John Von Neumann From FOLDOC Free Online Dictionary of Computing. von neumann, john . john von neumann. person /jon von noy mahn/ Born 1903-12-28, died 1957-02-08. Neumann, John
John Von Neumann Translate this page john von neumann. john von neumann wurde am 28.Dezember 1903 als Sohn eines Bankiers in Budapest geboren. Bereits mit 13 Jahren zeigte / 100 Jahre John Von Neumann Translate this page Ö1 Programm Highlights. alle Artikel. Matrix Jeden Sonntag 2230 Uhr. 100 Jahre john von neumann Seiner Zeit vor raus. Audio Wolfgang
Extractions: Viele Anekdoten ranken sich um die vielseitige Persönlichkeit von John von Neumann. Seine schnelle Auffassungsgabe und auch seine Fähigkeiten im Kopfrechnen sind legendär. Als der Mathematiker Mitte der vierziger Jahre des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts beginnt, sich mit elektronischen Rechnern zu beschäftigen, hat er schon einen weiten Weg hinter sich. Dieser führt ihn von Budapest über Zürich und Berlin ab 1930 ins amerikanische Princeton an das dort neu entstehende berühmte "Institute for Advanced Studies". Wenige Jahre später arbeitet von Neumann am Manhattan-Projekt mit, das die erste amerikanische Atombombe entwickelt. Von dort führt der Weg direkt nach Washington, ins Zentrum der Macht. Bis zu seinem frühen Tod 1957 ist er dort als Regierungsberater tätig. Aufgrund einer Krebserkrankung ist er die letzten Jahre seines Lebens auf einen Rollstuhl angewiesen. Am Schnittpunkt zwischen Wissenschaft, Politik und Militär wird von Neumann eine der treibenden Kräfte hinter der amerikanischen Atomrüstung im beginnenden kalten Krieg. Als "Doktor Seltsam", für den er eines der Vorbilder abgegeben haben soll, wurde diese letzte Phase seines Lebens auch im Film verewigt.
Computers, History, Pioneers: Neumann, John Von john von neumann Brief biography along with details of a number of areas he worked in. neumann, john von - Biography and references.,_John_von/
Extractions: Born: 28 Dec 1903 in Budapest, Hungary Died: 8 Feb 1957 in Washington D.C., USA He built a solid framework for quantum mechanics, worked in game theory, was able to investigate spaces with continuously varying dimensions, and was one of the pioneers of computer science. He was involved in the development of the hydrogen bomb. Help build the largest human-edited directory on the web.
John Von Neumann john von neumann. Nickname johnny. Birth Name Johann von neumann. Birthdate 12/28/1903. Public Role (Equivalents of john von neumann ).
Extractions: (Equivalent of "Johann Von Neumann") Tyr is the symbol of the warrior. This rune most represents masculine force and potency, and frequently victory in battle. Beware though, for this rune represents directly the Norse god whose name it bears - Tyr stands out in legend for having sacrificed his hand that he might bind Fenrir, a monstrous wolf that threatens to swallow the world. As such, this rune is known to portend a great victory that can be bought with a terrible sacrifice. Tyr is also the god of law, frequently placed in such position above Odin. In this aspect, protection of justice may be had by this rune. Birth Mates
Extractions: Feature: December 2003 AT THE age of six, John von Neumann could multiply eight-digit numbers in his head and converse in Greek with his father. A child prodigy who could solve almost any mathematical problem, he had a quick mind and a near photographic memory, for which he was famous throughout his life. Indeed, he later went on to design the fastest thinking machine of his age: the world's first stored-program electronic digital computer. Von Neumann's abilities did not end there. Having made invaluable contributions to the development of atomic and hydrogen bombs, game theory and intercontinental ballistic missiles, he became the foremost defence intellectual of his time. He also applied his mastery of mathematics to the logical and rigorous interpretation of quantum mechanics, the development of statistical explanations of atomic behaviour, and to the creation of the modern computer program. With Robert Oppenheimer, Albert Einstein and other supernovae in the scientific firmament, von Neumann made the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton a model for the modern think tank. He later applied that model to the Rand Corporation and dozens of government panels on which he served. But unlike other US scientists who had contributed to the war effort, he retained his links with military programmes until his death in 1957.
