Fran � Ois Arago jeho objevy pripustí, ale úver podnecující genialita JeanAugustin Fresnel, s jeho historií jak studnou jak s tím etienne-louis malus a Thomas Young
Etienne-Louis Malus - Information An online Encyclopedia with information and facts etiennelouis malus - Information, and a wide range of other subjects. etienne-louis malus - Information.
Extractions: Etienne-Louis Malus July 23 February 24 ) was a French officer engineer physicist , and mathematician Malus was born in Paris France . He participated in the expedition into Egypt to . Malus became a member of the French academy of sciences in His ground-breaking contribution in Optics was to define a measure ( orientation angle ) by which to characterize relations between a light source and a system of detectors. In applying such basic measurements, Malus determined the reflectivity of various sets of surfaces, and the birefringence of various translucent media. All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (see for details). . Wikipedia is powered by MediaWiki , an open source wiki engine.
III. LA METROLOGÍA ÓPTICA Translate this page Fue etienne-louis malus quien en París en 1775 resolvió el enigma, con sus múltiples observaciones de fenómenos relacionados con la luz polarizada.
Extractions: LA METROLOGÍA óptica es la rama de la óptica que tiene como propósito efectuar medidas de muy alta precisión usando las ondas de la luz como escala. Esto se hace por medio de unos instrumentos llamados interferómetros, basados en el fenómeno de la interferencia, que se describirá más adelante. Ya que dicha aplicación está fundamentada en la naturaleza ondulatoria de la luz, se comenzará por describir brevemente la historia del desarrollo de los conceptos sobre la naturaleza de la luz. Posteriormente, se tratarán las principales aplicaciones de la metrología óptica. III.1. LA NATURALEZA DE LA LUZ La naturaleza de la luz ha sido un enigma muy atractivo e interesante para los hombres, desde la más remota antigüedad. Los griegos pitagóricos, alrededor de 530 a.C., al igual que Aristóteles doscientos años más tarde, creían que la visión era causada por partículas que emitía el cuerpo luminoso, que llegaban después al ojo. Sin embargo, los filósofos Platón, Euclides y Claudio Tolomeo, creían que era justo lo contrario, es decir, que las partículas salían del ojo para llegar después al objeto observado. Alhazen, en Arabia, estaba convencido de que el punto de vista de Aristóteles era el correcto, es decir, que la luz salía de los objetos y que al penetrar en el ojo producía la sensación visual. Sin embargo, no se hacía todavía ninguna conjetura sobre la naturaleza de estas emanaciones de las fuentes luminosas. Francesco Maria Grimaldi (1618-1663) ingresó a la Compañía de Jesús a la edad de catorce años. En 1648, siendo ya jesuita, se le ofreció la cátedra de matemáticas en Bolonia. En un experimento que realizo ahí, dejó que penetrara la luz del Sol a un cuarto obscuro a través de un pequeño agujero en una cartulina (Figura 11). Hizo después pasar esta luz a través de otra cartulina perforada, con dimensiones que midió muy cuidadosamente. Descubrió que la luz proyectaba una mancha mayor que la esperada si la propagación de la luz fuera rectilínea. En algunos otros experimentos observó que la orilla de la sombra en lugar de estar bien definida, mostraba algunas franjas claras y oscuras, como se muestra en la figura 12. Estos fenómenos los atribuyó Grimaldi a la presencia de la difracción, debida a la naturaleza ondulatoria de la luz.
History Of Astronomy: Persons (M) Malmquist, Karl Gunnar (18931982) Very short biographical data and links. malus, etienne louis (1775-1812) Short biography and references (MacTutor Hist.
Information Headquarters: Timeline Of Electromagnetism And Classical Optics the Sun, * 1801 Thomas Young demonstrates the wave nature of light and the principle of interference, * 1808 - etienne-louis malus discovers polarization by
The Rumford Medal (1800) Jean Fresnel 1822 No award 1820 No award 1818 David Brewster 1816 Humphry Davy 1814 William Charles Wells 1812 No award 1810 etiennelouis malus 1808 No award
Extractions: Henri Victor Regnault For his experiments to determine the laws and the numerical data which enter into the calculation of steam engines. Michael Faraday For his discovery of the optical phenomena developed by the action of magnets and electric currents in certain transparent media, the details of which are published in the nineteenth series of his experimental researches in electricity, inserted in the Philosophical Transactions for 1845 and in the Philosophical Magazine.
