Extractions: Surnames T-Y Previous Page Go back to the Alphabetical Index TACKLEY, Edith - Fleetstreet, London, widow (f44) cousin Joan Randall widow; sis Rawl ; wife of Francis Acton; exec bro Jn Warner Dr in divinity TALL, Edward - citizen and dyer (f283) dtr Anne Frizwith ; dtr Susan T exec; wtns Rich Selbery TANCE, Mary - Blackfriars, London, widow (f34) TANFEILD, Solomon - Blackfriars, London, brasier (f487) dtr Eliz wife of Thos Cooper TAYLOR, Jonas - Enfield, Mdx (f10) TAYLOR, Robert - Little Ealing, Mdx, yeo (f332) TAYLOR, Steven - London, haberdasher (f141) ; Anne wife of Rob Beacham; poor of Witney [Oxford]; bro in law Geo Box ; Magdalen Box; exec sis Margt Box TAYLOR, Susan - London, widow (f356) son Thos Francknell ; son Jms T; son in law Jn Taylor; dtr Eliz Ford grandson Sam Ponndage ; exec dtr Kath Francknell TAYLOR, William - Waltham Holy Cross [Essex] barbersurgeon (f424) TENBY, John - Stepney, Mdx, citizen and leatherseller (f501) house in Wapping;
West Papua News Online adalah John Michael P, Robert Arethey Deardorff, roger Tamberlin roger Lee, JohsonJr dengan kasus penembakan yang menewaskan dua warga negeri paman Sam dan http://www.westpapua.net/news/03/02/110203-empat_anggota_fbi_kembali_ke_jakarta-
Extractions: News Index! January '02 February '02 March '02 April '02 May '02 June '02 July '02 August '02 September '02 October '02 November '02 December '02 News Index Our Books Di Perbatasan Papua-PNG: Istri Direktur Elsham Ditembak Empat Anggota FBI Kembali ke Jakarta Ketua DPRD Provinsi Papua (Jhon Ibo ) Buka Kartu Lima Tokoh Agama Keluarkan Pernyataan Sikap ... TIMIKA - Setelah kurang lebih seminggu di Timika, lima orang yang tergabung dalam tim biro penyelidik Federal (FBI) Amerika Serikat, masing-masing Edward Wilson Montoc, Johson Jr Barney Lewis, Nancy Cjouman Wong, dan Kresna (dari Kedubes AS di Indonesia), yang datang untuk menyelidiki kasus penembakan di Mile 62,5 Tembagapura, Mimika, Papua telah kembali ke Jakarta.
Norton Branch Page 96 FRANCES - Baptised at Norton on Dec 5, 1585, married roger (Thomas) Bardwell JOHN- Baptised at Norton Oct 29, 1650, married Elizabeth paman Parnan, pamant http://www.fiske.clara.net/Norton_branch.htm
Extractions: Norton branch contd - ROBERT - Married Emme Rushbrook , daughter of William Rushbrooke of Gt. Barton, Suffolk there on Oct 6, 1566. He was a yeoman, they resided at Norton, Suffolk, where he was churchwarden in 1599. He purchased the Hardings Manor in Norton in 1578. He was buried at Norton on Jan 2, 1604. His wife survived him and subsequently moved to Elmswell, Suffolk. Her will, dated Feb 17, 1625 mentions son Robert and his daughter Margaret, son Edward and his daughter Elizabeth, grandchild Mary Palmer, daughter Mary Martin, daughter Frances, wife of Thomas Bardwell. Back Offspring of 63 *92b - ROBERT - Baptised at Norton on Oct 30, 1569, probably died young. - ROBERT - Of Norton, Gent. Baptised there on May 19, 1583, married Anne ? She was buried at Norton, Sept 15, 1658. He died before 1658; resided at Hardings in Norton. - EDWARD - A yeoman residing in Norton, baptised on Sept 30, 1576. Married Elizabeth Harpham at Norton on July 18, 1603. She was buried at Norton on August 29, 1658, he was buried there on Oct 1 the same year.. - ELIZABETH - Baptised at Norton May 30, 1574, mentioned in the will of her maternal grandfather as his "maide", also mentioned in her paternal grandmother's will of 1626. Married ? Martin.