John Von Neumann Dictionary, Game Theory Dictionary People john von neumann. von neumann, john. Coauthor of Theory of Games and Economic Behavior
Konrad Zuse's Versus John Von Neumann's Computer Concepts 7 Literature. /BURK46/ Burks, AW; Goldstine, HH neumann, john von Preliminary Discussion of the Logical Design of an Electronical Computing Instrument, 1946.
Extractions: 8 Glossary 1 Introduction This document intends to discuss our arguments related to the article of Burks et al. , John von Neumann and other scientists. I like to get comments and criticism to my view. I tried to formulate the arguments as unbiased as possible. In literature the paper of Burks et al. has been cited in order to show that in 1946 the John von Neumann?s group formulated the basic principles of the modern computer. From our view it is very questionable whether this is true because Konrad Zuse in 1936 and 1941 built the machines and , which deduct in advance the architecture of the John von Neumann computer in almost every component. These facts were neglected a very long time. More information about this topic can be found in the Konrad Zuse Multi-Media Show . This show is in German, but an English version is planned.
Johann (John) Von Neumann Writes The "First Draft" In June 1945, Johann (john) von neumann published a paper entitled First Draft of a report to the EDVAC, in which he presented all of the basic elements of a
Extractions: Von Neumann writes the "First Draft" In June 1944, the Hungarian- American mathematician Johann (John) Von Neumann first became aware of ENIAC Von Neumann, who was a consultant on the Manhattan Project , immediately recognized the role that could be played by a computer like ENIAC in solving the vast arrays of complex equations involved in designing atomic weapons. a A brilliant mathematician, Von Neumann crossed mathematics with subjects such as philosophy in ways that had never previously been conceived; for example, he was a pioneer of Game Theory , which continues to find numerous and diverse applications to this day. Von Neumann was tremendously excited by ENIAC and quickly became a consultant to both the ENIAC and EDVAC projects. In June 1945, he published a paper entitled "First Draft of a report to the EDVAC," in which he presented all of the basic elements of a stored-program computer: A memory containing both data and instructions. Also to allow both data and instruction memory locations to be read from, and written to, in any desired order. A calculating unit capable of performing both arithmetic and logical operations on the data.
Neumann, John Von neumann, john von. Shopping? It s all here! Links Computers History Pioneers neumann, john von.
Neumann, John Von neumann, john von. (19031957). Madarsko-americký matematik, jen ukázal v roce 1944, e Schrödingerova vlnová mechanika a
Extractions: Neumann, John von Maïarsko-americký matematik, jen ukázal v roce 1944, e Schrödingerova vlnová mechanika a Heisenbergova maticová mechanika jsou matematicky ekvivalentní. Také vyvinul teorii her, v The Theory of Games and Economic Behavior (1944) . Von Neumann studoval chemii na Universitì v Berlínì do roku 1923, kdy odeel do Zurichu. V Zurichu dokonèil studium na technické vysoké kole v roce 1926 jako chemický inenýr. Doktorát získal na Budapeské univerzitì a to ji v matematice, z teorie mnoin. Ve dvaceti letech publikoval definici pøirozených èísel, tak, jak ji pouíváme dodnes.
Extractions: Technical Report Number: bmcm-2000-01 In the late 1940's John von Neumann began to work on what he intended as a comprehensive ``theory of [complex] automata''. He started to develop a book length manuscript on the subject in 1952. However, he put this aside in 1953, apparently due to pressure of other work. Due to his tragically early death in 1957, he was never to return to it. The draft manuscript was eventually edited, and combined for publication with some related lecture transcripts, by Burks (1966) . It is clear from the time and effort which von Neumann invested in it that he considered this to be a very significant and substantial piece of work. However: subsequent commentators (beginning even with Burks) have found it surprisingly difficult to articulate this substance. Indeed, it has since been suggested that von Neumann's results in this area are either trivial, or, at the very least, could have been achieved by much simpler means. It is an enigma. In this paper I review the history of this debate (briefly) and then present my own attempt at resolving the issue by focusing on an analysis of von Neumann's
A Guide To The John Von Neumann Collection, 1913-1992 A Guide to the john von neumann Collection, 19131992. Descriptive Summary. Title, john von neumann Collection. Dates 1913-1925, 1942-1956, 1989-1992.
