Previous Questions Solution 31320 The term TRIGONOMETRY is due to bartholomeo pitiscus (15611613)and was first printed in his Trigonometria sive de solutione triangulorum
Wordwise On Roots Of Branches By Randy K. Schwartz triangles. The term was coined in a book by bartholomeo pitiscus, _Trigonometryor The Doctrine of Triangles_ (1595). While trigonometry
Trigonometric Functions is a combination of the two Greek terms, trigon and metria , which translate as triangle and measurement , and was coined by bartholomeo pitiscus in 1595
Extractions: Chapter 5: Trigonometric Functions The term "trigonometry" is a combination of the two Greek terms, "trigon" and "metria", which translate as "triangle" and "measurement", and was coined by Bartholomeo Pitiscus in 1595. Thus, one might assume that "trigonometric" functions (such as, sin( x ), cos( x ), tan( x ), etc.) would be defined in terms of measurements of triangles. While this is the way they are naively defined in most High School textbooks, the earliest known calculations related to these functions were by the Greek mathematician Hipparchus in about 140 BC as measurements of circles (specifically, the lengths of chords of a circle). Thus, "trigonometric" functions are also commonly referred to as "circular" functions. While these functions do relate to measurements of both triangles and circles, from a functional point of view, the most modern perspective on these functions is actually in terms of the exponential from Chapter 3 . In 1748 (following the work of Johann Bernoulli Roger Cotes and Abraham de Moivre Euler proved the formula: e ix = cos( x i sin( x where i is the "complex" number such that
Pitiscus, Bartholomeo pitiscus, bartholomeo. 1. Dates Born Gruenberg, Silesia, 24 Aug 1561Died Heidelberg, 2 July 1613 Dateinfo Dates Certain Lifespan 52
Extractions: 1. Dates Born: Gruenberg, Silesia, 24 Aug 1561 Died: Heidelberg, 2 July 1613 Dateinfo: Dates Certain Lifespan: 2. Father Occupation: No Information The only thing said about the parents is that they were poor. 3. Nationality Birth: Gruenberg, Silesia Career: Germany Death: Heidelberg, Germany 4. Education Schooling: Heidelberg He studied Calvinist theology in Zerbst and Heidelberg. A degree is not mentioned, however likely it may appear. 5. Religion Affiliation: Calvinist 6. Scientific Disciplines Primary: Mathematics 7. Means of Support Primary: Patronage He was court chaplin at Breslau. c. 1584, he taught and then became court chaplain and court preacher to Elector Frederick IV of the Palatinate. 8. Patronage Type: Court Official His major patron was obviously Frederick IV. Pitiscus calls him his "Herr" in the preface to the Thesaurus mathematicus. 9. Technological Involvement Types: None 10. Scientific Societies Memberships: None Sources Allegemeine Deutsche Biographie, 26, (Leipzig, 1888), 204-5. Compiled by: Richard S. Westfall
Http// Phl Mth Med, Per Acd, Sch Non Med MC http//, bartholomeo pitiscus, bartholomeo ** 1561 1613
Extractions: Abreu, Aleixo de Abreu, Aleixo de ** 1568 1630 62 Ars N Pt Pt Pt Evo, Coi T MA, MD Cth Med ** Gov Pat, Med Crt, Gov, Ars, Ecc Med ** Acosta, Cristobal Acosta, Cristobal cd 1515 1594 79 Unk N Pt Pt, Sp Sp Unk T MD Jew, Cth NHs, Phr, Bot ** Gov, Med ** Ars, Mag Phr, Med ** Acosta, Jose de Acosta, Jose de cb 1540 1600 60 Unk N Sp Sp Sp Alc T DD Jew, Cth NHs, Gog NPh Ecc ** Crt Non ** AdamofBodenstein AdamofBodenstein ** 1528 1577 49 Ecc P Ge Sw Sw Bas T PD, MD Sct Med Iat, Alc, NHs Acd, Med ** Mer Med, Phr ** Agricola, Georgius Agricola, Georgius ** 1494 1555 61 Art, Mer A Ge Ge Ge Lip, Bol, Pad T MD Cth Mtl, Mnl, Med Phr Med, Mer, Mag Acd, Sch, Ecc Crt, Mag Mtl, Med, Phr ** Agrippa, HeinrichCornel. Agrippa, HeinrichCornel. ** 1486 1535 49 Unk N Ge Fr, Ge, Iy Fr Clg T MA Cth OPh, Alc, Med ** Med, Pat Gov Ecc, Ars, Crt Med ** Aguilon, Francoisd' Aguilon, Francoisd' ** 1567 1617 50 Ars A Be Be Be Dou, Sal T MA, DD Cth Opt, Mth ** Ecc Per Gov Arc ** Alberti, Salomon Alberti, Salomon ** 1540 1600 60 Eng P Ge Ge Ge Wit T MD Lth Ant, Med ** Acd, Med Pat Crt Med ** Albinus, Bernard Albinus, Bernard ** 1653 1721 68 Ars, Mag A Ge Ge, Du Du Ley, FaO T MD, PD Prt Med ** Pat, Acd, Med ** Crt, Gov Med ** Aldrovandi, Ulisse Aldrovandi, Ulisse ** 1522 1605 83 Law, Gov P Iy Iy Iy Bol, Pad T MD, PD Cth NHs, Bot, Zoo Ent, Mnl, Phr Acd, Sch, Gov Law Ecc, Ars, Crt Phr MC Alpini, Prospero Alpini, Prospero ** 1553 1616 63 Med A Iy Iy Iy Pad T MD, PD Cth Bot, Med, Phr NHs, Zoo Pat, Acd, Med Gov, Sch Ars Med, Phr ** Amontons, Guillaume Amontons, Guillaume ** 1663 1705 42 Law N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Mch, Int ** Gov ** Sci Int, CEn, Nav, Dev AR Andreae, JohannValentin Andreae, JohannValentin ** 1586 1654 68 Ecc N Ge Ge Ge Tub T MA Lth Alc Asl, Mth Ecc ** Crt Non ** Angeli, Stefanodegli Angeli, Stefanodegli ** 1623 1697 74 Unk N Iy Iy Iy Bol F ** Cth Mth, Mch, Phc ** Acd, Ecc ** Ars, Ecc, Mag, Crt Non ** Anguillara, Luigi Anguillara, Luigi cb 1512 1570 58 Med A Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Bot Phr Pat, Gov ** Sci, Ars, Crt Phr ** Anthelme, Voituret Anthelme, Voituret cb 1618 1683 65 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Asn ** Ecc ** Non Non ** Anthonisz, Adriaan Anthonisz, Adriaan cb 1543 1620 77 Unk N Du Du Du Non F ** Cal Eng, Crt, Mth Asn, Int Gov Pat, Mag Crt, Mag MEn, Crt, Int ** Apian, Peter Apian, Peter ** 1495 1552 57 Unk N Ge Ge Ge Lip T ** Cth Asn, Gog, Mth Crt, Asl Acd, Pat, Per Pub Crt, Gov, Ecc Int, Crt ** Aranzio, GuilioCesare Aranzio, GuilioCesare cb 1530 1589 59 Unk, Med A Iy Iy Iy Bol T MD, PD Cth Ant, Phl Med, Srg Acd, Med ** Med Med MC Arbuthnot, John Arbuthnot, John ** 1667 1735 68 Ecc N Sc En En Abr, Oxf, SAn T MD Ang Dem Med, Mth Med, Pat Gov, Sch Mag, Crt, Gov Med RS, MC Argenville, Antione-J.D.d' Argenville, Antione-J.D.d' ** 1680 1765 85 Pub A Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth NHs ** Per, Gov ** Crt, Gov Hyd, Agr RS Argoli, Andrea Argoli, Andrea cb 1570 1657 87 Law N Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Asl, Asn Med Acd Pat Mag, Ecc, Ars, Crt Non ** Arnauld, Antoine Arnauld, Antoine ** 1612 1694 82 Law A Fr Fr, Be Be Par T DD Cth Mth, NPh ** Ecc, Per, Pat Acd Ars, Ecc, Gov Non ** Aromatari, Giuseppedegli Aromatari, Giuseppedegli ** 1587 1660 73 Med A Iy Iy Iy Per, Pad T MD Cth Bot, Med ** Med ** Ars Med ** Aselli, Gaspare Aselli, Gaspare ** 1581 1625 44 Ars N Iy Iy Iy Pav T MD Cth Ant, Phl Med Med, Gov Acd Unk Med ** Ashmole, Elias Ashmole, Elias ** 1617 1692 75 Art, Mil P En En En Non F ** Ang Asl, Alc Bot Per, Gov Law, Pat Gov, Ars, Crt Phr RS Assalti, Pietro Assalti, Pietro ** 1680 1728 48 Mag N Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Med ** Pat, Acd, Med ** Ecc Med ** Auzout, Adrien Auzout, Adrien ** 1622 1691 69 Gov, Ars A Fr Fr, Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Asn, Phc, Mth ** Per Gov, Adm Ars, Ecc, Crt Int, Crt AR Bachet de Meziriac, C.-G. Bachet de Meziriac, C.-G. ** 1581 1638 57 Ars, Gov W Fr Fr Fr Pad F ** Cth Mth ** Per ** Non Non ** Bachmann, AugustusQ. Bachmann, AugustusQ. ** 1652 1723 71 Med, Acd A Ge Ge Ge Lip, Hlm T MA, MD Lth Bot Phr, Asn Acd, Med ** Unk Med RS Bacon, Francis Bacon, Francis ** 1561 1626 65 Gov W En En En Cmb F ** Ang NPh ** Gov Per, Law, Pat Crt, Ars, Gov Non ** Baglivi, Georgio Baglivi, Georgio ** 1668 1707 39 Mer, Med A Yu Iy Iy Nap, Slr T MD, PD Cth Phl, Ant, Med ** Med, Pat Acd, Sch Sci, Ecc Med RS, Lp Baier, JohannJacob Baier, JohannJacob ** 1677 1735 58 Acd, Ecc A Ge Ge Ge Jen, Hal T MA, MD, PD Lth Gol, Pal NHs, Med, Phr Acd Med Crt Med MC, Lp Baillou, Guillaume de Baillou, Guillaume de cb 1538 1616 78 Eng A Fr Fr Fr Par T MD Cth Med ** Med, Acd ** Gov, Crt Med ** Baldi, Bernadino Baldi, Bernadino ** 1553 1617 64 Unk N Iy Iy Iy Pad F ** Cth Mch, Mth ** Pat Ecc Crt, Ars, Ecc, Mer Non ** Baliani, GiovanniBattista Baliani, GiovanniBattista ** 1582 1666 84 Ars W Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Phc, Mch, Hyd NPh Mag, Per ** Non Hyd ** Banister, John Banister, John ** 1650 1692 42 Unk N En En En Oxf T MA Ang NHs, Bot, Ent ** Ecc Pat, Acd, Per Mer, Sci, Ecc Agr ** Baranzano, GiovanniAnt. Baranzano, GiovanniAnt. ** 1590 1622 32 Unk N Iy Fr Fr Nov, Mil T ** Cth Asn NPh Ecc ** Ecc, Ars Non ** Barba, AlvaroAlonso Barba, AlvaroAlonso cb 1569 1662 93 Unk N Sp Sp Sp Non F ** Cth Mtl ** Ecc ** Gov Mtl ** Barchusen, JohannConrad Barchusen, JohannConrad ** 1666 1723 57 Unk N Ge Du Du Non F ** Prt Chm, Iat ** Acd Pat, Med Ars, Mag Med, Phr ** Barocius, Franciscus Barocius, Franciscus ** 1537 1604 67 Ars W Iy Iy Iy Pad F ** Cth Mth, Asn OPh Per ** Ecc, Ars, Crt Non ** Barrow, Isaac Barrow, Isaac ** 1630 1677 47 Mer A En En En Cmb T MA Ang Mth Opt Acd Pat, Ecc Crt, Ecc, Gen, Mer Non RS Bartholin, Caspar Bartholin, Caspar ** 1585 1629 44 Ecc N Dn Dn Dn Cop, Wit, Bas, Ley, Pad T MA, MD Lth Ant, Med, NPh ** Acd, Med Pat Gov, Crt Med ** Bartholin, Erasmus Bartholin, Erasmus ** 1625 1698 73 Med, Acd A Dn Dn Dn Cop, Ley, Pad T MA, MD Lth Mth, Opt Med, Asn Acd, Pat, Gov ** Crt Med ** Bartholin, Thomas Bartholin, Thomas ** 1616 1680 64 Med, Acd A Dn Dn Dn Cop, Ley, Pad, Bas T MD Lth Phl, Ant, Med Phr Acd Pat, Med Crt Med, Phr ** Bartoli, Daniello Bartoli, Daniello ** 1608 1685 77 Sci N Iy Iy Iy Prm, Mil, Bol T DD Cth Phc ** Ecc ** Non Non ** Bartolotti, GianGiacomo Bartolotti, GianGiacomo fl 1471 1530 Med A Iy Iy Iy Bol, Fer T MD Cth Med ** Med Acd Ecc Med ** Basso, Sebastian Basso, Sebastian fl 1550 1600 Unk N Un Fr Un Non F ** Unk SPh ** Med ** Ars Med ** Bauhin, Gaspard Bauhin, Gaspard ** 1560 1624 64 Med A Sw Sw Sw Bas T MD Cal Ant, Bot ** Acd, Med Pat, Gov Crt, Ars Med ** Bauhin, Jean Bauhin, Jean ** 1541 1612 71 Med A Sw Fr, Sw, Ge Ge Bas, Tub, Zur, Mnt, Pad, Bol T MD Cal Bot Med Med, Pat ** Crt Med MC Bayer, Johann Bayer, Johann ** 1572 1625 53 Unk N Ge Ge Ge Ing, Aug T LD Cth Asn ** Law, Mag ** Mag Non ** Beaugrand, Jean Beaugrand, Jean ca 1595 1640 45 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Mth ** Pat ** Crt Non ** Becher, JohannJoachim Becher, JohannJoachim cd 1635 1682 47 Ecc N Ge Ge, Du En Non F ** Cth Alc, Mtl ** Pat, Gov ** Crt, Ars Chm, Int ** Beeckman, Isaac Beeckman, Isaac ** 1588 1637 49 Art, Mer A Du Du Du Ley, Cae T MD Cal Phc, Mch, NPh Asn, Eng, Mtr Sch Art Mer, Mag, Acd Hyd, Int, Dev, Nav ** Beguin, Jean Beguin, Jean ca 1550 1620 70 Unk N Ge Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Phr Alc Phr, Sch Pat Crt, Med Chm, Phr ** Belleval, Pierre Richer de Belleval, Pierre Richer de cb 1564 1632 68 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Mnt, Avi T MD Cth Bot NHs Per, Acd, Gov Med, Pat Ars, Crt Med, Phr ** Bellini, Lorenzo Bellini, Lorenzo ** 1643 1704 61 Mer N Iy Iy Iy Pis T MD, PD Cth Phl, Ant, Med ** Acd, Pat, Med ** Crt, Sci, Ecc, Ars Med ** Belon, Pierre Belon, Pierre ** 1517 1564 47 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Wit, Par T MD Cth Zoo, Bot Phr Pat ** Ecc, Ars, Crt, Gov Med, Phr ** Benedetti, GiovanniBatt. Benedetti, GiovanniBatt. ** 1530 1590 60 Ars, Let A Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Mth, Phc, Mch Asn, Asl, Opt Pat, Per Acd Crt, Ecc, Ars Hyd, MEn ** Berger, JohannGottfried Berger, JohannGottfried ** 1659 1736 77 Sch A Ge Ge Ge Jen, Erf T MD Lth Phl Med Acd, Med, Pat ** Crt Med ** Berigard, Claude Guill. de Berigard, Claude Guill. de cb 1578 1664 86 Gen N Fr Fr, Iy Iy Aix T MD, PD Cth NPh ** Acd, Pat ** Crt, Unk Non ** Beringer, JohannB.A. Beringer, JohannB.A. cb 1667 1738 71 Med, Acd A Ge Ge Ge Wrz T MD, PD Cth Pal Med Acd, Pat, Med ** Crt Med ** Bernoulli, Jakob Bernoulli, Jakob ** 1655 1705 50 Mer A Sw Sw Sw Bas T MA, DD Lth Mth Mch, Asn Acd Per, Sch Mag Non AR, BA Bernoulli, Johann