Entrez PubMed pierre Louis Moreau de maupertuis (16981759). Emery AE. Medical School,University of Edinburgh. maupertuis was one of the most http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&dopt=Abstra
Physics Documentation: Maupertuis pierre Louis Moureau de maupertuis. back to Index Related Nobody Born 28 Sep1698 in St.Malo, Britanny, France Died 27 Jul 1759 in Basel, Switzerland. http://mit.fnal.gov/~paus/phys/pierre-louis-moreau-de-maupertuis.html
Extractions: Died: 27 Jul 1759 in Basel, Switzerland French mathematician and natural philosopher. FRom 1731 paid member of the Academy of Sciencees of France, in 1746 he became the first president of the prussian Academie Royale des Science et Belles Lettres , newly founded by Frederick the Great in Berlin who called many important scientists to the academy, notably Leonard Euler. In 1756, seriously ill, Maupertuis returned first to France but then joined his friend Johannes II Bernoulli in Basel where he died in 1759. Along with Voltaire, Maupertuis was a supported of Newton's theory of gravitation which he had come to know while visiting London in 1728, and fought against Descartes' ether whirls. Of decisive importance for the development of mechanics washis principle of least action, formulated in 1747, although his own formulation was still somewhat vague (the principle was formulated in precise form by Euler and Lagrange). A widely noticed dispute of the priority started by the Swiss mathematician Samuel Koenig who attibuted the principle to Leibniz, was eventually decided in favor of Maupertuis. This dispute alienated Maupertuis from the Prussian Academy and contributed much to his bad state of health. Edited by Christoph Paus today.
Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Moreau De Translate this page maupertuis, pierre Louis Moreau de, * 1698 in St.Malo, + 1759 in Basel.Seine Jugend verbrachte er als Soldat in der französichen http://www.geophys.tu-bs.de/geschichte/maupertuis.html
Mau maupertuis, pierre Louis Moreau de. Maura y Montaner, Antonio. Maupeou, RenéNicolas de. maupertuis, pierre Louis Moreau de. Maura y Montaner, Antonio. http://www.slider.com/Enc/M/Mau.htm
Listing - Librairie Ancienne Comellas Translate this page Ecrit anglois traduit sur la cinquie-48178 maupertuis pierre Louis Moreau de- Ouvragesdivers Elemens de Geographie Discours sur les di-56349 maupertuis pierre http://www.livres-rares.com/livres/default.asp?p=21
Accueil Livre-rare-book Translate this page maupertuis, pierre Louis Moreau de. Discours sur les différentes figuresdes astres. maupertuis, pierre Louis Moreau de. Lettre sur la comète. http://www.livre-rare-book.com/Matieres/ad/92p.html
Extractions: Réf : 18710 Librairie Le Passe-Temps - Ecrire - Montbrison, France - 33+ 0.4 77 58 63 38 MARGUET (F.). Cours d'Astronomie de l'École navale, 3e édition revue. Société d'Éditions Géographiques, Maritimes et Coloniales, 11, Rue Jacob. [PARIS], 1935, Br.25,5x16,5, couverture beige, texte en noir; 322 pages; 158 figures en noir. Couverture un peu défraîchie. - Prix : Coordonnées sphériques. Mouvement diurne - Coordonnées. Instruments de mesure. Théorie des erreurs. La Terre. Réfraction - Parallaxe - Demi-diamètres. Le Soleil. La Lune. Les planètes. Coordonnées des astres. Astronomie physique - Astronomie stellaire. Réf : 53522 Librairie AaZbooks.com - Ecrire - Saint Maixent, France - 33+ 02 43 71 00 70 MARGUET ASTRONOMIE Ecole navale, 1ère année d'études, année scolaire 1912-1913. Cours du lieutenant de vaisseau Marguet. Coordonnées sphériques ; Astronomie ; Instruments de mesure ; Théorie des erreurs ; Forme de la terre ; Réfraction astronomique ; Demi-diamètres ; Le soleil ; La Lune ; Les planètes ; Gravitation universelle ; Coordonnées des astres ; Physique du système solaire ; Les étoiles ; Spectroscopie stellaire ; Hypothèse cosmogoniques. Figures. Ouvrage imprimé en caractères manuscrits. BOURGEON BREST 1912-13 311 pp GRAND IN8 Reliure éditeur toile grise, pièces de titres, auteur, éditeur contrecollées - Prix :
Gallica - Translate this page http://visualiseur.bnf.fr/Visualiseur?Destination=Gallica&O=NUMM-62576
Millennium - Episode 8: Lapland - Additional Resources maupertuis, pierre de. Internet Biography of pierre de maupertuis http//wwwgroups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/maupertuis.html; http://www.turnerlearning.com/cnn/millennium/ep8/e8s1_ar.html
Charles LaCondamine & Peru And Pierre Maupertuis Charles LaCondamine Peru and pierre maupertuis. Used with permissionof Maiken Naylor, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA, http http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Arts/Graphicartists/Prints/scistamp/meas/05.
