HISTORICAL THINGS IN NUMBER THEORY Waclaw Sierpinski (MacTutor); Albert thoralf skolem (MacTutor) Fenstad,Jens Erik. thoralf Albert skolem 18871963 A Biographical Sketch. http://www.mri.ernet.in/~mathweb/NTW/N14.html
Extractions: Prizes AMS-MAA-SIAM Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student Andrew Wiles Receives NAS Award in Mathematics ... 1997 Cole Prize (Andrew Wiles) Photos Notes and photos from Oberwolfach : Explicit Methods in Number Theory Meeting, July 22-28, 2001 (William A. Stein)
From Ralph Freese (ralph@math.hawaii.edu) July 1 Not Long Ago hawaii.edu) July 1 Not long ago we discovered that the quasi word problem (ususuallyjust called the word problem) had be solved in 1920 by thoralf skolem. http://www.autoreason.com/lics-tutorial-feedback.txt
Extractions: July 8 David, Thanks for your message and the references. Here is another relevant reference, which extends Skolem's result. Best, Phokion - >From MELVYL@UCCMVSA.UCOP.EDU Tue Jul 8 09:42:18 1997 Return-Path: Received: from uccmvsa.ucop.edu (uccmvsa.ucop.edu []) by lorraine.loria.fr (8.8.5/8.8.5/8.8.5/JCG) with SMTP id JAA18168 for ; Tue, 8 Jul 1997 09:42:15 +0200 (MET DST) Message-Id: Received: from UCCMVSA.UCOP.EDU by uccmvsa.ucop.edu (IBM MVS SMTP V3R1) with BSMTP id 7871; Tue, 08 Jul 97 00:42:15 PDT Received: by UCCMVSA.UCOP.EDU Tue, 08 Jul 97 00:42:07 PDT Date: Tue, 08 Jul 97 00:42:07 PDT From: Melvyl System
Descripteur - 03B15 Translate this page Ouvrage Abstract set theory skolem, thoralf A. (Principal) University ofNotre Dame Notre Dame Mathematical Lectures, 0008 1962 Ouvrage RdC (S). http://bibli.cirm.univ-mrs.fr/Thesaurus.htm&numrec=051919857919160
MAI: Lite Mat The problem of deciding which sets of the form A = 1 n that are classicalskolem sets was solved by thoralf skolem in the late 1950 s. http://www.mai.liu.se/LiteMat/2003/v9-03/
Extractions: Ett informationsblad från matematiska institutionen vid Linköpings universitet. Material till Lite Mat lämnas till Maud Lindström litemat@mai.liu.se senast torsdagar kl 12.00. Vi har dessutom ett arkiv av gamla nummer. ***LITE MAT*** Onsdagen den 5 mars, kl. 13.00-14.00 talar Andreas Bette, KTH syd On spinning objects in (special) relativity Sammanfattning: -A relativistic (twistor) phase space formulation of the dynamics of a spinning electrically charged massive particle in an external electro-magnetic field will be presented. The function used to generate such a dynamics is chosen so that it corresponds to the (second order) Dirac operator.
Extractions: ERLÄUTERUNGEN ZU DEN LITERATURHINWEISEN: 1. FORMALBIBLIOGRAPHISCHE INFORMATIONEN V - Verfasser TI - Titel (hinter "..." evtl. ein Abstract) Z - Zeitschriften-(Festschrift usw.) Titel BD - Band (mögliche Abkürzungen: "S" f. Sonderheft, "J" f. Jahrbuch JG - Jahrgang SE - Seiten DT - Dokumententyp (mögliche Abkürzung: "JO" f. Zeitschrift, "CO" f. Kongressakte, "HO" f. Festschrft, "RE" f. Reader SPR - Sprache des Artikels (mögliche Abkürzungen: die ersten vier Buchstaben der englischen Bezeichnung der Sprache, also z.B. "GERM" für deutsch). 2. INHALTLICHE INFORMATION Eine inhaltliche Erschliessung der Nachweise wurde erreicht durch 1. eine Anzahl dem Text entnommener Sachwörter oder Namen (als sogenannte "Deskriptoren"), 2. die Kennzeichnung des thematischen Zusammenhangs der Deskriptoren, 3. die Angabe der Wichtigkeit der Deskriptoren im vorliegenden Dokument In (035)/Kant, Immanuel (020)/Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon (035) SPR: GERM (freie Naturgesetz (035)/Erfahrung (035)/Deskript.) Relativitätstheorie
Extractions: www.utexas.edu/cola/depts/philosophy/faculty/causey/ www.tandf.co.uk/tfas/ ). The online version is at www.hf.uio.no/filosofi/njpl/ . The online version advertises the print version, soliciting both individual and institutional subscriptions. This ad is not at all obtrusive; in fact, it is easy to miss seeing it. After clicking on "subscriptions" one receives a screen of information including the statement, "For the time being, the electronic edition of NJPL is provided free of charge. If we receive a sufficient number of subscriptions to the paper version, this service will be continued indefinitely." Let us hope that this experiment is successful. The journal was established in 1995 and is currently publishing Volume 4.