Optics 6 etiennelouis malus (1775-1812) was another graduate of the École Polytechnique. He rose to the rank of colonel in Napoleons
Extractions: ....Optics Highlights VI Wave Optics T Laplace, Fourier and Poisson th Century, the unsuccessful attempts of Fizeau and then of Michelson and Morley to measure the drag of the ether on light waves led to Einstein Thomas Young (1773-1829), as his epitaph in Westminster Abbey states, was "a man alike eminent in almost every department of human learning." As a medical student he discovered the way the eye lens changes shape in order to focus and the cause of astigmatism. Proficient in many languages, he later made the first nearly correct translation of the Rosetta Stone. His diverse scientific accomplishments included contributions to the theory of elasticity. Influenced by Eulers arguments, he attempted to prove the wave nature of light, discovered interference and published numerous papers arguing in favor of the wave theory during the first decade of the 19 th century. A savage anonymous review of his work in 1803 in the
Encyclopedia: Etienne Louis Malus Encyclopedia Famous Physicists Benjamin Franklin, USA (17061790); Joseph-louis Lagrange - France (1736-1813); etienne-louis malus - France (1775-1812); James Watt Scotland (1736-1819)
Extractions: several. Compare All Top 5 Top 10 Top 20 Top 100 Bottom 100 Bottom 20 Bottom 10 Bottom 5 All (desc) in category: Select Category Agriculture Crime Currency Democracy Economy Education Energy Environment Food Geography Government Health Identification Immigration Internet Labor Language Manufacturing Media Military Mortality People Religion Sports Taxation Transportation Welfare with statistic: view: Correlations Printable graph / table Pie chart Scatterplot with ... * Asterisk means graphable.
Optikhistoria 1802 William Hyde Wollaston (England). Upptäcker att solens spektrum innehåller ett antal mörka linjer. 1808 etienne louis malus (Frankrike).
Extractions: En kort Historia om Optik och Ljus. I Euklides Optica, noteras att ljuset rör sig i röra linjer. Reflektions lagen beskrivs även. Han tror att synen fungerar på så sätt att ögat sänder ut strålar mot objekten man ser. Han studerar även förhållandet mellan uppfattad storlek och vinklarna till objekten och ögat I hans Catoptrica, visar Hero med geometriska metoder att sträckan som ljuset går vid reflektion från en spegel är den kortaste som kan dras från källan till observationspunkten. I en Latinskt översättning från Arabiska från 1100-talet, tillskriven Ptolemaios, beskrivs Brytning, inklusive atmosfärisk brytning. Här föreslås att brytningsvinkeln är proportionell mot infallsvinkeln. Han använde sig av sfäriska och paraboliska speglar, och var medveten om sfärisk abberation. Han studerade även förstoring och atmosfärisk brytning. Hans arbete översattes till Latin och blev tillgänglig för europeiska vetenskapsmän. ~1220 Robert Grosseteste (England).
Timelinescience - 1801 To 1850 etiennelouis malus discovers polarised light. 1809, The French botanist and zoologist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck states that animals evolved from simple worms.
Extractions: 1801 to 1850 Setting the scene In 1804 Napoleon Bonaparte is created Emperor of France. The Napoleonic wars are fought between England and France - the Duke of Wellington and his army defeats Napoleon in the Battle of Waterloo on June 18 1815. There is an absolute explosion of science in this period, particularly in France. The 18th century fascination with electricity continues during this time, making full use of Volta's invention of the electric battery, announced in 1800. It is the discovery that electricity and magnetism are linked that leads to the work of people like Faraday Henry and Maxwell The teaching of science changes dramatically during the period. Lots of new fields of scientific research develop, including anthropology, archaeology, cell biology, psychology and organic chemistry. Scientific papers became commonplace, enabling scientists to communicate with one another - the birth of international science. The science John Dalton publishes his law of partial pressures for gases.