Extractions: Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii * Records with an asterisk at the end indicates those that have not been verified as accurate by the U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs. Please visit " The National Cemetery Administration Records Verification Project " for details on what this means. To report an error, please visit the Veterans Affairs website, click on "Contact the VA" and follow the instructions. Paadao, Edward Kalelkoa , b. 11/16/1937, d. 12/20/1985, PFC US MARINE CORPS, Plot: X 753, bur. 12/30/1985, *
Filmlexikon FILME Von A-Z - Jackie Gleason Translate this page Land) USA, J (Jahr) 1961, Boxerfilm, Drama, P (Produktionsfirma) paman, Länge 86 Kamera)Jean Bourgoin, M (Musik) Jackie Gleason, S (Schnitt) roger Dwyre, D http://www.filmevona-z.de/filmsuche.cfm?sucheNach=personNr&wert=50494
Kekejaman AS Di Afganistan - Selasa, 09 Maret 2004 Negeri paman Sam itu selama ini selalu dijadikan panutan dalam melaksanakan dan Bantah.Walaupun begitu, Maret 2003, roger King, juru bicara militer AS di Bagram http://www.kompas.com/kompas-cetak/0403/09/utama/898796.htm
Extractions: Rubrik Berita Utama International Metropolitan Naper ... Kontak Redaksi Berita Utama Selasa, 09 Maret 2004 Kekejaman AS di Afganistan "AS telah memberikan satu contoh yang sangat mengerikan dalam menangani tahanan di Afganistan.... Mereka menahan rakyat sipil di suatu tempat tanpa pengadilan, tanpa pengacara, tanpa izin kunjungan bagi sanak saudara, dan tanpa perlindungan hukum." KALIMAT cukup keras itu disampaikan Brad Adams, Direktur Eksekutif Human Rights Watch Divisi Asia, lembaga pemantau hak asasi manusia (HAM) yang berbasis di Amerika Serikat (AS). Sikap keras Adams yang disampaikan melalui Human Rights News, edisi 8 Maret 2004, itu dipicu oleh kenyataan bahwa negara adikuasa itu akhirnya tersandung masalah pelanggaran HAM juga. Bisa dipastikan kenyataan itu mengerikan. Negeri Paman Sam itu selama ini selalu dijadikan panutan dalam melaksanakan dan menjunjung tinggi HAM. Betapa Adams kecewa ketika akhirnya ia tertumbuk pada kesimpulan AS telah melakukan banyak pelanggaran HAM, terutama di Afganistan. Selama operasi militer di Afganistan, AS tercatat telah menangkap rakyat sipil dengan sewenang-wenang. AS pun menggunakan kekuatan armadanya dalam menangkap personel nonpasukan tempur. Lebih dari itu, AS dinyatakan tidak menangani para tawanannya dengan baik. AS berlaku brutal, tidak sesuai dengan standar internasional.
Gramedia Toko Buku Online roger MAGNET S Rp 30.000,00. Peringkat Apa yang sebenarnya terjadi denganahli pembuat robot itu? Mengapa dia mengaku sebagai paman Biggi? http://www.kompas.com/tbgramedia/product_detail.cfm?bid=1618
Cambridge University Library: Buxton Papers Thomas, Norwich brewer 24 Palmer, John 109112, 124, 126 paman, Henry 18 Margaret80 Rant, M. 50 Rawlins, Robert 12, 13 Raynollds, roger, Chief Constable http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/MSS/Buxton/ltrindex.htm
Extractions: BUXTON PAPERS Index to Calendar of Buxton Letters This index covers all the correspondence found among the Buxton Papers. There are separate indexes to the deeds and charters up to 1517 and to the boxes of mixed contents. The present index includes the names of writers and recipients of correspondence only, it does not include place names, subjects or persons mentioned in the correspondence. Cross-references are given in italic; the numbers refer to the pages of the 'Calendar of Buxton Letters', which may be consulted in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Go to letter A B C D ... Y Abbott, Charles: 110, 125, 126 Abercromby, George, 2nd Baron (1770-1843): 135 Acton, John: 12-16 Adams, Baron: 85 Addington, Henry, 1st Viscount Sidmouth (1757-1844): 110, 112, 126, 138, 140-145, 149 Adelaide, Queen (1792-1849): 159 Ailesbury see Brudenell-Bruce Albemarle see Keppel Alden, Ann: 22 Aldred, John: 95 Altham, Sir William: 96 Amyas (Mr): 81 Anslow, Richard: 107 Anson, G.E.: 163 Arbuthnot, George (1802-65), civil servant: 145
COMELEC Certified OAV List Translate this page 42, CERVANTES, CHERYL ZETA, ILIGAN CITY, LANAO DEL NORTE. 43, CHANCO, roger DENILA,DAVAO CITY, DAVAO DEL SUR. 147, paman, ERIC LOQUIAS, TAGIG, NCR - FOURTH DISTRICT. http://www.comelec.gov.ph/announce/OAVlist/ireland.html
Untitled Document roger C. Patol. bansa.At bago ka palang umupo sa pagkapresidente ay mayaman kana.Kungsa bagay kung si Former President Ferdinand Marcos bago paman siya umupo http://www.erap.com/letters.htm
Extractions: To whom it may concern, I think it is sad to read on your site that some groups within the Philippines are protesting against the right for President Estrada to go overseas for urgent knee surgery! He is your democratically elected President!! The so called "charges" against him have not been proven and probably never will be. For some it would perhaps be very convenient to allow President Estrada to travel overseas especially if by some circumstance he was not allowed back in the country until after these years' elections like Marcos. If this happens people all over the world would be asking "what type of democracy exists within the Philippines" EDSA power forced President Estrada out of office, so EDSA power should allow him back to his own country as his democratic right!!