Bernoulli, Johann ** 1667 1748 81 Mer A Sw Sw, Du Sw Bas T MA, MD Lth Mth, Mch Med, Chm Sch, Acd Per Mag, Sci Non AR, RS, BA, RA, IB Berti, Gasparo Berti, Gasparo fb 1600 1643 Unk N Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Phc, Asn ** Pat ** Ecc, Sci Int, Crt ** Bidloo, Govard Bidloo, Govard ** 1649 1713 64 Unk N Du Du, En Du Non F ** Sct, Cal Ant Mcr Med, Acd, Gov Pat Crt Med RS Billy, Jacques de Billy, Jacques de ** 1602 1679 77 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Ord T DD Cth Mth, Asn ** Ecc Sch Crt Non ** Bion, Nicolas Bion, Nicolas cb 1652 1733 81 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Int ** Pat, Int ** Crt Int ** Biringuccio, Vannoccio Biringuccio, Vannoccio ** 1480 1537 57 Gov N Iy Iy, Ge Iy Non F ** Cth Mtl, Mnl, Eng Chm Pat, Gov Mag Crt, Ecc MEn, Arc, Mtl ** Blaeu, WillemJanszoon Blaeu, WillemJanszoon ** 1571 1638 67 Mer N Du Du Du Non F ** Cal Crt, Gog, Nav Asn Mer, Pub Gov Mer, Crt, Gov Nav, Int, Crt, Dev ** Blondel, Nicolas-Francois Blondel, Nicolas-Francois ** 1618 1686 68 Gov N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Eng ** Gov, Pat, Eng Acd, Mil Crt, Gov CEn, MEn AR Bock, Jerome Bock, Jerome ** 1498 1554 56 Unk N Ge Ge Ge Hei F ** Cth, Lth Bot Med Ecc, Pat, Gov Sch, Med Crt Med ** Boerhaave, Hermann Boerhaave, Hermann ** 1668 1738 70 Ecc N Du Du Du Ley T ** Cal Chm, Med Bot Acd, Med, Sch Per Mag, Crt Med MC, AR, RS Bohn, Johannes Bohn, Johannes ** 1640 1718 78 Mer W Ge Ge Ge Jen, Lip T MD Lth Phl Med Acd, Gov, Med ** Unk Med ** Bombelli, Rafael Bombelli, Rafael ** 1526 1572 46 Mer N Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Mth ** Pat ** Ecc Hyd, CEn ** Bonaventura, Federigo Bonaventura, Federigo ** 1555 1602 47 Ars, Mil W Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Mtr Med, NPh, Asl Pat, Gov ** Crt, Ecc Non ** Bonomo, GiovanCosimo Bonomo, GiovanCosimo ** 1666 1696 30 Mer N Iy Iy, Ge Iy Pis T MD, PD Cth Med ** Med, Gov, Pat ** Sci, Crt Med ** Boodt, Anselmus Boetius de Boodt, Anselmus Boetius de cb 1550 1632 82 Ars W Be Be, Cz Be Lou, Hei, Pad T MD Cth Mnl, Alc ** Per, Pat, Mag Ecc Ars, Crt Non ** Borel, Pierre Borel, Pierre cb 1620 1671 51 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Mnt T MD Cal Med, Bot, Chm ** Med, Pat ** Crt Med, Phr, Int ** Borelli, GiovanniAlfonso Borelli, GiovanniAlfonso ** 1608 1679 71 Mil P Iy Iy Iy Nap T MD Cth Mth, Phl, Asn Mch, Med, Gol Acd, Pat Sch Crt, Mag, Ars Med, Int, Hyd, Crt Cm, In Borrichius, Olaus Borrichius, Olaus ** 1626 1690 64 Ecc N Dn Dn Dn Cop, Ang T MD Lth Chm, Alc, Med Bot Med, Acd, Pat Sch, Gov Gov, Crt Med, Mtl, Phr ** Borro, Girolamo Borro, Girolamo ** 1512 1592 80 Unk N Iy Iy, Fr Iy Pad T PD, MD, DD Cth, Het NPh ** Pat, Acd ** Ecc, Crt Non ** Bosse, Abraham Bosse, Abraham ** 1602 1676 74 Art N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cal Mth ** Art, Pub Sch Non Mth ** Botallo, Leonardo Botallo, Leonardo ca 1519 1587 68 Gen N Iy Iy, Fr Fr Pav, Pad T MD Cth Ant, Med, Srg ** Med, Pat ** Crt, Ars Med, Int ** Boulliau, Ismael Boulliau, Ismael ** 1605 1694 89 Law N Fr Fr Fr Par, Poi F ** Cal, Cth Asn, Mth, Opt Asl Pat Ecc Ars, Crt Non RS Bourdelin, Claude Bourdelin, Claude cb 1621 1699 78 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Chm, Phr ** Gov, Pat ** Crt, Unk Phr, Med AR Bourdelot, Pierre Michon Bourdelot, Pierre Michon ** 1610 1685 75 Art, Med N Fr Fr, Sv Fr Par T MD Cth, Het Org, Med ** Pat Med Crt, Ars Med ** Bourguet, Louis Bourguet, Louis ** 1678 1742 64 Mer W Fr Sw, Iy Sw Non F ** Cal Gol, Pal, Mnl NPh Mer, Sch ** Mag Non ** Bouvelles, Charles Bouvelles, Charles ca 1471 1553 82 Ars N Fr Fr Fr Par F ** Cth Mth, NPh ** Ecc ** Ecc Non ** Boyle, Robert Boyle, Robert ** 1627 1691 64 Ars W Ir En En Non F ** Ang Chm, NPh Phc, Alc Per ** Crt Int, Chm, Phr RS Brahe, Tycho Brahe, Tycho ** 1546 1601 55 Ars W Dn Dn, Cz Cz Cop, Lip, Wit, Ros F ** Lth Asn, Int, Alc Crt, Asl Per, Pat ** Crt, Ars Int, Crt ** Bramer, Benjamin Bramer, Benjamin ** 1588 1652 64 Ecc, Sci N Ge Ge Ge Non F ** Prt Mth, Eng ** Eng, Pat ** Crt, Ars, Sci MEn, Arc, Int ** Briggs, Henry Briggs, Henry ** 1561 1630 69 Unk P En En En Cmb T MA Cal Mth Asn, Nav, Gog Acd ** Gen, Crt Mth, Nav, Crt, Int ** Bromell, Magnusvon Bromell, Magnusvon ** 1679 1731 52 Med A Sv Sv Sv Ley, Rhm T MD Lth Pal, Bot ** Per, Gov, Med Acd, Pat, Sch Crt CEn, Med MC Brouncker, William Brouncker, William cb 1620 1684 64 Gen, Gov W Ir En En Oxf T MD Ang Mth Mus Per, Gov ** Crt Nav RS Browne, Thomas Browne, Thomas ** 1605 1682 77 Mer W En En En Oxf, Mnt, Pad, Ley T MA, MD Ang NHs ** Med ** Crt Med MC Brozek, Jan Brozek, Jan ** 1585 1652 67 Gen A Po Po Po Cra, Pad T MD Cth Mth Asn, Crt Acd, Ecc Sch, Pat Ars, Ecc Med ** Brunfels, Otto Brunfels, Otto cb 1489 1534 45 Art N Ge Ge Ge Mnz T MA Cth, Lth Bot Med, Phr Ecc, Sch Med, Gov Ars, Mag Phr, Med ** Bruno, Giordano Bruno, Giordano ** 1548 1600 52 Mil P Iy Iy, En, Fr, Ge Iy Non F ** Cth, Het OPh ** Ecc, Acd, Pat Sch Crt, Ars Non ** Buergi, Joost Buergi, Joost ** 1552 1632 80 Unk N Sw Ge Ge Non F ** Lth Int, Mth, Asn ** Pat ** Crt Int, Mth ** Buonamici, Francesco Buonamici, Francesco fb 1530 1603 Ars N Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth SPh, Med ** Acd, Med ** Crt Med ** Buonanni, Filippo Buonanni, Filippo ** 1638 1725 87 Unk N Iy Iy Iy Col T DD Cth NHs, Mcr ** Ecc Acd Ars, Ecc Int ** Buono, Paolo del Buono, Paolo del ** 1625 1659 34 Unk N Iy Iy, Ge, Po Po Pis T PD Cth Phc ** Gov, Pat ** Crt Int, Hyd, CEn Cm Buot, Jacques Buot, Jacques fb 1650 1675 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Asn, Phc, Mth ** Pat, Gov ** Crt, Gov Int AR Burgersdijk, Franco Burgersdijk, Franco ** 1590 1635 45 Agr N Du Du, Fr Du Ley T PD Cal SPh ** Acd ** Ars, Sci Non ** Burnet, Thomas Burnet, Thomas cb 1635 1715 80 Unk A En En En Cmb T MA Ang, Het NPh Gol Acd, Sch Pat Ars, Crt, Ecc Non ** Buteo, Johannes Buteo, Johannes ca 1492 1572 80 Ars N Fr Fr Fr Par F ** Cth Mth ** Ecc ** Crt Int ** Cabeo, Niccolo Cabeo, Niccolo ** 1586 1650 64 Unk N Iy Iy Iy Ord T DD Cth Mag, NPh, Elc Mch Ecc, Pat ** Crt, Ecc Hyd ** Caius, John Caius, John ** 1510 1573 63 Unk N En En En Cmb, Pad T MA, MD Cth Med Zoo, Ant, NHs Med, Pat Org, Acd Crt, Ars, Gen, Ecc Med MC Camerarius, RudolphJakob Camerarius, RudolphJakob ** 1665 1721 56 Acd, Med A Ge Ge Ge Tub T MA, MD Lth Bot Med Acd ** Crt Med ** CampanellaTommaso CampanellaTommaso ** 1568 1639 71 Art P Iy Iy, Fr Fr Ord T ** Cth, Het NPh, OPh Asn, Asl Ecc, Pat Sch Ars, Crt, Gov, Sci Non ** Campani, Giuseppe Campani, Giuseppe ** 1635 1715 80 Agr N Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Int Asn Int ** Ecc, Crt, Sci Int ** Canano, GiovanniBattista Canano, GiovanniBattista ** 1515 1579 64 Law N Iy Iy, Fr Iy Fer T MD, PD Cth Ant Srg Acd, Pat Gov, Med Crt, Ecc, Ars Med, Int MC Capra, Baldassar Capra, Baldassar cb 1580 1626 46 Ars P Iy Iy Iy Pad T MD Cth Asn, Asl ** Med ** Non Med ** CaramuelyLobkowitz, Juan CaramuelyLobkowitz, Juan ** 1606 1682 76 Eng N Sp Be, Ge, Iy Iy Alc, Sal, Lou T DD Cth Mth, Asn Phc, NPh Acd, Ecc, Pat ** Crt, Ecc MEn, Nav In Carcavi, Pierre de Carcavi, Pierre de cb 1600 1684 84 Mer A Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Mth ** Gov, Per, Pat ** Ars, Crt, Gov Crt AR Cardano, Gerolamo Cardano, Gerolamo ** 1501 1576 75 Law A Iy Iy Iy Pav, Pad T MD Cth Mth, Med, Oph Asl, Phc Med, Acd, Pat Sch Ecc, Ars, Gov Med, Int MC CasalJulian, GasparR.F.N. CasalJulian, GasparR.F.N. ** 1680 1759 79 Unk N Sp Sp Sp Sig T ** Cth Med NHs Med Gov, Pat Crt, Ars Med MC Cassegrain Cassegrain fl 1672 1672 Unk N Un Fr Un Non F ** Unk Phc, Opt ** Unk ** Non Int ** Casseri, Giulio Casseri, Giulio cb 1552 1616 64 Unk P Iy Iy Iy Pad T MD, PD Cth Ant Phl, Emb Med Sch, Acd Sci, Mag, Crt Med ** Cassini, GianDomenico Cassini, GianDomenico ** 1625 1712 87 Unk N Iy Iy, Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Asn Opt, Hyd, Crt Acd, Gov, Per Pat Ars, Crt, Ecc Hyd, CEn, MEn, Crt AR Cassini, Jacques Cassini, Jacques ** 1677 1756 79 Sci W Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Asn, Crt Elc, Phc, Opt Gov ** Crt Crt, Int AR, RS, BA, IB Castelli, Benedetto Castelli, Benedetto ** 1577 1643 66 Ars N Iy Iy Iy Pad F ** Cth Hyd, Asn, Phc Opt, Mth Ecc, Acd, Pat Sch Sci, Crt, Ecc Hyd, Int ** Cataldi, PietroAntonio Cataldi, PietroAntonio ** 1552 1626 74 Unk N Iy Iy Iy Bol T PD, MD Cth Mth Asn Acd Sch Ars, Mag, Ecc, Crt MEn ** Cavalieri, Bonaventura Cavalieri, Bonaventura cb 1598 1647 49 Ars N Iy Iy Iy Pis F ** Cth Mth Asn, Opt, Mch Ecc, Acd Sch Sci, Ecc, Ars, Mag Hyd, Mth ** Celaya, Juan de Celaya, Juan de cb 1490 1558 68 Gen N Sp Fr, Sp Sp Val, Par T DD Cth SPh ** Acd ** Ars, Ecc, Crt Non ** Cesalpino, Andrea Cesalpino, Andrea ** 1525 1603 78 Art A Iy Iy Iy Pis T MD, PD Cth, Het Bot, Phl, Ant NPh, Med, Mnl Acd, Pat, Med Per Crt, Ecc, Ars, Sci Med, Phr ** Cesi, Federico Cesi, Federico ** 1585 1630 45 Ars W Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Bot, Org Phr Per ** Ecc Phr Ln Cestoni, Giacinto Cestoni, Giacinto ** 1637 1718 81 Unk P Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth NHs, Ent, Mcr Phr, Zoo Art, Phr Med Crt Phr, Med ** Ceulen, Ludolphvan Ceulen, Ludolphvan ** 1540 1610 70 Mer P Ge Du Du Non F ** Cal Mth ** Sch, Acd ** Sci, Mag MEn, Crt ** Ceva, Giovanni Ceva, Giovanni cb 1647 1734 87 Unk W Iy Iy Iy Pis F ** Cth Mth, Hyd ** Gov ** Crt, Ecc, Mag Mth, Hyd ** Ceva, Tomasso Ceva, Tomasso ** 1648 1737 89 Unk W Iy Iy Iy Ord T DD Cth Mth NPh Ecc ** Crt, Gov, Ars, Ecc Int ** Charleton, Walter Charleton, Walter ** 1620 1707 87 Ecc N En En En Oxf T MD Ang Med, NPh Phl, NHs, Ant Med Pat, Org Crt, Ars, Med, Gen Med RS, MC Cheyne, George Cheyne, George ** 1673 1743 70 Agr N Sc En En Abr F MD Ang Med Mth, NPh Med Pat, Pub Med, Gen, Ars Med RS Childrey, Joshua Childrey, Joshua ** 1623 1670 47 Unk N En En En Oxf T ** Ang NHs Asl, Mtr Sch, Ecc Acd, Pat Ars Int ** Christmann, Jacob Christmann, Jacob ** 1554 1613 59 Unk N Ge Ge Ge Hei T ** Cal Asn Mth Acd Sch Crt, Unk Non ** Clarke, Samuel Clarke, Samuel ** 1675 1729 54 Mer, Mag A En En En Cmb T MA, DD Ang, Het NPh Phc Ecc Pat, Acd Ecc, Crt, Sci, Ars Non ** Clavius, Christoph Clavius, Christoph ** 1538 1612 74 Unk N Ge Iy Iy Coi, Col T DD Cth Mth, Asn ** Ecc ** Ecc, Crt, Ars Int ** Clerselier, Claude Clerselier, Claude ** 1614 1684 70 Gov A Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Com ** Per, Law, Gov ** Gov Non ** Coiter, Volcher Coiter, Volcher ** 1534 1576 42 Ars, Law N Du Iy, Ge Fr Pad, Bol, Sap T MD Cth, Cal Ant, Emb Med, Phl Med, Pat, Gov Acd Crt, Med, Mag Med ** Collins, John Collins, John ** 1625 1683 58 Ecc P En En En Non F ** Ang Mth ** Gov Sch, Sai Gen, Mer, Ars Mth, Nav, Int, Crt, Hyd RS Colombo, Realdo Colombo, Realdo cb 1510 1559 49 Phr N Iy Iy Iy Mil, Pad T MD Cth Ant, Phl ** Med, Acd Phr, Pat Ecc, Ars, Crt, Med Med ** Commandino, Federico Commandino, Federico ** 1506 1575 69 Ars, Eng N Iy Iy Iy Pad, Fer T MD Cth Mth ** Pat Med Ecc, Crt, Ars Med, Int ** Copernicus, Nicolas Copernicus, Nicolas ** 1473 1543 70 Mer, Ecc W Po Po Po Cra, Bol, Pad T MA, LD Cth Asn ** Ecc Sch, Pat Ecc, Crt Med ** Cordus, Euricius Cordus, Euricius cb 1486 1535 49 Agr, Mag A Ge Ge Ge Erf, Fer T MA, MD Cth, Lth Bot ** Med, Acd Sch Crt, Mag Med ** Cordus, Valerius Cordus, Valerius ** 1515 1544 29 Med, Acd A Ge Ge Iy Mar, Lip, Wit T MD Lth Bot, Phr ** Phr, Acd ** Mag Phr ** Coronel, LuisNunez Coronel, LuisNunez fb 1500 1531 Unk N Sp Fr, Be, Sp Sp Par T DD Cth, Jew SPh ** Acd, Ecc, Pat ** Crt, Ecc, Ars Non ** Coronelli, VincenzoMaria Coronelli, VincenzoMaria ** 1650 1718 68 Art P Iy Iy, Fr Iy Ord T DD Cth Gog, Crt Hyd Gov, Pat, Ecc ** Crt, Ars, Ecc, Gov Crt, Hyd, MEn ** Cortes de Albacar, Martin Cortes de Albacar, Martin fl 1530 1582 Unk N Sp Sp Sp