Margulis Gregori Aleksandrovic Margulis. Born 24 Feb 1946 in Moscow, Russia. GregoriMargulis was educated at Moscow High School, graduating in 1962.
Extractions: Gregori Margulis was educated at Moscow High School, graduating in 1962. In that year he began his undergraduate studies at Moscow University and he was awarded his first degree in 1967. Margulis remained at Moscow University for his postgraduate studies. He showed great potential as a mathematician and the first important award which he won was during his time as a postgraduate student when he received the young mathematicians prize from the Moscow Mathematical Society in 1968. Margulis completed his graduate studies in 1970 and he was awarded the degree of Candidate of Science for a thesis On some problems in the theory of U-systems. After being awarded the Candidate of Science degree (the equivalent of a British or American Ph.D.), Margulis began to work in the Institute for Problems in Information Transmission. He was a Junior scientific worker there from 1970 to 1974 when he was promoted to Senior scientific worker. He held this post until 1986 when he was promoted again, this time to Leading scientific worker. International honour was given to Margulis in 1978 when he was awarded a Fields Medal at the International Congress at Helsinki. However it was not a happy occasion for Margulis who was not permitted by the Soviet authorities to travel to Helsinki to receive the Medal. Tits, delivering the address [7] spoke of his sadness that Margulis could not be present:-
De Gregori Translate this page margulis gregori Aleksandrovic Margulis. Born 24 Feb 1946 in Moscow, Russia. Gregori Margulis was educated at Moscow High School, graduating in 1962.
Gregori Aleksandrovich Margulis -- Encyclopædia Britannica Cite this article. gregori Aleksandrovich margulis. born Feb. 24, 1946, Moscow, Russia, U.S.S.R. MLA style " gregori Aleksandrovich margulis." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004
Biography-center - Letter M .com/gpe/crefmarala.html. margulis, gregori. Mathematicians/margulis.html. Marian, Ferdinand
Extractions: random biography ! Any language Arabic Bulgarian Catalan Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Turkish 791 biographies
Margulis Biography of gregori margulis (19460BC) gregori Aleksandrovic margulis. Born 24 Feb 1946 in Moscow, Russia gregori margulis was educated at Moscow High School, graduating in 1962
Extractions: Gregori Margulis was educated at Moscow High School, graduating in 1962. In that year he began his undergraduate studies at Moscow University and he was awarded his first degree in 1967. Margulis remained at Moscow University for his postgraduate studies. He showed great potential as a mathematician and the first important award which he won was during his time as a postgraduate student when he received the young mathematicians prize from the Moscow Mathematical Society in 1968. Margulis completed his graduate studies in 1970 and he was awarded the degree of Candidate of Science for a thesis On some problems in the theory of U-systems. After being awarded the Candidate of Science degree (the equivalent of a British or American Ph.D.), Margulis began to work in the Institute for Problems in Information Transmission. He was a Junior scientific worker there from 1970 to 1974 when he was promoted to Senior scientific worker. He held this post until 1986 when he was promoted again, this time to Leading scientific worker. International honour was given to Margulis in 1978 when he was awarded a Fields Medal at the International Congress at Helsinki. However it was not a happy occasion for Margulis who was not permitted by the Soviet authorities to travel to Helsinki to receive the Medal. Tits, delivering the address [7] spoke of his sadness that Margulis could not be present:-
Gregori Aleksandrovich Margulis -- Encyclopædia Britannica margulis, gregori Aleksandrovich Encyclopædia Britannica Article. gregori Aleksandrovichmargulis. born Feb. APA style gregori Aleksandrovich margulis., lynn
Extractions: Subject: This week in the mathematics arXiv (22 Jan - 26 Jan) Author: Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Date: 31 Jan 2001 22:03:35 -0800 Here are this week's titles in the mathematics arXiv, available at: Instructions for contributing articles are available at: Borcherds, Richard E. Connes, Alain Freedman, Michael Kontsevich, Maxim Novikov, Serge Thurston, William P. Witten, Edward*
MathNet-Fields Medals margulis, gregori Aleksandrovitch;Tomanov, Georges Metodiev Measure rigidityfor algebraic groups over local fields CR Acad. Sci. Paris S?r. I Math. Aleksandrovi
Sci.math FAQ: Fields' Medals Washington DC USA 29 1978 margulis, gregori Moscow USSR 32 1978 Quillen, Daniel Charles Princeton University USA 1978 margulis, gregori InstPrblmInfTrans USSR 1978 Quillen, Daniel
Extractions: Are you an expert in this area? Share your knowledge and earn expert points by giving answers or rating people's questions and answers! This section of FAQS.ORG is not sanctioned in any way by FAQ authors or maintainers. Questions strongly related to this FAQ: Questions somewhat related to this FAQ: Other questions awaiting answers: 16880 questions related to other FAQs
Springer-Verlag - Mathematics ihrer Grenzgebiete. 3. Folge / A Series of Modern Surveys in Mathematics,Vol. 17 margulis, gregori A. 1991, IX, 388 pp. 14 figs,10735,5-10042-72-1266145-0,00.