Extractions: Frames Version Print Version ... Accessing Materials Described Here Descriptive Summary Biographical Note Scope and Contents Restrictions ... At SRH (onsite): Descriptive Summary Creator Von Neumann, John, 1903-1957 Title John Von Neumann Collection Dates: Abstract The John von Neumann Collection consists of photographs and photographic reproductions, creative works (article, book and speech), genealogy materials, and audio material (cassette tape). Accession No. Extent 5 inches Language English. Repository Archives of American Mathematics, Center for American History,The University of Texas at Austin Return to the Table of Contents The John von Neumann Collection consists of photographs and photographic reproductions, creative works (article, book and speech), genealogy materials, and audio material (cassette tape). These materials were donated to the Center for American History by von Neumann's brother and consist of mostly family or genealogy materials, dedications, and ceremonial addresses. Forms part of the Archives of American Mathematics Return to the Table of Contents Portions of this collection are stored remotely. Please contact reference staff for retrieval from off-site storage.
Vonneuma john von neumann (19031957). Table of Contents. john von neumann was truly one of the most well rounded and versatile scholars of the 20 th century.
Extractions: John von Neumann (1903-1957) Table of Contents Claim to Fame Research/Career Highlights Trivia Bibliography Claim to Fame John von Neumann was truly one of the most well rounded and versatile scholars of the 20 th century. His works crossed many areas of study and he is recognized for his essential contributions to mathematics, quantum physics, logic, meteorology, computer science and economics. His mathematical work on high-speed calculations for H-bomb development contributed to the development of computers, and he also introduced game theory (1944), which was a major influence on economics. John von Neumann was born Dec. 3, 1903 as Johann von Neumann in Budapest Hungary. Von Neumann was recognized as a child prodigy in mathematics. At the age of eight he was able to divide eight digit numbers in his head and was known to amuse family members by reciting memorized lists of facts and figures. He attended the University of Budapest from 1921-25, receiving a diploma in Chemical Engineering. He continued to study in both Berlin and Zurich and completed his doctoral degree in mathematics in 1928. Return to Table of Contents Research/Career Highlights During this politically chaotic time in central Europe, von Neumann accepted an offer to study at Princeton University in the United States in 1930. He quickly gained a reputation in set theory, algebra, and quantum mechanics. In 1932 he gave a precise formulation and proof of the "
Inventor Of The Week: Archive Inventor of the Week Archive. Browse for a different Invention or Inventor. EDVAC. Mathematician john von neumann was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1903.
Extractions: This Week Inventor Archive Inventor Search Inventor of the Week Archive Browse for a different Invention or Inventor EDVAC In 1930, von Neumann was invited to the United States to teach at Princeton University. He would settle there, become a U.S. citizen, and spend a great deal of time during the course of his career moving among Princeton, New Jersey; Los Alamos, New Mexico; and Washington D.C. In 1933, Princeton established the Institute for Advanced Studies and asked von Neumann to be one of its original six professors of mathematics. He accepted, and he retained this position for the rest of his life. During World War II, von Neumann worked at Los Alamos on the development of nuclear weapons and energy. He also worked a great deal with early computers, and began to see potential in new and more efficient designs for these groundbreaking machines. After the war, in 1945, von Neumann drafted a report and machine description that would lead to the construction of the EDVAC, or Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer. Von Neumann's report marked the first conceptualization of the stored-program computer. (It should be noted that in 1946, Maurice Wilkes of Cambridge University's Mathematical Laboratory designed a machine that would officially become the world's first operational stored-program computer.) Von Neumann was credited as one of the first to see computers as devices that could be used to solve specific problems through applied mathematics. His work with the Los Alamos group helped to develop synergy between computers' capabilities and the need for computational solutions to nuclear problems. His work is said to have accelerated the development of the hydrogen bomb.
