Extractions: News About the Library Resources Collections Subject guides Help and training UoR Home Library Home Collections Special collections ... Archives and records of the University of Reading This collection description was prepared by the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists Reference : MS 4622 Extent : 59 boxes Rado's mathematical research was particularly distinguished for his pioneering work in many aspects of combinatorics including abstract independent structures, transversal theory and extensions of Ramsey's theorem (the partition calculus). In recognition of his distinction in mathematical research Rado was awarded the senior Berwick Prize of the London Mathematical Society in 1972 and was elected FRS in 1978. He died on 23 December 1989. See C.A. Rogers, 'Richard Rado'
Extractions: Born Alexander Radolfi and educated in Budapest, the son of a wealthy Jewish businessman, Rado joined the Communist Party when he was a student at the University of Budapest . So entrenched was Rado in the Communist Party in 1919 that he was named a commissar and took part in the coup that briefly took over the Hungarian government that year with the adventurer at its head. When the Communists were driven out, Rado fled to Russia where he lived for several years, marrying fellow Communist exile, Helene Jensen Rado received espionage training from the NKVD in 1931. The following year he was sent to Germany where he posed as a clerk in the Russian Embassy in Berlin . His real work was to spy on the Nazis who were then clubbing their way to power. On several occasions, Rado organized armed Communist resistance to Adolf Hitler's storm troopers, which resulted in many bloody street battles. Rado was earmarked for death by the Nazis , both as a Communist and a Jew and, when
Espionage - Spy - Roessler, Rudolf (AKA; Lucy) Sandor rado. When Joseph Stalin received this information he refused to believe it, just as he ignored a similar report from his agent in Japan, richard Sorge. http://www.angelfire.com/dc/1spy/Roessler.html
Extractions: One of the most effective and devastating spies in World War II, certainly one that equaled the exploits of Richard Sorge and the sly Elyeza Bazna Cicero ) in producing top secret documents, Rudolf Roessler was also the most secretive, a mole so deep in Germany that even his own spymasters did not know his true identity. Born on November 22, 1897, in Kaufbeuren, Bavaria, a small town near Munich, Roessler was raised in strict Protestant surroundings. His father was an official with the Bavarian Forestry Commission and provided a comfortable living for the Roessler family. Roessler was educated in Augsburg at the Realgymnasium, attending school with a gifted classmate, Bertholt Brecht Seeing service with the Wehrmacht (German Army) in World War I, Roessler entered journalism after the war, going to work as a reporter in Augsburg and later moving to Berlin where he became a literary critic. He moved inside the artistic world of writers and painters. His close friends included the novelist Thomas Mann and the poet Stefan George , both of whom would later be put onto Adolf Hitler's death list, their books burned, their images tarnished as branded enemies of the
Extractions: var HrefTUdVersion = "http://www.tum.de/"; var HrefZentrumMathdVersion = "http://www.ma.tum.de/"; var HrefInstitutdVersion = "/"; var HrefHarvestsdVersion = "http://www.ma.tum.de/search/"; var HrefEnglishVersion = ""; Hauptseite des Lehrstuhls Konferenzen und Workshops Symposium Diskrete Mathematik 2000 Richard-Rado-Preis
DMV - Fachgruppe Diskrete Mathematik Translate this page richard-rado-Preis. richard rado (1906-1989) war einer der bedeutendsten diskreten Mathematiker unseres Jahrhunderts. Ausschreibung des richard-rado-Preis 2004 http://www.ti.inf.ethz.ch/dm/radopreis.html
