Didaskalia - Journal treatises on music by Aristoxenus, as reflected in later works by Bacchius, Allypius,and Aristides Quintilianus; Euclid, theon of smyrna; Nicomachus of Gerasa http://didaskalia.open.ac.uk/issues/vol1no5/west.html
Extractions: Compuserve: 74365.236@Compuserve.com After several attempts to write this review I finally gave up trying to do justice to this prodigious work. This volume could aptly be titled 'Everything You Ever Thought You Might Like to Know about Ancient Greek Music and Then Some.' Encyclopedic in scope and completely authoritative, it is unlikely there will be a volume to equal this soon. As if this were not enough, West's style is also readable even fun, and only intimidating when one is confronted with the vast amount of scholarship required to complete this book. It strikes the reader as the work of a true aficionado, whose love of the subject transcends pedantry. Because so few actual notated musical scoresfour songs and a handful of fragmentshave survived from ancient times, it is common to assume that Greek musical tradition is essentially lost to modern analysts. West points out that this impression is the result of viewing Greek music from a the standpoint of 18th and 19th Century Western musicology. By viewing ancient Greek music as an ethnomusicologist would, he gets much farther in his analysis. Indeed, his accomplishment is a miracle of deduction and compilation. He assembles bits and pieces of material from literary sources, etymological reconstruction, ethnographic analogy, and historical analysis. Through these processes he is able to construct a comprehensive picture showing ancient Greek musical life to have been rich and varied.
Aristarchus Of Samos 6, pp. 922F923A; cf. Heath, Aristarchus of Samos, p. 304. theon of smyrna(ed. Hiller) p. 200, 7-12. Cf. Heath, Aristarchus of Samos, p. 304. http://www.varchive.org/ce/orbit/arisam.htm
Extractions: The first of the Greek philosphers and mathematicians to unravel the celestial plan and announce the discovery was Aristarchus of the isle of Samos. Others before him assumed that the Earth is a sphere and that it moves, but he was the first to formulate plainly the heliocentric theory, the scheme which has the Sun in the center. Aristarchus lived from about the year 310 before the present era to about 230, and among the geometers he succeeded Euclid and preceded Archimedes. In -288 or -287 he followed Theophrastus as the head of the Peripatetic School established by Aristotle. Whatever his scientific argument may have been, he accused Aristarchus of an act of impiety. Plutarch wrote in his book Of the Face in the Disc of the Moon (De facie in orbe lunae) We do not know whether there was any actual court action and verdict; however, we know that a verdict of judges, even if unanimous, could not make the Sun a satellite of the Earth. Not even a scientific tribunal can do this, not even if it is presided over by Archimedes and the most illustrious men of the generation sit as judges. Aristarchus had no followers in his generation, nor in the next generation. About a century after Aristarchus, Seleucus, a Chaldean of Seleucia on the Tigris, who lived and wrote about the year 150 before the present era, adopted the teaching of Aristarchus.
Who's Who Thales. Theaitetus. Themistius. Theodorus. Theodosios. theon of Alexandria. theonof smyrna. Theophrastos. Theopompos. Thessalus. Thucydides. Thumaridas. Timokharis. http://www.swan.ac.uk/classics/staff/ter/grst/Who's who.htm
Extractions: Who's who Please note: Ancient Greek names may be transliterated into English letters in several different ways. If you do not find the name you seek first time, try changing 'c' to 'k', 'y' to 'u', 'e' to 'i', 'u' to 'o' and/or final 'm' to 'n'. This page is under development; all of the people mentioned will have their own page in due course. Some of the pages which exist are still under development. The mathematicians are well done at the University of St Andrews MacTutor site here . See also Siris' pages here DSB as a reference is the Dictionary of Scientific Biography Aelian Aesop Aetius Aetius of Amida Agatharkhos Agatharkhides Agathinus Agrippa ... Aiskhulos al-Andalusi, Saïd (C11 AD) Alexander of Aphrodisias Alexander the Great Alexander of Myndos Alexander of Tralles ... Apollonios of Perga Apollonius Mys Aratus Archelaos Archimedes Archutas ... Asklepiades Asklepiads of Cos, Knidos, Rhodes Asklepiodotos Athenaeus Attalus III Augustine Augustus (Octavian) (63 BC-AD 14) Autolycos Bede Boethus Bolos Caelius Aurelianus Caesar, Gaius Julius (100-44 BC) Calcidius Capella Cato , Marcus Porcius, of Tusculum (234-149 BC) Celsus Cercidas of Megalopolis (C3 BC) Cicero, Marcus Tullius, of Arpinum (106-43 BC)