Non F ** Cth Nav ** Unk ** Crt Nav ** Crabtree, William Crabtree, William ** 1610 1644 34 Agr A En En En Non F ** Ang Asn ** Mer Eng Non Crt, Int ** Craig, John Craig, John cb 1662 1731 69 Ecc N Sc En En Edn T ** Ang Mth Opt Ecc Sch Ecc, Gov Nav RS Crollius, Oswald Crollius, Oswald cb 1560 1609 49 Mag N Ge Ge, Fr, Cz Cz Mar T MD Cal Iat, Alc ** Med, Pat ** Crt, Ars Med, Phr ** Croone, William Croone, William ** 1633 1684 51 Mer N En En En Cmb T MA Ang Phl, Emb, Ant Phc, Mtr Med Org, Acd Crt Med RS, MC Crousaz, Jean-Pierre de Crousaz, Jean-Pierre de ** 1663 1750 87 Ars A Sw Sw, Du, Ge Sw Lau, Gen, Ley T ** Cal Mth, NPh Mch Per, Pat, Acd Ecc, Sch Crt, Gov Non AR Cudworth, Ralph Cudworth, Ralph ** 1617 1688 71 Ecc A En En En Cmb T MA, DD Ang NPh ** Acd Ecc Gov, Crt, Ecc Non RS Cysat, JohannBaptist Cysat, JohannBaptist cb 1586 1657 71 Let N Sw Ge, Sw Sw Ord T DD Cth Asn ** Ecc ** Sci Arc, Int ** Dalechamps, Jacques Dalechamps, Jacques ** 1513 1588 75 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Mnt T MD Cth Bot, Med, Srg ** Med, Gov ** Mag, Ecc Med ** Dalence, Joachim Dalence, Joachim cb 1640 1707 67 Sur A Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Asn, Phc ** Gov ** Non Non ** Danti, Egnatio Danti, Egnatio ** 1536 1586 50 Art N Iy Iy Iy Per F ** Cth Asn, Mth, Crt Int, Opt, Gog Ecc, Pat, Acd Sch Crt, Ecc, Ars, Mag Arc, Int, Crt, CEn, Hyd, MEn ** Dasypodius, Cunradus Dasypodius, Cunradus cb 1530 1600 70 Acd, Ecc N Sw Ge Ge Str T ** Cal Mth Asn, Mch Acd ** Ars, Gov, Med Int ** Davison, William Davison, William ** 1593 1669 76 Ars P Sc Fr, Po Fr Abr, Mnt T MD Cth Iat, Alc Med.Asl Pat, Med, Gov Sch, Acd Crt, Ecc, Med Med ** Debeaune, Florimond Debeaune, Florimond ** 1601 1652 51 Gen A Fr Fr Fr Par F ** Cth Mth, Asn Mch, Opt Per, Gov ** Non Int ** Dechales, Claude F.M. Dechales, Claude F.M. ** 1621 1678 57 Unk N Fr Fr, Iy Iy Ord T DD Cth Mth ** Ecc Acd, Pat Crt Nav, MEn ** Dee, John Dee, John ** 1527 1608 81 Mer, Gov N En En, Po.Ge, Cz En Cmb, Lou T MA Ang Mth, OPh, Asl Alc, Gog, Asn Pat Acd, Asl, Sch Crt, Ars, Gen, Gov Nav, Int, Crt ** DeGroot, JanCornets DeGroot, JanCornets ** 1554 1640 86 Ars A Du Du Du Ley, Dou T MA Cal Mch Opt Per Pat Ars Hyd ** Delamain, Richard Delamain, Richard fl 1629 1645 Unk N En En En Non F ** Ang Mth ** Art, Sch, Pat Gov Crt Int, Mth, Crt ** Delisle, Guillaume Delisle, Guillaume ** 1675 1726 51 Sch, Gov N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Crt ** Pub, Pat Gov Crt, Sci Crt AR Denis, Jean-Baptiste Denis, Jean-Baptiste cb 1640 1704 64 Eng N Fr Fr Fr Mnt T MD Cth Med Asl Pat, Med, Sch ** Crt Med ** Derham, William Derham, William ** 1657 1735 78 Unk P En En En Oxf T MA Ang NPh, Mtr, NHs Asn, Ent, Phc Ecc Med, Pat Ecc, Gen, Crt, Med Med, Int RS Desargues, Gerard Desargues, Gerard ** 1591 1661 70 Gov N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Mth Mus Eng Per, Sch Gov Arc, Hyd, Mth ** Descartes, Rene Descartes, Rene ** 1596 1650 54 Ars W Fr Fr, Du, Sv Sv Poi, Fra, Ley F ** Cth Mth, NPh, Opt Mch, Phl, Mus Per ** Ecc, Ars, Crt, Gov Int, Med ** Despagnet, Jean Despagnet, Jean cd 1564 1637 73 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Alc, OPh ** Gov ** Non Non ** Digby, Kenelm Digby, Kenelm ** 1603 1665 62 Gen W En En, Fr En Oxf F ** Cth, Ang NPh Bot, Alc Per Gov, Pat, Sai Crt Med, Phr RS Digges, Leonard Digges, Leonard ca 1520 1559 39 Gen W En En En Non F ** Ang Mth, Crt Opt, Asn Per Pub Ars Crt, MEn, Nav, Int, Arc ** Digges, Thomas Digges, Thomas cb 1545 1595 50 Gen, Sci N En En En Non F ** Ang Mth, Asn Crt, Eng, Opt Per Mil Gov, Ars MEn, Crt, Nav ** Divini, Eustachio Divini, Eustachio ** 1610 1685 75 Unk N Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Int Asn Int Mil Crt, Ecc Int ** Dodart, Denis Dodart, Denis ** 1634 1707 73 Unk A Fr Fr Fr Par T MD Cth Bot, Med, Phl ** Med, Pat, Gov Acd Crt, Ars Med AR Dodoens, Rembert Dodoens, Rembert cb 1516 1585 69 Mer A Be Be Be Lou T MD Cth Bot, Med, Phr ** Med, Pat, Per Gov, Acd Mag, Crt, Gov, Ecc Med, Phr ** Doerffel, GeorgSamuel Doerffel, GeorgSamuel ** 1643 1688 45 Ecc N Ge Ge Ge Lip, Jen T MA, DD Lth Asn ** Ecc ** Non Non ** Dominis, MarkoAntonije Dominis, MarkoAntonije ** 1560 1624 64 Law N Yu Iy, En, Yu Iy Pad, Ord T DD Cth, Ang Phc, Opt ** Ecc, Pat ** Crt, Ecc Non ** Doppelmayr, JohannGabriel Doppelmayr, JohannGabriel ** 1677 1750 73 Mer N Ge Ge Ge Alt, Hal, Utr, Ley, Oxf F ** Lth Asn, Mth, Phc ** Acd ** Unk Non Lp, BA, RA, RS Dorn, Gerard Dorn, Gerard fl 1566 1584 Unk N Be Sw, Ge Un Unk T MD Cth Alc, Iat, OPh Med, Phr Unk, Pub ** Sci, Crt, Ars Med, Phr ** Douglas, James Douglas, James ** 1675 1742 67 Gen A Sc En En Edn, Rhm T MD Ang Ant, Srg Med, Bot, Zoo Med Sch, Pat Crt, Ars, Med Med, Phr RS, MC Drebbel, Cornelius Drebbel, Cornelius ** 1572 1633 61 Agr A Du Du, En, Cz En Non F ** Sct Int, Alc Eng Eng, Pat, Gov Art Crt, Ars Int, Chm, Hyd, Dev ** Dubois, Jacques Dubois, Jacques ** 1478 1555 77 Art, Acd N Fr Fr Fr Mnt T MD Cth Ant, Med ** Acd, Med Sch Crt Med ** Duchesne, Joseph Duchesne, Joseph cb 1544 1609 65 Med N Fr Fr, Sw Fr Mnt, Bas T MD Cal Iat, Alc, Med Phr Med, Pat, Per ** Ars, Crt Med, Phr ** Dudith, Andreas Dudith, Andreas ** 1533 1589 56 Ars W Hu En, Ge, Hu, Yu Ge Non F ** Cth, Lth Asn Med Ecc, Pat, Gov Per Ecc, Crt Non ** Dudley, Robert Dudley, Robert ** 1573 1649 76 Ars W En En, It It Oxf F ** Ang, Cth Nav, Crt ** Pat Per Crt, Ars, Ecc Nav, Crt, CEn, Arc, MEn, Hyd, Phr, Int ** Duerer, Albrecht Duerer, Albrecht ** 1471 1528 57 Art N Ge Ge Ge Non F ** Cth, Lth Mth ** Art ** Mag, Mer, Crt, Gov MEn, Int, Crt ** Duhamel, Jean-Baptiste Duhamel, Jean-Baptiste cb 1623 1706 83 Law N Fr Fr Fr Cae, Par T ** Cth Org, Ant, Asn Phc, NPh Acd, Ecc, Org Pat Crt, Ecc, Gov, Ars Non AR DullaertofGhent, Jean DullaertofGhent, Jean cb 1471 1513 42 Ars N Be Fr Fr Par T MA, DD Cth SPh ** Acd ** Acd Non ** Duverney, Joseph-Guichard Duverney, Joseph-Guichard ** 1648 1730 82 Med A Fr Fr Fr Avi T MD Cth Ant, Zoo Ent, Emb Gov, Acd Pat Crt, Ars Non AR Edwardes, David Edwardes, David ca 1502 1542 40 Unk N En En En Oxf, Cmb T MA, MD Cth Med, Ant ** Med Acd Ars, Crt Med ** Ent, George Ent, George ** 1604 1689 85 Mer N En En En Cmb, Pad T MA, MD Pur Phl Ant Med ** Ars, Crt Med, Phr RS, MC Erastus, Thomas Erastus, Thomas ** 1524 1583 59 Art N Sw Ge, Sw Sw Bas, Pad, Bol T MD Cal NPh, Med ** Med, Acd Pat Ars, Crt, Mag Med ** Ercker, Lazarus Ercker, Lazarus cb 1530 1594 64 Min N Ge Ge, Cz Cz Wit F ** Lth Chm, Mtl ** Gov, Pat ** Crt Mtl, CEn ** Escholt, Mikkel Pederson Escholt, Mikkel Pederson cb 1610 1669 59 Unk N Dn Dn Dn Cop T ** Lth Gol ** Ecc ** Ars Non ** Estienne, Charles Estienne, Charles cb 1505 1564 59 Pub A Fr Fr Fr Pad, Par T MD Cth Ant, Bot Med Med, Pub Acd Gov, Crt, Ecc Med ** Eustachi, Bartolomeo Eustachi, Bartolomeo cb 1500 1574 74 Med A Iy Iy Iy Sap T MD Cth Ant, Med ** Med, Pat, Acd Gov Crt, Ecc, Ars Med MC Evelyn, John Evelyn, John ** 1620 1706 86 Gen W En En En Oxf, Pad F ** Ang Bot ** Per Gov Crt, Ars Agr RS Fabri, Honore Fabri, Honore ** 1607 1688 81 Law N Fr Fr, Iy Iy Ord T DD Cth Mth, Phc, Asn Opt Ecc ** Crt, Ecc Non ** Fabrici, Girolamo Fabrici, Girolamo cb 1533 1619 86 Ars N Iy Iy Iy Pad T MD, PD Cth Ant, Phl, Emb Srg Acd, Med, Pat Sch, Gov Ars, Crt, Mag Med, Int MC Falloppio, Gabriele Falloppio, Gabriele cb 1523 1562 39 Art, Mil P Iy Iy Iy Fer T MD Cth Ant, Phl, Med Srg, Phr Acd, Med Ecc, Pat Crt, Ecc Med, Phr MC Faulhaber, Johann Faulhaber, Johann ** 1580 1635 55 Art P Ge Ge Ge Non F ** Lth Mth, Eng Alc Sch, Eng ** Ars, Mag, Crt MEn, Hyd, Int, Crt ** Fermat, Pierrede Fermat, Pierrede ** 1601 1665 64 Mer A Fr Fr Fr Orl T LD Cth Mth ** Gov, Per ** Non Non ** Fernel, Jean Francois Fernel, Jean Francois cb 1497 1558 61 Mer A Fr Fr Fr Par T MA, MD Cth Med, Ant, Phl Asn, Mth, NPh Med, Acd, Pat Per Acd, Crt Med ** Ferrari, Ludovico Ferrari, Ludovico ** 1522 1565 43 Unk P Iy Iy Iy Bol T PD Cth Mth Gog, Asn Sch, Pat Acd Sci, Ecc, Gov Arc, Crt ** Feuillee, Louis Feuillee, Louis ** 1660 1732 72 Agr P Fr Fr Fr Ord T ** Cth Asn, NHs Phr, Bot, Zoo Ecc, Pat, Gov ** Sci, Gov, Crt Crt, Phr, Int AR Fine, Oronce Fine, Oronce ** 1494 1555 61 Med A Fr Fr Fr Par T MD Cth Asn, Mth, Crt Asl Acd Pub Crt, Ars Int, CEn, MEn, Crt ** Fink, Thomas Fink, Thomas ** 1561 1656 95 Mer, Mag A Dn Dn Dn Str, Hei, Lip, Pad, Pis, Bas T MD Lth Mth Asn, Med Acd, Med Per, Pat Crt, Gov Med ** Flamsteed, John Flamsteed, John ** 1646 1719 73 Mer A En En En Non F ** Ang Asn Opt, Mtr Gov, Ecc Sch, Per Crt, Ars, Gov Int, Nav RS Fleischer, Johannes Fleischer, Johannes ** 1539 1593 54 Unk A Ge Ge Ge Wit T MA, DD Lth Opt ** Ecc Sch, Gov Non Non ** Fludd, Robert Fludd, Robert ** 1574 1637 63 Gov, Gen W En En En Oxf T MA, MD Ang OPh Med, Alc Med, Per Sch Ars, Crt Med, Dev, Int MC Fontenelle, BernardleB. Fontenelle, BernardleB. ** 1657 1757 100 Gov A Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Org, Com ** Gov, Pat ** Crt Non AR, RS, BA Fracastoro, Girolamo Fracastoro, Girolamo cb 1478 1553 75 Unk A Iy Iy Iy Pad T MD Cth Med, NPh, Phr Asn, Gog, Bot Per, Med Acd, Pat Ecc, Ars Med, Phr MC Freind, John Freind, John ** 1675 1728 53 Ecc A En En En Oxf T MA, MD Ang Med, Chm Phl Med, Pat, Per Acd Ecc, Crt, Ars, Sci Med MC, RS Frenicle de Bessy, Bernard Frenicle de Bessy, Bernard cb 1605 1675 70 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Mth Phc Gov ** Crt Non AR Fuchs, Leonhart Fuchs, Leonhart ** 1501 1566 65 Mag N Ge Ge Ge Erf, Ing T MA, MD Cth, Lth Bot, Phr, Med ** Med, Acd Sch, Pat Crt, Gov, Ecc Med, Phr ** Gagliardi, Domenico Gagliardi, Domenico ca 1660 1725 65 Unk N Iy Iy Iy Sap T MD Cth Ant, Med, Mcr ** Med, Acd, Gov ** Ecc, Med Med MC Galilei, Galileo Galilei, Galileo ** 1564 1642 78 Mus, Mer N Iy Iy Iy Pis F ** Cth Phc, Mch, Asn Mth, Opt, NPh Acd, Pat, Sch Int Sci, Ars, Ecc, Crt Int, Hyd, MEn, Crt, Nav Ln Galilei, Vincenzio Galilei, Vincenzio cb 1520 1591 71 Ars N Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Mus Phc Mus, Pat, Sch ** Ars Non ** Gallois, Jean Gallois, Jean ** 1632 1707 75 Law N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Com ** Pat, Gov Ecc, Acd Gov, Ars Non AR Gascoigne, William Gascoigne, William cb 1612 1644 32 Gen A En En En Oxf F ** Cth Opt, Asn ** Per ** Non Int ** Gassendi, Pierre Gassendi, Pierre ** 1592 1655 63 Agr N Fr Fr Fr Aix, Avi T DD Cth Asn, NPh Phc Ecc, Pat Sch, Acd Ars, Sci, Gov, Ecc Crt ** Gayant, Louis Gayant, Louis fl 1667 1673 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Unk Ant ** Med, Gov ** Unk Med AR, MC Gellibrand, Henry Gellibrand, Henry ** 1597 1636 39 Med A En En En Oxf T MA Cal Nav, Mag Mth, Asn Per, Acd Ecc Sci Nav ** GemmaFrisius, Reiner GemmaFrisius, Reiner ** 1508 1555 47 Unk P Du Be Be Lou T MD Cth Asn, Gog, Crt Mth Med, Acd Pub Crt, Ecc Med, Int, Crt ** Geoffroy, Etienne-Francois Geoffroy, Etienne-Francois ** 1672 1731 59 Phr, Mag W Fr Fr Fr Mnt, Par T MD Cth Chm, Phr ** Acd, Per, Gov Phr, Med, Pat Ars, Ecc Med, Phr RS, AR Gerard, John Gerard, John ** 1545 1612 67 Unk N En En En Non F ** Ang Bot, Phr ** Med, Pat Org Crt, Ars, Gen Med, Phr MC Gerbezius, Marcus Gerbezius, Marcus ** 1658 1718 60 Unk P Yu Yu Yu Vie, Pad, Bol T MD, PhD Cth Med, Chm ** Med, Gov ** Unk Med Lp Gesner, Konrad Gesner, Konrad ** 1516 1565 49 Art, Ecc P Sw Sw Sw Zur, Bou, Par, Mnt, Bas T MD Cal NHs, Bot, Zoo Med, Phr Acd, Med, Ecc Sch, Gov, Pub Acd, Ars, Crt, Ecc Med ** Ghetaldi, Marino Ghetaldi, Marino ca 1566 1627 61 Ars A Yu Yu Yu Non F ** Cth Mth Phc, Opt Per, Mag ** Sci, Ars, Ecc Non ** Ghini, Luca Ghini, Luca cb 1490 1556 66 Law N Iy Iy Iy Bol T MD Cth Bot, Phr Med, NHs Acd, Med, Pat Gov Crt Int, Med, Phr ** Gilbert, William Gilbert, William ** 1544 1603 59 Mag A En En En Cmb T MA, MD Ang Mag Elc, NPh Med Pat, Per, Acd Crt Med, Phr, Nav, Int MC Girard, Albert