The Richardsons Of Harrison County, Kentucky and real estate be sold at public sale to the highest bidder, except about 6 acresof land, more or less, adjoining the lands of lewis richardson and Robt.
Extractions: This is an attempt to collect and clarify the records of the Richardson family of Harrison County, Kentucky. The named is spell various ways, Richardson, Ritcherson, Richeson, etc. The pronunciation is most akin to Ritcherson, and the more formal spelling is Richardson. That is our preferred spelling. The earliest Richardsons found thus far, in this line of the family, were Jonathan and Mary Richardson. The best information about them comes from Marys application for a Revolutionary War Widows Pension, #R8772, found in the National Archives. This writer has added punctuation and corrected spelling to make it more readable: In order to obtain the benefit of third section of the act of Congress, July 4, 1836, State of Kentucky, County of Harrison. Signed Mary (X) Richeson The pension request was denied on the basis of insufficient information. later, on January 18, 1853, E. Mason, a granddaughter of Mary Richardson, deceased, wrote the government. She was aware of the application for the pension, and that it had been denied, but wondered if as an heir she were entitiled to any money. No reply is recorded. The above application provides some useful information. Mary was apparently born in 1759. She married by the beginning of the Revolutionary War in 1776, which would mean that she was about 17 years old at the time. They were from Bohemia Hundred, a section of Cecil County, Maryland.
Y.M.M. Richardson - Isle Of Lewis, UK YMM richardson. Agricultural market research project management. Telephone andfax. Tel (01851) 820793. Fax (01851) 820793. Address. 45 Back Isle of lewis HS2
Genealogy Data Spouse Henry, Cleve Birth 2 JAN 1885 Death 13 OCT 1916 Gender Male. FamilySpouse richardson, lewis Gender Male. Back to Main Page. Rose, David Bowen Jr.
Extractions: Back To DANIEL LEWIS BIO Presentation given by Peg Richardson at the Capital in Tallahassee. REMARKS FOR DANIEL LEWIS FLORIDA ARTS RECOGNITION AWARDS APRIL 4, 2001 Good Afternoon. It is a pleasure to welcome you to Tallahassee, and an honor to be able to present this award on behalf of Secretary of State, Katherine Harris. The Florida Arts Recognition Awards recognize outstanding imitative, leadership, or excellence in supporting culture in Florida. Nominees may be individuals such as patrons, educators, or elected officials, or organizations such as arts groups or corporations. Recipients must have demonstrated a significant contribution to advancements of the arts, in any discipline or field, such as visual arts, performing arts, or arts education either through a lifetime commitment, or a recent major achievement. Nominations are reviewed by the Florida Arts Council and the Secretary of State for approval. The person we are honoring today has amassed a staggering array of accomplishments over the past 35 to 40 years beginning with his graduation from the High School of Performing Arts (The fame School), then from the Julliard School where he subsequently taught on the dance faculty for 20 years. He also served as Assistant to the director of the Julliard Dance Division and Artistic Director of his own New York City based Dance Company for twelve years.
Richardson's Forecast-factory: The The Life and Work of lewis Fry richardson. Adam Hilger, Bristol and Boston, xiv+304pp. richardson, lewis F., 1922 Weather Prediction by Numerical Process.
Extractions: Lewis Fry Richardson served as a driver for the Friends' Ambulance Unit in the Champagne district of France from September 1916 until the Unit was dissolved in January 1919 following the cessation of hostilities. For much of this time he worked near the front line, and during the Battle of Champagne in April 1917 he came under heavy shelling (Ashford, 1985). It is a source of wonder that in such appallingly inhuman conditions he had the buoyancy of spirit to carry out one of the most remarkable and prodigious calculational feats ever accomplished. During the intervals between transporting wounded soldiers back from the front he worked out by manual computation the changes in the pressure and wind at two points, starting from an analysis of the condition of the atmosphere at 0700 UTC on 20 May 1910. Richardson described his method of solving the equations of atmospheric motion and his sample forecast in what has become the most famous book in meteorology, his Weather Prediction by Numerical Process (Richardson, 1922). The unrealistic values which he obtained are a result of inadequacies and imbalances in the initial data, and do not reflect any flaw in his method, which is essentially the way numerical forecasts are produced today.