Theon Von Smyrna Translate this page PhilSearch.de. Shops. PhiloShop. PhiloShirt. Service. Philosophie-Zitate fürIhre HomePage. Kontakt. Impressum. eMail. theon von smyrna (1. Hälfte des 2.Jh.). http://www.philosophenlexikon.de/theon1.htm
Extractions: Frauen in der Philosophie Diskussion PhilTalk Philosophieforen Andere Lexika PhilLex -Lexikon der Philosophie Lexikon der griechischen Mythologie PhiloThek Bibliothek der Klassiker Zeitschriftenlesesaal Nachschlagewerke Allgemeine Information ... Dokumentenlieferdienste Spiele Philosophisches Galgenraten PhilSearch.de Shops PhiloShop PhiloShirt Service Kontakt Impressum eMail powered by Uwe Wiedemann
Philosophenlexikon.de theon von Alexandreia; theon von smyrna;Theophrastos von Eresos; Thierry, Augustin; Thierry von Chartres; http://www.philosophenlexikon.de/index-tt.htm
Extractions: Frauen in der Philosophie Diskussion PhilTalk Philosophieforen Andere Lexika PhilLex -Lexikon der Philosophie Lexikon der griechischen Mythologie PhiloThek Bibliothek der Klassiker Zeitschriftenlesesaal Nachschlagewerke Allgemeine Information ... Dokumentenlieferdienste Spiele Philosophisches Galgenraten PhilSearch.de Shops PhiloShop PhiloShirt Service Kontakt Impressum eMail [a] [b] [c] [d] ... [z] T powered by Uwe Wiedemann
Bibliography theon, of smyrna, fl 250, Mathematics useful for understanding Plato by theon ofsmyrna / translated from the 1892 Greek/French edition of J. Dupuis by Robert http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/bibliography/display.cgi?start=T&
Grace F Knoche I Mindre Asien skriver theon av smyrna om fem grader i initiationscykeln (1) denförberedande reningen som företas därför att deltagande i mysterierna http://hem.fyristorg.com/teosofi/TeosofiskaBokforlaget/Mysterieskolorna/06_Initi
Extractions: Kapitel 6 Initiationernas gradindelning Mathematics Useful for Understanding Plato , s 8-9 och Isis , 1:xiv-xv, 2:101). corax, cryphius miles leo perses heliodromus pater , "fader", den fullt initierade (se Meyer, The Ancient Mysteries, A Sourcebook , s 200-201 och ET, 2:864). matsya kurma varaha nara-simha vamana Parashu-Rama Ramayanas Krishna Buddha Kalkin Vishnu Purana
Källor Och Förkortningar Bookshelf, San Diego 1978. theon av smyrna Mathematics Useful for UnderstandingPlato, Wizards Bookshelf, San Diego 1979. The Vishnu Purana http://hem.fyristorg.com/teosofi/TeosofiskaBokforlaget/Mysterieskolorna/Kallor_o
A Cortina Da Noite - Astronomia Amadora Translate this page Este trabalho foi exaustivamente utilizado por theon de smyrna quando este escreveuExposito rerum mathematicarum e, apesar Platonicus se ter perdido theon de http://www.astrosurf.com/nc/biografias/eratostenes.html
História theon de smyrna;. Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss. theon ofsmyrna. Aproximadamente 70 - 135. Pouco se sabe da vida deste Matemático. http://www.educ.fc.ul.pt/semtem/semtem99/sem26/historia.htm
Extractions: História Nesta página referimos alguns nomes que estiveram directamente relacionados com os números triangulares. Foram os gregos que deram nome aos números triangulares, formando-os adicionando sucessivamente os termos da série 1+2+3+4+5+... Verificamos que o estudo sobre os números triangulares remonta acerca de 569 a.C.. Destacamos os gregos Pitágoras e Theon que iniciaram o estudo acerca destes números, estudo esse que foi mais tarde completado por Gauss e Cauchy. É sobre estes Matemáticos que apresentamos uma resumida biografia e o seu contributo no tema dos Números Triangulares. Matemáticos que estudaram os Números Triangulares: Pitágoras de Samos; Theon de Smyrna; Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss Augustin-Louis Cauchy Pitágoras de Samos Aproximadamente 569 a. C. - 475 a. C. A doutrina e a vida de Pitágoras, desde os tempos da antiguidade, jaz envolta num véu de mistério. Pitágoras que significa o Anunciador pítico (Pythios), era filho de Menesarco e de Partêmis, ou Pythaia. Tendo esta, certa vez, levado o filho à sacerdotiza Pítia de Delfos, esta vaticinou-lhe um grande papel, o que levou a mãe a devotar-se com o máximo carinho à sua educação. Consta que Pitágoras, que desde criança se revelava prodigioso, teve como primeiros mestres a Hermodamas de Samos até os 18 anos, depois Ferécides de Siros, tendo sido, posteriormente, aluno de Tales, em Mileto, e ouvinte das conferências de Anaximandro. Foi depois discípulo de Sonchi, um sacerdote egípcio, tendo, também, conhecido Zaratos, o assírio Zaratustra ou Zoroastro, em Babilónia, quando de sua estada nessa grande metrópole da antiguidade.
