Team 1: Conceptual Structures Of Scientific Thinking natural philosophy. Among the principal sources for this investigationare the works of Thabit ibn Qurra and jordanus nemorarius.
Extractions: From Natural Philosophy to Science (Programme dans le cadre de l' European Science Foundation Team 1 Mechanics, Machines, and Natural Philosophy Teamleaders : Stefano Caroti and Sophie Roux Member of the UMR Savoirs et textes in this team : Jean Celeyrette Conferences Medieval Science and Natural Philosophy: The Silent Revolution (Tenerife) Mechanics and Cosmology (Florence) Mechanical Conceptualisations of Nature: Matter, Motion, Space, and Causality (Lyon) Early Modern Mechanics and Natural Philosophy: The Challenge (Berlin) One of the central elements in the transformation of natural philosophy into science is what Dijksterhuis has called The Mechanization of the World Picture. Indeed, in the seventeenth century, mechanics became the paradigmatic science par excellence . Natural philosophy increasingly relied on mechanical explanatory models, depicted both the microcosm and the macrocosm as machines, and tried to imitate the science of mechanics by reducing all natural phenomena to mathematically describable interactions between rigid bodies. In the process, the science of mechanics, which had been thriving particularly in the Hellenistic world and continued to exist in a more subdued way in the Arabic and Latin Middle Ages, developed in various new directions.
Golden Ratio Quiz ratio, the golden spiral. Jacques Binet, jordanus nemorarius. Aquiz is available for each of the BBC Radio 4 - 5 Numbers
Extractions: "Have you ever wanted to trade stocks like a pro? Do you want to learn how to flip stocks for quick profit so you can afford the things that you want to buy for you and your family? Learn how to beat the day trading system! Discover how trading stocks for a living can give you the life you have always wanted!" More Resources
Fibonacci Quiz .. mathematicians Leonardo Fibonacci, Â?douard Lucas, Jacques Binet,jordanus nemorarius. A quiz is available for Fibonacci
Extractions: "Have you ever wanted to trade stocks like a pro? Do you want to learn how to flip stocks for quick profit so you can afford the things that you want to buy for you and your family? Learn how to beat the day trading system! Discover how trading stocks for a living can give you the life you have always wanted!" More Resources
Il Giardino Di Archimede Parigi 7) jordanus nemorarius. Luigi Pepe (Università di Ferrara
L'historien Des Sciences Translate this page magnétisme. Lécole de jordanus nemorarius énonce des lois de lastatique, la loi du plan incliné et la loi du levier coudé. On
Extractions: Espace enseignants . Si vous êtes enseignant(e), vous pouvez notamment vous inscrire afin de recevoir par courrier postal ou électronique toutes les informations spécifiques. Histoire des sciences et des techniques Moyen Âge L'historien des sciences Contact pour cette rubrique : Anne Bonnefoy L'historien des sciences
Extractions: 20 reels of 35mm silver-halide positive microfilm plus guide Renaissance Man: The Reconstructed Libraries of European Scholars, 1450-1700 seeks to bring together on microfilm the surviving volumes and manuscripts of some of the finest libraries in Renaissance England. Series One focuses on the great library of John Dee (1527-1608), philosopher, mathematician, astrologer and theologian. Under the guidance and general editorship of Dr Julian Roberts and Dr Elisabeth Leedham-Green this project aims to reconstruct Dee's Library based on the findings published in John Dee's Library Catalogue , edited by Julian Roberts and Andrew G Watson, (The London Bibliographical Society, 1990). Parts 1 and 2 focus on manuscript materials from the Bodleian Library, Oxford, and Corpus Christ College, Oxford. Parts 3-6 concentrate mainly on Dee's printed books. Part 3 is based on the holdings of Cambridge University Library and Parts 4-6 bring together the largest surviving group of Dee's printed books from the holdings of the Dorchester Library at the Royal College of Physicians, London. "This great library was always at the disposal of Dee's fellow scientists among his friends and pupils. If one believes that the first essential and the true center of any university is its library, Dee's circle might truly be termed the scientific university of England during the period from about 1560 to 1583." [see F.R. Johnson
Physik Translate this page angewendet . An diese Erkenntnisse knüpfte jordanus nemorarius an (derZeitraum seiner Tätigkeit ist nicht genau bekannt, 1050-1350).