John Von Neumann john von neumann. john von neumann (19031957). When he was elected a member of the Academy in 1937, von neumann was known for his
Extractions: John von Neumann John von Neumann (1903-1957). When he was elected a member of the Academy in 1937, von Neumann was known for his contributions to the fields of mathematical logic and the foundations of quantum mechanics. But his interests were wide-ranging, and he went on to do distinguished work in other fields, including economics and strategic thinking. He is perhaps best known for his work in the early development of computers. As director of the Electronic Computer Project at Princeton's Institute for Advanced Study (1945-1955), he developed MANIAC (mathematical analyzer, numerical integrator and computer), which at the time was the fastest computer of its kind. Predating use the silicon chip, MANIAC was run on thousands of vacuum tubes. Von Neumann was born in Budapest, Hungary, in 1903, and studied in Berlin, Zurich, and Hamburg. In 1930, he joined the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study. He became a US citizen in 1937, and during the Second World War distinguished himself with his work in weapons development. In 1955, he was named a Commissioner of the Atomic Energy Commission, a position he held until his death from cancer in 1957.
Heise Online - Zum 100. Geburtstag Von John Von Neumann Translate this page Zum 100. Geburtstag von john von neumann. Egal ob als János oder Jancsi, Johann oder Johannes, john oder johnny Johann von neumann
Extractions: Vorige Egal ob als János oder Jancsi, Johann oder Johannes, John oder Johnny Johann von Neumann war sicherlich einer der bedeutendsten Universalisten des 20. Jahrhunderts, wenn auch nicht immer unumstritten. Ob als Chemiker oder Mathematiker, als Physiker oder Computerpionier, ob als friedlicher Wissenschaftler oder Mithelfer bei der Entwicklung und Anwendung der Atom- und Wasserstoffbomben, von Neumann hat überall seine Spuren hinterlassen. Am 28. Dezember 1903 erblickte er als Johann Ludwig Neumann von Margitta in Budapest das Licht der Welt im gutbürgerlichem Hause des Bankiers Max Neumann. Aus dem jüdischen Glauben machte er sich nicht viel, mehr schon aus dem zugekauften Adelstitel und so besuchte er in Budapest das evangelische, deutschsprachige Luther-Gymnasium, zusammen mit vielen anderen jüdischen Ungarn. Berühmt geworden sind beispielsweise die Schulkollegen Edvard Teller und Leo Szilard, die beide auch das Schicksal von Neumanns teilten, später in den USA maßgeblich am Atombombenbau mitzuwirken. Noch vor Beginn der Naziherrschaft in Deutschland hatte er schon eine Gastprofessur in Princeton inne, die er, umgewandelt in eine reguläre Professur, mit dem astronomischen Jahresgehalt von 10.000 Dollar besoldet, dann zeitlebens beibehielt. Hier entwickelte er die mathematischen Grundlagen zu den
John Von Neumann From FOLDOC von neumann, john . john von neumann. person /jon von noy mahn/ Born 190312-28, died 1957-02-08. A Hungarian-born mathematician Neumann, John
Vonneumann's First Computer Program Enter john von neumann. john von neumann s instructions were donated to the Library by Herman H. Goldstine, former Executive Officer of the APS.
Extractions: The first stored program for a computer Over the past decade, the popular press has periodically announced that as the atomic age has passed and the information ages dawned, the a-bomb has been replaced in our hearts and minds by the computer. In a remarkable feat of synchronicity, these two technological achievements , icons of modernity, were developed at nearly the same time, and for nearly the same reasons. Research and development of a practical electromechanical calculator was being carried out at a number of American laboratories by 1942, when John Mauchly of Philadelphia and a colleague, J. Presper Eckert, drew up a technical outline of a machine intended to perform the laborious calculations needed to calculate the trajectories of artillery shells and submitted it to the Ballistic Research Laboratory (BRL) of the Army. The government soon devoted its resources to developing what would become the computer, and organized a project supervised by J.G. Brained and appointing Lt. Herman H. Goldstine as technical liason for the BRL. The fruits of this first essay into modern computing was the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), which was dedicated on February 15, 1946. Weighing in at over 30 tons, 150 feet in length, and consuming over 19,000 vacuum tubes, ENIAC was a giant, faster than any previous computer, able to perform fourteen 10-digit multiplications in a mere second - 500 times faster than the best mechanical calculators of the day. Despite its speed, however, it was hampered by highly limited in its internal memory and the need to rewire the computer manually for each separate program it was to run. Mauchly and Eckert had adopted such an inflexible design for ENIAC as a matter of expediency, given the demands of the wartime military, but they recognized that the inefficiency could be lessened by adopting serial calculation rather than parallel, and thus a new project, the Electronic Discrete Variable Computer (EDVAC) was born. Enter John Von Neumann.