Extractions: Fachgruppe Diskrete Mathematik Fachgruppe Diskrete Mathematik Vorstand Mitgliedschaft ... Links Richard-Rado-Preis Richard Rado (1906-1989) war einer der bedeutendsten diskreten Mathematiker unseres Jahrhunderts. Seine Dissertation "Studien zur Kombinatorik", die er 1931 unter Anleitung von Issai Schur in Berlin fertigstellte, ist ein mathematisches Juwel, welches bis heute nichts von seiner wissenschaftlichen Aktualität eingebüßt hat. Er leistete im Laufe seines Lebens grundlegende Beiträge zur Ordnungstheorie, zur Matroidtheorie, zur Graphen- und zur Ramseytheorie, um nur einige Teilgebiete der diskreten Mathematik zu nennen. Paul Erdös schreibt in seinen Erinnerungen an Richard Rado: "I was good at discovering perhaps difficult and interesting special cases, and Richard was good at generalising them and putting them in their proper perspective." Die Ausstrahlung von Richard Rado als Mensch und Wissenschaftler ging weit über das Gebiet der diskreten Mathematik hinaus. Er starb hoch geehrt 1989 in Reading, England. Ausschreibung des Richard-Rado-Preis 2004 hier Richard-Rado-Preis 2002
DMV - Fachgruppe Diskrete Mathematik Translate this page richard-rado-Preis 2004. Ausschreibung des richard-rado-Preis 2004. Die Fachgruppe Diskrete Mathematik der Deutschen Mathematiker http://www.ti.inf.ethz.ch/dm/radopreis2004.html
Extractions: Fachgruppe Diskrete Mathematik Fachgruppe Diskrete Mathematik Vorstand Mitgliedschaft ... Links Richard-Rado-Preis 2004 Ausschreibung des Richard-Rado-Preis 2004 Symposiums Diskrete Mathematik 2004 Prof. Dr. Martin Aigner aigner@math.fu-berlin.de Arnimallee 3 D-14195 Berlin Prof. Dr. Reinhard Diestel diestel@math.uni-hamburg.de Mathematisches Seminar Bundesstr. 55 D-20146 Hamburg Prof. Dr. Bernhard Ganter ganter@math.tu-dresden.de Zellescher Weg 12-14 D-01062 Dresden Prof. Dr. Angelika Steger steger@inf.ethz.ch ETH Zentrum, IFW E49.2
Guide P-R Back to the top. rado, richard, 19061989. Mathematician. Title Papers and correspondence of richard rado, 1906-1989. Dates of creation of material 1921-1991. http://www.bath.ac.uk/ncuacs/guider.htm
Extractions: Guide to the manuscript papers of British scientists: R The collections described in this guide have been catalogued by the CSAC and the NCUACS and subsequently deposited in libraries and archives throughout the UK. Inclusion in this guide does not imply that collections will be fully available for research. There are restrictions on access to items in a number of the collections and researchers should always consult the appropriate repository before planning a visit. New Most of the catalogues compiled by the Unit can now be viewed online through the Access to Archives website (http://www.a2a.org.uk) at the Public Record Office. Direct links to the catalogues are being (gradually) added from this Guide To view the full-text catalogue, please click on the link under Finding Aid Note, some catalogues are very extensive and may take a few moments to download. An indication of the size of the file is provided. READ, John (1908-1993). Radiobiologist. RADO , Richard (1906-1989). Mathematician.
Omega Watches At FineBrandWatches.com Omega, Breitling, Cartier and more at FineBrandWatches.com Esq Fendi Gucci Hamilton Jean richard Movado Omega rado Tag Heuer Tissot Keyword / Model No .. http://www.blueglobus.com/cgi-bin/search/search.cgi?results&keywords=Omega Watch
New York Times 3-4-66 The three sons are all well and stylishly played by Bruce Scott (John), Dennis Cooney (Geoffrey) and James rado (richard). Christopher http://www.michaelbutler.com/hair/holding/prepost/jim/NYT3-4-66.html
Extractions: The title character of "The Lion in Winter," which opened last night at the Ambassador, is King Henry II of England. The play is about Henry's trials and troubles with his wife and his three sons in the matter of choosing his successor. James Goldman has written the work with intelligence, some astringent wit and much theatrical skill; but all through the evening, the wrong question keeps growing in us, What is Henry's successor to us? In other words, Mr. Goldman's play for all its considerable cleverness of construction, pith and mercurial storming of moods never really shakes or concerns us. His characters are recognizable but not affecting; his drama is discernible but not gripping; and a theme to justify the existence of the play here and now is hard to find.