Girard, Albert ca 1595 1632 37 Unk N Fr Du Du Ley F ** Cal Mth, Eng Opt, Mus Mus, Eng ** Crt MEn, Crt ** Glanvill, Joseph Glanvill, Joseph ** 1636 1680 44 Mer N En En En Oxf T MA Ang NPh NHs Ecc Pat Crt, Ars, Gen, Ecc Non RS Glaser, Christopher Glaser, Christopher ca 1615 1672 57 Unk N Sw Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Phr, Chm, Iat ** Phr, Pat Acd Crt, Gov, Med Phr ** Glaser, JohannHeinrich Glaser, JohannHeinrich ** 1629 1679 50 Art N Sw Sw Sw Bas, Gen T MD Cal Ant, Med ** Med, Acd Gov Unk Med ** Glauber, JohannRudolph Glauber, JohannRudolph ** 1604 1670 66 Mis N Ge Ge, Du Du Non F ** Cth Chm, Alc, Iat Phr, Mtl Art, Phr Pat Crt, Ecc Phr, Agr, Chm ** Glisson, Francis Glisson, Francis cb 1597 1677 80 Unk N En En En Cmb T MA, MD Ang Ant, Med, Phl Emb, NPh Acd, Med Org Ars Med RS, MC Goedaert, Johannes Goedaert, Johannes cb 1617 1668 51 Unk N Du Du Du Non F ** Cal Ent ** Art ** Non Non ** Gohory, Jacques Gohory, Jacques ** 1520 1576 56 Gov, Ars W Fr Fr Fr Par, Unk T LD Cth Alc, Iat, Phr NHs, Bot, Org Per, Pat ** Ars, Ecc, Gov, Crt Phr ** Graaf, Regnier de Graaf, Regnier de ** 1641 1673 32 Eng A Du Du Du Lou, Utr, Ley, Ang T MD Cth Phl, Ant, Emb ** Med ** Crt, Ars, Gov, Med Med, Int ** Graham, George Graham, George cb 1674 1751 77 Agr N En En En Non F ** Ang Int Asn, Phc Int ** Mer, Ars Int RS Grandi, Guido Grandi, Guido ** 1671 1742 71 Lab P Iy Iy Iy Ord T ** Cth Mth Mch, Hyd, Asn Acd, Ecc, Pat Gov, Eng Crt, Ars, Ecc Hyd, Dev RS Graunt, John Graunt, John ** 1620 1674 54 Mer N En En En Non F ** Cal, Cth Dem ** Mer ** Crt, Gov, Ars Non RS Gray, Stephen Gray, Stephen ** 1666 1736 70 Art N En En En Non F ** Ang Elc, Asn NHs Art Pat, Mis Sci, Crt, Gen, Ecc Int RS Gregory, David Gregory, David cb 1659 1708 49 Gen W Sc Sc, En En Abr F ** Ang Mth Asn, Opt, Mch Per, Acd Sch, Med Crt, Ecc, Sci, Gov Int, Crt, Med RS, MC Gregory, James Gregory, James ** 1638 1675 37 Ecc W Sc Sc Sc Abr, Pad T ** Ang Mth, Opt Asn, Mch Acd ** Gov, Crt Int, Crt RS Grew, Nehemiah Grew, Nehemiah ** 1641 1712 71 Ecc, Sch N En En En Cmb, Ley T MD Cal Bot Ant, Chm Med Org, Sch, Pub Sci, Crt Med, Phr RS, MC Grimaldi, FrancescoMaria Grimaldi, FrancescoMaria ** 1618 1663 45 Mer W Iy Iy Iy Ord T DD Cth Asn, Opt ** Ecc ** Non Int ** Grisogono, Federico Grisogono, Federico cb 1472 1538 66 Ars W Yu Yu Yu Pad T MD Cth Asl, Asn, Mth ** Per Mag, Med Non Med, CEn ** Guericke, Ottovon Guericke, Ottovon ** 1602 1686 84 Ars W Ge Ge Ge Lip, Hlm, Jen, Ley F ** Lth NPh, Phc Asn, Elc, Mtr Mag, Per, Mer Eng, Gov Crt Int, MEn, CEn, Crt ** Guibert, Nicolas Guibert, Nicolas ca 1547 1620 73 Unk N Ge Iy, Ge Ge Per T MD Cth Alc ** Med, Pat Gov Crt, Ecc, Ars Med ** Guidi, Guido Guidi, Guido ** 1509 1569 60 Med A Iy Iy, Fr Iy Non F ** Cth Ant, Srg, Med ** Med, Pat, Acd Ecc Ecc, Crt Med, Int ** Guinter, Joannes Guinter, Joannes cb 1505 1574 69 Unk P Ge Be, Fr, Ge Ge Lip, Lou, Lig, Par T MD Cth, Lth Ant, Med ** Acd, Med ** Ars, Ecc, Crt, Med Med ** Guldin, Paul Guldin, Paul ** 1577 1643 66 Unk N Sw Iy, Ge Ge Col T ** Jew, Cth Mth Mch Ecc, Acd Art Crt Non ** Gunter, Edmund Gunter, Edmund ** 1581 1626 45 Unk N En En En Oxf T MA, DD Ang Mth, Nav, Int Mag Ecc, Acd ** Ars, Sci, Crt Int, Mth, Nav, Crt ** Haak, Theodore Haak, Theodore ** 1605 1690 85 Gov A Ge En En Oxf, Cmb, Ley F ** Cal Com, Org ** Gov, Per Ecc, Pat, Pub Crt Chm RS Hakluyt, Richard Hakluyt, Richard cb 1552 1616 64 Mer A En En En Oxf T MA Ang Gog ** Ecc, Pat Acd, Per, Mis Crt, Ars, Gen, Gov Nav, Crt ** Hales, Stephen Hales, Stephen ** 1677 1761 84 Gen W En En En Cmb T MA, DD Ang Bot, Phl, Chm Med Ecc Acd, Pat Crt, Ars Int, Chm, Med, Phr, Dev, Agr, Hyd RS, AR Halley, Edmond Halley, Edmond cb 1656 1743 87 Mer W En En En Oxf F ** Ang, Het Asn, Mth, Phc Dem, Mag, Mtr Acd, Gov Per, Org Crt, Gov, Ars, Sci Nav, Crt, Int, MEn RS, AR Hardy, Claude Hardy, Claude cb 1598 1678 80 Gov N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Unk Mth ** Law, Gov ** Non Non ** Harriot, Thomas Harriot, Thomas cb 1560 1621 61 Unk N En En En Oxf T ** Ang, Het Asn, Mth, Nav Phc, Opt, Chm Pat Sch Ars, Gen Nav, Crt, Int, Hyd ** Harris, John Harris, John cb 1666 1719 53 Unk N En En En Oxf T MA Ang NPh Mth Ecc Pat, Sch, Pub Crt, Ars, Ecc, Gen Non RS Hartlib, Samuel Hartlib, Samuel cb 1600 1662 62 Mer A Ge En En Cmb F ** Cal Org, Com ** Pat Per, Pub, Sch Gov, Ars, Gen Agr ** Hartmann, Georg Hartmann, Georg ** 1489 1564 75 Unk N Ge Ge Ge Clg F ** Cth, Lth Int Mag, Mth Int, Ecc ** Crt, Ars, Ecc Int ** Hartmann, Johannes Hartmann, Johannes ** 1568 1631 63 Art N Ge Ge Ge Jen, Wit, Mar T MA, MD Lth Iat, Med Mth, Asn Acd, Pat ** Crt Phr, Med ** Hartsoeker, Nicolaas Hartsoeker, Nicolaas ** 1656 1725 69 Ecc N Du Du, Fr, Ge Du Ley F ** Cal, Cth Int, Opt, NPh Phc, Emb Int, Pat Acd, Gov Sci, Crt, Mag Int AR, BA Harvey, William Harvey, William ** 1578 1657 79 Agr, Mer A En En En Cmb, Pad T MD Ang Phl, Emb Ant, Med, Ent Med, Pat Acd, Per, Org Crt, Ars, Med Med, Phr MC Hauksbee, Francis Hauksbee, Francis cb 1666 1713 47 Mer N En En En Non F ** Ang Phc, Elc ** Mer, Art, Org Sch, Pub Sci, Ars Int RS Havers, Clopton Havers, Clopton cb 1655 1702 47 Ecc N En En En Cmb, Utr F MD Cal, Ang Ant, Phl Med Med Org Ars Med RS, MC Helmont, JohannesBapt.van Helmont, JohannesBapt.van ** 1579 1644 65 Gen, Gov A Be Be Be Lou T MD Cth Iat, NPh, Med Phr Per Acd, Med Crt Med, Phr ** Henckel, JohannFriedrich Henckel, JohannFriedrich ** 1678 1744 66 Med, Gov A Ge Ge Ge Hal, Jen T MD Lth Mnl, Chm Med Gov, Med ** Ars, Crt Chm, Med BA, Lp Henrion, Denis Henrion, Denis ca 1580 1640 60 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cal Mth ** Eng, Sch ** Ars MEn, Int ** Herigone, Pierre Herigone, Pierre fl 1634 1643 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Unk Mth ** Sch Gov Gov Nav ** Hermann, Jakob Hermann, Jakob ** 1678 1733 55 Sch N Sw Ge, Iy, Ru, Sw Sw Bas T MA, DD Cal Mth, Mch ** Acd ** Sci, Crt Non BA, IB, RA, AR Hernandez, Francisco Hernandez, Francisco ** 1517 1587 70 Unk N Sp Sp Sp Alc T MD Jew, Cth NHs, Bot, Phr Ant, Med, Gog Med, Pat Gov Crt Med, Phr ** Heuraet, Hendrikvan Heuraet, Hendrikvan cd 1633 1660 27 Unk N Du Du Du Ley, Sau F ** Cal Mth ** Unk ** Non Non ** Heurne, Janvan Heurne, Janvan ** 1543 1601 58 Ars N Du Du Du Lou, Par, Pad T MD Cth, Cal Med ** Med, Acd Pat Ars, Crt Med ** Hevelius, Johannes Hevelius, Johannes ** 1611 1687 76 Mer A Ge Ge Ge Ley F ** Lth Asn, Int ** Mer, Per ** Crt, Mag Int RS Hiaerne, Urban Hiaerne, Urban ** 1641 1724 83 Ecc N Sv Sv Sv Upp, Ang T MD Lth Med, Iat, Mnl Phr, Chm, NHs Med, Pat, Gov Sch, Mis Acd, Ars, Crt, Gov Med, Phr, Chm, Mtl MC, RS Highmore, Nathaniel Highmore, Nathaniel ** 1613 1685 72 Ecc N En En En Oxf T MA, MD Ang Ant, Emb, Phl Med, Bot Med ** Crt Med ** Hobbes, Thomas Hobbes, Thomas ** 1588 1679 91 Ecc, Mer A En En En Oxf T ** Ang, Het NPh Mth, Opt Pat Per Crt, Ars, Gen, Gov Non ** Hoffmann, Friedrich Hoffmann, Friedrich ** 1660 1742 82 Med, Gov A Ge Ge Ge Erf, Jen T MD Lth Med, Chm ** Med, Gov, Acd Pat Crt Med RS, BA, RA, Lp Homberg, Wilhelm Homberg, Wilhelm ** 1652 1715 63 Mil N Du Fr Fr Jen, Lip, Pad, Wit T MD Cal, Cth Chm Phc, Bot Gov, Pat, Med ** Ars, Gov, Ecc, Crt Chm, Phr, Med, Int AR Hooke, Robert Hooke, Robert ** 1635 1703 68 Ecc N En En En Oxf F ** Ang Mcr, Mch, Int Opt, Gol, Phl Org, Gov, Acd Pat, Eng, Mis Sci, Gov, Crt, Gen Int, Arc, Crt, Nav, Dev RS Horne, Johannesvan Horne, Johannesvan ** 1621 1670 49 Mer W Du Du Du Ley, Utr, Pad T MD Cal Ant Srg Per, Acd ** Unk Med ** Horrebow, Peder Nielsen Horrebow, Peder Nielsen ** 1679 1764 85 Mis P Dn Dn Dn Cop T MA, MD Lth Asn Mth, Nav, Phc Acd, Med Mis, Pat, Gov Sci, Crt, Gov Nav, Int, Med, Crt AR, BA Horrocks, Jeremiah Horrocks, Jeremiah cb 1619 1641 22 Agr P En En En Cmb F ** Cal Asn ** Ecc ** Non Int ** Hortensius, Martinus Hortensius, Martinus cb 1605 1639 34 Unk N Du Du Du Ley F ** Cal Asn Opt, Nav Acd ** Gov, Ars Nav ** Hudde, Jan Hudde, Jan ** 1628 1704 76 Mer, Ars A Du Du Du Ley F ** Cal Mth Opt Per, Mag ** Non Int, Mth ** Huygens, Christiaan Huygens, Christiaan ** 1629 1695 66 Gov W Du Fr, Du Du Ley F ** Cal Phc, Mth, Opt Asn Per, Gov ** Crt, Gov Int, Nav AR, RS Ingrassia, GiovanniFilippo Ingrassia, GiovanniFilippo cb 1510 1580 70 Unk N Iy Iy Iy Pal, Pad T MD Cth Med, Ant ** Acd, Gov, Med ** Gov, Ars Med ** Joblot, Louis Joblot, Louis ** 1645 1723 78 Mer A Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Mcr, Mag, Int Emb Sch, Gov ** Ars Int, Mth ** Johnson, Thomas Johnson, Thomas cb 1600 1644 44 Unk N En En En Non F ** Ang Bot, Phr Med Phr Med Crt, Med, Ars, Gen Phr, Med SA Johnson, William Johnson, William cb 1610 1665 55 Gen N En En En Non F ** Ang Iat, Phr ** Per, Phr Org, Ecc Med Phr SA Jones, William Jones, William ** 1675 1749 74 Agr N En En En Non F ** Ang Mth Nav Pat, Gov Mis, Sch Gen, Ecc, Ars, Gov Nav RS Jonston, John Jonston, John ** 1603 1675 72 Unk N Po Po Po Ley, Cmb, SAn T MA, MD, PD Cal NHs, Med ** Med, Pat Sch Ars Med ** Juncker, Johann Juncker, Johann ** 1679 1759 80 Unk N Ge Ge Ge Mar, Hal, Erf T MD Lth Chm, Med ** Med, Acd, Per Sch, Gov Unk Med ** Jungius, Joachim Jungius, Joachim ** 1587 1657 70 Sch N Ge Ge Ge Ros, Ges, Pad T MA, MD Lth NPh ** Med, Acd ** Unk Med ** Kaempfer, Engelbert Kaempfer, Engelbert ** 1651 1716 65 Ecc N Ge Du, Ge Ge Thn, Kon, Cra, Ley T MA, MD Lth Gog, Bot ** Pat, Med, Per ** Ars, Mag Med ** Keckermann, Bartholomew Keckermann, Bartholomew ca 1571 1609 38 Gov, Sch N Ge Ge Ge Wit, Lip, Hei T MA, DD Cal Gog Asn, Mth, Opt Acd ** Crt, Mag Non ** Keill, James Keill, James ** 1673 1719 46 Gen N Sc En En Edn, Ley, Abr T MD Ang Ant, Phl Med, Chm Med Sch Med Med RS Keill, John Keill, John ** 1671 1721 50 Gen N Sc En En Edn, Oxf T MA Ang Phc, Mth, NPh ** Acd, Gov Sch, Pat, Per Crt, Gov, Ecc, Sci Non RS Kellner, David Kellner, David fl 1670 1700 Unk N Ge Ge Un Hlm T MD Lth Srg, Mtl ** Med, Pat ** Ars, Crt, Med Med, Agr ** Kepler, Johannes Kepler, Johannes ** 1571 1630 59 Mil P Ge Ge, Cz Ge Tub T MA Lth Asn, Opt, Mth Asl Pat, Sch Per, Asl, Cal Crt, Ars, Sci, Gov Hyd, Int, Mth ** Khunrath, Conrad Khunrath, Conrad fl ** 1614 Unk N Ge Dn Un Lip F ** Lth Med, Phr, Iat ** Med ** Non Med ** Khunrath, Heinrich Khunrath, Heinrich cb 1560 1605 45 Unk N Ge Ge Ge Lip, Bas T MD Lth Alc ** Med ** Non Med ** Kirch, Gottfried Kirch, Gottfried ** 1639 1710 71 Art P Ge Ge Ge Jen F ** Lth Asn ** Cal, Gov ** Crt, Ars, Sci, Acd Int BA Kirch, MariaM.W. Kirch, MariaM.W. ** 1670 1720 50 Ecc N Ge Ge Ge Non F ** Lth Asn ** Mis Pat Ars, Sci, Crt Non ** Kircher, Athanasius Kircher, Athanasius cb 1602 1680 78 Acd, Let P Ge Ge, Fr, Iy Iy Ord T DD Cth Gog, Asn, Opt OPh, Mag, Gol Pat, Acd Pub Ecc, Crt, Ars, Gov Int, Nav, Crt ** Koenig, Emanuel Koenig, Emanuel ** 1658 1731 73 Pub N Sw Sw Sw Bas T MA, MD Cal Med, NHs ** Acd ** Unk, Sci Non Lp Kunckel, Johann Kunckel, Johann cb 1630 1703 73 Art N Ge Ge, Sv Sv Non F ** Lth Chm, Alc ** Mer, Pat Sch, Phr Ars, Crt, Gov, Ecc Chm, Phr, Int Lp, AR LaBrosse, Guy de LaBrosse, Guy de cb 1586 1641 55 Med A Fr Fr Fr Mnt T MD Cal, Het Bot, Med, Phr Iat Pat, Med, Per Gov Crt, Ars, Gov Med, Phr ** LaFaille, Jean Charles de LaFaille, Jean Charles de ** 1597 1652 55 Ars N Be Be, Sp Sp Ord T DD Cth Mth ** Ecc, Acd, Pat Sch Crt MEn ** Lagny, Thomas Fantet de Lagny, Thomas Fantet de ** 1660 1734 74 Gov N Fr Fr Fr Tou F ** Cth Mth ** Pat, Gov ** Ars, Crt, Gov Mth AR, RS LaHire, Gabriel-Phil. de LaHire, Gabriel-Phil. de ** 1677 1719 42 Sci, Gov N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Asn, Eng Med, Ant, Mtr Gov ** Unk Crt, Arc, Int, Dev AR LaHire, Philippe de LaHire, Philippe de ** 1640 1718 78 Gov N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Asn, Mth, Mch Zoo, Phl, Mtr Gov, Acd ** Crt, Gov Mth, Crt, Int, Hyd, Nav, Arc, Dev AR Lalouvere, Antoine