Earliest Uses Of Symbols For Variables Barnabas Hughes; Cajori vol. 2, page 2. jordanus nemorarius (12251260)used letters to replace numbers. Christoff Rudolff used the
Extractions: Earliest Uses of Symbols for Variables Last revision: Dec. 24, 2001 Greek letters. The use of letters to represent general numbers goes back to Greek antiquity. Aristotle frequently used single capital letters or two letters for the designation of magnitude or number (Cajori vol. 2, page 1). Diophantus (fl. about 250-275) used a Greek letter with an accent to represent an unknown. G. H. F. Nesselmann takes this symbol to be the final sigma and remarks that probably its selection was prompted by the fact that it was the only letter in the Greek alphabet which was not used in writing numbers. However, differing opinions exist (Cajori vol. 1, page 71). In 1463, Benedetto of Florence used the Greek letter rho for an unknown in Trattato di praticha d'arismetrica. (Franci and Rigatelli, p. 314) Roman letters. In Leonardo of Pisa's Liber abbaci (1202) the representation of given numbers by small letters is found. The Boncompagni edition, page 455, has: diuidatur aliquis numerus .a. in duas partes, que sint .b.g.; et diuidatur .a. per .b., et ueniet .e.; et .a. per .g. ueniet .d.: dico quod multiplicatio .d. in .e.est sicut agregatio .d.cum .e. [divide some number .a. in two parts which are .b.g.; and divide .a. by .b. to obtain .e.; and .a. by .g. to obtain .d.: I say that the product of .d. in .e. is as the sum of .d. with .e.] The dots were used to bring into prominence letters occurring in the running text, a practice common in manuscripts of that time [Barnabas Hughes; Cajori vol. 2, page 2].
Patrimonio Bibliográfico Translate this page Consulta Autor jordanus nemorarius. Título Arithmetica, / cum demonstrationibusJacobi Fabri Stapulensis. Faber Stapulensis Elementa musicalia.
Kulman Jakaminen Harpilla Ja Viivoittimella Asian todistus on ihan helppo. Toinen jako. Tällä kertaa asialla on CampanusNovaralainen (tai jordanus nemorarius; joka tapauksessa ollaan 1200luvulla).
Extractions: Seuraava aineisto on pääosin varastettu kirjasta Kuten jo rippikoulussa opimme, antiikin kreikkalaiset jättivät jälkeensä kolme suurta geometrista ongelmaa: Ympyrän neliöinti. On piirrettävä neliö, jolla on sama ala kuin annetulla ympyrällä. Kuution kahdentaminen. On piirrettävä sellaisen kuution särmä, jonka tilavuus on kaksi kertaa annetun kuution tilavuus. Mielivaltaisen kulman jakaminen kolmeen yhtäsuureen osaan. Perinteisesti vaaditaan myös, että tehtävät on ratkaistava käyttäen apuna ainoastaan viivoitinta ja harppia. (Viivoittimella ei tarkoiteta tässä tavallista halpaa muoviviivoitinta, vaan sellaista kapinetta, jolla voi piirtää suoria viivoja, eikä muuta. Siinä kapulassa ei siis ole mitta-asteikkoa.) Lisäksi saa käyttää paperia/papyrusta tms. Jo Kreikan geometrikot tulivat lopulta siihen tulokseen, että näitä ongelmia ei varmaankaan ole mahdollista ratkaista annetuilla ehdoilla. Asian täsmällinen todistaminen onnistui kuitenkin vasta yli 2200 vuotta ongelmien esittämisen jälkeen. Ongelmien 2 ja 3 ratkaisemattomuus todistetaan ainakin opuksessa ja melko varmasti useimmissa muissakin algebran perusoppikirjoissa. Todistus ensimmäisen ongelman ratkeamattomuudesta on monimutkaisempi.