(Jesse RICHARDSON - Lewis RICHARDSON ) AUG 1876 ) Lee richardson ( - ) Lee Anna richardson ( 19 DEC 1857 - ) Levi richardson( ABT 1850 - ) Levi richardson ( ABT 1879 - ) lewis richardson ( 10 JUN
Lewis-Frazee Team Contacts Administrative Law Judges. Contacts Index. OAH Home. Gwen richardson. Secretary.Phone (410) 2294165. Fax (410) 229-4111. Address 11101 Gilroy Road. Sections of Home Page/Contacts/
Extractions: News Releases Globalization Increases Wages, Productivity, and Growth of American Firms, Workers, and Communities October 11, 2001 Contact: J. David Richardson (202) 328-9000 Washington, DC Why Global Commitment Really Matters! by Howard Lewis III and J. David Richardson. The principal findings of this new research include: The new research also shows that a variety of forms of global activity, such as foreign investment and technology transfer, yield many of the same benefits as had been revealed earlier for exports. The patterns of higher wages, productivity, and growth also: characterize Americans involved with inward and outward global investment seem to characterize Americans who depend on imports for productivity-enhancing components and capital equipment; and
Extractions: Search for Author/Title Keyword Title Author Publisher ISBN Featured Books in All Scholarly Subjects African American Studies African Studies American Studies Anthologies Anthropology Architecture Asian Studies Books on Books Chicago Cinema studies Media Studies Classical studies Critical Theory/Marxism Cultural Studies Geography Performance Studies Science studies Drama Economics Education Environmental studies Feminist theory/Women's study Fiction Folktales French Stuff General Interest Highlights History African African American American East Asia Eastern European European Latin American Medieval Middle East Russian South asian Southeast Asian Historiography Misc. History Humor International relations Journals Just for Fun Latin American/Caribbean St. Law Linguistics Literary Studies Literary Criticism Referenc Literary MOSTLY Theory Literary NOT Theory Mathematics Medicine/Health/AIDS Native American Studies Philosophy Photography Poetry Political Science/Sociology (Post)colonial studies Psychology Reference Foreign language reference General Reference Religious studies Black Theology Buddhist studies Islamic studies Biblical studies - New Test Biblical studies Old Test.
Forecast Factory Weather Prediction by Numerical Process. by lewis F. richardson, BA, FR.Met.Soc.,F.Inst.P. formerly Superintendent of Eskdalemuir Observatory.
Extractions: A 1920's vision of human-computed weather forecasts, from: formerly Superintendent of Eskdalemuir Observatory Lecturer on Physics at Westminster Training College last update: 11 October 1995 E-Mail: ((drop the ^ from the addr ... anti-spam tactic)) (See ^z = Mark Zimmermann for links to my other pages.) Note the final sentence below: "Outside are playing fields, houses, mountains and lakes, for it was thought that those who compute the weather should breathe of it freely." (Chapter 11/2, pages 219-220) Four senior clerks in the central pulpit are collecting the future weather as fast as it is being computed, and despatching it by pneumatic carrier to a quiet room. There it will be coded and telephoned to the radio transmitting station. Messengers carry piles of used computing forms down to a storehouse in the cellar. In a neighbouring building there is a research department, where they invent improvements. But these is much experimenting on a small scale before any change is made in the complex routine of the computing theatre. In a basement an enthusiast is observing eddies in the liquid lining of a huge spinning bowl, but so far the arithmetic proves the better way. In another building are all the usual financial, correspondence and administrative offices. Outside are playing fields, houses, mountains and lakes, for it was thought that those who compute the weather should breathe of it freely.
Pioneer Preacher Profile Isaac Newton Richardson Rebecca Jane richardson James Ennis Milton Empson richardson Thomas Jeffersonrichardson William Winson richardson lewis Clark richardson Obadiah
Extractions: Home page Industria nazionale delle teorbiere ) che ha tra i suoi scopi dichiarati quello di "studiare le torbiere e i loro vari prodotti e usi in maniera scientifica". Nel cercare di risolvere un problema relativo ai tombini di drenaggio dell'acqua piovana, Richardson sviluppa sofisticate tecniche per la risoluzione numerica approssimata di un sistema di equazioni differenziali. Questo esercizio sviluppa nello scienziato un enorme interesse per le applicazioni della matematica, interesse che avrebbe segnato la nascita della moderna meteorologia. Weather Prediction by Numerical Process Arms and Insecurity e Statistics of Deadly Quarrels risultato della misura dipende dalle dimensioni del regolo Un personaggio davvero singolare questo Richardson nella storia della scienza moderna!! pagina pubblicata il 28/01/2002 - ultimo aggiornamento il 01/09/2003
Chronicles Of Narnia Audio Collection By C. S. Lewis, Richardson Ian Chronicles of Narnia Audio Collection by CS lewis , richardson Ian. Chroniclesof Narnia Audio Collection, List Price $50.00. Our Price $34.00.