de Lalouvere, Antoine de ** 1600 1664 64 Ars N Fr Fr Fr Ord T DD Cth Mth ** Ecc ** Crt Non ** Lamy, Bernard Lamy, Bernard ** 1640 1715 75 Gen A Fr Fr Fr Sau F ** Cth Mth, Mch ** Ecc Acd Ecc Non ** Lamy, Guillaume Lamy, Guillaume fl 1634 1682 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Par T MA, MD Cth, Het NPh, Med Emb Acd, Med ** Non Med ** Lancisi, Giovanni Maria Lancisi, Giovanni Maria ** 1654 1720 66 Unk A Iy Iy Iy Col, Sap T MD Cth Med, Phl, Ant ** Med, Acd, Pat Gov Med, Ecc, Ars Med MC Lang, KarlNikolaus Lang, KarlNikolaus ** 1670 1741 71 Unk, Ecc N Sw Iy, Fr, Sw Sw Fri, Bol, Sap T MD Cth Pal, NHs Med Med, Gov ** Ars, Med, Mag Med Lp, BA, IB Langren, MichaelFlor.van Langren, MichaelFlor.van cb 1600 1675 75 Sci, Eng A Du Be Be Non F ** Cth Asn, Hyd, Eng Crt, Nav Pat ** Crt, Ecc Nav, CEn, MEn, Crt, Hyd ** Lansberge, Philipvan Lansberge, Philipvan ** 1561 1632 71 Ars N Be Be, Du Du Ley F ** Cal Mth, Asn ** Ecc, Pat, Med ** Mer, Gov Med ** LaRoche, Estienne de LaRoche, Estienne de fl 1480 1520 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Mth ** Sch ** Non Mth ** Laurens, Andre Du Laurens, Andre Du ** 1558 1609 51 Med A Fr Fr Fr Avi, Mnt T MD Unk Ant, Med ** Acd, Pat, Med ** Crt, Ars Med ** Lavanha, JoaoBaptista Lavanha, JoaoBaptista cb 1550 1624 74 Unk N Pt Sp Sp Non F ** Cth, Jew Nav, Crt Gog, Mth Gov, Pat ** Crt Nav, Crt, Int ** Lax, Gaspar Lax, Gaspar ** 1487 1560 73 Unk N Sp Fr, Sp Sp Zar, Par T MA, DD Cth SPh, Mth ** Acd ** Ecc, Gov, Ars Non ** L'Ecluse, Charles de L'Ecluse, Charles de ** 1526 1609 83 Ars W Fr Be, Ge, Du Du Lou, Mar, Wit, Mnt T LD Cth, Prt Bot NHs, Phr Pat Acd, Per Ars, Med, Crt Phr, Crt ** Leeuwenhoek, Antonivan Leeuwenhoek, Antonivan ** 1632 1723 91 Art N Du Du Du Non F ** Cal Mcr, Ent, Emb Bot, Zoo, Ant Mer, Gov, Per ** Mag Int RS LeFebvre, Nicaise LeFebvre, Nicaise cb 1610 1669 59 Phr N Fr Fr, En En Non F ** Cal Phr, Iat ** Phr, Pat, Gov Sch Med, Crt, Ars Phr RS LeFevre, Jean LeFevre, Jean ** 1652 1706 54 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Asn ** Gov Art, Cal Sci, Crt Crt AR Leibniz, GottfriedWilhelm Leibniz, GottfriedWilhelm ** 1646 1716 70 Law, Acd N Ge Fr, Ge Ge Lip, Jen, Alt T MA, LD Lth Mth, NPh, Mch Alc, Gol Pat, Gov ** Ars, Crt Mth, Hyd AR, BA, RS Lemery, Louis Lemery, Louis ** 1677 1743 66 Sci N Fr Fr Fr Par T MD Cth Chm Ant, Phl Med, Gov, Acd Pat Crt Med AR Lemery, Nicolas Lemery, Nicolas ** 1645 1715 70 Law N Fr Fr Fr Mnt, Cae F MD Cal, Cth Chm, Phr ** Phr, Sch, Med Pat, Gov Crt, Ars Med, Phr AR LePoivre, Jacques-Francois LePoivre, Jacques-Francois fl 1704 1704 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Mth ** Unk ** Non Non ** LeTenneur, Jacques-Alex. LeTenneur, Jacques-Alex. fl 1640 1652 Ars N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Unk Mth, Phc ** Gov ** Non Non ** L'Hospital, Guillaume de L'Hospital, Guillaume de ** 1661 1704 43 Ars, Mil W Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Mth ** Per ** Crt Non AR Lhwyd, Edward Lhwyd, Edward ** 1660 1709 49 Unk P En En En Oxf F ** Ang NHs, Pal, Bot Gol Acd Pub, Pat Acd, Sci, Gen Non RS Libavius, Andreas Libavius, Andreas cb 1560 1616 56 Art P Ge Ge Ge Wit, Jen, Bas T MD, PD Lth Alc Iat, Med Sch, Gov Acd, Med Crt, Unk Med ** Lister, Martin Lister, Martin ** 1639 1712 73 Gen A En En En Cmb, Mnt T MA Ang Zoo, Ent, Pal Gol, Bot, Med Med Acd, Pat Crt, Ars, Gov Med, Phr RS, MC L'Obel, Mathias de L'Obel, Mathias de ** 1538 1616 78 Law N Be Be, Du, En En Mnt T MD Cth Bot, Phr ** Med, Pat ** Crt, Ars Med, Phr ** Locke, John Locke, John ** 1632 1704 72 Law, Gov A En En En Oxf T MA, MD Ang, Het NPh Mtr Pat, Gov, Per Acd, Pub Crt, Ars, Gov, Mer Med RS Logan, James Logan, James ** 1674 1751 77 Ecc, Sch P Ir En En Non F ** Sct Opt, Bot Asn, Mth Gov, Mer, Adm Sch Gen Dev, Crt ** Lonicerus, Adam Lonicerus, Adam ** 1528 1586 58 Acd N Ge Ge Ge Mar, Mnz T MA, MD Lth Bot, NHs, Med Mth Pub, Gov, Med Sch, Acd Mag, Ars Med ** Lower, Richard Lower, Richard cb 1631 1691 60 Gen A En En En Oxf T MA, MD Ang Phl, Ant ** Med, Per Acd Med, Crt Med, Phr RS, MC Lusitanus, Amatus Lusitanus, Amatus ** 1511 1568 57 Unk N Pt Be, Iy, ME ME Sal T MD Cth, Jew Med, Phr, Bot Ant, Srg Med Acd, Pat Crt, Ars, Mag, Ecc Med, Phr ** Maestlin, Michael Maestlin, Michael ** 1550 1631 81 Mer N Ge Ge Ge Tub T MA Lth Asn ** Acd Ecc Crt Non ** Magalotti, Lorenzo Magalotti, Lorenzo ** 1637 1712 75 Ars, Gov W Iy Iy Iy Col, Pis F ** Cth Com ** Per, Gov, Pat ** Crt, Ecc Non Cm, RS Magati, Cesare Magati, Cesare ** 1579 1647 68 Unk N Iy Iy Iy Bol T MD, PD Cth Srg Med Med, Pat Acd Ars, Gov, Ecc Med ** Maggi, Bartolomeo Maggi, Bartolomeo ** 1477 1552 75 Ars N Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Srg Med Acd, Med, Pat ** Ecc, Crt, Ars Med ** Magini, GiovanniAntonio Magini, GiovanniAntonio ** 1555 1617 62 Unk N Iy Iy Iy Bol T PD Cth Crt, Asn, Gog Asl, Mth, Opt Acd, Pat Sch Crt, Ars, Ecc, Gov Crt, Int, Mth ** Magiotti, Raffaello Magiotti, Raffaello ** 1597 1656 59 Gen N Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Phc ** Pat, Ecc ** Ecc, Crt Int ** Magnenus, JohannChrysostom Magnenus, JohannChrysostom ca 1590 1679 89 Unk N Fr It Un Dol T MD Cth NPh, Phr Asl Med, Acd Pat Ars, Ecc, Gov, Mag Med, Phr ** Magni, Valeriano Magni, Valeriano cb 1586 1661 75 Ars W Iy Ge, Cz, Po Ge Ord T ** Cth Phc, NPh ** Ecc Acd, Pat Crt, Ecc Non ** Magnitsky, LeontyFilippov. Magnitsky, LeontyFilippov. ** 1669 1739 70 Agr P Ru Ru Ru Non F ** Ort Mth, Nav ** Sch, Pat ** Crt Nav, MEn ** Magnol, Pierre Magnol, Pierre ** 1638 1715 77 Phr N Fr Fr Fr Mnt T MD Cal, Cth Bot ** Med, Gov, Acd ** Med Med, Phr AR Maier, Michael Maier, Michael cb 1568 1622 54 Gov N Ge Ge Ge Ros, Pad, FaO, Bol, Bas T MA, MD, PD Lth Alc ** Med Sch, Pat Crt, Ars, Ecc, Med Med ** Maignan, Emanuel Maignan, Emanuel ** 1601 1676 75 Ars, Gov N Fr Fr, Iy Fr Ord T ** Cth Phc Opt, Int Ecc ** Gov, Ars Int ** Maillet, Benoit de Maillet, Benoit de ** 1656 1738 82 Gen A Fr Fr, ME Fr Non F ** Cth, Het Gol NHs Gov, Per ** Gov Non ** Mairan, Jean J. d'O. de Mairan, Jean . d'O. de ** 1678 1771 93 Ars A Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Phc, Mch, Opt Mth, Org Per, Gov, Pat ** Ecc, Ars, Crt, Gov CEn AR, RS, IB, RA Malebranche, Nicolas Malebranche, Nicolas ** 1638 1715 77 Gov W Fr Fr Fr Par T MA Cth NPh Mth, Phc, Opt Per Ecc, Gov Unk Non AR Malpighi, Marcello Malpighi, Marcello ** 1628 1694 66 Unk A Iy Iy Iy Bol T MD, PD Cth Ant, Emb, Mcr Bot, Phl, Ent Acd, Med Pat, Gov Crt, Mag, Ars, Ecc Med, Int RS, MC Manfredi, Eustachio Manfredi, Eustachio ** 1674 1739 65 Law A Iy Iy Iy Bol T LD Cth Asn, Hyd Mth Acd, Gov Sch, Org Ars, Ecc Hyd AR, RS, IB Maraldi, GiacomoFilippo Maraldi, GiacomoFilippo ** 1665 1729 64 Unk N Iy Fr Fr Non T ** Cth Asn, Crt NHs Gov ** Sci Crt AR Marchant, Jean Marchant, Jean ** 1650 1738 88 Sci N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Bot ** Gov, Pat ** Crt Non AR Marchant, Nicolas Marchant, Nicolas fb 1650 1678 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Pad T MD Cth Bot ** Gov, Pat ** Crt, Gov Phr AR MarciofKronland, Joh.M. MarciofKronland, Joh.M. ** 1595 1667 72 Adm N Cz Cz Cz Prg T MD Cth Med, Mch, Opt Mth Acd, Med, Pat ** Crt Med ** Mariotte, Edme Mariotte, Edme cb 1620 1684 64 Adm N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Phc, Mch, Opt Bot, Hyd, Mtr Unk, Gov Ecc Crt, Gov Int, Hyd, Nav, MEn AR Markgraf, Georg Markgraf, Georg cd 1610 1644 34 Sch N Ge Du Du Ley F ** Cal Asn, Bot, Zoo Crt Pat ** Mer, Crt MEn, Crt ** Marsili, LuigiF. Marsili, LuigiF. ** 1658 1730 72 Ars A Iy Iy, Ge, Fr Iy Non F ** Cth NHs, Gog, Org Mnl, Gol Per, Pat, Mil ** Crt, Ecc, Gov, Mag MEn, Crt, Hyd, CEn IB, AR, RS Martinez, Crisostomo Martinez, Crisostomo ** 1638 1694 56 Art N Sp Sp, Fr Be Non F ** Cth Ant, Phl, Mcr Emb Mis, Pat ** Mag, Crt Non ** Massa, Niccolo Massa, Niccolo ** 1485 1569 84 Unk N Iy Iy Iy Pad T MD Cth Ant, Med ** Med ** Non Med MC Mattioli, PietroAndreaG. Mattioli, PietroAndreaG. ** 1501 1577 76 Med A Iy Iy, Cz, Ge Iy Pad T MD Cth Med, Bot, Phr Gog Med, Pat ** Crt, Ecc Med, Phr, Chm ** Maurolico, Francesco Maurolico, Francesco ** 1494 1575 81 Med, Gov A Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Mth, Asn, Opt Mch, Mus, Gog Per, Ecc, Pat Acd, Gov Crt, Gov, Ecc, Ars MEn, Crt, Int ** Mayow, John Mayow, John ** 1641 1679 38 Gen A En En En Oxf T LD Ang Phl, Chm, NPh Med Acd, Med ** Gov Med RS Mayr, Simon Mayr, Simon ** 1573 1624 51 Unk P Ge Ge Ge Pad F ** Lth Asn, Asl Mth Pat Med, Sch Crt, Ars, Mer Int ** Medina, Pedro de Medina, Pedro de ca 1493 1567 74 Unk N Sp Sp Sp Sev T ** Cth Crt, Nav, NPh ** Pat, Gov, Sch ** Ars, Crt Nav, Crt ** Mello, Francisco de Mello, Francisco de ** 1490 1536 46 Ars N Pt Pt Pt Par T MA, DD Cth Mth ** Pat ** Crt Crt ** Mengoli, Pietro Mengoli, Pietro ** 1625 1686 61 Unk N Iy Iy Iy Bol T PD, LD Cth Mth Asn, Mus, Opt Acd, Ecc ** Gov, Ecc, Crt, Mag Non ** Mercati, Michele Mercati, Michele ** 1541 1593 52 Med A Iy Iy Iy Pis T MD, PD Cth NHs, Mnl, Pal Med, Bot Pat ** Sci, Ecc, Crt Med, Phr ** Mercator, Gerardus Mercator, Gerardus ** 1512 1594 82 Art, Ecc A Be Ge Ge Lou T MA Cth, Prt Crt, Gog ** Pub, Int, Pat Sch Ars, Ecc, Crt, Gov Int, Crt, Nav ** Mercator, Nicolaus Mercator, Nicolaus cb 1619 1687 68 Sch N Dn En Fr Ros, Ley T MA Lth Mth, Asn Nav, Asl Acd, Sch, Pat ** Acd, Sci, Mag, Gov Int, Nav, Hyd RS Merrett, Christopher Merrett, Christopher ** 1614 1695 81 Unk N En En En Oxf T MA, MD Ang NHs Bot, Med, Chm Med Org Med Med, Phr, Chm RS, MC Mersenne, Marin Mersenne, Marin ** 1588 1648 60 Lab P Fr Fr Fr Par T ** Cth Com, NPh, Mus Phc Ecc Pat Ecc, Ars, Sci, Gov Non ** Mery, Jean Mery, Jean ** 1645 1722 77 Med A Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Ant, Srg Phl Med, Gov, Pat ** Crt, Gov Med AR Metius, Adriaan Metius, Adriaan ** 1571 1635 64 Eng A Du Du Du Fra, Ley T ** Cal Mth, Asn Alc, Int, Eng Acd Eng Crt MEn, Crt, Int ** Metius, Jacob Metius, Jacob fb 1608 1628 Eng A Du Du Du Non F ** Cal Int ** Int ** Non Int ** Micheli, Pier'Antonio Micheli, Pier'Antonio ** 1679 1737 58 Art P Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Bot, NHs, Pal Mnl, Gol, Zoo Pat Pub Ecc, Ars, Crt, Sci Mtl, Agr, Phr ** Michelini, Famiano Michelini, Famiano ** 1604 1665 61 Unk N Iy Iy Iy Ord T ** Cth Med, Hyd ** Ecc, Pat, Acd Sch Crt, Ecc Med, Phr, Hyd ** Millington, Thomas Millington, Thomas ** 1628 1704 76 Gen N En En En Cmb, Oxf T MA, MD Ang Phl, Ant ** Acd, Med, Pat ** Crt Med MC, RS Moffett, Thomas Moffett, Thomas ** 1553 1604 51 Mer A En En En Cmb, Bas T MA, MD Ang NHs, Ent Med, Iat Med, Pat ** Ars Med, Phr, Agr MC Mohr, Georg Mohr, Georg ** 1640 1697 57 Gov, Mer N Dn Du, Dn, Ge Ge Non F ** Lth Mth ** Unk Pat Crt, Sci Non ** Moivre, AbrahamDe Moivre, AbrahamDe ** 1667 1754 87 Med N Fr En En Sau, Par F ** Cal Mth ** Sch, Pub ** Ars, Sci Mth RS, BA, AR Molyneux, William Molyneux, William ** 1656 1698 42 Gen, Mil W Ir Ir Ir Tri T ** Ang Opt Asn, NHs, NPh Per Gov Gov Int, MEn, CEn DP, RS Monardes, Nicolas Bautista Monardes, Nicolas Bautista cb 1508 1588 80 Pub N Sp Sp Sp Alc, Sev T MD Cth Med, Phr, Bot NHs, Mnl Med, Mer, Per ** Mag, Ecc, Ars, Crt Med, Phr ** Montanari, Geminiano Montanari, Geminiano ** 1633 1687 54 Unk N Iy Ge, Iy Iy Sbg T MD, PD, LD Cth Asn, Phc, NPh Phl, Mtr, Hyd Pat, Acd, Gov Law Crt, Ars, Ecc, Mag Hyd, MEn, Int, Crt ** Monte, Guidobaldo del Monte, Guidobaldo del ** 1545 1607 62 Ars, Mil A Iy Iy Iy Pad F ** Cth Mch, Mth, Asn Opt Per Eng Crt MEn, Arc, Int, Dev, Hyd ** Montmor, Henri Louis H. de Montmor, Henri Louis H. de cb 1600 1679 79 Ars, Gov W Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Org NPh Per, Gov ** Non Non ** Montmort, Pierre Remond de Montmort, Pierre Remond de ** 1678 1719 41 Ars W Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Mth ** Per Ecc Non Non AR, RS Moray, Robert Moray, Robert cb 1608 1673 65 Gen N Sc Sc, En En Non F ** Cal Org Chm Mil, Gov, Pat ** Crt, Gov Non RS More, Henry More, Henry ** 1614 1687 73 Mag A En En En Cmb T MA Ang NPh ** Acd, Per Ecc Ars Non RS Morin, Jean-Baptiste Morin, Jean-Baptiste ** 1583 1656 73 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Aix, Avi T MD Cth Med, Asn, Asl ** Pat, Acd, Asl ** Ars, Ecc, Crt, Gov Nav, Int ** Morison, Robert Morison, Robert ** 1620 1683 63 Unk N Sc Sc, Fr, En En Abr, Ang T MD Ang Bot ** Acd, Pat ** Crt, Ars, Gen, Ecc Non MC Morland, Samuel Morland, Samuel cb 1625 1695 70 Ecc N En En En Cmb T MA Cal, Ang Hyd ** Gov, Pat Acd, Mis Crt Hyd, Int, Dev, Mth, MEn ** Morton, John Morton, John cb 1670 1726 56 Unk N En En En Cmb T MA Ang NHs ** Ecc ** Ars, Gen Non RS Mouton, Gabriel Mouton, Gabriel ** 1618 1694 76 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Lyo T DD Cth Mth, Asn ** Ecc ** Non Mth, Int ** Muenster, Sebastian Muenster, Sebastian ** 1488 1552 64 Gov P Ge Ge, Sw Sw Ord F ** Cth, Cal Gog Mth, Asn Acd Ecc, Pub, Sch Ecc, Ars, Unk Crt, Int ** Muralt, Johannesvon Muralt, Johannesvon ** 1645 1733 88 Mer A Sw Sw Sw Bas, Ley T MD Cal Med, Ant, Srg Phl, Zoo Med, Gov Sch Sci Med Lp Mydorge, Claude Mydorge, Claude ** 1585 1647 62 Law, Gov W Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Mth, Opt ** Per Gov Non Non ** Mylon, Claude Mylon, Claude ca 1618 1660 42 Gov W Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Com Mth Law, Per ** Non Non ** Napier, John Napier, John ** 1550 1617 67 Gen, Gov W Sc Sc Sc SAn F ** Cal Mth ** Per ** Crt, Gov Hyd, Agr, Mth, Int, Crt ** Neander, Michael Neander, Michael ** 1529 1581 52 Unk N Cz Ge Ge Wit, Jen T MD Lth Mth, Med Asn Acd Sch Unk Non ** Neri, Antonio Neri, Antonio cd 1576 1614 38 Med A Iy Iy, Be Iy Non F ** Cth Chm, Alc, Iat ** Unk, Pat ** Ars Chm, Phr ** Newcomen, Thomas Newcomen, Thomas ** 1664 1729 65 Mer N En En En Non F ** Sct Eng ** Art, Eng ** Non Dev ** Newton, Isaac Newton, Isaac ** 1642 1727 85 Agr A En En En Cmb T MA Ang, Het Mth, Mch, Opt Phc, NPh, Alc Acd, Per, Gov ** Acd, Sci, Gov, Crt Int, Mtl, Mth, Nav RS, AR Niceron, Jean-Francois Niceron, Jean-Francois ** 1613 1646 33 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Ord F ** Cth Opt ** Ecc ** Ecc Non ** Nieuwentijt, Bernard Nieuwentijt, Bernard ** 1654 1718 64 Ecc N Du Du Du Ley, Utr T MD Cal Mth, NPh Chm Med, Mag, Per Gov Non Med ** Noel, Etienne Noel, Etienne ** 1581 1659 78 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Ord T DD Cth Phc, NPh ** Ecc ** Non Non ** Norman, Robert Norman, Robert fl 1581 1590 Unk N En En En Non F ** Ang Nav, Mag ** Sai, Int ** Gov Int, Nav ** Norwood, Richard Norwood, Richard ** 1590 1676 86 Unk P En En En Non F ** Ang, Cal Nav Mth, Crt Sch, Agr Eng, Sai, Mil Mer, Ars Nav, Mth, Crt, Int, MEn, Agr ** Nunez Salaciense, Pedro Nunez Salaciense, Pedro ** 1502 1578 76 Unk N Pt Pt Pt Sal, Lis T MD Jew, Cth Mth, Int, Nav Mch, Asn Acd, Pat ** Crt, Ecc Nav, Int ** Odierna, Gioanbatista Odierna, Gioanbatista ** 1597 1660 63 Art P Iy Iy Iy Ord F DD Cth Opt, Asn, Asl NHs, Mtr, Mcr Pat, Ecc Sch Ars, Crt, Ecc Int, Crt, Nav ** Olaus Magnus Olaus Magnus ** 1490 1557 67 Unk N Sv Sv, Iy Iy Clg, Ros T MA Cth Gog, Crt NHs Ecc, Pat Gov Crt, Ecc Crt, Hyd ** Oldenburg, Henry Oldenburg, Henry cb 1618 1677 59 Sch N Ge En En Brm, Utr, Oxf T DD Cal, Ang Com, Org ** Org, Sch, Pub Per, Mis, Pat Ars, Sci, Gov, Crt Non RS Orta, Garciad' Orta, Garciad' ca 1500 1568 68 Mer N Pt Pt Pt Sal, Alc T MD Jew, Cth Bot, Phr Med Med, Pat Acd Ars Med, Phr ** Ortega, Juan de Ortega, Juan de fl 1512 1542 Unk N Sp Iy, Sp Sp Non F ** Cth Mth ** Sch ** Non Mth ** Ortelius, Abraham Ortelius, Abraham ** 1527 1598 71 Mer A Be Be Be Non F ** Cth Crt, Gog NHs Pub, Art, Pat Mer Mer, Crt, Ars, Gov Crt ** Osiander, Andreas Osiander, Andreas ** 1498 1552 54 Art P Ge Ge Ge Ing F ** Cth, Lth Asn, Asl, Mth ** Ecc Sch, Acd Crt, Mag, Ecc Non ** Oughtred, William Oughtred, William ** 1575 1660 85 Ecc, Sch N En En En Cmb T MA Ang Mth Alc Ecc Acd, Pat Ars, Gen Mth, Int, Crt ** Owen, George Owen, George cb 1552 1613 61 Law, Gen A En En En Non F ** Ang Gol, Gog ** Per Gov Ars Crt, Agr, Int, MEn ** Ozanam, Jacques Ozanam, Jacques cd 1640 1717 77 Ars W Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth, Jew Mth, Crt ** Sch, Gov ** Gov, Ars Crt, MEn AR PacchioniAntonio PacchioniAntonio ** 1665 1726 61 Unk N Iy Iy Iy Reg T MD, PD Cth Ant ** Med, Gov ** Sci Med MC, IB, Lp Palissy, Bernard Palissy, Bernard ca 1510 1590 80 Art P Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth, Cal NHs ** Art, Eng, Pat Sch Crt, Ars Chm, Crt, Hyd ** Papin, Denis Papin, Denis cd 1647 1712 65 Gov N Fr Fr, En, Iy, Ge En Ang T MD Cal Eng, Phc Chm, Mch, Hyd Pat Org, Acd, Sch Sci, Crt, Gov, Ars Int, Dev, Chm, MEn, CEn RS Paracelsus, Theophras.von Paracelsus, Theophras.von cb 1493 1541 48 Med A Sw Ge, Sw Ge Non F ** Cth Med, Iat, Chm Asl, NPh Med Gov Ecc, Mer, Mag, Ars Med, Phr ** Pardies, IgnaceGaston Pardies, IgnaceGaston ** 1636 1673 37 Gov N Fr Fr Fr Ord T DD Cth Mch, Opt, NPh Mth, Asn, Phc Ecc Pat Ars, Gov, Crt Int, MEn, Crt, Hyd ** Pare, Ambroise Pare, Ambroise cb 1510 1590 80 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Srg ** Med, Pat ** Crt, Ars Med MC Parent, Antoine Parent, Antoine ** 1666 1716 50 Law N Fr Fr Fr Par T LD Cth Phc, Mth, Asn Crt, Mch, Chm Sch Gov, Pat Ars Crt, MEn AR Pascal, Blaise Pascal, Blaise ** 1623 1662 39 Gov W Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Mth, Phc ** Per Pat Ars, Gov Hyd, Int, Mth ** Pascal, Etienne Pascal, Etienne ** 1588 1651 63 Gov W Fr Fr Fr Par T LD Cth Mth Phc Gov, Per ** Gov, Crt Nav ** Patrizi, Francesco Patrizi, Francesco ** 1529 1597 68 Unk, Mil N Iy Iy, Sp Iy Ing, Pad F ** Cth Mth, NPh ** Pat, Acd ** Ars, Crt, Ecc Hyd ** Paulli, Simon Paulli, Simon ** 1603 1680 77 Acd, Med A Ge Ge, Dn Dn Ros, Ley, Par, Cop, Wit T MD Lth Bot, Ant Med, Gog Acd, Med, Pat ** Crt Med ** Pecquet, Jean Pecquet, Jean ** 1622 1674 52 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Par, Mnt T MD Cth Ant Med Pat ** Gov, Ars Med AR Peiresc, Nicolas C. F. de Peiresc, Nicolas C. F. de ** 1580 1637 57 Gov, Ars A Fr Fr Fr Pad, Mnt T LD Cth Asn, Com Bot, NHs, Pal Per, Gov, Ecc ** Gov, Crt, Ars Crt ** Peletier, Jacques Peletier, Jacques ** 1517 1582 65 Law N Fr Fr Fr Par T MD Cth Mth Med Acd, Pat Med, Sch Ecc, Ars, Crt, Gov Med, MEn ** Pell, John Pell, John ** 1611 1685 74 Ecc N En Du, En En Cmb T MA Cal, Ang Mth Asn Ecc, Pat Sch, Acd, Gov Crt, Gen, Ecc, Ars Mth, Int RS Pereira, Benedictus Pereira, Benedictus ** 1535 1610 75 Unk N Sp Iy Iy Col T DD Cth SPh Mch Ecc ** Ecc Non ** Perez de Vargas, Bernardo Perez de Vargas, Bernardo fl 1560 1568 Unk N Sp Sp Sp Non F ** Cth Mtl, Alc Asn, Asl Ukn ** Ars, Crt Non ** Perrault, Claude Perrault, Claude ** 1613 1688 75 Law N Fr Fr Fr Par T MD Cth Zoo, Ant, Phl Emb, Bot, Eng Med, Gov, Pat Eng Gov Med, Arc, Dev, Int AR Perrault, Pierre Perrault, Pierre ** 1611 1680 69 Law N Fr Fr Fr Unk T LD Cth Hyd ** Gov, Per, Unk ** Gov, Sci Non ** Petit, Pierre Petit, Pierre cb 1594 1677 83 Gov N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Phc, Asn ** Gov ** Gov, Crt Int, MEn, CEn, Crt RS Petty, William Petty, William ** 1623 1687 64 Art P En En En Ley, Utr, Oxf F MD Cal, Ang Dem, Gog, Crt Ant, NPh Gov, Med, Per Acd, Sch, Pat Gov, Ars, Crt, Gen Crt, Dev, Nav, Med RS, MC Peyer, JohannConrad Peyer, JohannConrad ** 1653 1712 59 Ars N Sw Sw Sw Par, Mnt, Bas T MD Cal Phl Ant, Zoo, Med Med, Sch ** Non Med Lp Picard, Jean Picard, Jean ** 1620 1682 62 Pub N Fr Fr Fr Par T MA Cth Asn, Crt, Int Phc, Opt, Hyd Gov, Ecc Acd Ecc, Sci Int, Crt, Hyd AR Piccolomini, Arcangelo Piccolomini, Arcangelo cb 1525 1586 61 Unk N Iy Fr, Iy Iy Fer T MD, PD Cth Ant, Phl Med, Emb Pat, Acd Gov Ecc Med MC Pires, Tome Pires, Tome fl 1511 1522 Phr N Pt Pt No Non F ** Jew, Cth Phr, Gog ** Mer, Gov, Phr ** Gov, Med Phr ** Piso, Willem Piso, Willem ** 1611 1678 67 Mus N Du Du Du Ley, Cae T MD Cal Med, Phr, NHs ** Med, Pat ** Ars Med, Phr MC Pitcairn, Archibald Pitcairn, Archibald ** 1652 1713 61 Mer, Mag A Sc Sc, Du Sc Edn, Par, Rhm T MD Ang, Het Med, Phl Mth Med, Per Acd, Sch Non Med MC Pitiscus, Bartholomeo Pitiscus, Bartholomeo ** 1561 1613 52 Unk P Ge Ge Ge Hei F ** Cal Mth ** Pat ** Crt Non ** Platter, Felix Platter, Felix ** 1536 1614 78 Pub A Sw Sw Sw Bas, Mnt T MD Cal Med Bot Acd, Gov, Med ** Crt Med ** Plot, Robert Plot, Robert ** 1640 1696 56 Gen A En En En Oxf T MA, LD Ang NHs Pal, Iat, Alc Acd, Per Org, Gov, Phr Crt, Gen, Ars, Sci Phr RS Plumier, Charles Plumier, Charles ** 1646 1704 58 Art N Fr Fr, Eu Sp Ord T ** Cth NHs, Bot ** Ecc, Pat ** Crt Phr ** Poliniere, Pierre Poliniere, Pierre ** 1671 1734 63 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Cae, Par T MD Cth Phc, NPh Elc Sch ** Crt, Sci, Gov, Ars Non ** Porta, Giambattista del la Porta, Giambattista del la ** 1535 1615 80 Gov W Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth OPh, Asl, Alc Opt, Mth, Mtr Per Pat Ars, Ecc, Crt Agr, Hyd, MEn, Int, Phr Ln Pourfour du Petit, Francois Pourfour du Petit, Francois ** 1664 1741 77 Mer N Fr Fr Fr Mnt T MD Cth Phl, Ant, Srg ** Gov, Med ** Unk, Gov Med, Phr, Int AR Power, Henry Power, Henry cb 1623 1668 45 Mer A En En En Cmb T MA, MD Ang Phc, Mcr, NPh Chm, Asn, Phl Med ** Ars Med RS Privat de Molieres, Joseph Privat de Molieres, Joseph ** 1677 1742 65 Ars N Fr Fr Fr Ord T ** Cth Phc, Mth, NPh ** Acd, Gov Ecc Unk Non AR, RS Ramus, Peter Ramus, Peter ** 1515 1572 57 Lab P Fr Fr Fr Par T MA Cth, Cal NPh, Mth Asn Acd Mis, Pat Ars, Crt, Ecc Non ** Rauwolf, Leonhard Rauwolf, Leonhard ** 1535 1596 61 Mer N Ge Ge, ME Ge Wit, Mnt, Vlc T MD Lth Bot Gog Med, Gov, Mer ** Mer, Unk Phr, Med ** Ray, John Ray, John ** 1627 1705 78 Art N En En En Cmb T MA Cal Bot, Zoo, Ent Pal, Ant, Gol Acd, Pat Per, Pub Gen, Sci, Ecc Phr RS Recorde, Robert Recorde, Robert cb 1510 1558 48 Unk N En En En Oxf, Cmb T MD Cth, Prt Mth Med, Asn Med, Gov Acd, Sch Crt, Ecc, Mer Med, Mtl, Crt, Nav ** Redi, Francesco Redi, Francesco ** 1626 1697 71 Med A Iy Iy Iy Pis T MD, PD Cth Zoo, Emb, Ent Mcr, Ant, Phl Pat, Med, Gov Per Crt Med, Phr Cm, MC Reinhold, Erasmus Reinhold, Erasmus ** 1511 1553 42 Scr N Ge Ge Ge Wit T ** Lth Asn ** Acd ** Ecc, Crt Non ** Rey, Jean Rey, Jean ca 1582 1645 63 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Mon, Mnt T MA, MD Cth Chm ** Med ** Ars Med, Dev ** Reyna, Francisco de la Reyna, Francisco de la fl 1547 1547 Unk N Sp Sp Sp Non F ** Cth Phl ** Mis ** Ars Agr ** Reyneau, Charles Rene Reyneau, Charles Rene ** 1656 1728 72 Med A Fr Fr Fr Ord T ** Cth Mth ** Acd, Ecc, Gov ** Gov Nav AR Rheita, AntonM.S. Rheita, AntonM.S. ** 1597 1660 63 Unk N Cz Cz, Ge Iy Non F ** Cth Asn ** Ecc, Acd ** Non Int ** Rheticus, George Joachim Rheticus, George Joachim ** 1514 1574 60 Med, Gov A Ge Ge Hu Wit, Zur, Prg T MA, MD Lth Mth, Asn, Crt Phr, Asl, Alc Acd, Med Cal, Asl, Phr Ecc, Crt, Ars, Gov Int, Crt, Med, Nav, Phr ** Riccati, IacopoFrancesco Riccati, IacopoFrancesco ** 1676 1754 78 Ars W Iy Iy Iy Pad T LD Cth Mth, Mch, Hyd Opt, Phc, NPh Per ** Non Hyd, Int IB Ricci, Matteo Ricci, Matteo ** 1552 1610 58 Phr N Iy Eu Eu Col T DD Cth Mth, Asn, Gog ** Ecc ** Crt Non ** Ricci, Michelangelo Ricci, Michelangelo ** 1619 1682 63 Unk P Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Mth ** Ecc ** Ecc, Crt Non ** Ricci, Ostilio Ricci, Ostilio ** 1540 1603 63 Ars N Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Mth, Eng, Int ** Pat, Eng Sch Crt Hyd, MEn, Int, Crt ** Riccioli, Giambattista Riccioli, Giambattista ** 1598 1671 73 Unk N Iy Iy Iy Ord T DD Cth Asn, Mch, Gog Crt, Opt Ecc ** Ecc, Ars, Crt Int, Crt ** Richer, Jean Richer, Jean ** 1630 1696 