Encyclopedia: Georg Joachim Rheticus All pages. Everything you wanted to know about All pages but had Görtz. georg Henrik von Wright, georg Herwegh, georg joachim rheticus.georg Joseph Vogler, georg Ludwig von Maurer, georg Lukacs. georg http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Georg-Joachim-Rheticus
Extractions: several. Compare All Top 5 Top 10 Top 20 Top 100 Bottom 100 Bottom 20 Bottom 10 Bottom 5 All (desc) in category: Select Category Agriculture Crime Currency Democracy Economy Education Energy Environment Food Geography Government Health Identification Immigration Internet Labor Language Manufacturing Media Military Mortality People Religion Sports Taxation Transportation Welfare with statistic: view: Correlations Printable graph / table Pie chart Scatterplot with ... * Asterisk means graphable.
Sociedade Da Terra Redonda - Scientia: Astronomia No Renascimento Translate this page circulou apenas entre seus alunos e amigos, dentre os quais encontrava-se o matemáticoe astrônomo austríaco georg joachim von Lauchen (rheticus) (1514-1576 http://www.str.com.br/Scientia/astronomia3.htm
Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: Re: [HM] Rheticus georg joachim rheticus who wrote the introduction to Copernicus work and gotit published in Nuremburg in 1543 is also credited with a posthumous work http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/oct98/0031.html
Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: [HM] Rheticus georg joachim rheticus who wrote the introduction to Copernicus work and got itpublished in Nuremburg in 1543 is also credited with a posthumous work _Opus http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/sep98/0089.html
Vol 6 #2 316. Abstract. georg joachim rheticus (1514-1574) was central to thedevelopment and popularization of Copernicus heliocentric theory. http://www.cultureandcosmos.com/abstracts/vol_6_no_2_rheticus.htm
Extractions: CULTURE AND COSMOS Jesse Krai Rheticus' Poem 'Concerning the Beer of Breslau and the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac', pp. Abstract. Georg Joachim Rheticus (1514-1574) was central to the development and popularization of Copernicus' heliocentric theory. He is most well known for the first published account of the theory, the Narratio Prima in 1539, and his persuasion in obtaining Copernicus' manuscript for publication, De Revolutionibus (1543). Rheticus' poem 'Concerning the Beer of Breslau and the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac', written circa 1542, sheds light on two aspects of Rheticus' early involvement with the heliocentric theory. The poem helps us understand the approach to astrology which would prove decisive in Rheticus' acceptance of the heliocentric theory and offers a glimpse into Rheticus' association with Wittenberg's controversial group of young poets. This relationship significantly injured Rheticus' career and the heliocentric theory in turn.
Nicholas Copernicus Translate this page Em 1539 chegou em Frauenburgo um jovem astrônomo, georg joachim (1514-1574),mas conhecido como rheticus, por ser originário de Rhaetia. http://astro.if.ufrgs.br/cop/
Extractions: Collegium Maius Collegium Maius faz parte da Universidade Jagielonia ( Uniwersytet Jagiellonski Nic. Copernici de Hypothesibus Motuum Coelestium a se Constitutis Commentariolus Rheticus Prima Narratio De Revolutionibus De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium O manuscrito original do livro, De Revolutionibus Revolutionibus Revolutionibus Collegium Maius Collegium Maius ...
OSSIANDER'S PREFACE The printing of the manuscript in Nürnberg was carried out under the general supervisionof georg joachim, known under the Latin name of rheticus, who was a http://condor.stcloudstate.edu/~physcrse/astr106/ossiander.html
Extractions: The Scandal of the Ossiander Preface Nicolaus Copernicus was deathly ill at the time of the printing of his great book on the motions of the earth, De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium De Revolutionibus stating that the concept of the motion of the earth was merely a hypothesis put forward for the sake of easing astronomical calculations. The notion of the moving earth therefore did not need to be taken seriously as something that might actually be true. Ossiander represented the job of astronomy as merely reproducing observations, that is, successfully calculating the apparent location of planetary positions in the sky. This was known as "saving the appearances." Ossiander represented as impossible the task of discovering how the universe is laid out. Because Ossiander's preface was unsigned, it was widely considered to represent the views of the author of the book, Copernicus. Thus it was thought by most in succeeding years that Copernicus himself had not really believed that the earth could move. Thus Ossiander did Copernicus a great disservice. What Ossiander Wrote To the Reader Concerning the Hypotheses of this Work more than four times , and the body of the planet more than sixteen times, as great as at apogee? Yet this variation is refuted by the experience of every age. In this science there are some other no less important absurdities, which need not be set forth at the moment. For this art, it is quite clear, is completely and absolutely ignorant of the causes of the apparent nonuniform motions. And if any causes are devised by the imagination, as indeed very many are, they are not put forward to convince anyone that they are true, but merely to provide a reliable basis for computation. However, since different hypotheses are sometimes offered for one and the same motion (for example, eccentricity and an epicycle for the sun's motion), the astronomer will take as his first choice that hypothesis which is the easiest to grasp. The philosopher will perhaps rather seek the semblance of the truth. But neither of them will understand or state anything certain, unless it has been divinely revealed to him.