Erdös-Ko-Rado Theorem In combinatorial mathematics, the ErdosKo-rado theorem of Paul Erdos, C. Ko and richard rado, states that if is larger than 2, and is a family of subsets of http://www.fact-index.com/e/er/erdoes_ko_rado_theorem.html
Extractions: Main Page See live article Alphabetical index In combinatorial mathematics , the binomial coefficient . Furthermore if equality holds, there is some element of such that is the family of all -size subsets of containing . Gyula Katona's proof is short and beautiful, and now follows: Suppose we have some such set with at least sets in. Now arrange the elements of in a cyclic order, and inquire how many sets from can form intervals within this cyclic order. For example if and , we could arrange them as and intervals would be . (Key step) At most of these can be in . If is one of these intervals then for every , there is at most one interval which separates from , i.e. contains precisely one of and . Furthermore, if there are intervals in , then they must contain some element in common. There are cyclic orders, and each set from is an interval in precisely of them. Therefore the average number of intervals in a random cyclic order must be We must have equality, meaning that , and each cyclic order has exactly r intervals. The result soon follows.
Untitled Document elimination bouts being 3 X 2min rounds. Fred rado, richard Howes, Sunday 11th June (Semifinal and Finals). The winner of each pool became http://www.savate.org/savatechamps.htm
Extractions: World Savate "Assaut Cup" Championships Report from Rossy, our correspondent on the scene.... please note: it's not easy to write with those gloves on The competition took place in the Pierre de Coubertin Stadium, Paris, France on Saturday 10th June 2000 (elimination rounds) and Sunday 11th June 2000 (semi - finals and finals). The event attracted 245 competitors from 23 nations from around the World. Saturday 10th June (Elimination rounds) The competition ran on a "pool" system where the names of all fighters from a weight category were split into groups of either 3 or 4, depending on entrants. The fighters then fought every other fighter in their "pool". (if you were in a "pool" of 3 you had 2 fights, if you were in a pool of 4 you had 3 fights.) The elimination bouts being 3 X 2min rounds. Fred Rado Richard Howes Sunday 11th June (Semi-final and Finals) The winner of each "pool" became the "semi - finalists" and fought each other for a place in the finals. These were also 3 X 2 mins. The Great Britain Savate Federation entered the following 14 fighters in the categories shown, with the results as shown.
Untitled Document Judges Referees GB Ollie Batts, Julie Gabriel, Fred rado, richard Muggeridge, Rob Clark Germany - Gerhard Schmitt USA - Patrick Gavin Joseph Scholz http://www.savate.org/Guildassaut.htm
Extractions: On Saturday, 1st December, Martin Ross and the Guildford Spectrum Savate Club hosted an International Savate "assaut" Gala. The event took place at Spectrum Leisure Complex, Parkway, Guildford. Ross is the senior Spectrum Club Instructor and National Director of Technique for the Great Britain Savate Federation. "Weigh in's" for fighters where held at 4pm, with the first set of bouts starting at 5.30pm. Following 22 bouts, the event closed at 10.30pm with the presentation of certificates and medals."Bout of the night" was the fight between Michael Taylor of Guildford Spectrum and Paul Orlow of Germany. Both young men showed skill and control of a high level. The bout was judged as a draw, one judge giving it to Michael, one to Paul, and one declaring 'no decision'. The full results were as follows: Weight Pts Pts Weight Vincenzo Sgaramella (Cambridge) Su Li Su.Li Thomas Pohl (Germany) Rachel Shore (Spectrum) S. Feather Li.Mid