66 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Asn Phc, Zoo Gov ** Sci, Gov Crt, Nav, MEn AR Ries, Adam Ries, Adam ** 1492 1559 67 Mer W Ge Ge Ge Non F ** Cth, Lth Mth ** Gov, Sch Mis Med, Crt, Ars Mth, Crt ** Riolan, Jean, Jr. Riolan, Jean, Jr. ** 1580 1657 77 Med W Fr Fr Fr Par T MD Cth Ant, Med ** Acd, Pat, Med ** Crt, Med Med ** Risner, Friedrich Risner, Friedrich fl 1572 1580 Unk N Ge Ge Ge Non F ** Lth Opt Mth Pat Acd Sci, Crt Non ** Roberval, Gilles Pers. de Roberval, Gilles Pers. de ** 1602 1675 73 Agr P Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Mth, Mch, Phc NPh Sch, Acd, Gov ** Ars, Sci, Unk Int AR Roemer, OleChristensen Roemer, OleChristensen ** 1644 1710 66 Mer A Dn Dn, Fr Dn Cop T ** Lth Asn, Opt Phc Acd, Gov, Pat ** Sci, Crt Int, CEn, Hyd, Crt AR, BA Rohault, Jacques Rohault, Jacques cb 1618 1672 54 Mer N Fr Fr Fr Par T MA Cth NPh ** Sch, Gov, Pat Per Crt, Ars MEn ** Rolfinck, Guerner Rolfinck, Guerner ** 1599 1673 74 Ecc N Ge Ge Ge Wit, Ley, Pad T MD Lth Med, Bot, Chm Ant Acd, Med ** Crt Med, Phr ** Rolle, Michel Rolle, Michel ** 1652 1719 67 Mer N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Mth ** Mis, Pat, Gov ** Gov Non AR Rondelet, Guillaume Rondelet, Guillaume ** 1507 1566 59 Phr N Fr Fr Fr Par, Mnt T MD Cth, Cal Zoo, Med, Phr Ant, NHs Acd, Pat, Med Sch, Per Acd, Ars, Ecc Med, Phr ** Rooke, Lawrence Rooke, Lawrence ** 1622 1662 40 Gen A En En En Cmb T MA Ang Asn, Nav Phc Acd, Per ** Unk, Ars Nav, Crt RS Roomen, Adriaanvan Roomen, Adriaanvan ** 1561 1615 54 Mer N Be Be, Ge, Po Ge Lou T MA, MD Cth Mth NPh, Asn, Med Acd, Ecc, Med Sch, Pat Unk, Crt, Ecc, Ars Mth ** Rothmann, Christoph Rothmann, Christoph fl 1575 1599 Unk N Ge Ge Ge Wit F ** Lth Asn ** Pat ** Ars, Crt Non ** Rudbeck, Olof Rudbeck, Olof ** 1630 1702 72 Acd, Ecc A Sv Sv Sv Upp, Ley T MD Lth Ant, Phl, Bot NHs Acd, Gov, Med ** Crt, Ars CEn, Hyd, MEn, Arc, Int ** Rudolff, Christoff Rudolff, Christoff fl 1520 1550 Unk N Ge Ge Ge Vie F ** Cth Mth ** Sch ** Ecc Mth ** Ruel, Jean Ruel, Jean ** 1474 1537 63 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Unk T MD Cth Med, Phr, Bot ** Ecc, Pat, Med Acd Crt, Ecc Med, Phr ** Ruini, Carlo Ruini, Carlo cb 1530 1598 68 Ars N Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Ant ** Per, Law ** Ecc Agr ** Ruland, Martin Ruland, Martin ** 1569 1611 42 Med, Sch A Ge Ge, Cz Cz Bas T MD Cth Med, Iat ** Med, Gov, Pat ** Crt Med ** Ruysch, Frederik Ruysch, Frederik ** 1638 1731 93 Gov P Du Du Du Ley T MD Cal Ant Bot Med, Org, Gov Phr, Acd, Sch Gov, Mag Med, Int Lp, RS, AR Saccheri, Girolamo Saccheri, Girolamo ** 1667 1733 66 Law N Iy Iy Iy Ord T DD Cth Mth Mch Acd, Ecc ** Gov, Ars, Mag, Crt Non ** SaintVincent, Gregorius SaintVincent, Gregorius ** 1584 1667 83 Unk N Be Be, Iy, Cz Be Dou, Col, Lou T DD Cth Mth Asn, Mch Ecc Pat Sci, Crt Non ** Sala, Angelo Sala, Angelo ** 1576 1637 61 Art N Iy Sw, Ge, Du Ge Non F ** Cth, Cal Chm, Phr, Iat Med Med, Pat Gov, Sch Ars, Crt Med, Phr ** Sallo, Denysde Sallo, Denysde ** 1626 1669 43 Ars, Gov W Fr Fr Fr Par T LD Cth Com ** Gov, Per ** Gov Non ** Salviani, Ippolito Salviani, Ippolito ** 1514 1572 58 Ars N Iy Iy Iy Unk T MD Cth Med, Zoo ** Pat, Acd, Med Gov Ecc Med MC Sanchez, Francisco Sanchez, Francisco cb 1551 1623 72 Unk N Pt Fr Fr Sap, Mnt T MD Jew, Cth NPh, Med Mth Med Acd Med, Unk Med ** Santorio, Santorio Santorio, Santorio ** 1561 1636 75 Ars, Gov N Iy Iy Iy Pad T MD Cth Med, Int ** Pat, Acd, Med Gov Ars, Crt Med, Int MC Sarpi, Paolo Sarpi, Paolo ** 1552 1623 71 Mer P Iy Iy Iy Pad T DD Cth Ant, Chm Mth, Mch, Mag Ecc, Gov Pat Ars, Mag, Crt Med, Phr ** Saurin, Joseph Saurin, Joseph ** 1659 1737 78 Ecc N Fr Fr, Sw Fr Non F ** Cal, Cth Mth, Mch ** Sch, Gov, Pat Ecc Ecc, Crt Non AR Sauveur, Joseph Sauveur, Joseph ** 1653 1716 63 Law N Fr Fr Fr Par F ** Cth Phc, Mus ** Sch, Acd, Gov Pat Crt, Sci, Ars Mth, MEn AR Scaliger, JuliusCaesar Scaliger, JuliusCaesar ** 1484 1558 74 Art, Sci N Iy Iy, Fr Fr Pad T PD Cth NPh, Med, Bot ** Med, Pat Per, Mil Ecc, Crt Med, Phr ** Schegk, Jakob Schegk, Jakob ** 1511 1587 76 Unk A Ge Ge Ge Tub T MA, MD Cth, Lth SPh Med Acd ** Crt, Ars, Gov, Ecc Non ** Scheiner, Christoph Scheiner, Christoph ** 1573 1650 77 Unk N Ge Ge, Iy Ge Ing T MA, DD Cth Asn Opt Ecc, Pat ** Ars, Ecc, Crt, Mer Int ** Scheuchzer, JohannJakob Scheuchzer, JohannJakob ** 1672 1733 61 Med A Sw Sw Sw Zur, Alt, Utr T MD Cal Pal, Gog, Bot NHs, Mth, Mnl Gov, Med, Sch ** Mag, Sci Med Lp, RS Schickard, Wilhelm Schickard, Wilhelm ** 1592 1635 43 Unk N Ge Ge Ge Tub T MA Lth Asn, Mth, Crt ** Acd Ecc Unk Crt, Int, Mth ** Schoener, Johannes Schoener, Johannes ** 1477 1547 70 Unk N Ge Ge Ge Erf F ** Cth, Lth Asn, Gog Asl, Med, Mth Ecc, Sch Art Ecc, Mag, Crt Crt ** Schooten, Franzvan Schooten, Franzvan cb 1615 1660 45 Acd, Eng N Du Du Du Ley F ** Cal Mth ** Acd, Sch ** Sci, Gov, Ars Non ** Schott, Gaspar Schott, Gaspar ** 1608 1666 58 Unk N Ge Iy, Ge Ge Wrz, Ord T DD Cth Phc, Mth, NPh ** Ecc ** Sci, Ecc, Ars, Crt Dev, Int ** Scilla, Agostino Scilla, Agostino ** 1629 1700 71 Gov N Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Gol, Pal NHs Art Sch, Pat Mag, Ecc, Ars, Crt Non ** Sendivogius, Michael Sendivogius, Michael ca 1566 1636 70 Ars W Po Cz, Po, Ge Ge Lip, Vie F ** Cth Alc ** Pat, Gov, Per Mer Mer, Crt, Ars, Gov Mtl ** Sennert, Daniel Sennert, Daniel ** 1572 1637 65 Art N Ge Ge Ge Wit, Lip, Jen, FaO, Bas T MA, MD Lth Med, Chm, NPh ** Med, Acd ** Ecc, Crt, Acd, Ars Med ** Serres, Olivier de Serres, Olivier de ** 1539 1619 80 Law, Gen A Fr Fr Fr Vlc F ** Cth, Cal Bot, Ent ** Per Pat Crt, Gov Agr ** Servetus, Michael Servetus, Michael cb 1511 1553 42 Law N Sp Sw, Fr Sw Tou, Par T MD Cth, Het Gog, Phr, Phl Med, Asl Pat, Med Pub, Sch Ecc, Ars, Med, Gov Phr, Med ** Severin, Christian Severin, Christian ** 1562 1647 85 Agr P Dn Dn Dn Cop, Ros T MA Lth Asn ** Acd Sch, Pat, Mis Sci, Crt, Gov Non ** Severino, MarcoAurelio Severino, MarcoAurelio ** 1580 1656 76 Law A Iy Iy Iy Nap, Slr T MD, PD Cth Srg, Ant, Med Phl, NPh, Mcr Med, Acd Sch Unk Med ** Severinus, Petrus Severinus, Petrus cb 1542 1602 60 Mag N Dn Dn Dn Cop, Pad, Unk T MA, MD, PD Lth Iat, Med ** Acd, Pat, Med Per Crt Med ** Shakerley, Jeremy Shakerley, Jeremy cd 1626 1655 29 Unk N En En En Non F ** Ang Asn Asl Pat, Unk ** Sci, Gen Non ** Sharrock, Robert Sharrock, Robert ** 1630 1684 54 Ecc N En En En Oxf T LD Cal, Ang Bot ** Acd, Ecc ** Gov, Unk Agr ** Sherard, William Sherard, William ** 1659 1728 69 Unk N En En En Oxf, Par, Ley T LD Ang Bot, NHs ** Mer Acd, Pat, Gov Ars, Gen Non RS Siguenzay Gongora, C. de Siguenzay Gongora, C. de ** 1645 1700 55 Sch N Sp Sp Sp Mex F ** Cth Asn, Crt Mth Ecc, Acd ** Ars, Gov, Crt Crt, Hyd, MEn ** Sloane, Hans Sloane, Hans ** 1660 1753 93 Adm, Gov A Ir En En Org F MD Cal, Ang NHs, Bot, Org Med Med, Pat, Per Gov Med, Ars, Crt Med, Phr RS, MC, AR, BA, RA Sluse, Rene-Francois de Sluse, Rene-Francois de ** 1622 1685 63 Law, Gen W Be Be Be Lou, Sap T LD Cth Mth Asn, Phc, NHs Ecc ** Ecc Non RS Snel, Willebrord Snel, Willebrord ** 1580 1626 46 Acd A Du Du Du Ley, Par T MA Cal Mth, Opt, Crt Asn, Nav Acd ** Sci, Crt Nav, Crt, Mth ** Soto, Domingo de Soto, Domingo de cb 1494 1560 66 Unk P Sp Sp Sp Alc, Par T MA, DD Cth SPh ** Acd, Pat ** Crt, Ars Non ** Spiegel, Adriaanvanden Spiegel, Adriaanvanden ** 1578 1625 47 Med, Gov A Be Iy, Cz Iy Lou, Ley, Pad T MD Cal, Cth Bot, Med, Ant Emb, Phl Med, Acd Gov Sci, Ars Med ** Stahl, GeorgErnst Stahl, GeorgErnst cb 1659 1734 75 Gov A Ge Ge Ge Jen T MD Lth Med, Chm ** Pat, Acd, Med Sch Ars, Crt, Med Med Lp, MC Stampioen, Jan J. de J. Stampioen, Jan J. de J. cd 1610 1689 79 Art, Eng N Du Du Du Non F ** Cal Mth ** Sch, Pat ** Crt, Gov Crt, Nav ** Starkey, George Starkey, George ** 1628 1665 37 Ecc N En En En Har T MA Cal Alc, Iat ** Med Pat, Mis, Phr Gov, Sci, Mag Med, Phr, Chm, Mtl ** Stelluti, Francesco Stelluti, Francesco ** 1577 1652 75 Gen N Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Org Mcr, Mnl Pat ** Ars, Ecc, Gov Crt Ln Stensen, Niels Stensen, Niels ** 1638 1686 48 Mer A Dn Iy, Dn, Ge Ge Cop, Ley T MD Lth, Cth Ant, Phl, Gol Emb Pat, Ecc ** Crt, Ecc Med Cm Stevin, Simon Stevin, Simon ** 1548 1620 72 Art P Be Du Du Ley F ** Cth, Cal Mth, Eng, Mch Nav, Asn, Hyd Pat, Gov, Eng ** Crt, Gov, Mag, Ars MEn, CEn, Hyd, Nav, Dev, Mth, Int, Crt ** Stifel, Michael Stifel, Michael cb 1487 1567 80 Unk N Ge Ge Ge Wit T MA Cth, Lth Mth ** Ecc Acd, Pat Ecc Non ** Strachey, John Strachey, John ** 1671 1743 72 Gen W En En En Oxf F ** Ang Gol ** Per ** Non Crt RS Streete, Thomas Streete, Thomas ** 1622 1689 67 Unk N Ir En En Non F ** Ang Asn ** Gov ** Gov Crt, Nav ** Struss, Jozef Struss, Jozef cd 1510 1568 58 Mer W Po Po, Iy Po Cra, Pad T MA, MD Cth Med ** Med, Pat Acd, Gov Acd, Gov, Crt Med ** Stuart, Alexander Stuart, Alexander ** 1673 1742 69 Unk N Sc En En Abr, Ley T MD Ang Phl, Med ** Unk, Med, Pat ** Crt Med RS, AR, MC Suchten, Alexander Suchten, Alexander ca 1520 1590 70 Gov W Po Po, Ge Ge Lou, Sap, Fer, Bol, Pad T MD Cth, Het Med, Chm ** Pat, Per, Med Ecc Ecc, Crt, Ars Med ** Swammerdam, Jan Swammerdam, Jan ** 1637 1680 43 Phr A Du Du Du Ley T MD Cal Ent, Ant, Mcr Phl, Zoo, Emb Per Pat Ars, Mag, Sci Int ** Sydenham, Thomas Sydenham, Thomas ** 1624 1689 65 Gen A En En En Oxf F ** Cal, Ang Med ** Med Mil, Acd, Gov Gov, Ars Med, Phr MC Sylvius, Franc. de le Boe Sylvius, Franc. de le Boe ** 1614 1672 58 Mer A Ge Du Du Ley, Wit, Jen, Bas T MD Cal Med, Ant, Iat ** Med, Acd Sch Unk Med CP Tabor, John Tabor, John fd 1667 1724 Ecc N En En En Oxf T MA, MD Ang Med ** Med ** Non Med ** Tachenius, Otto Tachenius, Otto fl 1640 1670 Art N Ge Ge, Iy Iy Pad T MD Unk Phr, Iat, Alc ** Phr ** Non Phr ** Tacquet, Andreas Tacquet, Andreas ** 1612 1660 48 Mer A Be Be Be Ord T DD Cth Mth ** Ecc, Pat Acd Ars Non ** Tarde, Jean Tarde, Jean cb 1561 1636 75 Gen N Fr Fr Fr Cah, Par T LD Cth Crt, Asn, Gog Opt Ecc, Per, Pat ** Ecc, Crt Crt ** Tartaglia, Niccolo Tartaglia, Niccolo cb 1499 1557 58 Gov P Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Mth, Mch Crt Sch ** Ars, Gen, Crt MEn, Crt, Int ** Telesio, Bernardino Telesio, Bernardino ** 1509 1588 79 Ars W Iy Iy Iy Pad T PD Cth NPh ** Per, Pat ** Ars, Ecc Non ** TenRhyne, Willem TenRhyne, Willem ** 1649 1700 51 Art N Du Du Du Fra, Ley, Ang T MD Cal, Jew Med, Bot, Phr ** Med, Gov ** Mer Med ** Thevenot, Melchisedech Thevenot, Melchisedech cb 1620 1692 72 Unk W Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Com, Org, Gog Int, Phc Per, Gov ** Crt Int, Phr AR Thomaz, Alvaro Thomaz, Alvaro fl 1509 1513 Unk N Pt Fr Un Par T MA Cth SPh, Mth ** Acd ** Non Non ** Thurneysser, Leonhard Thurneysser, Leonhard ** 1531 1596 65 Mer N Sw Ge, Iy Ge Non F ** Lth, Cth Alc ** Mer, Pat, Med Mil, Art, Pub Crt Mtl, Phr, Med ** Torricelli, Evangelista Torricelli, Evangelista ** 1608 1647 39 Art, Ecc P Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Mth, Mch, Phc Hyd, Mtr, Int Pat, Int Mis, Acd Sci, Ecc, Crt Hyd, Int, MEn ** Tournefort, Joseph P. de Tournefort, Joseph P. de ** 1656 1708 52 Gen, Gov A Fr Fr Fr Mnt, Org, Par T MD Cth Bot, NHs Mnl, Chm, Zoo Acd, Med Pat, Gov Ars, Crt, Med, Gov Med, Phr AR Towneley, Richard Towneley, Richard ** 1629 1707 78 Gen W En En En Unk T ** Cth NPh, Phc, Asn Int, Mtr Per ** Non Int, Dev ** Tozzi, Bruno Tozzi, Bruno ** 1656 1743 87 Unk N Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Bot NHs Ecc ** Non Non ** Tradescant, John(I) Tradescant, John(I) cb 1570 1638 68 Unk N En En En Non F ** Ang NHs, Bot ** Mis, Pat Mil, Mer Ars, Crt Agr ** Tradescant, John(II) Tradescant, John(II) ** 1608 1662 54 Mis A En En En Non F ** Ang NHs, Bot ** Mis, Per, Pat Mer Crt, Med Agr ** Trulli, Giovanni Trulli, Giovanni ** 1598 1661 63 Unk N Iy