Type_Document_Title_here aggression and rivalry between Jonson and Donne have found a critic, roger B. Rollin Amore satirical edge emerges as Clement paman writes Upon Elegies to Ben. http://www.geocities.com/milleldred/jonsoncarewdonne.html
Extractions: Title: Jonson and Carew on Donne: Censure into praise. Subject(s): Author(s): Lyon, John Source: Studies in English Literature (Rice), Winter97, Vol. 37 Issue 1, p97, 22p Abstract: Investigates seventeenth-century views of the poet John Donne, particularly those of Ben Jonson and Thomas Carew. Predictions regarding the fate of Donne's poetry; Jonson's censure of Donne; Analysis of Carew's elegy for Donne; Political aspects of contemporary views about Donne. AN: ISSN: Database: TOPICsearch JONSON AND CAREW ON DONNE: CENSURE INTO PRAISE Contents I II III IV ... NOTES "King James said Dr Donne's verses were like ye peace of God they passed all understanding." Is John Donne a twentieth-century invention?[ ] Donne stands next to Shakespeare among Renaissance or Early Modern writers in the importance and attention which this century has accorded him. Yet Donne himself, while properly and intensely concerned for his soul, manifests little concern for the afterlife of his writing. What follows investigates seventeenth-century views of Donne the poet, and in particular those of Donne's exact contemporary Ben Jonson and of Donne's finest elegist, Thomas Carew. Special attention is given to Jonson's and Carew's predictions regarding the likely fate of Donne's poetry when subject to the test of time as a means to question the extent and adequacy of our century's claims to understand John Donne. Unlike Donne, Ben Jonson does not take the Barthesian news of the death of the author lying down. Quite literally so, since he is buried upright in Westminster Abbey.[
UPV Faculty Directory Translate this page MA. TRINA ANTONETTE B. FUENTES. CG. URBANA J. paman. PH. VICENTE R. TAN. CG. CG.RODRIGO B. RODRIGUEZ. MA. roger ABE MANUEL P. SARMIENTO. CG. ROMANA V. VILLAREAL.MA. http://www.upv.edu.ph/academicinfo/facultydir.htm
HMC | NRA | Persons Beginning PA Lieutenant Commander (1) Palmer, Robert (17931872) MP (1) Palmer, roger (1634-1705 b1907) Philosopher (1) Pam, Albert (1875-1955) Banker (2) paman, Henry (1626 http://www.hmc.gov.uk/nra/browser/person/page/personPA.htm
Gordon Campbell / English / University Of Leicester and modern travel writing; I have also supervised dissertations that consist of editions(Joseph Mede, Clement paman, Moses Wall (with roger Collins), Milton s http://www.le.ac.uk/ee/dept/staff/campbell.html
Extractions: Research Interests I am a Renaissance specialist with particular interests in John Milton and in the history of Renaissance Europe. My most recent book (2003) is The Oxford Dictionary of the Renaissance , a 750,000-word encyclopaedia of the cultural history of Europe from 1415 to 1618 my next book will be Renaissance Art and Architecture: a Concise Oxford Encyclopedia (to be published in October 2004). At present I am working with Thomas Corns (Bangor), John Hale (Otago) and Fiona Tweedie (Edinburgh) on the provenance of the Miltonic De Doctrina Christiana manuscript, a project for which we have received a four-year grant from the Arts and Humanities Research Board. The British Council has sponsored visits to conferences in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Spain and to institutions of higher education in Saudi Arabia.
Extractions: CHAPTER 20 THE 154 SONNETS PART 6: SONNET 125 We have the poet who calls himself Shakespeare within our grasp now, and we must not let him get away. We will have to proceed cautiously, step by step, logically, to pick him out from the small illustrious group he's in. First, we know there is general agreement that it's the canopy over Queen Elizabeth we're dealing with here. Next, we know that the poet Shakespeare 'bore the canopy.' Who would have borne, or carried, the canopy? To answer that we have to take a brief look at the Middle Ages. Royal Progresses were something to be feared. A King and his entourage went from place to place around his kingdom. He stayed at the local Castle but the minor followers and support staff spread out like a plague of locusts over the local countryside for food and shelter. It was certain death for half starved common folk to touch deer in the king's forests. King William Rufus (the Red "who feared not God, neither regarded man") died when he was shot in the back with an arrow while hunting deer in the New Forest. The murderer was never found. During Elizabeth's 45 year reign the process of government and a civil service administration became sufficiently entrenched to introduce Poor Laws that lasted hundreds of years, to help the indigent or incapable. The old mediaeval terminology in Court procedure and precedence remained but had become a ritual, not a necessity. Old customs die hard. To this day in England university professors hold 'chairs,' That dates back almost to about 800 years ago when universities were being created. Then, the students sat on the ground and only the 'professor' or someone who professed to have knowledge (in Latin) of a subject had a chair to sit on.
