COULTER; SHARE or plowshare; MOLDBOARD; LANDSIDE B13. (30 points) When a reporter remarked to Sir Arthur Eddington that only three people in the world understood relativity, he replied, "Who's the third?" Hopefully things have improved since then, and you'll have a chance of answering these questions about relativity for ten points each. 1. This principle states that all bodies in the same gravitational field fall with the same acceleration, regardless of mass or composition. 2. This Hungarian baron was an important experimental physicist in the early development of relativity for his tests of the weak equivalence principle. Experiments testing this principle are now named after him. 3. Identify the two phenomena of the folllowing that are actually believed to result from general relativity: perihelion shift of Mercury, expansion of the universe, gravitational lensing, chaos in orientation of Mars' axis. Answers: WEAK EQUIVALENCE PRINCIPLE; Baron Roland von EOTVOS; perihelion shift of Mercury, gravitational lensing B14. (30-20-10 points) Name the author from novels. 30: "The Mystic Masseur", "Miguel Street", "The Middle Passage", and "Mr. Stone and the Knight's Companion" 20: "In A Free State", "The Loss of El Dorado", "The Suffrage of Elvira", and "The Mimic Men" 10: "A House for Mr. Biswas" and "India: A Million Mutinies Now" Answer: V. S. NAIPAUL B15. (30 points) The tune "Here Comes the Bride" is familiar to us all, but do you know its origins? 1. For ten points, name the composer who created the tune titled the "Bridal Chorus." 2. For another ten points, for what opera did Wagner create this tune? 3. For a final ten, the Bridal Chorus was first used during a wedding ceremony when a daughter of Queen Victoria married Prince Frederick William of Prussia. Which daughter? Answers: Richard WAGNER; "LOHENGRIN"; VICTORIA B16. (25 points) Stars and stripes of various shapes and colors are very common motifs on national flags. A less common object on national flags is the wheel. For five points each, name the four nations that have wheels on their national flags. Answers: AFGHANISTAN, ANGOLA, INDIA, MYANMAR (do NOT accept Botswana, Bulgaria, or Burma) B17. (25 points) Gagarin and Glenn get all the glory, but he was the first person of neither American nor Soviet citizenship to fly in space or orbit the Earth. This son of the deputy defense minister of Czechoslovakia was born in 1948 and attained the rank of captain as a jet pilot. On March 2, 1978, he and Soviet Commander Aleksei Gubarev were launched into space aboard Soyuz 28, after which they docked with the space station Salyut 6 and conducted a week of joint space research. Name this first Czechoslovakian cosmonaut. Answer: Vladimir REMEK B18. (30-20-10 points) Name the artist from his works. 30: Aristotle Contemplating the Bust of Homer, Presentation in the Temple 20: Descent from the Cross, Jacob Blessing the Sons of Joseph, Conspiracy of Julius Civilis 10: The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp, The Night Watch Answer: REMBRANDT Harmenszoon van Rijn B19. (30 points) Born in Russia, he was raised in Chicago and studied at the U. S. Naval Academy and at Columbia University. During World War II, he was the head of the electrical section of the Navy's Bureau of Ships and later became convinced of the possibility of nuclear-powered naval vessels. He was put in charge of the Navy's nuclear power program and the Atomic Energy Commission's naval reactor branch, and later directed the planning and construction of the Nautilus submarine. Meanwhile, he criticized the efficacy of the American educational system, writing, among other works, "American Education: A National Failure" in 1963. Name this admiral whose many accomplishments earned him the nickname of "Father of the Nuclear Navy." Answer: Admiral Hyman George RICKOVER B20. (25 points) Ringo Starr may have been many things, but he wasn't a very prolific songwriter. Of all the Beatles' songs, only two were written by Ringo Starr. 1. For five points, under what name are Ringo's songs credited to him? 2. For 10 points each, name Ringo's two songs. If you answer incorrectly, I'll give you the albums they appear on as another clue and you'll get five points each. [The albums are The Beatles (The White Album) and Abbey Road.] Answers: Richard STARKEY; DON'T PASS ME BY, OCTOPUS'S GARDEN B21. (30 points) Modern popular and rock musicians tend to have weird nicknames. For five points each, given the group that a musician is a part of and his role, give his strange name. Normal names need not apply (i. e., will not be accepted). 1. Marillion: vocals 2. Red Hot Chili Peppers: bass 3. Dead Kennedys: vocals 4. Mothers of Invention: drums 5. Guns n' Roses: drums 6. and of course, back by popular demand, it's: Dread Zeppelin: vocals Answers: FISH; FLEA; JELLO BIAFRA; MOTORHEAD SHERWOOD; DUFF; TORTELVIS B22. (30 points) Only three American cyclists have ever won stages of the Tour de France. Name them for ten points each from the following clues: 1. The first American to win a stage, this cyclist and husband of Connie Carpenter won a stage for the 7-11 team. 2. His stunning time trial victory on the final day won him the 1989 Tour by 8 seconds, the narrowest margin of victory ever. 3. This Motorola rider's win on the prestigious Alpe D'Huez climb in 1992 was the first ever American victory in a mountain stage. Answers: Davis PHINNEY; Greg LEMOND; Andy HAMPSTEN B23. (30 points) How much do you remember about the Golden Age of music? We are referring to, of course, the early 80's. Identify these 3 early 80's groups after the lead singer for ten points, or after a hit song for five points. You may guess after each clue. 1. lead singer: Mike Score song: "Space Age Love Song" 2. Kevin Rowland "Come On Eileen" 3. Mike Reno "Workin' for the Weekend" Answers: A FLOCK OF SEAGULLS; DEXY'S MIDNIGHT RUNNERS; LOVERBOY B24. (30 points) The Kennedy family has been called the First Family of America. No matter what you think of them, it is hard to argue that any family has had more of an impact on this country than they have. Of course you are familiar with Joseph and Rose Kennedy's sons John, Robert, and Edward, but they had six other children as well. For five points each, give the first names of the other children of this generation. Answers: JOSEPH JR., KATHLEEN, ROSEMARY, EUNICE, PATRICIA, JEAN **********************************************************************
Units: E In proper SI terms, the eotvos unit equals 10 9 per second squared (s -2 ).The unit honors the Hungarian physicist roland von Eötvös (1848-1919). http://www.unc.edu/~rowlett/units/dictE.html
Extractions: Using the Dictionary E a mathematical unit used as the base of "natural" logarithms and exponentials. The real number e is irrational, which means that its decimal expansion is infinite and non-repeating. To 25 significant digits e equals 2.718 281 828 459 045 235 360 287. Of the many properties of this number, the most important is that the rate of change in the function e x is equal to the value of the function itself. As a result, the larger the value of this function is, the faster the function grows: the behavior we call "exponential growth." The Swiss mathematician Leonard Euler (1707-1783) introduced the symbol e , probably because it is the first letter of the word "exponential." Other mathematicians continued to use the letter in his honor. It is sometimes called the Euler number.
