Extractions: Name E-mail address Web page Photo Chernyi, Gorimir Gorimirovich Head of department Academician in russian Andreeva, Ludmila Nikolaevna Laborant in russian Baranov, Vladimir Borisovich Professor, Dr.Sci. baranov@ipmnet.ru in english Krasnobaev, Konstantin Vasil'evich Professor, Dr.Sci. in russian Stulov, Vladimir Petrovich Professor, Dr. Sci. in russian Shkadov, Viktor Yakovlevich Professor, Dr. Sci. in russian Arafailov, Sergey Igorevich Associate Professor, Ph.D in russian Golovin, Alexandr Mefodievich Associate Professor, Ph.D in russian Kotelkin, Vycheslav Dmitrievich Associate Professor, Ph.D in russian Osiptsov, Alexandr Nikolaevich
Potapov Vladimir Petrovich Potapov. Born 24 Jan 1914 in Odessa, Ukraine Died 21 Dec1980 in Kharkov, Russia. Click the picture above to see a larger version http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Potapov.html
Extractions: Vladimir Potapov did not attend school but was taught, from the age of six, by his father who was a lecturer in Old Russian Literature at the University of Odessa. Potapov's father taught him mathematics, history, literature and languages. However he had a special music teacher, as music was at this stage his first love, and his mother also assisted in his education also teaching him literature. Potapov entered Odessa conservatory to study music and for three years he followed the course. At this time, see [3]:- He was well educated and, although only seventeen, very serious. Whatever he did, he did in a very serious fashion, he walked and spoke slowly, and had his own opinion about everything. Even his teachers at the conservatory respected his profundity and thoroughness and called him 'professor'. And, as time proved, they were not mistaken. However he did not complete the four year course, transferring instead to the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at Odessa University.
Plakaty.Ru / Authors RUS ENG, Authors. potapov vladimir Mikhajlovich. 1946—1996. Perestroika the continuationof October line! Plakaty.Ru / Authors / potapov vladimir Mikhajlovich. http://eng.plakaty.ru/authors?id=216&sort=lname
Plakaty.Ru / Authors (1 work) Porfirov Ivan Fedorovich (1 work) potapov vladimir Mikhajlovich (2 works)Pozdnev Evgenij Pavlovich (1 work) Prokoptsev S. (1 work) Prusakov Nikolay http://eng.plakaty.ru/authors
Neohapsis Archives - OpenBSD - #0883 - Restart Cron From Vladimir Potapov (pvm gopb.ru) Date Wed May 12 2004 044956 CDT. -With best regards, potapov vladimir. http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/openbsd/2004-05/0883.html
"Structure" IEC SB RAS Kirill G., Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy) a) Section of geophysics and recentgeodynamics (Head potapov vladimir A., Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy) http://www.crust.irk.ru/podrasd_e.pht
Extractions: SUBDIVISIONS I. DEPARTAMENT OF "GEOLOGY" (Head - Sklyarov Eugene V., Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy,Corresponding Member of RAS): Laboratory of: paleogeodynamics Sklyarov Eugene V. , Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy petrology and ore genesis Letnikov Felix A. , Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy isotopic and geochronological studies Rasskazov Sergey V. , Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy lithogenesis and stratygraphy Kashik Sergey A. , Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy group of neotectonics and geomorphology Ufimtsev Gennady F. , Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy geology and magmatism of ancient platforms Egorov Konstantin N. , Candidate of Geology and Mineralogy II. DEPARTAMENT OF GEOPHYSICS, RECENT GEODYNAMICS, HYDROGEOLOGY AND GEOECOLOGY (Chief of the laboratory is Levi Kirill G., Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy):
Potapov Vladimir Petrovich Potapov. Born 24 Jan 1914 in Odessa, UkraineDied 21 Dec 1980 in Kharkov, Russia. Show birthplace location. http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/Ptpv.htm
Extractions: Previous (Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Vladimir Potapov did not attend school but was taught, from the age of six, by his father who was a lecturer in Old Russian Literature at the University of Odessa. Potapov's father taught him mathematics, history, literature and languages. However he had a special music teacher, as music was at this stage his first love, and his mother also assisted in his education also teaching him literature. Potapov entered Odessa conservatory to study music and for three years he followed the course. At this time, see [3]:- He was well educated and, although only seventeen, very serious. Whatever he did, he did in a very serious fashion, he walked and spoke slowly, and had his own opinion about everything. Even his teachers at the conservatory respected his profundity and thoroughness and called him 'professor'. And, as time proved, they were not mistaken. However he did not complete the four year course, transferring instead to the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at Odessa University.
