Khios right Map showing Khios within Greece Khios or chios, as most Greek English claimsto be the birthplace of Homer, Hippokrates the mathematician, and oenopides.
Extractions: Front Page Today's Digest Week in Review Email Updates ... Outdoor Living Main Page See live article Khios or Chios , as most Greek English speakers know the island, is a Greek island in the Aegean Sea . Population is about 52,290 (census of 2001). Area 910 km² . The capital is also called Khíos, it is a port and the island's chief town. Other settlements include Volissos, Kardamylla and Oinoussais, on a small but wealthy island nearby (5km.). The island is famous for its scenery and good climate. The island's chief export is mastic but it also produces olives , figs, and wine . The Korai Library, in Khios, is one of the most important in Greece, it contains 95,000 volumes. Khíos was colonized by
USGS Astro: Planetary Nomenclature - Nomenclature O boundless light. L L oenopides 57.0N 64.1W 67.0 EU GR 5 1935 66 AAOf chios; Greek astronomer, geometrician (500(?)430 BC). M ME
Extractions: Home For more detailed information about planetary nomenclature see the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature P SA NAME ... ORIGIN n 52.3S 213.4W 6.2 EU IR 5 2000 160 AA Mythical Irish warrior, son of Fionn Mac Cumhail and Sadb. P SA NAME LAT ... ORIGIN kyo 69.1S 75.8W 65.0 AS JA 5 1985 59 AA Maruyama; Japanese painter (1733-1795). V V Olapa Chasma 42.0S 208.5E 650.0 AF KY 5 1997 107 CM Massai (Kenya, Tanzania) moon goddess. L L Olbers 7.4N 75.9W 74.0 EU GE 5 1935 66 AA Heinrich Wilhelm Malthaus; German astronomer, doctor (1758-1840).
Khios Encyclopedia Also known as chios. Population 32,500. Area 910 km². Khíos claims to be thebirthplace of Homer , Hippokrates the mathematician, and oenopides.
Astronomia Autodidacta Translate this page Giordano Bruno. Hiparco de Rodas. Mohammed Ulugh Beg. Nicolás de Cusa. Oenopidesde chios. Pitágoras. Regiomontanus. Tales de Mileto. Teon de Esmirna. Renacimiento.
Extractions: Antiguos Abul Wefa al Buzdjani Al Batani Al Sufi Anaximandro ... Teon de Esmirna Renacimiento Anders Celsius Charles Messier Christian Huyhens Christopher Scheiner ... Tycho Brahe Modernos Albert Einstein Alexander von Humboldt Alvan Graham Clark Anders Angstrom ... Susan Jocelyn Be ll S. Chandrasekhar Urbain Leverrier Waler Adams Walter Baade ... William Herschel ASTRONOMÍA Básicas Como comenzar Historia de la Astronomía Historia de la Astronomía II Astronomía en Colombia ... Teoría de la Relatividad Estrellas Espectro Electromagnético Efecto Doppler Naturaleza de Las Estrellas Diagrama HR ... Muerte Estela r Remanentes Estelares Estrellas Binarias Estrellas Variables Nuestra Galaxia ... Agujeros Negros Sistema Solar Origen del Sistema Solar Ley de Titius Bode Leyes de Kepler El Sol ... Los Eclipses Observación Alfabeto Griego Nombres de Los Objetos Celestes Coordenadas Constelaciones ... Radioastronomía Catálogos
Food For Thought: Biographies Oehlenschlager, Adam Gottlob (Danish poet, dramatist), 17791850. Oenopidesof chios (Greek astronomer, mathematician), c.490-c.420 BC.
Extractions: Oakeley, Frederick (English ecclesiastic) Oakley, Annie (orig. Phoebe Anne Oakley Moses) (Am. markswoman) Oastler, Richard (English reformer) Oates, Lawrence Edward Grace (English antarctic explorer) Oates, Joyce Carol (American novelist, short-story writer) b.1938 Oates, Titus (English impostor; fabricated Popish Plot) Obando, Jose Maria (Colombian politician) Oberholtzer, John H. (American Mennonite religious leader) Oberlin, Johann Friedrich (Alsatian pastor, philanthropist) Oberth, Hermann (German rocket scientist) O'Boyle, Patrick Aloysius (American cardinal) Obradovic, Dositej (Serbian writer) Obrecht, Jacob (Dutch conductor, composer, contrapuntist) c.1450-1505 Obregon, Alvaro (Mexican soldier, politician) O'Brian, Patrick (orig. Richard Patrick Russ) (Eng. novelist) O'Brien, Edward Joseph Harrington (Am. author, editor, anthol.) O'Brien, Fitz-James (Irish-born American writer) c.1828-1862 O'Brien, James Bronterre (Irish journalist, Chartist) O'Brien, William (Irish journalist, Nationalist leader) O'Brien, William Smith (Irish political insurgent) O'Bryan, William (Eng. clergyman; fd. Bible Christian church)
PORCELAINia/Hellas/805 Series Hellas. This piece is named for the birthplace of oenopides(465 BC), a Pythagorean and leading astronomer of his time. The
Áñ÷áßïé Åëëçíåò ÅðéóôÞìïíåò Tannery, P. Diophanti Alexandrini opera omnia, p. 5371 - 1875. Oenopidesthe Chian ( Ïéíïðßäçò ï ×ßïò ). ( chios - 5th Cent. BCE ).
Extractions: It is well known and firmly established that the Aegean Archipelago has been the cradle of civilisation. Most Aegean islands have been the birth place of a number of ancient Greek scientists, men and women. It may be noted as an example that the island of Samos has given birth to not less than 17 ancient scientists. Furthermore on each of the Aegean islands have been found remains of remarkable Works of antiquity, such as Temples, Waterworks, Theatres etc., proving their high degree of civilisation. Again as an example the island of Samos has among other Works the vast Temple dedicated to goddess Hera and the uniquely constructed Aqueduct, dug into the mountain from opposite ends, which met underground with remarkable precision. With the kind permission of the Author of the book "Ancient Greek Scientists", published in Greek, Constantinos Georgakopoulos, we have included in our pages excerpts he has prepared in English, referring to scientists born on some of the larger Aegean islands, together with brief summaries of important Works found on these islands. Those wishing to be able to read some names and text presented also in Greek, would need Greek Fonts.
Extractions: Capitel 32 / Der Nil. Katarakten Capitel 35 / Das Crocodil und das Nilpferd Capitel 36 / Ueberschwemmungen des Nils 37 / Verschiedene Meinungen von der Ursache der Ueberschwemmung 38 / Verschiedene Meinungen von der Ursache der Ueberschwemmung 39 / Verschiedene Meinungen von der Ursache der Ueberschwemmung 40 / Verschiedene Meinungen von der Ursache der Ueberschwemmung 41 / Verschiedene Meinungen von der Ursache der Ueberschwemmung Cap. 01-14 Cap. 15-29 Cap. 30-41 Cap. 42-56 ... Strabon
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