Lexikon - Jules Antoine Lissajous Definition Erklärung Bedeutung Lexikon lissajous-Figur Definition Erklärung Bedeutung - Translate this page en entstehen. Sie sind benannt nach ihrem Entdecker, dem französischenPhysiker jules Antoine lissajous (1822-1880). In jüngerer http://www.net-lexikon.de/Jules-Antoine-Lissajous.html
Extractions: PostgreSQL ... englischen Lexikon Google News zum Stichwort Jules Antoine Lissajous 4. M¤rz in Versailles 24. Juni in Plombi¨res) war ein franz¶sischer Physiker Lissajous wurde durch die Entdeckung der nach ihm benannten Figuren bekannt. Sie entstehen bei der berlagerung linearer Schwingung en, ihre Form ist vom Frequenz verh¤ltnis und der zu Beginn vorhandenen Phasenwinkeldifferenz abh¤ngig. Bei ungleichen Frequenzen ergibt sich eine unver¤nderliche Lissajous-Figur , wenn beide Frequenzen ein rational es Verh¤ltnis bilden. Anderenfalls wiederholen sich die Bahnkurven nicht, die Lissajous-Figur ver¤ndert sich st¤ndig. Bei gleichen Frequenzen ergeben sich Ellipse n unterschiedlicher Exzentrizit¤t Im Jahr 1855 beschrieb Lissajous eine Methode zur Darstellung derartiger Schwingungen. 1873 wurde er von der Academie des Sciences mit dem Lacaze-Preis f¼r seine Arbeiten zur Beobachtung, Messung und Deutung von Schwingungen ausgezeichnet. Eine einfache Versuchsanordnung zur Nachahmung von Lissajous Arbeiten k¶nnte wie folgt aussehen: Ein Pendel wird so aufgeh¤ngt, dass sich das Pendel nicht nur in einer Ebene, sondern in verschiedene Richtungen bewegen kann. Es wird zun¤chst durch einen Sto in Schwingungen versetzt. Anschlieend erh¤lt das Pendel einen weiteren Sto in eine andere Richtung. Jetzt vollf¼hrt das Pendel gleichzeitig Schwingungen in zwei verschiedene Richtungen, was zur Folge hat, dass die Bahn der Pendelmasse eine zwar sehr komplizierte, aber in sich geschlossene Linie, n¤mlich eine Lissajous-Kurve, beschreibt. Man kann sie aufzeichnen, indem man als schwingende Masse einen mit Sand gef¼llten Trichter verwendet, aus dem der Sand langsam ausstr¶mt.
Destins - Biographies - Lepaute A Lyvois Translate this page Liouville meurt en 1882 à Paris. ACCUEIL, SOURCE. Haut de page. lissajous,jules Antoine. Né en 1822 à Versailles. Physicien. Issu http://perso.club-internet.fr/j_mirou/l3.htm
Extractions: L Lepaute Lespagnandel L'Estoile Leuret ... Lyvois MENU LEPAUTE ACCUEIL SOURCE Jean Baptiste. Hittorf ACCUEIL SOURCE ACCUEIL SOURCE LESPAGNANDEL Matthieu. ACCUEIL SOURCE L'ESTOILE Pierre TAISAN de. ACCUEIL SOURCE LEURET Fragments psychologiques sur la folie Gratiolet Du traitement moral de la folie Leuret ACCUEIL SOURCE LEVACHER Gilles. (Paris, 1737) ; Dissertation sur le cancer des mamelles ACCUEIL SOURCE LEVAILLANT Parmi les comptes rendus de ses travaux, il faut mentionner les Histoire naturelle des oiseaux d'Afrique ACCUEIL SOURCE L'HOSPITAL , Michel de. ACCUEIL LIENS EXTERNES SOURCE LIOUVILLE Joseph. Navier et la de Monge . Il fonde le ACCUEIL SOURCE LISSAJOUS Jules Antoine. ACCUEIL SOURCE LOBINEAU Guy Alexis. ACCUEIL SOURCE LOURMEL (Paris, 1853). ACCUEIL SOURCE LOYNES Antoinette de. Morel Dorat ACCUEIL SOURCE LUCAS ACCUEIL SOURCE LUCE Siméon Auguste. Né en 1833 à Bretteville-sur-Ay (Manche) Historien. Lauréat de l'Ecole des Chartes, Luce y devient enseignant. Il est spécialiste de la fin du Moyen Age, archiviste aux Archives nationales, et il est admis, en 1882, à l'Académie des inscriptions et belles lettres. Il disparaît en 1892 à Paris. Luce a publié des études sur Jeanne d'Arc, Du Guesclin, la Jacquerie, et, en leur adjoignant des analyses, des documents d'époque, parmi lesquels les chroniques de Froissart (1873).
