PLANCK, MAX (1858 - 1957) planck, max (1858 1957). Hans tes resonemang. Den gåta som strålningenutgjorde från termodynamikens synpunkt löstes av max planck. Han
Planck, Max Ernst Ludwig - Gedenktafeln Berlin Translate this page Kontext planck, max Ernst Ludwigplanck, max Ernst Ludwig Wohnhaus Inschrift BERLINERGEDENKTAFEL / In dem früher hier stehenden Haus / lebte von 1905 bis
Planck, Max Ernst Ludwig - Gedenktafeln Berlin Translate this page Kontext planck, max Ernst Ludwigplanck, max Ernst Ludwig Wirkungsstätte InschriftIN DIESEM HAUSE / LEHRTE / max planck / DER ENTDECKER / DES ELEMENTAREN
Online Encyclopedia - Max Planck Encyclopedia Entry for max planck. Dictionary Definition of max planck. planck,max, On the Law of Distribution of Energy in the Normal Spectrum .
Extractions: Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck ) was a German physicist who is considered to be the inventor of quantum theory Born on April 23 in Kiel , Planck started his physics studies at München university in , graduating in in Berlin . He returned to München in to teach at the university, and moved to Kiel in . There he married Marie Merck in . In , he moved to Berlin, where from on he held the chair of theoretical physics. In , he discovered a new fundamental constant, which is named Planck's constant , and is, for example, used to calculate the energy of a photon . Also that year, he described his own set of units of measurement based on fundamental physical constants . One year later, he discovered the law of heat radiation, which is named Planck's Law of Radiation . This law became the basis of quantum theory , which emerged ten years later in cooperation with Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr From to , Planck acted as the head of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft German Physical Society ). His wife died in 1909, and only one year later he married Marga von Hoesslin. In
MPI For Human Development: Adaptive Behavior And Cognition Berlin The lab, based at the maxplanck-Institute for Human Development, explores cognitive strategies (including social and emotional components) with which people and other animals make judgments and decisions in the face of uncertain situations. Staff, publications and current projects.
Extractions: pdf-download, 9.02 MB Group picture The Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition explores cognitive strategies (including social and emotional components) with which people and other animals make judgments and decisions in the face of uncertain situations. This interdisciplinary group, spanning the fields of psychology, computer science, economics, mathematics, anthropology, and biology and behavioral ecology, uses a variety of methods to analyze the building blocks of simple heuristics and the way they allow good decisions to be reached even with limited time and knowledge. Fast and frugal heuristics fill part of our mind's "adaptive toolbox" of decision strategies. Together, these heuristics produce a rationality which is ecological, rather than merely logical - decision making that is well-adapted to specific environmental settings or domains and specific classes of problems, rather than being universally applicable to all situations and problems. This ecological rationality stands in contrast to theories of human or social behavior based on logic, probability theory, or other universal domain-general systems, from expected utility theory to Homo Oeconomicus's rational choice maxims.
Max Planck Institute Of Molecular Plant Physiology In Golm, Germany The mission of the MPIMP institute is to study biological phenomena in plants at a molecular level using systems (whole plant) biology to create a holistic picture of metabolism in the context of growth and development.
MPA :: MPA Homepage Prominent research institution in astrophysics. http://www.MPA-Garching.MPG.DE/
MSc/PhD/MD-PhD Neuroscience Program MSc and PhD programs in neurosciences at the University of Goettingen, maxplanck-Institutes, German Primate Center and the European Neuroscience Institute.
Extractions: Das Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung ist eine Einrichtung der Spitzenforschung in den Sozialwissenschaften. Es betreibt anwendungsoffene Grundlagenforschung über Selbststeuerung und Regulierung moderner Gesellschaften und schlägt eine Brücke zwischen Theoriebildung und politischer Praxis.
Archiv Zur Geschichte Der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Das Archiv wurde gegr¼ndet, um die Akten der KaiserWilhelm-/max-planck-Gesellschaft zur F¶rderung der Wissenschaften und die Nachl¤sse ihrer Mitglieder zentral zu sichern und zu erschlieen. Informationen ¼ber die Standorte und Best¤nde.
Extractions: Das "Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft" in Berlin-Dahlem wurde 1975 gegründet, um die Akten der Kaiser-Wilhelm- / Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften und die Nachlässe ihrer Mitglieder zentral zu sichern und zu erschließen (z. Zt. 3.500 Regalmeter Archivalien). Im Rahmen seiner Aufgaben übernimmt das Archiv u.a. Materialien von denjenigen Instituten, Abteilungen, Forschungstellen oder Arbeitsgruppen, die nicht fortgeführt werden. Der Schwerpunkt liegt bei den Nachlässen hervorragender Persönlichkeiten, die in der Kaiser-Wilhelm- bzw. in der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft tätig waren wie die Nobelpreisträger Carl Bosch, Walther Bothe, Adolf Butenandt, Peter Debye, Otto Hahn, Richard Kuhn, Max von Laue, Feodor Lynen, Ernst Ruska und Otto Warburg, ergänzt durch Sammlungen u.a. zu Albert Einstein, Fritz Haber und Max Planck. Darüber hinaus sammelt die Bibliothek des Archivs Literatur zur allgemeinen Wissenschaftsgeschichte des 19. - 20. Jahrhunderts (30.000 Bände, 200 laufend gehaltene Zeitschriften). Die im Otto-Warburg-Haus verwahrten Dokumente stehen Wissenschaftshistorikern und sonstigen Interessenten im Lesesaal zur Verfügung.
Definition Of Max Planck - WordIQ Dictionary & Encyclopedia max planck. planck, max, On the Law of Distribution of Energyin the Normal Spectrum . Annalen der Physik, vol. 4, p. 553 ff (1901).
Extractions: Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck April 23 October 4 ) was a German physicist who is considered to be the inventor of quantum theory Born in Kiel , Planck started his physics studies at Munich University in , graduating in in Berlin . He returned to München in to teach at the university, and moved to Kiel in . There he married Marie Merck in . In , he moved to Berlin, where from on he held the chair of theoretical physics. In , he discovered a new fundamental constant, which is named Planck's constant , and is, for example, used to calculate the energy of a photon . Also that year, he described his own set of units of measurement based on fundamental physical constants . One year later, he discovered the law of heat radiation, which is named Planck's Law of Radiation . This law became the basis of quantum theory , which emerged ten years later in cooperation with Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr From to , Planck acted as the head of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft German Physical Society ). His wife died in 1909, and one year later he married Marga von Hoesslin. In
International Max Planck Research School Postgraduate research center offering PhD stipends for academic research into evolutionary and ontogenetic dynamics; information about academic structure and curriculum; joint project of FU, Humboldt and University of Michigan.
Extractions: The goal of the Research School is the study of the systematic changes in human behavior over evolutionary and ontogenetic time. The general approach is aimed at advancing the behavioral and social science of human development. LIFE takes an integrative and interdisciplinary approach to understanding human development in a changing world, connecting evolutionary, ontogenetic, historical, and institutional perspectives. The focus is on the evolution and interaction of individual and institutional development. The target group of the Research School are post-diploma or post-master's graduate students who intend to pursue a doctorate in one of the relevant disciplines (biology, psychology, sociology, anthropology, educational science). As a collaborative Research School, LIFE offers students unique training in the dynamics of human behavior on different time scales and includes opportunities for research abroad at a cooperating institution. The training program involves courses (in English), a series of summer schools, and collaborative supervision of research training.