Back To Zentralblatt MATH Pages Reviewer NH.Williams , 04A20 04A10 04A30 05C15 Zbl 429.04005 Erdös, Paul; Galvin, Fred; rado, richard , Transversals and multitransversals. , J. Lond. http://www.zblmath.fiz-karlsruhe.de/MATH/text/general/general/erdos/set.htm
Extractions: doMenu("show"); show comments add comment Aby stádo vzniklo, musí existovat i jeho protiklad. Tím protikladem je silná individualita, která stádo provokuje. A to èímkoliv. Tøeba tím, ¾e je lep¹í. Nebo tím, ¾e je jiná. Anebo prostì tím, ¾e je... Základem stáda je bezvýznamný jedinec s nadmutým egem, který se cítí touto individualitou utlaèován. Tento jedinec, s omezenými mozkovými kapacitami, zato potøebnou akèní silou, zalo¾í hnutí odporu! Endorfin proudí v ¾ilách! Vùdce je "high"! Zpoèátku nejsou kroky stáda pøíli¹ jisté. Zakladatel stáda shání spojence... Pokud se mu to nepodaøí, stádo automaticky umírá. Nicménì, obèas se stádu pøesto podaøí nalézt dostatek soukmenovcù, kteøí do té doby èekali doma, a vyhlí¾eli, kde se formuje nìjaké nové stádo, aby se do nìj zapojili. Èlenové stáda nejsou individuality, a dobøe chápou, ¾e jen ve stádu je jejich síla! Se stádem se tì¾ko bojuje. Stádo má kolektivní, zprùmìrovanou , pravdu. Tedy, ona to není pravda, ale prùmìr
RSS Komentáøù A Lep¹í Diskuse! (aktualizováno) - Obèasný O'blog :: Radek down 10 inspired by richard H. down OK, vidím, e to delá automaticky po reply to this comment. up 12 this comment inspired rado. Úterý, 16.03.04, 1549 http://hulan.info/blog/item/rss-komentaru-a-lepsi-diskuse-aktualizovano
Extractions: doMenu("show"); show comments add comment Na základì popostrèení od Petra Weidy ( About ) jsem dodìlal pro Nucleus CMS rovnì¾ RSS posledních 20 komentáøù. URI je Nyní tedy mù¾ete sledovat diskuse na Obèasném O'blogu v pohodlí RSS èteèky (co¾ znamená malou náv¹tìvnost toplistí, nu, co¾...), vèetnì komentáøe samotného, autora komentáøe, titulku èlánku a odkazu na daný komentáø na O'blogu. Ka¾dý komentáø má své jednoznaèné èíslo a pøes RSS èteèku se pøenesete (anchor) pøímo na nìj. Vyzkou¹ejte si to Také jsem dnes naprogramoval, domnívám se, velice povedený systém diskusí , není u¾ to plain-text diskuse, jsou v ní novì thready , ale pøitom odstraòuje hlavní problém diskuse ve threadech , a tou je fakt, ¾e u¾ pøi tøetí a¾ ètvrté úrovni je odsazení textu takové, ¾e vznikají uzkouèké a dlouhé sloupce, do kterých se vejde sotva jedno slovo na øádku. Mùj systém to velice elegentnì øe¹í , spojuje toti¾ pozitiva plain-text diskuse a diskuse ve threadech , ale pøitom øe¹í jejich prùvodní negativa Doplnìní : naprogramoval jsem rovnì¾ (Javascript) události (onclick, onmouseover), které barevnì oznaèí rodièe aktuálního záznamu (¾lutým pozadím), a jeho dìti (modrým pozadím). Aktuální záznam je bíle, záznam pøi "pøejezdu my¹í" má ¹edé písmo, jinak èerné. Doplnìna je rovnì¾ mo¾nost "
Hair (Original Cast) [Musikkassette] Hair (London Cast Recordings) John Harold Kander , Andrew Lloyd Webber Mehr Musik von Andrew Lloyd Webber , Ragni/rado/MacDermot Mehr Musik von Ragni/rado/MacDermot , richard Rodgers Mehr http://www.counterlabs.de/shopping/de/music/t/Ragni/Rado/MacDermot.html
AIP Niels Bohr Library Papers. by rado, richard, 1906. Owning Repository Reading University. Library. Department of Archives and Manuscripts. Whiteknights http://libserv.aip.org:81/ipac20/ipac.jsp?uri=full=3100001~!2865~!0&profile=aipn
Matematikçiler Translate this page Post Potapov Pratt Privalov Proclus Prüfer Ptolemy Puiseux Puissant Pythagoras Qadi Zada Qalasadi Quhi Quillen Quine Rademacher Radó rado, richard radon Rahn http://www.sanalhoca.com/matematik/matematikciler.htm
Richard Rado - Encyclopedia Article About Richard Rado. Free Access, No Registra ErdösKo-rado theorem - encyclopedia article about Erdös-Ko-rado . Click the link for more information. , the Erdos-Ko-rado theorem of Paul Erdos, C. Ko and richard rado, states that if n 2 r ,. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Richard Rado