Extractions: A joint issue of France and Finland commemorates simultaneous 1736 French expeditions to the equator in South America and the polar regions of Lapland to determine the shape of the earth, generally acknowledged to be spherical. Charles LaCondamine (1701-1774) in Peru and Pierre Maupertuis (1698-1759) in Lapland surveyed the curvature of the meridians and found that the earth was somewhat flattened at the pole, and more curved at the equator, giving it the shape of an oblate spheroid. This confirmed Newton's theory put forth in the Principia that the centrifugal force of the rotating earth caused it to be distended at the equator, where the speed of rotation was greatest, and flattened at the poles, where the speed was zero - as indicated on the Finnish stamp. Anders Celsius (1701-1744), the Swedish astronomer, was also a member of the northern expedition. He was the inventor of the centigrade thermometer, which divides the range in temperature between the freezing and boiling points of water into 100 degrees. These divisions are now called degrees Celsius.
Extractions: Bibliographie Norden In dieser Bibliographie sind die wichtigsten Titel der einzelnen Dissertationsprojekte aufgeführt. Sie ist in Quellen und Sekundärliteratur unterteilt. Hinter jedem Eintrag steht der Name der Doktorandin / des Doktoranden, aus deren / dessen Projekt der Titel stammt. Quellen 2000, S. 135-499. (Fraesdorff) Adolf Nicklass von Steinkallenfels, Reise in Schweden und Lieffland, hg. v. Carl Velten, in: Der Norden 21, 5 (1944). (Taetz) Ariosto, Ludovico, Tutte le Opere, hg. v. Cesare Segre, III: Satire, Mailand 1984. (Boccignone) Ariosto, Ludovico, Orlando furioso e Cinque canti, hg. v. Remo Cesarani e Sergio Zatti, 2 Bde., Turin 1997. (Boccignone) Ariosto, Orazio, LAlfeo, hg. v. Giuseppe Venturini (Deputazione Provinciale Ferrarese di Storia Patria), Ferrara 1982. (Boccignone) Ayrmann, Hans Moritz, Resor i Sverige och Finland 1668-1671, hg. v. Kurt Schreinert, in: Rig 33, 4 (1950), S. 133-148. (Taetz) Balzac, Honoré de, Séraphîta, in: La Comédie humaine, Bd. XI, Paris (Bibliothèque de la Pléiade) 1980. (Soetbeer) Bilberg, Johannes
Pierre Louis Maupertuis Article on pierre Louis maupertuis from WorldHistory.com, licensedfrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. pierre Louis maupertuis. http://www.worldhistory.com/wiki/P/Pierre-Louis-Maupertuis.htm
Extractions: World History (home) Encyclopedia Index Localities Companies Surnames ... This Week in History Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis July 17 - July 27, ) was a French mathematician and astronomer. He is often credited with having invented the principle of least action He was born at Saint-Malo France . At the age of twenty he entered the army, becoming a lieutenant in a cavalry regiment, and studying mathematics in his spare time. After five years he left the army and was admitted in a member of the Académie des Sciences . In he visited London , and was elected a fellow of the Royal Society . In he acted as chief of the expedition sent by King Louis XV to Lapland to measure the length of a degree of the meridian , and on his return home he became a member of almost all the scientific societies of Europe. In Maupertuis went to Berlin at the invitation of Frederick II of Prussia, and took part in the Battle of Mollwitz , where he was taken prisoner by the Austria ns. On his release he returned to Berlin, and thence to Paris , where he was elected director of the Academy of Sciences in , and in the following year was admitted into the Académie française. Returning to Berlin in
TeleMath - ÌáèçìáôéêÜ êáé Öéëïôåëéóìüò The summary for this Greek page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.telemath.gr/mathematical_stamps/stamps_mathematicians/persons/maupert
Extractions: Pierre Louis MOREAU de MAUPERTUIS, hysicien et savant, membre de l' , de l' Newton Descartes Newton Clairaut Le principe de moindre action C'est dans le cadre de travaux en optique, que Maupertuis énonce (1744) le célèbre principe de moindre action que Fermat Koenig et Leibniz , et qui deviendra avec les travaux d' Euler Lagrange Jacobi et surtout de Hermann L. von Helmholtz (physiologiste et physicien allemand (1821-1894) auquel on doit , en particulier, la notion d' potentielle Jacobi , que ce principe ne peut s'appliquer que dans un milieu isotrope Descartes : Lagrange et Jacobi L = T - U , L est le lagrangien et U son et t est alors : valeurs stationnaires calcul des variations Descartes Fermat Huygens ... Koenig qui lui contestait son principe... Klein :