Hungary Stamps 1941 6 filler Dave Schwartz; Ferdinand von Zeppelin; 8 filler Thomas A. Edison; 10filler Louis Bleriot; 100th Anniversary Birth Baron roland eotvos. HUN1948G27. http://www.philately.com/philately/hungary_1945.htm
Extractions: 10 filler on 1 filler 20 filler on 3 filler 30 filler on 4 filler 40 filler on 6 filler 50 filler on 8 filler 1 pengo on 10 filler 150 filler on 12 filler 2 pengo on 18 filler 3 pengo in 20 filler 5 pengo on 24 filler 6 pengo on 50 filler 10 pengo on 80 filler 20 pengo on 1 pengo Varieties: Yellow Surface Tinted Paper Yellow Surface Tinted Paper Yellow Surface Tinted Paper Yellow Surface Tinted Paper Yellow Surface Tinted Paper Yellow Surface Tinted Paper Yellow Surface Tinted Paper Yellow Surface Tinted Paper Yellow Surface Tinted Paper Yellow Surface Tinted Paper Yellow Surface Tinted Paper Yellow Surface Tinted Paper Yellow Surface Tinted Paper Designer: ; Printer: ; Type: - ; Size: ; Arrangement: ; Paper: Blue surface tinted; Perforation: 11.5; Watermark: ; Gum: - ; Color and Printing Method: Multicolored Lithography; Quantity: - ; Tagging: - ; Marginal Markings: - 1+1 pengo Andreas Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Designer: ; Printer: ; Type: - ; Size: ; Arrangement: ; Paper: ; Perforation: 11.5; Watermark: ; Gum: - ; Color and Printing Method: Multicolored Lithography; Quantity: - ; Tagging: - ; Marginal Markings: -
Www.werkzeug-forum.de - Der Treffpunkt Rund Um Werkzeuge & Co. Translate this page Küpper Werkstatt-Einrichtung. 1 von roland roland@eotvos.de, 28.02.2002155148. 4 von roland roland@eotvos.de, 04.03.2002 142758. http://www.werkzeug-forum.de/index.asp?content=ViewThread&ViewThread=196&area=
Www.werkzeug-forum.de - Der Treffpunkt Rund Um Werkzeuge & Co. Translate this page 5 von roland roland@eotvos.de, 07.03.2002 102630. Ich war auch eineganze Weile hin- und hergerissen. Facom, Hazet, oder eben Proxxon. http://www.werkzeug-forum.de/index.asp?content=ViewThread&ViewThread=199&area=
Oversikt Over EPS Biografier Avogadro, Amedeo Italian, eotvos, roland Hungarian, Lagrange, Comte Joseph L. French/Italian,Roentgen Dorothy C. British, Noether, Amalie Emmy German, von Laue, Max http://www.norskfysikk.no/nfs/epsbiografer/
Extractions: Alfven, Hannes Olaf Gosta Swedish Dalton, John British Kamerlingh Onnes, H . Dutch Planck, Max Karl German Ampere, Andrie Marie French De Broglie, Louis Viktor French Kapitza, Peter L. Russian Poincare, Jules Henri French Angstrom, Anders J. Swedish Dirac, Paul British Kastler, Alfred French Popov, Aleksandr S. Russian Arago, Dominique F. French Doppler Christian J. Austrian Kelvin, Lord British/Irish Ptolemy, Claudiu s Greek/Egyptian Archimedes Greek/Sicilian Ehrenfest, Paul German Kepler, Johannes German Pupin, Michael Idvorsky Serbian/American Aristotle Greek Einstein, Albert German Kirchhoff, Gustav R. German Roemer, Ole Christensen Danish Avogadro, Amedeo Italian Eotvos, Roland Hungarian Lagrange, Comte Joseph L. French/Italian Roentgen, Wilhelm Conrad German Bachmetjew, Porphiry Bulgarian Faraday, Michael British Landau, Lev Davidovich Russian Sakharov, Andrei D. Russian Bacon, Roger British Fermi, Enrico Italian Laplace, Marquis P.S. French Rutherford, Ernest New Zealand/British Becquerel, Antoine H.E.C.