Extractions: To forget one's ancestors is to be a brook without a source, a tree without a root 32 GERS Région : MIDI-PYRENEES Auch coat of arm AUCH : Tourism Office Records of the department : 32 - ARCHIVES DEPARTEMENTALES DU GERS Adresse : 14 rue Edgar-Quinet 32000 AUCH / Courrier : BP 21, 32001 AUCH Cedex Migrants from the GERS to the New World : Sources : UGMP Union Généalogique Midi Pyrénées ABADIE Antoine DETCHEVERY Pierre LASCOSTES-BARJEAU Jean ABADIE Bertrand DETHIEUX LASCOSTES-BARJEAU Pierre ABADIE Jean DETIEUX Joseph LASCOUREGE Jean Baptiste ABADIE Jean DETROIT LASERRE Guillaume ABADIE Jean Baptiste DEVAUX Gratien LASERRE Guillaume ABEILLE Dominique DEVIENNE Jean Paul LASERRE Pierre ABEILLE J-B DEVILLE Jean LASSERRE ? ADER DEYRAUT Guillaume LASSERRE Bernard ADER épouse Mariette DEYRAUT Jean LASSERRE Charles ADER fille Therezia DIBOSCQ Jean LASSERRE Jean AIGNASSE Joseph DIEUZEDE Raymond LASSERRE Jean AIGUEBERE Israel DIEUZEDE Raymond LASSIS ?
Review Of VEDERE TECH ARTICLE etienne louis malus, a French army engineer, discovered polarization. He was intrigued by the crystal calcite. When an object is
Extractions: Polarized Lens Market Increasing! International Polarizer, Inc. of Marlborough (MA, USA) manufacturers polarizers for scientific, electronic and eyewear markets. The firm, founded in 1985 by leading physicists and Dr. Richard A. Phillips, who is also chairman, applies its expertise, developed in manufacturing films for scientific applications, to the manufacture of films for the eyewear market. It is the worlds largest producer of polarized plastic sheet for the eyewear OEM market. Its staff of renowned scientists continually works to develop improved processes and new uses for polarizers. Light interacts with the eye, solid surfaces and fluids by its wave nature. The three wave properties of light are interference, diffraction and polarization. In the discovery and understanding each of these fundamental properties of nature, Europeans played the historical key role. Robert Hooke of the Royal Society in London discovered interference. He correctly explained colored interference patterns in thin films by interference between the light reflected from the front and rear surfaces of the film. Professor Francesco Maria Grimaldi at Jesuit College in Bologna discovered diffraction. He observed bands of light in the shadow of objects illuminated by a point source. The effect is explained by bending of light as it passes close to an obstacle, such as pinhole or knife edge.