Astrologia En Sitio Hispano: Numerologia Translate this page Según theon de smyrna, los pitagóricos veían los números como la fuente dela forma y la energía del mundo dinámicos y activos incluso entre ellos http://www.sitiohispano.com/numerologia/quees.asp
Extractions: Por Mariano Mendez* Para ver el significado de los números, oprime aquí La Numerología, es el estudio del valor cualitativo del número aplicado al ser humano y a su entorno. Se utilizan las letras del alfabeto convertidas a números a través de una sencilla tabla para asignar un valor numérico a los nombres. También utiliza los valores de la fecha de nacimiento. ¿Para qué sirve? La Numerología básicamente nos dice, cómo somos, con que venimos a este mundo y cómo será el camino donde nos encontraremos más a gusto. Tiene por un lado una vertiente psicológica y otra mántica o predictiva. Nos permite poner sobre el papel y de una forma separada nuestro interior, para que analizando las partes una a una tengamos una imagen racional de nuestro yo más abstracto, nuestra mente. Es una herramienta de conocimiento interior más, que se pone a nuestro alcance. Con gran agudeza y claridad en algunos casos, por ejemplo el Número de Equilibrio, que nos dice cual será nuestra reacción para recuperar el equilibrio en caso de haberlo perdido. O cómo algo que requiere de interpretación en función de nuestra, educación, medio ambiente cotidiano o nivel económico, como es nuestro Número de Personalidad Global, que nos habla de cómo nos desenvolveremos en este mundo, aunando nuestro interior y la relación con nuestro entorno.
Vivianus 1573 Translate this page theon von smyrna (um 117) kommt in seiner Auseinandersetzung von mathematischenDingen, die bei der Lektüre Platos nützlich sind, in bemerkenswerter Weise http://www.wilhelmkruecken.de/VIVIANUS/MetaSol.htm
Extractions: Die Metaphysik der Sonne Lage der Sonne im typus selbst wird von Gerhard Mercator in den Kosmographischen Gedanken Seine Vorstellungen - im typus wie in den Kosmographischen Gedanken Lassen wir Gerhard Mercator Im Kapitel II.12 der Kosmographischen Gedanken Da nun diese Welt gleichsam Gerhard Mercator beruft sich hier auf Vorstellungen, die u.a. von den Stoikern (von den "Alten Physikern") und in der Folge ihrer Timaios -Auslegung von den aber auch noch von den Theologen im Mittelalter oder in der Renaissance z.B. von Pico vertreten worden sind. Vom Timaios und den Vorstellungen der Stoiker her aber ist die Analogie der beiden " Schon Cicero ) schrieb in De re publica: Die Sonne ... [ist]
Die Hellenistische Philosophie Translate this page theon von smyrna (2. Jh. n.Chr.). Mathematiker. Seine Schrift über dasMathematische bei Platon hat sich erhalten. Celsus Platoniker. http://www.gottwein.de/Eth/philos04.htm
Extractions: Neuplatonismus und Vorl¤ufer Alle Schulen der hellenistischen Philosophie Stoizismus Epikureismus Skeptizismus ) hatten dem Menschen die Gl¼ckseligkeit (εá½Î´Î±Î¹Î¼Î¿Î½á½·Î±) in Aussicht gestellt, falls er sich gegen die Welt und ihre Leiden mit der Tugend (á¼ÏεÏá½µ) wappne. Dieser Versuch konnte jetzt als gescheitert gelten: Der Mensch konnte aus eigener Kraft offensichtlich sein Gl¼ck nicht erreichen. Er war erl¶sungsbed¼rftig und auf die Hilfe (Gnade) Gottes angewiesen. Ekel und Flucht vor der Unheilbarkeit der Welt und ein unb¤ndiges Erl¶sungsbed¼rfnis bestimmten den Zeitgeist. - Die Philosophie beantwortet diese Bed¼rfnisse mit einer Tendenz zum Religi¶sen (Theosophie): einerseits mit einem schroffen Dualismus zwischen Gott und der Welt, andererseits mit dem Gedanken des Mittlers zwischen beiden Bereichen. Diesen Mittler konnte die eklektizistische Philosophie in den platonischen Ideen, in dem stoischen Logos oder in verg¶ttlichten Gestalten (D¤monen) finden.
