IMPRS Complex Surfaces In Material Science International max planck Research School; information about courses and scholarships; joint program of FU, Humboldt and Fritz Haber Institute.
MPI For Human Development: Educational Research Das maxplanck-Institut f¼r Bildungsforschung in Berlin bietet Ergebnisse und Hintergrundinformationen zu der viel diskutierten Pisa Studie, zur Qualit¤t der Schulbildung aus dem Programme for International Student Assessment .
Extractions: Impressum Aktuelles Neues aus der Forschung Vorträge, Kolloquien und und Tagungen Lehrveranstaltungen Personalien ... Adresse und Anfahrt Forschung Forschungskonzeption Gemeinsame Projekte der Forschungsgruppen Projekte und Referate der Forschungsgruppe Strafrecht Projekte der Forschungsgruppe Kriminologie ... Abgeschlossene Projekte der Forschungsgruppen Verlag Kriminologie Strafrecht Interdisziplinäre Untersuchungen aus Strafrecht und Kriminologie forschung aktuell - research in brief ... Zeitschriften Bibliothek Benutzungsmöglichkeiten der Bibliothek Mitarbeiter Links Last update: 11 Mar 2004
Planck, Max encyclopediaEncyclopedia planck, max, mäks plängk Pronunciation Key.planck, max , 18581947, German physicist. Seeking to explain
Extractions: Planck, Max Pronunciation Key Planck, Max , German physicist. Seeking to explain the experimental spectrum (distribution of electromagnetic energy according to wavelength) of black body quantum theory Annalen der Physik and member of the Royal Society (London) and the American Physical Society. His name is honored in Planck's constant . English translations of his works include A Survey of Physics (1925, new ed. 1960), Introduction to Theoretical Physics Treatise on Thermodynamics (3d rev. ed. 1945), and Scientific Autobiography and Other Papers The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia,
On This Day: Birthdays: April 23 maxplanck-Institute of Neurobiology(ehemals max-planck-Institut für Psychiatrie) Martinsried (Deutschland)
Extractions: The Associated Press Max Planck (undated photo) ERLIN, Oct. 4 (AP)Dr. Max Planck, Nobel Prize-winner and originator of the Quantum Theory which provided one of the basic propositions underlying the splitting of the atom, died last night, the Goettingen University clinic announced today. His age was 89. Intellectual Giant Max Planck was one of the intellectual giants of the twentieth century and one of the outstanding intellects of all time. As father of the Quantum Theory he ranks with the immortals of science, such as Archimedes, Galileo, Newton and Einstein. Modern physical science rests on two pillarsthe theory of relativity and the quantum theory. The one gave man a new and more profound understanding of space and time, matter and motion; the other has provided man with a master key to the universe within the atom, to the nature of light and radiant energy in general. Relativity gave man a key to the universe at large; the quantum theory gave him a key to the atom. Like the theory of relativity, the quantum theory is universally regarded as one of the outstanding scientific achievements of the twentieth century and one of the greatest intellectual contributions of all time. As expanded later by Einstein, Niels Bohr, Prince de Broglie, Schroedinger and Dirac, it has become one of the two foundations of modern physics, and particularly of the physics of the atomic nucleus.