Lissajous Curve -- From MathWorld in 1815. They were studied in more detail (independently) by julesAntoinelissajous in 1857 (MacTutor Archive). lissajous curves http://mathworld.wolfram.com/LissajousCurve.html
Extractions: They are sometimes known as Bowditch curves after Nathaniel Bowditch who studied them in 1815. They were studied in more detail (independently) by Jules-Antoine Lissajous in 1857 (MacTutor Archive). Lissajous curves have applications in physics, astronomy, and other sciences. The curves close iff is rational Lissajous curves are a special case of the harmonograph with damping constants Special cases are summarized in the following table, and include the line circle ellipse , and section of a parabola parameters curve line a = b circle ellipse section of a parabola It follows that gives a parabola from the fact that this gives the parametric equations which is simply a horizontally offset form of the parametric equation of the parabola Harmonograph Simple Harmonic Motion search
Lissajous Lab lissajous Lab. lissajous Figures. lissajous (pronounced LEEsuh-zhoo) figureswere discovered by the French physicist jules Antoine lissajous. http://www.math.com/students/wonders/lissajous/lissajous.html
Extractions: Lissajous Figures Lissajous (pronounced LEE-suh-zhoo ) figures were discovered by the French physicist Jules Antoine Lissajous. He would use sounds of different frequencies to vibrate a mirror. A beam of light reflected from the mirror would trace patterns which depended on the frequencies of the sounds. Lissajous' setup was similar to the apparatus which is used today to project laser light shows. Before the days of digital frequency meters and phase-locked loops, Lissajous figures were used to determine the frequencies of sounds or radio signals. A signal of known frequency was applied to the horizontal axis of an oscilloscope, and the signal to be measured was applied to the vertical axis. The resulting pattern was a function of the ratio of the two frequencies.
Lissajous Translate this page jules Antoine lissajous. jules Antoine lissajous est né à Versailles,le 4 mars 1822, et mort à Plombières, le 24 juin 1880. http://bcev.nfrance.com/lissajous/lissajous.htm
Skolavpohode.cz lissajous, jules Antoine (18221880) Francouzský fyzik zabývající se vlnamia kmity. Vyvinul speciální optickou metodu pro jejich sledování. http://www.skolavpohode.cz/clanek.asp?polozkaID=3751
Skolavpohode.cz Ref, Lenard, Philipp Eduard Anton (18621947), zaregistruj se - uvidíto. Lex, lissajous, jules Antoine (1822-1880), zaregistruj se - uvidíto. http://www.skolavpohode.cz/prehled.asp?predmetID=13&start=1
Ages 13-100 is a bit advanced, but you might want to try it!) lissajous (pronounced LEEsuh-zhoo)figures were discovered by the French physicist jules Antoine lissajous. http://www.coolmath4kids.com/lissajous/
Extractions: by Ed Hobbs To operate: Select the Preset buttons at the left to see sample patterns. To create your own patterns, type in stuff in the spots on the right. Change the settings by clicking on the digits: clicking near the top of a digit increases its value; clicking near the bottom decreases its value. Lissajous Figures Lissajous (pronounced LEE-suh-zhoo) figures were discovered by the French physicist Jules Antoine Lissajous. He would use sounds of different frequencies to vibrate a mirror. A beam of light reflected from the mirror would trace patterns which depended on the frequencies of the sounds. Lissajous' setup was similar to the apparatus which is used today to project laser light shows. Before the days of digital frequency meters and phase-locked loops, Lissajous figures were used to determine the frequencies of sounds or radio signals. A signal of known frequency was applied to the horizontal axis of an oscilloscope, and the signal to be measured was applied to the vertical axis. The resulting pattern was a function of the ratio of the two frequencies. Lissajous figures often appeared as props in science fiction movies made during the 1950's. One of the best examples can be found in the opening sequence of The Outer Limits TV series. ("Do not attempt to adjust your picturewe are controlling the transmission.") The pattern of criss-cross lines is actually a Lissajous figure.
Lissajous Translate this page jules lissajous (1822 - 1880). Profesor de matemáticas francés,en 1850 obtuvo su doctorado y en 1874 se convirtió en rector de http://es.geocities.com/fisicas/cientificos/matematicos/lissajous.htm
The ABC's Of Lissajous Figures download free from the web. jules Antoine lissajous was a French physicistwho lived from 1822 to 1880. Like many physicists of his http://abc.net.au/science/holo/liss.htm
Extractions: To view this page, you need a plug-in called Shockwave that you can download free from the web. Jules Antoine Lissajous was a French physicist who lived from 1822 to 1880. Like many physicists of his time, Lissajous was interested in being able to see vibrations. He started off standing tuning forks in water and watching the ripple patterns, but his most famous experiments involved tuning forks and mirrors. For example, by attaching a mirror to a tuning fork and shining a light onto it, Lissajous was able to observe, via another couple of mirrors, the reflected light twisting and turning on the screen in time to the vibrations of the tuning fork. When he set up two tuning forks at right angles, with one vibrating at twice the frequency of the other, Lissajous found that the curved lines on the screen would combine to make a figure of eight pattern. The ABC logo is a 3:1 Lissajous figure if Lissajous wanted to see this pattern he would have to get one of his tuning forks to vibrate three times faster than the other. Why did the ABC choose a Lissajous figure for its logo?