Collected Works In Mathematics And Statistics Sierpinski, Waclaw, 18821969, Oeuvres choisies, 3, QA 3 S57 1974, Killam. skolem,thoralf Albert, 1887-1963, Selected works in logic, 1, QA 9 S54 1970, Killam. http://www.mathstat.dal.ca/~dilcher/collwks.html
Extractions: This is a list of Mathematics and Statistics collected works that can be found at Dalhousie University and at other Halifax universities. The vast majority of these works are located in the Killam Library on the Dalhousie campus. A guide to other locations is given at the end of this list. If a title is owned by both Dalhousie and another university, only the Dalhousie site is listed. For all locations, and for full bibliographic details, see the NOVANET library catalogue This list was compiled, and the collection is being enlarged, with the invaluable help of the Bibliography of Collected Works maintained by the Cornell University Mathematics Library. The thumbnail sketches of mathematicians were taken from the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive at the University of St. Andrews. For correction, comments, or questions, write to Karl Dilcher ( dilcher@mscs.dal.ca You can scroll through this list, or jump to the beginning of the letter: [On to B] [Back to Top]
[FOM] Order Type Of Non-standard Models I went to the library last week and got hold of thoralf skolem s Selected Works in Logic , edited by Fenstad. My memory of the http://www.cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/2003-August/007181.html
Another View Of Nonstandard Analysis In 1961, Abraham Robinson based a new way to study limits, continuity, and otheraspects of analysis on thoralf skolem s nonstandard models for Peano http://www.haverford.edu/math/wdavidon/NonStd.html
Extractions: Another View of Nonstandard Analysis William C. Davidon, Haverford College, Haverford PA 19041 wdavidon@haverford.edu ... there are good reasons to believe that nonstandard analysis, in some version or other, will be the analysis of the future. All versions of nonstandard analysis relate standard numbers to others in much the way that numbers like 1/7 and used in exact and symbolic computations relate to numbers like .142857 and 3.14159 used in numerical approximations. While nonstandard integers are too large to be uniquely specified, each has a decimal representatiion with a nonstandard number of digits, and students can compute with these in much the way that they do with standard integers, without reference to any formal theory; e.g. = 97...361. Each nonstandard positive integer exceeds all standard ones, and each has the familiar arithmetic properties of all standard integers; e.g. , each is a product of primes and a sum of four squares. Some mathematicians use Edward Nelson's Internal Set Theory [1977] to classify both standard and nonstandard integers as finite, and hence members of the ordered ring Z of finite integers. Others use a more traditional set theory to classify nonstandard integers as neither finite nor members of
Norske Matematikere Ernst S. Selmer (1920 ). Karl Egil Aubert Diofantiske likninger i norsk matematikk.Ernst S. Selmer 70 år . Normat, 1990. thoralf skolem (1887 - 1963). http://home.hia.no/~aasvaldl/norskem.html
Extractions: Min hjemmeside. Norske matematikere Adresser til norske matematikere Bent Birkeland har samlet en del materiale i "Norske matematikere". Gyldendal Norsk Forlag Professorer i matematikk ved Universitetet i Oslo. Tapir Avdeling for realfag, hjemmeside. ABELSENTERET i Gjerstad "Niels Henrik Abel - et geni og hans samtid" . Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, Oslo (1954). "Niels Henrik Abel: mathematician extraordinary." University of Minnisota Press (1957). de Niels Henrik Abel. - Nouv. ed. Johnson Reprint Corporation (1965). Bilder og kart (kommer ...). Fr. Lange-Nielsen: "Niels Henrik Abel." Nordisk Mat. Tidsskrift. Bd. 1 (1953) pp. 65 - 90. Karl Egil Aubert: "Niels Henrik Abel." Normat nr. 27 (4) (1979) pp. 129 - 140. Aschehoug forlag Et foranskutt lyn: Niels Henrik Abel og hans samtid Oversettelse til engelsk Springer-Verlag , se anmeldelse av Jeremy J. Gray i MAA Online Arild Stubhaug: " Abelhaugen i Slottsparken." Kronikk i Aftenposten, 25.09.96. Niels Henrik Abel side ved MacTutor History of Mathematicians archive.
