Extractions: Click the link for more information. February 6 February 6 is the 37th day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. There are 328 days remaining, 329 in leap years. 1778 - American Revolutionary War: In Paris the Treaty of Alliance and the Treaty of Amity and Commerce are signed by the United States and France signaling official recognition of the new republic.
Extractions: Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Noun Etienne-Louis Arthur Fallot - French physician who described cardiac anomalies including Fallot's tetralogy (1850-1911) Fallot doc doctor physician ... medico - a licensed medical practitioner; "I felt so bad I went to see my doctor" Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Some words with "Etienne-Louis Arthur Fallot" in the definition: Arthur Meier Schlesinger Jr.
Extractions: Verb etiolate - make weak by stunting the growth or development of weaken - lessen the strength of; "The fever weakened his body" etiolate - bleach and alter the natural development of (a green plant) by excluding sunlight plant life flora plant - a living organism lacking the power of locomotion alter change modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue" etiolate - make pale or sickly; "alcohol etiolates your skin" alter change modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue" Adj. etiolate - (especially of plants) developed without chlorophyll by being deprived of light; "etiolated celery" etiolated blanched plant life flora ... plant - a living organism lacking the power of locomotion colorless colourless - weak in color; not colorful
Extractions: References [1] Bates, F.J., A Quartz Compensated Polariscope with Adjustable Sensibility, Bull. Nat. Bur. Stand. [2] Bates, F.J., et al., Polarimetry, Saccharimetry, and the Sugars, Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), Circ. 440, (1942). [3] Etienne Louis Malus, Mém. Soc. d'Arcueil , 143, 149 (1808-1809). Mém. Savants étrangers , 303 (1810-1811). Théorie de la double refraction (Paris, 1810) [4] Dominque François Arago, Oeuvres complètes , 54. Mem. l'Institut, Class Math. Phys. [5] Jean Baptiste Biot, Mém. l'Institut, Class Math. Phys. , 18-38 (1814); Bul. Sciences Soc. Philomatique, 190-195 (1815); Mem. Acad. Sci. , 41-136 (1817); Sur la construction des appareils destinés a observer le pouvoir rotatoire des liquides, Ann. chim. phys. [6] William Nicol, Edinb. New Phil. J. Last Updated on November 4,1998