Suggested Authors: HIST 320, Renaissance Creativity Phileno (ca. 15001575), theology; rheticus, georg joachim (1514-1574),science; Risner, Friedrich (d. 1580), science; Rio, Martin http://www.isu.edu/~owenjack/rencr/authors.html
Extractions: The project is due on 23 April at 2:30 p.m. You must send it to my e-mail address (owenjack@isu.edu), following carefully the instructions on the project page . In class on 27 January, you will select the author on whose publications you will do research. By 2:30 p.m. on Friday, 7 February, you will mail me (owenjack@isu.edu) a preliminary bibliography. This page provides a list of suggested authors on which to focus for the student research project for J. B. Owens's fall 2004 upper-division course Renaissance Creativity . Questions and comments may be sent to me at my e-mail address (owenjack@isu.edu), or if you prefer, you may send me a message now by selecting this button:
SLS 17th Annual Conference In 1551, georg joachim rheticus (15141576), Copernicuss sole disciple, publishedhis biographical notes, and the first Copernicus portrait appeared 1574 in http://english.ttu.edu/SLS/slsAbstract/Panel_6/ConferenceAbstract_6C.html
Extractions: Austin TX, October 23-26, 2003 Conference Schedule Conference Streams Home 'In Timeí and Beyond: Ottheinrich, Science, and Art Lisa Kirch Department of Art and Art History, University of Texas at Austin This paper sheds light on the early-modern intersection between art and science. It looks at the patronage of Ottheinrich (1502-1559), Elector Palatine for the last three years of his life and a major supporter of both art and science in Renaissance Germany. His studiolo Geomancy and a copy of De revolutionibus Ottheinrichsbau The Role of Early Biographies and Portraits in the Reception of Copernicus Go Back
Ortelius Bibliography rheticus, georg joachim (15141576) was a mathematician who worked with Schönerand Copernicus and disseminated Copernicans views in Narratio prima de http://www.orteliusmaps.com/ortbib/Ortbibsourcesr.htm
Extractions: Home Ramusio Periplus: Ort224.55; Letters: Ort8.15. Ramusius see Ramusio Rantzau see Rantzow Rantzow , Heinrich of (1526-1598) was an Earl from Sleswig and Holstein. He studied law and wrote "Chronicon Alberti Stadensis" which was published by Reineccius in 1587. He corresponded with Mercator and Braun and drew a map of Denmark. Ranzanus , or Ranzane, Petrus (1420-1492) was a Dominican from Palermo, Sicily, Italy who became bishop and was in Hungary for three years as a delegate of Ferdinand of Naples. He wrote "De rebus Hungaricis" (Ort150), which was published by Sambucus in Vienna in 1558. Abridged Histories of Hungary: Ort150.13. Raphelengius , Franciscus (1539-1597) junior or Frans van Ravelingen was a philologist and publisher from Leiden who published and commented on Cæsar: "C. Julii Cæsaris omnia quæ extant" Leiden 1593. He corresponded with Ortelius. Rauwolph , Leonard (16th century) was a botanist who had contacts with Charles de lEscluse. He wrote "Oriental Journal (Ort173). Oriental Journal: Ort173.17.
Encyclopedia4U - Georg Joachim Rheticus - Encyclopedia Article O ivljenju in delu Nikolaja Kopernika georg joachim von Lauchen (poznan tudi kot rheticus) ga je vseeno uspel prepricati,da je zacel pripravljati vecje in bolj podrobno delo, ki je kasneje http://www.encyclopedia4u.com/g/georg-joachim-rheticus.html
Extractions: ENCYCLOPEDIA U com Lists of articles by category ... SEARCH : Georg Joachim von Lauchen Rheticus was born in at Feldkirch, Austria and died in at Kassa (now Kosice), Hungary . He was a cartographer , navigational and other instrument maker, medical practitioner, teacher. His father had a medical practice in Feldkirch. When he was executed Achilles Gasser took over the practice. Gasser helped Rheticus continue his studies and was a strong support to him. Rheticus took on this name for the former Roman province of Rhaetia and studied at Feldkirch, Zürich and the University of Wittenberg , where he received his M.A. in 1536. Philipp Melanchthon , the theologian and educator, greatly assisted Rheticus in obtaining appointments at several universities. During the time of the Reformation Melanchthon reorganized the whole educational system of Germany, reformed and founded several new universities. In 1536 Rheticus was aided by Melanchthon in receiving the appointment to the teaching position in astronomy and mathematics at the Wittenberg university. Two years later Melanchthon arranged for Rheticus to visit and study with the noted astronomers of the day. Rheticus took this to visit Copernicus in Frauenburg . On the way he first went to Nuremberg and visited the publisher Johann Schoener and the printer Petreius. From there to Peter Apianus in Ingolstadt and
Extractions: zur Geschichte der Mathematik in Wittenberg und Halle Abteilungen: Die Mathematik an der Leucorea zu Wittenberg 1502-1816 Leben und Werk einiger Mathematiker, die in Wittenberg gewirkt haben Leben und Werk einiger Mathematiker, die in Halle gewirkt haben Studenten, Doktoranden und Privatdozenten in Halle