Isaac Newton (in-depth Biography) But the vicechancellor admitted paman the same morning, and so ended the superintendenceof it to a young mathematician of great promise, roger Cotes, fellow http://www.fact-index.com/i/is/isaac_newton__in_depth_biography_.html
Extractions: 3.16 The Longitude Problem Sir Isaac Newton December 25 March 20 ), the English mathematician and scientist , was born at Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth , a hamlet in the parish of Colsterworth, Lincolnshire , about 6 miles from Grantham . His father (also named Isaac Newton) who farmed a small freehold property, died before his son's birth, a few months after his marriage to Hannah Ayscough, a daughter of James Ayscough of Market-Overton. When Newton was two years old his mother married Barnabas Smith, rector of North Witham. Of this marriage there was issue, Benjamin, Mary and Hannah Smith, and to their children Sir Isaac Newton subsequently left most of his property. After a rudimentary education at two small schools in hamlets close to Woolsthorpe, Newton was sent at the age of twelve to the
Conferences And Seminars roger M.`Keesing from McGill University has already agreed to be one of our on thepervasive cardinal direction system of Guugu Yimidhirr (paman, Cooktown area http://www.kun.nl/cps/10/nb10j.html
Extractions: Index Contents Previous page Next page Oceania Newsletter 10, February 1992 CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS European Colloquium on Pacific Studies Transformation and Tradition in the South Pacific On 18 and 19 December 1992 the Centre for Pacific Studies in Nijmegen will host the first European Colloquium on Pacific Studies. This meeting is intended as a (not too formally organised) forum for the exchange of ideas and information on research projects concerning the South Pacific. We hope that this initiative may stimulate further exchange and research cooperation in the field. The Centre for Pacific Studies is an association of scholars from various disciplines interested in the study of Oceania (including Australia) and Southeast Asia. Its aim is to promote general and applied research concerning the region and to provide opportunities for training, education and the exchange of information. Europe and the South Pacific Within the Netherlands the Centre for Pacific Studies has a special responsibility for the promotion of Oceanic studies as a result of national agreements within the discipline of cultural anthropology. We define Oceania as including the South Pacific Islands, Papua New Guinea, Irian Jaya, Australia and New Zealand
Gatra.Com Seperti biasanya, Angie akan berangkat ke negeri paman Sam tersebut ditemani olehpelatih Morgan Chase, Los Angeles (Tier 2) 11 Agustus, 2003 roger AT T Cup http://www.gatra.com/2003-07-23/artikel.php?id=30187
Tokoh Online, Mengungkap Langsung Dari Sumbernya Bapak, paman, kakeknenek serta dua orang adik perempuannya adalah aktor lokal Bahterarumah tangga anak pasangan roger Winslet dan Sally Bridges Winslet ini http://www.cybertokoh.com/2002/11/207/news/pang-kate.htm
HATI-HATI TERBOLAK Pada kaca lampu depan biasanya tertulis Top. Itu bahasanya paman Bush yang menggantikanPakde Clinton. Artinya atas. Kata Top di atas. Gitu, ganti. roger! http://www.motorplus-online.com/artikel/3/edisi123/Tips4.asp
Extractions: HATI-HATI TERBOLAK Berpikir terbalik, dibilang jenius. Terbalik melulu, itu setengah. Coba aja jari telunjuk sampeyan melintang di jidat. Itu namanya miring. Sama jo dengan memasang komponen terbalik, mesin jadi gile Gelonya , ya rusak. Edan Mentang-mentang pas, sengaja dibalik, demi eksperimen. Apalagi alasan buru-buru. Wong saat ini lagi liburan. Berarti banyak waktu luang. Makanya, perhatikan komponen di bawah ini yang haram terbolak Yuk, goyang yuk Mas. Ipunk/Foto : GT PISTON Di puncak piston selalu ada tanda panah. Tentu saja, tidak dilengkapi lambang hati atau apel. Itu mah tembus asmara. Panah itu menuntun mekanik jangan terbalik memasang, ungkap Ketut Hargunanto, Instruktur HMTC. Piston tidak bisa jungkir balik. Meski dari pabrik, posisi pin piston dibuat tidak pas di tengah. Istilah kerennya offset . Tujuannya, mengurangi gaya menyamping saat piston naik-turun. Otomatis getaran piston berkurang. Hasilnya, keausan piston dan dinding silinder minimal.