Extractions: Google News about your search term This page aims to list articles on Wikipedia that are related to Egypt . This is so that those interested in the subject can monitor changes to the pages by clicking on Related changes in the sidebar. The list is not necessarily complete or up to date - if you see an article that should be here but is not (or one that should not be here but is), please do update the page accordingly. A B C D ... Misc A Aaru Ababda Abbas I - Abbas II - Abraham of Alexandria Abu Simbel Abukir Abydos, Egypt ... Akeru - Akh - Akhenaten Akhnaten Alexander the Great Alexandria ... Ammon - Ammut - Amon Amr Diab Amr Moussa Ancient Near East ... Andjety - Anget - Ankhesenpaaten Ankt Anti Antony and Cleopatra ... Anwar Sadat - Ap-uat - Arabic language Arsinoe II of Egypt Arsinoe III of Egypt As (god) ... Athanasius of Alexandria Ba - Ba-Pef Babi Babu Baggush Box ... Sidi Barrani - Bast - Bastet Bata Battle of Actium Battle of Alexandria ... Buto Caesarion Cairo Camp David Accords (1978) Canopic jar ... Cyril of Alexandria Fran§ois-Paul Brueys D'Aigalliers Dalida Dedun Demographics of Egypt ... Duamutef Eastern Berber languages Economy of Egypt Egypt - Egypt/Temp - Egyptian Campaign - Egyptian chronology Egyptian hieroglyph Egyptian Islamic Jihad Egyptian language ... Exodus Farouk of Egypt Fedayeen Bonner Fellers First Battle of El Alamein - First dynasty of Egypt - Foreign relations of Egypt Fuad I of Egypt Fuad II of Egypt Gama'at Islamiya Gamal Abdel Nasser Gates of Cairo - Geb - Geography of Egypt George Syncellus Giza Great Pyramid of Giza H
Extractions: Investigations with Light : 1704 - 1887 Prior to the mid 17th century, light was presumed to move instantaneously across any distance. Astronomers at the French Academy showed (by comparing the times they expected to see the moons of Jupiter appear from behind that planet with the times they actually observed (about a 15 minute difference)) that light does travel with a definite speed (their calculations were actually fairly accurate, @ 150,000 miles per second). That finding, generated new interest in the "physics" of light, what is it, how does it propagate, etc. The dominant theory through the end of the 17th century was the undulatory (wave) theory of light. Newton's Opticks of 1704 persuaded almost everybody that light is a stream of corpuscles (particles) and he established the corpuscular theory of light. That held until the early 19th century when the French (in trying to save the corpuscular theory) established a wave theory of light. That lasted until the early 20th century when quantum mechanics told us light can be either a wave or a particle depending on what experiments we do. All that is confusing, but here's an easy mnemonic: In the 17th century light was a wave: in the 18th, it became a particle; in the 19th, it turned back into a wave; and finally, in the 20th we've compromised. Under quantum theory and the Uncertainty Principle, we describe light as either a wave or a particle depending on the experiments we choose to make.
Biography-center - Letter M; Man Marey, etienne-Jules; Marfan com/doctor.cfm/568.html; Mayer, louis B. www
Extractions: random biography ! Any language Arabic Bulgarian Catalan Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Turkish 791 biographies
Glossaire Optique Géométrique Translate this page malus) - J -. (vide) - K -. (vide) - L -. (vide) - M -. etienne louis malus 1775-1812. Physicien français né et mort à Paris. Étienne
The Discovery Of Polarization ( The young etienne louis malus didn t loose his head during the French revolution nor during the Reign of Terror, but had to follow the Napoleon army in its
Extractions: Home Vikings Bees Rainbow ... Space The Discovery It is difficult to single out who first discovered polarized light. Early humans could have noticed a peculiar smudge when looking at the sky in certain directions. Moreover, polarization has lots of quirks and was discovered many times in different contexts: even today it is the subject of much research. But the official story goes like this: Did the Vikings beat Bartholinus by a thousand years? As described elsewhere in, they might have used the polarization of the sky for navigation. Even if they didn't, they did discover Iceland. That (not so icy at the time) land later became the main source of Iceland Spar (nowadays, a more accurate name would be Mexican Spar as the Iceland deposits have been depleted). Iceland Spar had a prime role in the modern discovery of polarization and continues to be a preferred material to split the polarization components of light. It is easy to conceive that a Viking, exhausted after some foray, would have taken some time to play with those transparent crystals and noticed how images were doubled (or was it the beer?). Iceland Spar was involved in the official discovery of polarization. This naturally occurring transparent crystal (optical quality Calcite, CaCO3) separates an image into two displaced images when looked through in certain directions. In 1669, a Danish mathematician at the University of Copenhagen, Erasmus Bartholinus, not only saw double, but also performed some experiments and wrote a 60-page memoir about the results. This was the first scientific description of a polarization effect (the images are polarized perpendicular to each other), and for his efforts he may be considered the discoverer of this hidden property of light.
PHSchool - AP* Lesson Plans polarization, p. 832; polarizer, p. 833; Law of malus, p. 834; etiennelouis malus (1775 to 1872), p. 834; transmission axis, p. 834;