American Digest: Before Copernicus Published in Latin in 1540, the book is one of the few remaining first editionsof the Narratio prima by German mathematician georg joachim rheticus. http://www.americandigest.org/mt-archives/001175.html
Extractions: Main Translation: First report to Johann Schöner on the Books of the Revolutions of the learned gentleman and distinguished mathematician, the Reverend Doctor Nicolaus Copernicus of Torun, Canon of Warmia, by a certain youth devoted to mathematics. Rheticus $1.5 million buys book that put world in its place By ERIC ADLER The $1.5 million book is tucked inside its own protective case, sitting on a shelf in a huge vault with a steel door 5 inches thick. It is the rarest and most expensive book the Linda Hall Library of Science has ever bought. Carefully, Bruce Bradley, the library's curator of rare books, picked up the case and carried it into an adjoining room rich with the dark wood paneling of a grand English library. He picked up a pair of white cotton gloves, slipped them on and opened the case. Gently, he removed a thin volume weighing a few ounces and placed it on a flat wood table. The book is 464 years old. "Doesn't look like such a big deal, does it?" Bradley said. Except, of course, that it helped change the world.
Georg Werner [en] Letter Against Werner, the Narratio Prima of rheticus (Records of Civilization,Sources and Studies, No. 30.) by Nicolaus Copernicus, georg joachim De Libris http://www.archinform.net/arch/19192.htm
Of Lutheran's And Heliocentrism Gingrich doesn t go into detail about the arrival of the theory in Wittenberg buthe mentions georg joachim rheticus, the Lutheran mathematician and follower http://www.hypernote.com/C693235844/E1918793126/
Extractions: Not long ago my pastor forwarded an email from a perplexed parent. In school his child's class was studying the controversy about Galileo, heliocentrism and the Catholic church. The students were told that "the most severe opposition to the sun-centered theory was presented not by the Catholics but by Protestants, by Martin Luther and his friend Melanchthon." This isn't a new argument but like the simplistic claim that the Catholic church persecuted Galileo for believing the sun moved around the earth there's a lot more to the story than can be summarized in one sentence. Below is my revised email response. This is a summary, not a scholarly treatment. Like all summaries, especially those in email, there are bound to be omissions and over-simplifications. Read the linked articles and books to get a fuller perspective. If I find some time I'll pull something together with more substance. Like any historical matter, it's easy to draw "just-so" conclusions but accuracy requires nuance and teasing out the connections. This somewhat well-propagated history of Copernicanism probably began with the publication of Andrew Dickson White's History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom.
NCU - Patron georg joachim van Lauchen, known as rheticus, a young professor of mathematicsand astronomy at the University of Wittenberg, who came to Frombork in 1539 http://www.uni.torun.pl/en/university/patron/
Extractions: Copenicus attended the parish school of St. John in Torun, and then was sent by his uncle to the school in Wloclawek. From 1491 to 1495 he studied at the University of Krakow, which was then the centre of humanist thought and astronomic studies. He studied both mathematics and classical disciplines, as well as astronomy. In 1496 his uncle Watzenrode sent Nicolaus and his brother to study Law at the University of Bologna. Nicolaus undertook Greek studies and astronomy (Copernicus's further research in the latter discipline must have been inspired by his contacts with an Italian astronomer Domenico Maria de Novara). He returned to Poland for several months, and then left for Italy again to pursue Medicine at Padua while continuing to read Law. In 1503 he was awarded the Doctor of Canon Law degree at the University of Ferrara.
Digital Services Unit At The Linda Hall Library Predstavlennyia. Online Books and Exhibitions. georg joachim rheticus sNarratio Prima. george Catlin s North American Indian Portfolio. http://www.lhl.lib.mo.us/services/digital/index.shtml
Extractions: Search the LEONARDO Catalog Science Engineering and Technology History of Science ... The Library Grounds Search: Catalog Site Our Collections Search the LEONARDO Catalog Science Engineering and Technology ... Databases Digital Services provides access to the library's most significant collections of rare and fragile materials. With an equal emphasis on service and collection building, we produce both individual images and full digital publications. Johann Bayer's 1603 Uranometria
Narratio Prima to the Digital Services Home Page. georg joachim rheticus. NarratioPrima, 1540. Title page verso. larger view. front cover. title http://www.lhl.lib.mo.us/services/digital/ebooks/rheticus/rheticus08.shtml