Re: Postfix -> Tmda -> Cyrus? Subject Re Postfix tmda - cyrus? From Vladimir Potapov varyag18@xxxxxxx . Anyquestions? With best regards, potapov vladimir. http://mla.libertine.org/tmda-users/2003-11/msg00440.html
Extractions: tmda-users Top All Lists Date Advanced ... Thread from [ Vladimir Potapov Bookmark Link Original To "tmda" < Subject From "Vladimir Potapov" < varyag18@xxxxxxx Date Sat, 29 Nov 2003 21:21:36 +0300 Cc tmda-users@xxxxxxxx How are you using lmtp? I didn't know tmda could even use lmtp for delivery/reception of email. What is your DELIVERY= line in the global tmdarc if I may ask? And the relevant lines from main.cf/master.cf? http://tmda.net/lists/listinfo/tmda-users More with this subject... Current Thread Vladimir Potapov Nils Vogels Previous by Date: Re: crypt_key location error Ron Dyck Next by Date: Re: crypt_key location error Tim Legant Previous by Thread: tmda Next by Thread: crypt_key location error Ron Dyck Indexes: Date Thread Top All Lists
ICFPM Fellowships In 1995 14. potapov vladimir Alekseevich, Astro Space Centre of Lebedev PhysicalInstitute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow region. 15. http://www.icfpm.lpi.ru/activities/anrep2d.html
NUPI - Centre For Russian Studies Shaposhnikov Yevgeniy Ivanovich, Adviser, 1997(Mar), . potapov vladimir,Adviser, 1998, June, Illarionov Andrey Nikolayevich, Adviser, 2000, April12, http://www.nupi.no/cgi-win/Russland/institus.exe?Office of President
RADIOASTRON MEETING Polnarev Alexander ASC. Ponomarev Yurii ASC. Popov Mikhail ASC. potapov vladimirPRAO. Rodin Alexander PRAO. Sanko Nikolay Rosaviakosmos. Semenkov Kirill ASC. http://www.asc.rssi.ru/radioastron/meetings/RA&RISC/2003/list.htm
Extractions: The XXVIII RadioAstron Meeting Moscow, November 18-21, 2003 List of participants Foreign participants Baan Willem The Netherlands ASTRON Burke Bernard USA MIT Cannon Wayne Canada CRESTECH Falkovich Igor Ukraine IRA Fomalont Edward USA NRAO Gurvits Leonid The Netherlands JIVE Kellermann Ken USA NRAO Langston Glen USA NRAO Lister Matthew USA Purdue University Romney John USA NRAO VanÂ’t Klooster Kees The Netherlands ESA Xiaoyu Hong China SHAO Russian participants Akim Efraim KIAM Alexandrov Yurii ASC Andreyanov Vladimir ASC Artyukhov Mikhail Lavochkin Babakin Nikolay ASC Babyshkin Vladimir Lavochkin Belousov Konstantin ASC Biryukov Alexander ASC Dagkesamanski Rustam ASC Fedorchuk Sergey ASC Finkelshtein Andrey IAA Goncharov Andrey Rosaviakosmos Ilyasov Yurii PRAO Ipatov Alexander IAA Kanevski Boris ASC Kardashev Nikolay ASC Komberg Boris ASC Korneev Yurii ASC Kotik Anatolii ASC Kovalenko Anatolii ASC Kreisman Boris ASC Kuimov Konstantin SAI Kurt Vladimir ASC Likhacheva Larisa ASC Likhachev Sergey ASC Nikolenko Anatolii PRAO Larionov Mikhail ASC Matveenko Leonid IKI Morskoi Igor KIAM Parijskij Yurii SAO Pichkhadze Konstantin Lavochkin Polnarev Alexander ASC Ponomarev Yurii ASC Popov Mikhail ASC Potapov Vladimir PRAO Rodin Alexander PRAO Sanko Nikolay Rosaviakosmos Semenkov Kirill ASC Serebrennikov Vladimir Lavochkin Sheikhet Alexander Lavochkin Slysh Slava ASC Smirnov Alexander ASC Stepanyants Viktor KIAM Sukhanov Konstantin Lavochkin Tuchin Andrey KIAM VasilÂ’kov Valery ASC Vinogradov Igor ASC Yakimov Vladimir ASC Zaslavsky Grigorii KIAM Zharov Vladimir SAI ASC Astro Space Center of Lebedev Physical Institute ASTRON ASTRON exists to promote research in astronomy in the Netherlands
Sovet Bezopasnosti Rossiiskoi Federacii tel.20678-98 zamestiteli Sekretarya SB RF MOSKOVSKI Aleksei Mihailovich, tel.206-46-51potapov vladimir Yakovlevich, tel.206-20-49 SOBOLEV Valentin http://www.cityline.ru:8084/politika/gos/sb.html