Encyclogram: Links: Pictures The Physics of the Harmonograph also by Andrew Purdam. The harmonograph waspioneered by the French physicist, jules Antoine lissajous in 1857. http://kosmoi.com/Science/Mathematics/Graphs/Encyclo/links.shtml
Extractions: EncycloZine Astronomy Biology Chemistry ... Web Design About Us A - Z Site Map Top Pages ... Cell Phones See also: A magic chalkboard leads you to interactive math activities: 3D geometry, tessellations, symmetry, polygons, conversions, number stories, multiplication, estimation, probability, using money, real-life problems, a math art gallery of geometric designs, MicroWorlds projects, and more.
Courbe De Lissajous jules lissajous (1822-1880) physicien français. http://www.mathcurve.com/courbes2d/lissajous/lissajous.shtml
Style.at *** Leben Mit Style - Wellness, Urlaub, Hobby, Freizeit Translate this page Los Angeles USA) Lepage, Albert, 04.03.1895 Schriftsteller (Laeken B) Leroy,Rene, 04.03.1898 Musiker (Maisons F) lissajous, jules Antoine, 04.03.1822 http://www.tripple.net/contator/style/tage.asp?t=4&m=3
Lissajous Lab lissajous Figures lissajous (pronounced LEEsuh-zhoo) figures werediscovered by the French physicist jules Antoine lissajous. He http://www.crazybone.com/osc/osc.html
Extractions: Lissajous (pronounced LEE-suh-zhoo ) figures were discovered by the French physicist Jules Antoine Lissajous. He would use sounds of different frequencies to vibrate a mirror. A beam of light reflected from the mirror would trace patterns which depended on the frequencies of the sounds. Lissajous' setup was similar to the apparatus which is used today to project laser light shows. Before the days of digital frequency meters and phase-locked loops, Lissajous figures were used to determine the frequencies of sounds or radio signals. A signal of known frequency was applied to the horizontal axis of an oscilloscope, and the signal to be measured was applied to the vertical axis. The resulting pattern was a function of the ratio of the two frequencies.
Lissajous Or Bowditch Curves - National Curve Bank Moreover, he was the first to investigate a family of curves now usuallynamed for the French physicist, julesAntoine lissajous. http://curvebank.calstatela.edu/lissajous/lissajous.htm
Extractions: Historical Sketch Nathaniel Bowditch (1773 - 1838) was the first American to receive international recognition as a mathematician. Moreover, he was the first to investigate a family of curves now usually named for the French physicist, Jules-Antoine Lissajous. Lissajous independently published his work much later in 1857. Bowditch, working in the isolation of New England's Salem and Boston areas, held a life-long fascination with doing tedious calculations. He learned Latin and several other languages in order to read the mathematical publications being imported from Europe. In particular, he is known to have studied Newton's
Extractions: Electronics Acoustics Analog Antennas Audio ... Resources Java applications Actif semiconductors Analog Audio Basic cirvuit theory ... Magnetics Measurement Miscellaneous Modulation Motor Passif semiconductors ... Transmission lines Measurement Alimentation réglable en tension et courant en Français Analog meter in order to use a DC-style meter movement, such as the D'Arsonval design pictured in the applet below, the alternating current must be "rectified" into DC Balayage télévision en Français Cathode rays this tutorial demonstrates how the electrons create ionizing effects from residual gas, which results in the visibility of cathode rays Galvanómetro Galvanómetro balístico Kathodenstrahlröhre in German Measuring current with a DMM Measuring voltage with a DMM Mesure de déphasage en Français Mesures de puissance en Français Multimeter Multimeter Stroboscope en Français Thermomètre à diode en Français Thermomètre à résistance de platine en Français Universeel meter in Dutch Wet van Ohm in Dutch Superheterodyne spectrum analyzer a spectrum analyzer is an extremely useful measurement tool that can show, in the frequency domain, information not readily recognizable with a time domain instrument such as an oscilloscope. For example, the frequency content of a signal (e.g. a fundamental sinusoid and one or more harmonic components) is readily identified with a spectrum analyzer
L Index Lindemann, Ferdinand von (198*) Linnik, Iurii (273*) Lions, PierreLouis (745*) Liouville,Joseph (1968*) Lipschitz, Rudolf (95*) lissajous, jules (234) Listing http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/L.htm
Hollis: Differential Equations Hôpital, Guillaume de Lagrange, JosephLouis Laplace, Pierre-Simon Legendre, Adrien-MarieLiouville, Joseph Lipschitz, Rudolf lissajous, jules Lorenz, Edward N http://www.math.armstrong.edu/faculty/hollis/dewbvp/