Fr, Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Med, Srg ** Pat, Med Acd Ecc, Crt Med ** Tschirnhaus, EhrenfriedW. Tschirnhaus, EhrenfriedW. ** 1651 1708 57 Ars, Gov N Ge Ge Ge Ley F ** Lth Mth, Phc Chm Per, Pat Gov Crt, Gov Chm, Int AR Tulp, Nicolaas Tulp, Nicolaas ** 1593 1674 81 Mer W Du Du Du Ley T MD Cal Med, Ant, Phr Zoo Med, Gov, Mag ** Non Med, Phr MC Tunstall, Cuthbert Tunstall, Cuthbert ** 1474 1559 85 Gen A En En En Oxf, Cmb, Pad T LD Cth Mth ** Ecc, Gov ** Ars, Ecc, Crt Mth ** Turner, Peter Turner, Peter ** 1586 1652 66 Med A En En En Oxf T MA Ang Mth ** Acd Mil Ecc Non ** Turner, William Turner, William ** 1508 1568 60 Art N En En, Ge En Cmb, Bol, Fer T MA, MD Cal Bot, NHs, Zoo Phr Ecc, Pat, Med Acd Crt, Ars, Gov, Ecc Med, Phr ** Turquet de Mayerne, Theod. Turquet de Mayerne, Theod. ** 1573 1655 82 Let N Sw Fr, En En Hei, Mnt T MD Cal Med, Iat Ent Med, Pat Sch Med, Crt, Ars, Gov Med, Phr, Chm MC Tyson, Edward Tyson, Edward ** 1651 1708 57 Mer, Mag W En En En Oxf T MA, MD Ang Ant, NHs Med Med, Per Org Gov Med RS, MC Ulstad, Phillipp Ulstad, Phillipp fl 1515 1543 Unk N Ge Sw Un Non F ** Unk Alc, Med Iat Sch ** Non Phr ** Vaillant, Sebastien Vaillant, Sebastien ** 1669 1722 53 Agr P Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Bot ** Med, Pat, Gov ** Med, Crt, Ars Med, Phr AR Valerio, Luca Valerio, Luca ** 1552 1618 66 Unk N Iy Iy Iy Col T PD, DD Cth Mth ** Sch, Acd Mis Ecc, Ars Non Ln Vallisnieri, Antonio Vallisnieri, Antonio ** 1661 1730 69 Gov, Ars W Iy Iy Iy Reg, Bol T MD, PD Cth Ent, Emb, NHs NPh, Med, Gol Med, Acd, Per Gov Gov, Mag, Ars, Crt Med RS, Lp, IB, MC Valsalva, AntonMaria Valsalva, AntonMaria ** 1666 1723 57 Mer, Ars A Iy Iy Iy Bol T MD, PD Cth Ant, Phl Med, Srg Med, Acd Gov Mag Med, Int MC, IB, RS Valverde, Juande Valverde, Juande ca 1525 1588 63 Unk N Sp It It Vld, Pad T ** Cth Med, Ant, Phl ** Med, Pat Sch Ecc, Crt Med ** Vanini, GiulioCesare Vanini, GiulioCesare cb 1585 1619 34 Gov A Iy Iy, En, Fr Fr Nap, Pad T LD Cth, Het NPh ** Pat Ecc, Sch, Med Gov, Ecc, Ars Med ** Varenius, Bernhard Varenius, Bernhard cd 1622 1650 28 Ecc P Ge Du Du Kon, Ley T MD Lth Gog, Mth ** Sch ** Sci, Mag, Crt Non ** Varignon, Pierre Varignon, Pierre ** 1654 1722 68 Art P Fr Fr Fr Cae T MA Cth Mth, Mch ** Acd, Gov Ecc, Pat Ecc, Unk Int AR, BA, RS Varolio, Costanzo Varolio, Costanzo ** 1543 1575 32 Unk N Iy Iy Iy Bol T MD, PD Cth Ant ** Acd, Med, Pat ** Ecc, Mag Med ** Vauban, Sebastien Vauban, Sebastien ** 1633 1707 74 Mer N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Eng Gog Gov, Pat, Mil ** Ars, Crt, Gov MEn, Agr AR Verantius, Faustus Verantius, Faustus ** 1551 1617 66 Ars A Yu Yu, Iy Iy Vie, Pad, Sap F ** Cth Eng, Hyd Mth Gov, Ecc ** Crt CEn, Dev, Hyd ** Vernier, Pierre Vernier, Pierre ** 1584 1638 54 Gov N Fr Fr Fr Non F ** Cth Eng, Int ** Eng, Gov ** Crt, Ars MEn, Crt, Int, Arc ** Vesalius, Andreas Vesalius, Andreas ** 1514 1564 50 Gov N Be Iy, Sp, Ge, Be Eu Lou, Par, Pad T MD Cth Ant, Med, Phl Phr Pat, Med Acd Med, Crt Med, Phr ** Vesling, Johann Vesling, Johann ** 1598 1649 51 Unk N Ge Iy Iy Ley, Bol T MD Cth Ant, Bot Emb, Phr Med, Acd Sch, Pat Ars Med, Phr ** Viete, Francois Viete, Francois ** 1540 1603 63 Law, Gov W Fr Fr Fr Poi T LD Cth Mth Asn Gov, Pat Law, Per Ars, Crt Mth ** Vieussens, Raymond Vieussens, Raymond cb 1635 1715 80 Unk N Fr Fr Fr Mnt T MD Cth Med, Ant, Phl Iat Gov, Pat, Med ** Ars, Crt, Ecc, Med Med AR Vigani, JohnFrancis Vigani, JohnFrancis fb 1650 1713 Unk N Iy En En Non F ** Cth, Ang Chm, Phr ** Sch, Phr ** Mag, Ars Phr, Chm, Int ** Villalpando, JuanBattista Villalpando, JuanBattista ** 1552 1608 56 Unk N Sp Sp, Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Eng, Mth, Mch Opt, Mus, Asl Ecc ** Crt Arc ** Viviani, Vincenzio Viviani, Vincenzio ** 1622 1703 81 Ars A Iy Iy Iy Non F ** Cth Mth, Hyd, Mch Opt, Phc, Asn Gov, Pat, Acd Sch Crt, Gov MEn, Hyd, Int, Arc, CEn Cm, RS, AR Vlacq, Adriaan Vlacq, Adriaan cd 1600 1667 67 Unk A Du Du, En, Fr Du Non F ** Cal Mth ** Pub ** Crt Mth ** Wallis, John Wallis, John ** 1616 1703 87 Ecc A En En En Cmb, Oxf T MA, DD Cal, Ang Mth Mch, Phc, Mus Per, Acd Pat, Ecc, Sch Gen, Gov, Crt, Ecc Non RS Ward, Seth Ward, Seth ** 1617 1689 72 Law P En En En Cmb, Oxf T MA, DD Ang Asn Mth Acd, Ecc Pat Crt, Gen, Ars, Ecc Non RS Webster, John Webster, John ** 1610 1682 72 Unk N En En En Non F ** Cal Iat Mnl Ecc, Med Sch Gov Med ** Wedel, Georg Wolfgang Wedel, Georg Wolfgang ** 1645 1721 76 Ecc N Ge Ge Ge Jen T MD Lth Med, Iat, Phr Alc Med, Acd, Pat Gov Crt, Acd Med, Phr BA, Lp Wendelin, Gottfried Wendelin, Gottfried ** 1580 1667 87 Unk N Be Be Be Lou, Org F LD Cth Asn ** Ecc Sch, Pat Ars, Ecc, Crt Crt ** Wepfer, Johann-Jakob Wepfer, Johann-Jakob ** 1620 1695 75 Mer, Mag N Sw Sw Sw Str, Pad, Bas T MD Cal Med, Ant, Phr ** Med, Gov, Pat ** Crt, Ars, Ecc Med, Phr Lp Wharton, George Wharton, George ** 1617 1681 64 Gen A En En En Oxf F ** Ang Asl ** Gov, Cal Per, Mil, Adm Crt, Gen Non ** Wharton, Thomas Wharton, Thomas ** 1614 1673 59 Unk N En En En Cmb, Oxf T MD Cal, Ang Ant, Phl ** Med Pat Ars, Gov Med MC Whiston, William Whiston, William ** 1667 1752 85 Ecc N En En En Cmb T MA Ang, Het Asn, NPh, Nav Mth Acd, Pat, Sch Ecc, Per, Pub Crt, Gen, Sci, Ars Nav, Crt, Int ** White, Thomas White, Thomas ** 1593 1676 83 Gen A En Be, Iy, Fr, En En Vld, Sev, Lou, Dou T DD Cth NPh ** Acd, Ecc Pat Gen, Med Non ** Wieland, Melchoir Wieland, Melchoir cb 1520 1589 69 Unk N Ge ME, Iy Iy Kon, Sap F ** Cth Bot Phr Phr, Pat, Acd ** Ars, Sci Phr ** WilhelmIV, Land.ofHesse WilhelmIV, Land.ofHesse ** 1532 1592 60 Ars W Ge Ge Ge Non F ** Lth Bot, Asn ** Per ** Non Int ** Wilkins, John Wilkins, John ** 1614 1672 58 Mer N En En En Oxf T MA Cal, Ang Org, NPh Asn, Mch Acd, Ecc Pat Gov, Crt, Ars, Ecc Dev, Agr, Hyd, Int RS Willis, Thomas Willis, Thomas ** 1621 1675 54 Agr, Adm N En En En Oxf T MA, MD Ang Ant, Med, Phl Iat, Phr Med, Acd Mil, Sch Acd, Ecc Med, Phr RS, MC Willughby, Francis Willughby, Francis ** 1635 1672 37 Gen W En En En Cmb, Pad T MA Ang NHs, Zoo, Ent Bot Per ** Non Non RS Wing, Vincent Wing, Vincent ** 1619 1668 49 Agr N En En En Non F ** Ang Asn, Asl Crt Eng, Asl, Cal ** Unk Crt ** Winslow, Jacob Winslow, Jacob ** 1669 1760 91 Ecc N Dn Fr Fr Cop, Ley, Par T MD Lth, Cth Ant Phl, Srg Gov, Med, Acd Pat Sci, Gov, Ecc, Unk Med AR, BA Winthrop, John Winthrop, John ** 1606 1676 70 Gen A En En En Tri F ** Cal NPh, Alc ** Per, Gov, Agr Mer, Med Non Med, Phr, Agr, Mtl RS Witt, Jan de Witt, Jan de ** 1625 1672 47 Mer, Gov A Du Du Du Ley, Ang T LD Cal Mth ** Per, Gov, Mag ** Non Mth ** Wittich, Paul Wittich, Paul cb 1546 1586 40 Unk A Ge Ge Ge Lip, Wit, FaO F ** Lth Mth, Asn ** Per Sch, Pat Crt, Sci Int ** Wolff, Christian Wolff, Christian ** 1679 1754 75 Art N Ge Ge Ge Jen, Lip T MA Lth NPh Mth Acd, Pat Sch, Pub Acd, Sci, Crt, Ecc Non RS, AR, BA, RA Woodward, John Woodward, John cb 1665 1728 63 Unk N En En En Non F ** Ang NHs, Gol, Pal Mnl, Bot, Med Med, Acd Pat Med, Ecc, Gov Med RS, MC Worm, Ole Worm, Ole ** 1588 1654 66 Mag A Dn Dn Dn Mar, Ges, Bas, Pad, Mnt, Cop T MD Lth Med, Bot, Ant Gol Med, Acd, Pat ** Crt Med ** Wotton, Edward Wotton, Edward ** 1492 1555 63 Mis N En En En Oxf, Pad T MD Cth Zoo, Ent ** Med Acd, Pat Crt, Ars, Gov, Ecc Med, Phr MC Wren, Christopher Wren, Christopher ** 1632 1723 91 Ecc A En En En Oxf T MA Ang Mth, Asn, Eng Ant, Mch, Int Acd, Gov Pat, Mer, Pub Crt, Ecc, Acd, Ars Arc, Int, Nav, Crt, Dev, Agr, Med, MEn, CEn, Hyd RS Wright, Edward Wright, Edward ** 1561 1615 54 Unk N En En En Cmb T MA Ang Mth, Nav, Crt Mag Pat, Sch, Eng Acd Crt, Mer, Ars, Gov Nav, Crt, Int, Hyd ** Zabarella, Jacopo Zabarella, Jacopo ** 1533 1589 56 Ars W Iy Iy Iy Pad T PD Cth, Het NPh Asl Per Acd Crt, Ecc Non ** Zaluzanskyze Zaluzan, Adam Zaluzanskyze Zaluzan, Adam cb 1558 1613 55 Adm N Cz Cz Cz Prg, Hlm T MA, MD Prt Bot, Med, Phr Mth, Asn Acd, Med Sch, Gov Crt, Ars Med, Phr ** Zambeccari, Giuseppe Zambeccari, Giuseppe ** 1655 1728 73 Gov N Iy Iy Iy Pis T MD Cth Phl, Ant ** Acd, Med Pat, Sch Sci Med ** Zucchi, Niccolo Zucchi, Niccolo ** 1586 1670 84 Ars N Iy Iy Iy Ord T DD Cth Opt, Asn, Mch Mag, Phc Ecc ** Crt, Ecc, Ars Int ** Zwelfer, Johann Zwelfer, Johann ** 1618 1668 50 Unk N Ge Ge Ge Pad T MD Cth Phr Chm, Bot Phr, Med ** Non Phr **
Untitled Document Translate this page La palabra trigonometría se debe al alemán bartholomeo pitiscus (1561-1613) quienla utilizó en su libro Trigonometría publicado en Heidelberg en 1595.
02 Jul History This Date present day solution. 1613 bartholomeo pitiscus, German Calvinist ministerand mathematician born on 24 August 1561. Author of Trigonometria
Extractions: Surgeons from the University of Louisville implant the first self-contained artificial heart, a titanium and plastic pump, into Robert Tools at Jewish Hospital. Doctors said they expect the new implant to extend the patient's life only a month or so. But the device is considered a technological leap from mechanical hearts used in the 1980s, which were attached by wires and tubes to machinery outside the body. Drs. Laman Gray and Robert Dowling, who trained by implanting the pump in baby cows, performed the surgery. Surgical teams at four other hospitals around the country had been trained to do the surgery, but Louisville was first. Experts hope that the experimental heart, made by Abiomed Inc. of Danvers, Massachusetts, will lead to new hope for patients with failing hearts.
Terminos Matematicos Translate this page El término trigonometría fue introducido en 1595 por bartholomeo Pitiscusen Trigonometria. El término variable fue introducido por Leibniz.
Extractions: Fecha de última actualización: 23-09-00 Álgebra : Viene del título de la obra del matemático árabe al-Khowarizmi Al-jebr w'al-muqabalah . El significado original de al-jebr es 'reunión de partes rotas' y no tenía traducción en latín por lo que se latinizó el nombre, en algunos casos, y en otros se dejó sin traducir, en consecuencia el término fue convirtiéndose en álgebra. Algoritmo : Debe su nombre al matemático árabe al-Khowarizmi . En su obra De numero indiorum (sobre los números hindúes) incluía las reglas para hacer las operaciones aritméticas. Estas reglas pasaron a llamarse reglas de al-Khowarizmi y mas tarde algoritmos. Axioma : cuestión que no necesita demostración La palabra cálculo viene del latín calculi (guijarros), pues se utilizaban para facilitar los cálculos. Los pitagóricos representaban los números con piedras dispuestas formando figuras geométricas. Conjetura : cuestión que no está demostrada pero que se intuye que es cierta.
02 Jul History This Date Slaves take over slave ship . Tecumseh urges Amerindians to fight for their land . Carlos Menem is born . Battle of Gettysburg Day 2 . President incapacitated. VP promoted? . Civil Rights Act
Extractions: Surgeons from the University of Louisville implant the first self-contained artificial heart, a titanium and plastic pump, into Robert Tools at Jewish Hospital. Doctors said they expect the new implant to extend the patient's life only a month or so. But the device is considered a technological leap from mechanical hearts used in the 1980s, which were attached by wires and tubes to machinery outside the body. Drs. Laman Gray and Robert Dowling, who trained by implanting the pump in baby cows, performed the surgery. Surgical teams at four other hospitals around the country had been trained to do the surgery, but Louisville was first. Experts hope that the experimental heart, made by Abiomed Inc. of Danvers, Massachusetts, will lead to new hope for patients with failing hearts.
24 Aug History This Date ALTERNATE SITES ALL FOR 030824. ANY DAY OF THE YEAR IN HISTORY. ART 4 AUG 24. On an August 24
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