Delta Mathematics Links Binomial coefficient calculator. 28. Surds. Transcendental numbers. theon ofSmyrna spreadsheet. 29. Quadratics. The Golden ratio 1. The Golden ratio 2.32. http://www.mathematics.co.nz/Links/delta_mathematics_links.htm
Extractions: Delta Mathematics links The links listed here are for Delta Mathematics Second edition that was published in November 2002. If you wish to submit a new link that relates to material in Delta Mathematics or report any links that are no longer working please email feedback@mathematics.co.nz To navigate quickly to a particular chapter click on its number below: To navigate quickly to a topic area click on a strand below: Differentiation Integration Differential equations Algebra ... Conic sections Basic Algebra Difference of two cubes factorisation A quadratic equation solver The age of Diophantus Functions and their graphs Transformation of function graphs Single variable graph plotter Inverse functions (1) Inverse functions (2) The exponential function and logarithms Graphs of the exponential function The exponential function Calculating the value of e spreadsheet Coordinate geometry Cartesian and polar coordinates Limits and differentiation from first principles Limits of functions Surfing the wave - the graph of the derived function Graph of both the function and the derived function Secants and tangents 1 ... An applet that shows what happens to the gradient when a secant approaches a tangent Differentiation of exponential and log functions The gradient of e x at x = Product and quotient rules
Extractions: What's new at this site on March 25, 1999 Some URLs have been updated. Abbe, Ernst Abbon [Abbo, Albo, Albon (de Fleury, Floriacensis)], St. (c. 945-1004) Abbot, Charles Greeley (1872-1973) Abbott, Francis (1799-1883) Abell, George Ogden (1927-1983) Abetti, Giorgio (1882-1982) Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie (1843-1920) Abraham bar Hiyya Ha-Nasi [Abraham Ben Chaja [Chija]; Abraham Judaeus] (c. 1070-1136(?)) Abraham Ben Dior [Ben David, Harischon; Josophat Ben Levi] (12th c.) Abraham Zachut (15th c.)
Full Chronological Index Translate this page 10 AD - 75) Heron (10 AD - 70) Cleomedes (60 AD - 120) Nicomachus (70 AD - 135) Theonof smyrna (70 AD - 130) Menelaus (78 AD - 139) Heng (85 AD - 165) Ptolemy http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/chronlist.htm
Quellen Des Typus Universitatis schon als eine zulässige, die Erscheinungen rettende Hypothese ausgewiesen http://www.wilhelmkruecken.de/VIVIANUS/Quellen.htm
Extractions: AstronomischeQuellen II 5.1 Der Bibliothekskatalog Zu diesen Konsequenzen neigte Gerhard Mercator Aratos bei Jacob Ziegler kennengelernt hat. Der Bibliothekskatalog von zeigt unter dem Stichwort Libri Politiores = Vermischtes bzw. Libri mathematici weitere, weitaus wichtigere Quellen des astronomischen Aspekts des typus an. Mit Sicherheit hat Gerhard Mercator Arati Phaenomena. Col.[nia] 1569 31: Katalog Vitruvij Plinij lib.2, naturalis historiae. Venetijs 1502 Macrobius .8. Lyon [Chronologiem Lugduni 1542] Capella De nuptiis. Basel 1532 Platonis opera. Basel 1539 Copernicus die Nachrichten vorgefunden, auf die er z.T. schon bei der Vorbereitung seiner Chronologie von schon an die Sonne gebunden " sind.
Claudius Ptolemy The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://episte.math.ntu.edu.tw/people/p_ptolemy/