Extractions: Home Page "Irectly" Hotel back Siena - Irectly hotel : thdrew from her service without giving her any pervious notice of his intention to do so. She thus found herself at once unarmed, and not having any other source, sought the assistance of Alfonzo, king of Aragon and Sicily, adopted him as her son, and engaged Braccio of Montone as her captain, who was of equal reputation in arms with Sforza, and inimical to the pope, on account of his having taken possession of Perugia and some other places belonging to the church. After this, peace was made between the queen and the pontiff; but King Alfonzo, expecting she would treat him as she had her husban Welcome in Siena Siena - Irectly Country hotel: heand why was he allowedto pass them, only to be assailed in ascending the steps? Burchard, presumably, did not himself see these horsemen; certainly he cannot have seen them escorting the murderers to the Pertusa Gate. Therefore he must have had the matter reported to him. Naturally enough, had the horsemen existed, they must have been seen. How, Welcome in Siena Siena - Irectly Country hotel: mpanied by figures, purely white, of swans and lilies, signifying /candidior candidis/more white than the whitestthe motto of the queen whose name began, like that of Catherine, with a C, and which applied as well to the daughter of Louis XII. as to the mother of the last Valois; for no suspicion, in spite of the violence of Calvinist calumny, has tarnished the fidelity of Catherine de' Medici to Henri II. The queen-mother, still charged with the care of two young children (him who was afterward Duc d'Alencon, and Marguerite, the wife of Henri IV., the sister whom Charles IX. called Margot), had need of the whole of Welcome in Siena
Extractions: Vacations by History ... Vacations by Landscapes Tuscany - N To Citi_Fiesole Farmhouse : er Tuscan products in 1623 by the great-nephew of Michelangelo, Michelangelo Buonarroti the younger. He omitted [83] much, re-wrote the sonnets in part, and sometimes compressed two or more compositions into one, always losing something of the force and incisiveness of the original. So the book remained, neglected even by Italians themselves in the last century, through the influence of that French taste which despised all compositions of the kind, as it despised and neglec Welcome in Tuscany Tuscany - N To Citi_Fiesole Farmhouse : d so, no doubt, striking dismay into the hearts of those courtiers, who may well have deemed that perhaps they had expressed themselves too freely. Louis, in person, accompanied Valentinois to the apartments prepared for him in the Castle of ...Florence - , and on the morrow gave a banquet and commanded merry-makings in his visitor's hono Welcome in Tuscany Tuscany - N To Citi_Fiesole Farmhouse : o thousand ducats for their filthy piece of work. This made the King, when he beheld mine, affirm that the finish of its workmanship exceeded his highest expectations. Accordingly he made an equitable judgment, and had my statue valued also at two thousand ducats, saying: I gave those other men no salary; Cellini, who gets about a thousand crowns a year from me, can surely let me have this masterpiece for two thousand crowns of gold, since he has his salary into the bargain. Then I exhibited other things in gold and silver, and a variety of models for new undertakings. At the last, just when he was taking leave, I pointed out upon the lawn of the castle that great giant, which roused him to higher astonishment than any of the other things he had inspected. Turning to his Admiral, Welcome in Tuscany
6~16¥@¬ö¼Æ¾Ç®a 64 Albertus Magnus ? 1200~1280. ?65?jordanus nemorarius 1225~1260. ?66Adam Rise 1492~1559.æ¸å¸å®¶çå°æ äº/IV/7
Liste Alphabétique Des Mathématiciens Translate this page Jensen (Johan Ludvig Wilkim Valdemar), Danois (1859-1925). Jordan (Camille),Français (1838-1922). jordanus nemorarius, Allemand ( ? -1237).
Håndskriftafdelingen - Nyhedsbrev De 2 bind indeholder 4 inkunabler, henholdsvis Aristoteles Ethica ad Nichomachum,Paris 1497 og jordanus nemorarius Arithmetica cum commentario Jacobi Fabri
Extractions: Latinske klassikerhåndskrifter Håndskriftafdelingen har som led i formidlingen af dets skatte publiceret seks latinske klassikerhåndskrifter som digitale faksimiler. Der er tale om håndskrifter fra 1000-tallet til 1400-tallet, med centrale tekster fra den romerske oldtid eller kommentarer dertil. Udsnit af illustration fra håndskriftet NKS 218 4º: Macrobius' In somnium scipiones med E-initial i form af en skrivende mand, antagelig forestillende Macrobius selv. De seks nye faksimiler føjer sig til afdelingens samling af e -manuskripter og vil i løbet af kort tid blive fulgt af flere andre latinske håndskrifter med tekster fra oldtid, middelalder og renæssance. Under udgivelse er bl.a. håndskrifter med tekster af Solinus og Ovid samt håndskrifter med middelalderlige forfattere og tekster fra Bibelen. Oplysninger om nye digitale udgaver af middelalderlige manuskripter gives løbende i Håndskriftafdelingens Nyhedsbrev Håndskrifterne gengives i deres helhed, og ledsages af korte introduktioner, oversigter over indholdet, samt kommentarer til enkeltsider, hvor det skønnes hensigtsmæssigt.