Extractions: ENCYCLOPEDIA U com Lists of articles by category ... SEARCH : See list of mathematical topics for the purpose and extend of this list. A-C D-F G-I J-L ... P-R - S-U - V-Z Saccheri Saccheri, Giovanni Gerolamo Sadleirian Chair Sainte-Laguë method Salamin-Brent algorithm Saradha, K Sarkovskii's theorem Satge, Philippe Satisfiability Saunderson, Nicolas Sawtooth wave Scalar ... Schneier, Bruce Schnirelmann Schnirelmann, L. G Schnirelmann density Schooten, Frans van Schrödinger, Erwin Schrödinger equation ... Sellmeier equation Selten Selten, Reinhart Semantic network Semi-continuous Semidirect product Semigroup ... Semiprime Semiring Senary Sensitivity Separability Separable ... SHA-1 Shanks, Daniel Shannon, Claude E Shannon capacity Shannon-Fano coding Shannon-Hartley law ... Skew-symmetric matrix Skolem normal form Skolem, Thoralf Slide rule Sliding puzzle Slightly defective number Sloane Sloane, Neil Slope Smale Smale, Stephen Small-angle formula ... Sokhotski, Yulian Vasilievich Soldner's constant Solid Solid angle Soliton Soliton (topological) Solomon, Gustave
À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï Born 6 May 1872 in Sneek, Netherlands Died 20 Nov 1934 in Leiden, Netherlandsskolem, Albert thoralf skolem Born 23 May 1887 in Sandsvaer, Norway Died 23 http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=S
Skolemization y . This rule, called skolemization (after the logician thoralf skolem)is justified in Chapter 8 of Theorem Proving and Algebra. http://www.cs.ucsd.edu/groups/tatami/handdemos/doc/skol.htm
Extractions: Skolemization Suppose we are given a proof task of the form A, ( X)( y)(W)B ] Q where A is some set of formulae, where W is some sequence of quantifiers, where B is a formula that does not begin with a quantifier, and where indicates that the signature involved is Then to achieve this proof task, it suffices to do the proof task A, ( X)(W)P' (y')] Q where ](y') indicates the signature formed from by adding a new function symbol y' , called a Skolem function , with arguments given by X , and where P' is P with each free instance of y replaced by y' This rule, called Skolemization (after the logician Thoralf Skolem) is justified in Chapter 8 of Theorem Proving and Algebra For example, given the proof task (where the variables range over integers) x)( y)(x + y = 0) ] Q . it suffices to prove x)(x + y'(x) = 0) (y')] Q . where y'(x) is the Skolem function (it is the negation function in this case). In many cases the Skolemized form is easier to use. This rule can be applied repeatedly to eliminate all existential quantifiers from formulae to the left of the symbol.
Geschichte Der Mathematischen Logik Translate this page Seine Axiomatisierung der Mengenlehre von 1908 setzte sich durch und wurde bis heutevielfach erweitert - durch Abraham Fränkel, thoralf skolem, Johann von http://www.mathematik.uni-muenchen.de/~zuber/wozu/einstein.html
Extractions: "Kalkül" Begriffsschrift, eine der arithmetischen nachgebildete Formelsprache des reinen Denkens Principia Mathematica zu liefern: "vollständig" Der Formalismus hatte Nahrung bekommen von in der Mathematik der Jahrhundertwende auftretenden Paradoxien, die man einem zu sorglosen Umgang mit den neuen Objekten zuschrieb ( "Grundlagenkrise" Menge aller Mengen, die sich selbst nicht als Element enthalten. (Diese "Menge" Type-Checking als eine der effizientesten Methoden bei der Fehlersuche in Programmen bezeichnet werden. "erster Stufe" Model-Checking Ein etwas anderer Zweig der Beweistheorie, der auf Gentzens Dissertation (Hauptsatz.) M INLOG , einem Prototypen zur Entwicklung garantiert korrekter Software. "Maschinen" Etwa gleichzeitig entwickelte sich eine Kultur des formalen Rechnens, die darauf abzielte, alle berechenbaren Funktionen auf zwei Grundfunktionen, die Abstraktion f x f und die Applikation f x f x , sowie eine einfache Ersetzungsregel f x f x die formalen Regeln der intuitionistischen Logik und Mathematik Logik in der Informatik
Notre Dame Archives Inventory: UDIS Bio S UDIS117/98 (folder) Skoglund, Leonard ?1916-1972 UDIS144/73 - (folder) skolem,thoralf Albert - Math - 1887- UDIS117/99 - (folder) Slake, Edmund C http://www.archives.nd.edu/udis-s.htm
Skolem d Oslo. Outre la théorie des nombres (équations diophantiennes http://www.sciences-en-ligne.com/momo/chronomath/chrono1/Skolem.html
Science/Math/Logic_and_Foundations/Logicians algebra logic computers. URL http//www.thoralf.uwaterloo.ca/ CholakPeter University of Notre Dame recursion theory. URL http http://www.science-and-research.com/Science/Math/Logic_and_Foundations/Logicians