Extractions: PUTIN Vladimir Vladimirovich - Prezident RF (predsedatel' SB RF) KAS'YaNOV Mihail Mihailovich - Predsedatel' Pravitel'stva RF; IVANOV Sergei Borisovich - Ministr oborony RF; IVANOV Igor' Sergeevich - Ministr inostrannyh del RF; PATRUShEV Nikolai Platonovich - direktor Federal'noi sluzhby bezopasnosti RF; RUShA'LO Vladimir Borisovich - sekretar' SB RF ChLENY SOVETA BEZOPASNOSTI: VOLOShIN Aleksandr Stal'evich - rukovoditel' Administracii Prezidenta RF; GRYZLOV Boris Vsevolodovich - Ministr vnutrennih del RF; DRAChEVSKI' Leonid Vadimovich - polnomochnyi predstavitel' Prezidenta RF v Sibirskom federal'nom okruge; KAZANCEV Viktor Germanovich - polnomochnyi predstavitel' Prezidenta RF v Severo-Kavkazskom federal'nom okruge;
Apparat Soveta Bezopasnosti RF AGEENKOV Aleksandr Vladimirovich (17 oktyabrya 1997 8 avgusta 1998) RAPOTA GrigoriiAlekseevich (21 aprelya 1998 - 1999) potapov vladimir Yakovlevich (21 http://www.cityline.ru:8084/politika/gos/sbapp.html
Extractions: Rossiiskoi Federacii 3 iyunya 1992, odnovremenno s sozdaniem SB i utverzhdeniem polozheniya o nem, rasporyazheniem Prezidenta N266-rp utverzhdena struktura Apparata SB, kotoryi v sootvetstvii s Polozheniem voshel v sostav Administracii Prezidenta. Vremennaya shtatnaya chislennost' apparata - 80 chelovek, v tom chisle do 20 voennosluzhashih. V strukturu apparata voshli Sekretar' SB - rukovoditel' apparata SB; sekretariat i gruppa pomoshnikov i konsul'tantov; pervyi zamestitel' sekretarya SB i kuriruemye im mezhvedomstvennye komissii; tri zamestitelya sekretarya SB, kazhdyi iz kotoryh byl nachal'nikom odnogo iz treh podrazdelenii SB: Upravleniya strategicheskoi bezopasnosti, Upravleniya planirovaniya i koordinacii, Informacionno-analiticheskogo centra. Izmeneniya v strukturu apparata SB vnosilis' ukazom N1148 ot 27 iyulya 1993 "Voprosy apparata Soveta Bezopasnosti Rossiiskoi Federacii"; ukazom N1663 ot 9 avgusta 1994 "Ob apparate Soveta Bezopasnosti Rossiiskoi Federacii"; ukazom N600 ot 19 iyunya 1995 "O situacionnom centre Soveta Bezopasnosti Rossiiskoi Federacii". 25 iyunya 1996 ukazom N987 "Voprosy Apparata Soveta Bezopasnosti Rossiiskoi Federacii" Prezident sokratil shtatnuyu chislennost' Apparata SB do 183 edinic. Ustanovleno, chto Sekretar' SB imeet chetyreh zamestitelei, v tom chisle odnogo pervogo, a takzhe zaveduyushego Sekretariatom SB. Utverzhdeny limity na prikomandirovanie oficerov k apparatu SB - 30 chelovek (ranee eti cifry ustanavlivalis' ukazami N948 ot 16 maya 1994 i N1625 ot 5 avgusta 1994).
Reg. 887 101 0830-1300 Code WeR2-101 , Poster Reg. 518 141 08301300 Code WeR2-141 , Poster potapov vladimir V. Instituteof Automation and Electrometry, Russia Coulomb broadening of an http://www.ilph.spb.ru/lo2003/accepted/html_R2_poster.htm
R2 Registered Reg. 518 TuR2141 Poster potapov vladimir V. Institute of Automation and Electrometry,Russia Coulomb broadening of an electromagnetically induced http://www.ilph.spb.ru/lo2003/registered/html_R2.htm
103132 Moscow, Staraya Square 4, 925-3581, F.206-0766 OFFICE AND MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL The 1st deputy SHERSTUK Vladislav Petrovich 206-7898The deputies potapov vladimir Ykovlevich 206-3205,-7049 SOBOLEV Valentin http://www.polpred.com/en/engl/1.htm
Structure Of The Security CouncilÂ’ Machinery potapov vladimir Yakovlevich; Chernov Oleg Dmitriyevich. Head ofthe Security CouncilÂ’ machinery Pankov Nikolay Alexandrovich. http://www.agentura.ru/english/dosie/sovbez/structure/print
Extractions: First deputies: Deputies: Head of the Security CouncilÂ’ machinery - Pankov Nikolay Alexandrovich Councilors of the Security CouncilÂ’ machinery - Mukomel V.I., Matrusov N.D. Secretariat of the Security Council (consists of the departments) Press-service - (095) 910-4148 Departments (internal structure - divisions): Department of state and public security, curator - Sobolev V.A. Department of international security, curator - Chernov O.D. Department of economic and industrial security - itÂ’s more likely that Bobrovnikov V.A., curator - Moskovsky A.M. Department of military construction - Yesin V.I., curator - Potapov V.Y. 1. economic division - Tkachev Viktor Nikolayevich Department of military inspection - Barsukov Mikhail Inspectors - Tereschenko B.L., Shatokhin A.F.