History/Culture Timeline about impotence and childbirth. 1225 jordanus nemorarius, mechanics oflever and composition of motion. 1200s universities began replacing
Pythagoras' Site Van De Maand: Sites Van 1999-2000 Met biografieen van Fibonacci en andere wiskundigen als Edouard Lucas, Jacques Bineten jordanus nemorarius, en met verschillende toepassingen van de reeks
15. Februar: Den Salige Jordan Av Sachsen Noen historikere har hevdet at han var den jordanus nemorarius, eller Jordan deNemore, hvis strålende matematiske avhandlinger skulle stå seg i 300 år og
Extractions: Minnedag: 15. februar Den salige Jordan av Sachsen ble født ca 1195 (ca 1177?) i Sachsen i Tyskland. Han fikk navnet Gordanus eller Giordanus. Til tross for at det finnes et relativt rikholdig biografiske materiale om ham, nevnes aldri hvor gammel han var da han døde, selv om han beskrives som «en gammel mann». Dette antyder minst 60 år, noe som betyr at han ikke kan ha vært født senere enn 1677. Helligkåringskongregasjonens Index ac status causarum skriver imidlertid at han ble født ca 1195. Bollandistene, som baserer seg på ordenens krøniker, skriver at han ble født på slottet «Borcberg», (Borgberge, Burgberg, Borgentreich) ved Paderborn, mens andre foreslår Padberg nær Westfalen. Vi vet ingen ting om hans barndom, bortsett fra at han kom fra en fornem familie. Han studerte i Paris, hvor han kan ha levd i relativ velstand i den nasjonale «skolen» med lærere og andre studenter fra Tyskland. Han studerte de tradisjonelle sju «frie kunster», først trivium -grammatikk, retorikk og dialektikk, og deretter
Books For Purchase Barnabas B. Hughes jordanus nemorarius Jordanus De Nemore Denumeris Datis (Hardcover)Jordanus De Nemore Denumeris Datis Purchase Info, Buy info, Cheapest
Extractions: View All Products (click to view) Jordan-Algebren. (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften. A Series of Comprehensive Studies in Mathematics Bd. 128) Jordan County : A Novel Jordan County Jordan County Jordan In Transition Jordan in the 1967 War Jordan the Sports Boy Sticker Paper Doll Jordan's Inter-Arab Relations Jordan, Marsh Illustrated Catalog of 1891 : An Unabridged Reprint Jordan, Real and Lie Structures in Operator Algebras (Mathematics and Its Applications (Kluwer Academic Publishers), Vol. 418.) Jordan, the United States and the Middle East Peace Process, 1974-1991 Jordan: A Country Study (Country Studies) Jordan: A Country Study (Area Handbook Series) Jordan: Country Studies Jordan Jordanian Exceptionalism : A Comparative Analysis of State-Religion Relationships in Egypt, Iran, Jordan, and Syria The Jordanian-Palestinian Relationship : The Bankruptcy of the Confederal Idea Jordanus De Nemore Denumeris Datis Jordi, Lisa and David Jordi, Lisa and David
Annual Report A small group of treatises from this time, ascribed to jordanus nemorarius, was transmittedin the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries and was partly printed in
Extractions: Historical epistemology in this sense requires an integration of cultural and cognitive studies of science. Methods and results of the cognitive sciences, of the structuralist tradition of psychology as well as of philosophical theories of concept development, can help to compensate for theoretical deficits in the history of science in a narrow sense, in particular when it comes to explaining thought processes. The history of science can, inversely, contribute to overcoming the limitations of theoretical approaches whose claims have not yet been systematically confronted with the results of historical research. However, such an historical epistemology would not only have to add the models and scientific means of the social and cognitive sciences to the traditional methodological arsenal of the history of science, but must also develop a theoretical coherency that goes beyond exploiting historical case studies to flesh out preconceived philosophical opinions. In order to achieve a broad historical basis for dealing with these theoretical problems and to cover at least some of the major developmental steps in the history of science, research has been inaugurated or is planned in four different areas: the emergence of formal sciences such as mathematics; the emergence of empirical sciences such as physics, chemistry, and biology; structural changes in sciences with developed disciplinary structures and integrated theoretical foundations, such as the transition from classical to modern physics; and the role of reflective thinking and second-order concepts in science.