Extractions: Select a discipline Biomedical Sciences Chemistry Computer Science Engineering Environmental Sciences Geosciences Law Life Sciences Materials Mathematics Medicine Statistics preloadImage('/sgw/cda/pageitems/designobject/cda_displaydesignobject/0,10885,5-0-17-900120-0,00.gif'); preloadImage('/sgw/cda/pageitems/designobject/cda_displaydesignobject/0,10885,5-0-17-900180-0,00.gif'); preloadImage('/sgw/cda/pageitems/designobject/cda_displaydesignobject/0,10885,5-0-17-900170-0,00.gif'); preloadImage('/sgw/cda/pageitems/designobject/cda_displaydesignobject/0,10885,5-0-17-900190-0,00.gif'); preloadImage('/sgw/cda/pageitems/designobject/cda_displaydesignobject/0,10885,5-0-17-900200-0,00.gif'); preloadImage('/sgw/cda/pageitems/designobject/cda_displaydesignobject/0,10885,5-0-17-900160-0,00.gif');
Bookmarks For Bradley Wayne Brock Items Authored by margulis, gregori Aleksandrovitch. Items Authored by Freedman, Michael H
Extractions: Xref: news.answers:30349 sci.answers:1657 sci.math:73713 Newsgroups: sci.math,sci.answers,news.answers Path:!alopez-o From: (Alex Lopez-Ortiz) Subject: sci.math: Frequently Asked Questions [2/3] Message-ID: Followup-To: sci.math Originator: Sender: Supersedes: givecookie("BodyThetans", "Skeptic Tank Archives") E-Mail Fredric L. Rice / The Skeptic Tank
Fields Medal Mumford, David Worth, Sussex UK 37 1978 Deligne, Pierre Brussels Belgium 33 1978Fefferman, Charles Washington DC USA 29 1978 margulis, gregori Moscow USSR 32
Extractions: Next: Erdos Number Up: Human Interest Previous: Indiana bill sets the This is the original letter by Fields creating the endowment for the medals that bear his name. It is thought to have been written during the few months before his death. Notice that no mention is made about the age of the recipients (currently there is a 40 year-old limit), and that the medal should not be attached to any person, private or public, meaning that it shouldn't bear anybody's name. It is proposed to found two gold medals to be awarded at successive International Mathematical Congress for outstanding achievements in mathematics. Because of the multiplicity of the branches of mathematics and taking into account the fact that the interval between such congresses is four years it is felt that at least two medals should be available. The awards would be open to the whole world and would be made by an International Committee. The fund for the founding of the medals is constituted by balance left over after financing the Toronto congress held in 1924. This must be held in trust by the Government or by some body authorized by government to hold and invest such funds. It would seem that a dignified method for handling the matter and one which in this changing world should most nearly secure permanency would be for the Canadian Government to take over the fund and appoint as his custodian say the Prime Minister of the Dominion or the Prime Minister in association with the Minister of Finance. The medals would be struck at the Mint in Ottawa and the duty of the custodian would be simply to hand over the medals at the proper time to the accredited International Committee. - SciMath FAQ Washington DC USA 29 Princeton U USA 1978 margulis, gregori Moscow USSR 32 InstPrblmInfTrans USSR 1978 Quillen, Daniel
SciMath FAQ U USA 1978 Deligne, Pierre Brussels Belgium 33 IHES France 1978 Fefferman, CharlesWashington DC USA 29 Princeton U USA 1978 margulis, gregori Moscow USSR 32
References For Margulis References for gregori margulis. Biography in Encyclopaedia Britannica. J Tits, The work of gregori Aleksandrovitch margulis, Proceedings of the International Congress of
Extractions: S Ihara, Works of G A Margulis (Japanese), Special issue : International Congress of Mathematicians, Helsinki, 1978, Sugaku 31 G A Margulis, Oppenheim conjecture, in M Atiyah and D Iagolnitzer (eds.), Fields Medallists Lectures (Singapore, 1997), 272-327. M I Monastyrskii, Laureates of the Fields Medal (Russian), Istor.-Mat. Issled. No. G D Mostow, The Fields medals I. Relating the continuous and the discrete, Science M S Raghunathan, The work of G A Margulis, (Mannheim, 1979), 153-155. J Tits, The work of Gregori Aleksandrovitch Margulis, Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Helsinki, 1978 (Helsinki, 1980), 57-63. Main index Birthplace Maps Biographies Index
Book Detail Information Title Discrete Subgroups of Semisimple Lie Groups. Author margulis,gregori A. ISBN 038712179X. Price List $166.00 YOUR PRICE $157.70.
Category Browsing Results SPRINGER VERLAG, ISBN 0387566740, PGS 231, List $45.95 YOUR PRICE $43.65.Discrete Subgroups of Semisimple Lie Groups. margulis, gregori A.
Extractions: Subject: This week in the mathematics arXiv (22 Jan - 26 Jan) Author: Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Date: 31 Jan 2001 22:03:35 -0800 Here are this week's titles in the mathematics arXiv, available at: Instructions for contributing articles are available at: Borcherds, Richard E. Connes, Alain Freedman, Michael Kontsevich, Maxim Novikov, Serge Thurston, William P. Witten, Edward*