Lewis Fry Richardson - Anagrams Rearranging the letters of lewis fry richardson gives War s lies horrify CND. !Find out for FREE what is hidden in YOUR name! lewis Fry richardson anagrams.
N A B C - National Association Of Basketball Coaches - Men's Basketball Assistant coach Christopher Graves said in a written statement to police thatRichardson asked where lewis was because he had something for him. .
Extractions: Richardson Resigns As Tennessee State Coach Hosea Lewis Named Interim Coach Jan 9, 2003 NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - Nolan Richardson III resigned as men's basketball coach at Tennessee State University on Wednesday night, two weeks after he was indefinitely suspended for bringing a gun into the school's arena. Richardson, 38, got into an argument with assistant coach Hosea Lewis on Christmas night concerning the time of practice after only four players showed up. Richardson admitted to campus police that he then went to his car and brought a handgun into the Gentry Center, the school's gym. Assistant coach Christopher Graves said in a written statement to police that Richardson asked where Lewis was because he "had something for him."
Convergence | Mathematical Quotations Mathematics of War and Foreign Politics. richardson, lewis Fry (1881 1953). seemore quotations. Mathematical Quotations. richardson, lewis Fry (1881 - 1953).
Extractions: NASHVILLE, Tenn. Tennessee State wants to fire basketball coach Nolan Richardson III, who told campus police after a Christmas night argument with an assistant coach that he had a gun on school property. Richardson, son of former Arkansas coach Nolan Richardson, was indefinitely suspended Dec. 26. Athletic director Teresa Phillips said he was suspended "pending termination proceedings.'' He is "not allowed on the campus premises, nor is he allowed any contact with athletics personnel,'' she said in a statement. Phillips swore out the complaint filed with university police and obtained by The Associated Press on Tuesday. Bringing a weapon on the campus violates Tennessee law and is grounds for immediate dismissal along with fighting. According to the report, the incident started when only four Tigers showed for practice Christmas night. Richardson was upset more players did not attend, and he blamed it on a misunderstanding by assistant coach Hosea Lewis.
Project #1 Fishing In George's Bank References. richardson, lewis F. Arms and Insecurity 1953 Pittsburgh,Boxwood Press. richardson,lewis F. Statistics of Deadly Quarrels.
Extractions: Introduction Lewis Richardson (1881-1953) was a meteorlogist in Britain. A man of wide interests and abilities, he made contributions to science in the areas of meteorology, fluid dynamics, fractals and chaos theory .During World War I, he served for France in their medical corps and saw first hand the horrors of warfare. After the war, he began to analytically think about the arms buildups going on in Europe, being concerned that it would lead to another global conflict. The data he gathered and the mathematical model he developed are the subject of this project. Background Familiarity with solutions of systems and matrix algebra; the notion of a discrete dynamical system. The Model Suppose for sake of discussion we study the behavior of three nations; A,B and C. Suppose nation A is quite aggressive and war prone, nation B a fairly neutral and passive nation (like Switzerland much of this century), and nation C is a reluctant foe of nation A. Suppose we assign variables x, y and z to them respectively, which indicate the amount of arms that each nation has. A convenient unit of measurement is money. The arms level that each nation has at time t=k+1; one unit of time from now; may depend on four general things:
.:: Lewis & Kappes, PC ::. Todd richardson has broad litigation experience, particularly in matters involvingtrade in the energy law and utility regulation practice at lewis Kappes.
Extractions: Education Harvard College, B.A., cum laude in general studies, 1983; University of Michigan, J.D., cum laude, 1986. Bar Admissions Indiana, 1992; Massachusetts, 1986; U.S. Supreme Court, 1997; U.S. Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit, 1991; U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit, 1995; U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit, 1998; U.S. District Court, Southern District of Indiana, 1992; U.S. District Court, Northern District of Indiana, 1994; U.S. District Court, District of Massachusetts, 1987. Publications and Presentations Editorial board, Harvard Lampoon, 1981-83; University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, 1984-86
Fish & Richardson P.C. - Firm Directory lewis E. Hudnell, III. Office New York. Phone 212 7655070. Professionalexperience Associate of Fish richardson PC Joined the firm in 2003.