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         Richer Jean:     more books (62)
  1. Sacred Geography of the Ancient Greeks: Astrological Symbolism in Art, Architecture, and L (Suny Series in Western Esoteric Traditions) by Jean Richer, 1994-12-05
  2. Iconologie et tradition: Symboles cosmiques dans l'art chretien (French Edition) by Jean Richer, 1984
  3. Prestiges de la lune et damnation par les etoiles dans le theatre de Shakespeare: Le songe d'une nuit de la mi-ete, Romeo et Juliette, Le marchand de Venise, ... (Theatre et astrologie) (French Edition) by Jean Richer, 1982
  4. L'astrologie: Source d'inspiration, de Hugo a Lorca : psychologie, astrologie et litterature : Nodier, Baudelaire, Gautier, Hugo, Nietzsche, Lorca (French Edition) by Jean Richer, 1996
  5. Geographie sacree du monde grec: Croyances astrales des anciens Grecs (French Edition) by Jean Richer, 1983
  6. Aspects esoteriques de l'euvre litteraire: Saint Paul, Jonathan Swift, Jacques Cazotte, Ludwig Tieck, Victor Hugo, Charles Baudelaire, Rudyard Kipling, ... L'Euvre secrete) (French Edition) by Jean Richer, 1980
  7. Paul Verlaine (Poetes d'aujourd'hui) (French Edition) by Jean Richer, 1990
  8. Oeuvres / texte etabli, annote et presente par Albert Beguin et Jean Richer by Gerard de (1808-1855) Nerval,
  9. Carnet de Dolbreuse: Essai de Lecture par Jean Richer by Gerard de Nerval, 1967
  10. Jean Richer: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Stephen D. Norton, 2001
  11. SCIENTIFIC EXPEDITION OF JEAN RICHER TO CAYENNE 1672-1673 . by John W. Olmsted, 1942-01-01
  12. The Ten Commandments of Financial Happiness: Feel Richer with What You've Got (ISBN#1591840716) by Jean Chatzky, 2003
  13. Gérard de Nerval by Jean Richer, 1972-01-01
  14. Physique chimie 3e, classeur "itinéraires", fichier du professeur + transparents by Jean Grioter, Jean Richer, 1999-08-31

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