Extractions: Peter M. Gruber (*1941); vystudoval matematiku na Universitat Wien a University of Kansas. V prvnim obdobi sve vedecke prace se zameril na geometrickou teorii cisel. Poslednich vice nez tricet let je tezistem jeho odborneho zajmu geometricka konvexita, v niz se stal mezinarodne uznavanou vedouci osobnosti. Je autorem devadesatky publikaci, rada jeho vysledku se tyka typickych konvexnich teles (ve smyslu Baireovych kategorii), dalsi jeho vyznamne prace jsou mj. venovany otazkam aproximace a stability. Od ziskani Ph.D. v roce 1966 pusobi na Technische Universitat Wien (s vyjimkou obdobi 1971-1976, kdy byl vedoucim Katedry analyzy v Linzi). Od roku 1976 vede Institut fur Mathematische Analysis.
NMBRTHRY Archives -- January 2001 (#36) Number Theory List NMBRTHRY@LISTSERV.NODAK.EDU From Jaroslav Hancl KMA PrF hancl@albert.osu.cz Subject 11th vojtech jarnik Mathematical Competition http://listserv.nodak.edu/scripts/wa.exe?A2=ind0101&L=NMBRTHRY&F=&S=&P=3874
NMBRTHRY Archives -- January 2001 11th vojtech jarnik Mathematical Competition 11th vojtech jarnik MathematicalCompetition (147 lines) From Jaroslav Hancl KMA PrF hancl@albert.osu.cz . http://listserv.nodak.edu/scripts/wa.exe?A1=ind0101&L=NMBRTHRY&D=0
Djordje Milicevic - Studentska Takmicenja Izuzetak cine zadaci koji se postavljaju u drugoj kategoriji vojtech jarnik takmicenja,za cije je resavanje potrebno jos i poznavanje Algebre 1, Analize 2 i http://www.matf.bg.ac.yu/~djordje/lat/takmicza.htm
Extractions: Studentska takmicenja Zadaci Studentska takmicenja, za razliku od srednjoskolskih, ne podrazumevaju i posebne pripreme. Za dobar uspeh je po pravilu vise nego dovoljno solidno razumevanje gradiva Analize 1 i Linearne algebre . Izuzetak cine zadaci koji se postavljaju u drugoj kategoriji Vojtech Jarnik takmicenja, za cije je resavanje potrebno jos i poznavanje Algebre 1, Analize 2 i Teorije mere i integracije (prvi deo Analize 3). Buducim takmicarima se ipak preporucuju neke klasicne zbirke problemskih zadataka, na primer: Ove knjige mozete potraziti u Univerzitetskoj biblioteci "Svetozar Markovic" ili u Biblioteci Matematickog fakulteta. Ako ih nigde drugde ne nadjete, mozete ih dobiti od mene na kopiranje. Dodjite radi dogovora na konsultacije S to se tice zadataka sa prethodno odrzanih takmicenja , njih mozete naci na odgovarajucim zvanicnim stranicama tih takmicenja. Ja sam se ovde ogranicio primercima do sada odrzanih probnih i kvalifikacionih takmicenja na samom Matematickom fakultetu. Nisu sva ta kvalifikaciona takmicenja bila jednaka ni po tezini ni po originalnosti zadataka koji su na njima zadavani. To je odraz cinjenice da su ih (u svojstvu vodja ekipa) sprovodili razliciti asistenti i u razlicite svrhe. Tako je npr. probno takmicenje pred 7.MTSM u Londonu odrzano na engleskom jeziku zbog potrebe da se studenti priviknu na uslove rada na samom takmicenju.
Extractions: This page is quoted from Jerry Grossman, see link below. It may be outdated, please go to his page for the current information. Erdos0, Version 1999, February 4, 1999 This is a list of the 492 co-authors of Paul Erdos. Please send corrections and comments to . The Erdos Number Project Web site can be found at the following URL:
This Page Is Quoted From Jerry Grossman, See Link Below. It May Be Translate this page Francois SCHNITZER, FRANZ JOSEPH Grammatikakis, Miltos D. HSU, DERBIAU FRANK Grandjot,K. jarnik, vojtech Granlund, Torbjorn MONTGOMERY, PETER L. Grannell, MJ http://www.cs.unlv.edu/~bein/erdos/Erdos2.txt
Extractions: This page is quoted from Jerry Grossman, see link below. It may be outdated, please go to his page for the current information: Erdos2, Version 1999, February 4, 1999 This is a list of the 5608 persons with Erdos number equal to 2, together with their co-authors who have Erdos number 1 listed beneath them. Please send corrections and comments to . The Erdos Number Project Web site can be found at the following URL:
Full Alphabetical Index jarnik, vojtech (468*). http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/Flllph.htm
Australian National University (ANU) Library - Science Cluster foundations of mathematical analysis / vojtech jarnik preface by Josef Novak introductoryarticle by Jaroslav Folta translation, Jiri jarnik, jarnik, vojtech, http://anulib.anu.edu.au/clusters/science/lac/mathlac/maths2002.html
Extractions: Find databases, exam papers and more ... Science Search Library web site Catalogue (title) Catalogue (author) Catalogue (words) Reserve (course) World Wide Web for Maths Monographs January - August 2002 Call No. TITLE AUTHOR SERIES Matrix algebra for applied economics / Shayle R. Searle, Lois Schertz Willett Searle, S. R. (Shayle R.), 1928- Wiley series in probability and statistics. Applied probability and statistics section;"Wiley series in probability and statistics. Applied probability and statistics" Handbook of applied econometrics and statistical inference / edited by Aman Ullah, Alan T.K. Wan, Anoop Chaturvedi Statistics, textbooks and monographs v. 165 Optimization heuristics in econometrics : applications of threshold accepting / Peter Winker Winker, Peter
Back To Zentralblatt MATH Pages Pál; jarnik, vojtech Title Eine Bemerkung über lineare Kongruenzen. http://www.zblmath.fiz-karlsruhe.de/MATH/text/general/general/erdos/cit/01800606
Extractions: Review: Ein neuer und einfacherer Beweis des folgenden Satzes von A. Khintchine [Rec. Math. Soc. Math. Moscou 32, 203-218 (1924)]: "Zu jedem Paar positiver Zahlen n gibt es ein mit der folgenden Eigenschaft: Sind r ,...,r n , q ganze Zahlen mit (r ,...,r n ,q) = , und hat r n x n max i 1/n m r x n x n max i 1/n
Back To Zentralblatt MATH Pages Pol. Sci., Sér. Sci. Math. Astron. Phys. 6, 541543 (1958). Zbl 009.30802 jarnik,vojtech, Remarque sur les nombres derives. Fundam. Math. 23, 1-8 (1934). http://www.zblmath.fiz-karlsruhe.de/MATH/text/general/general/erdos/cit/erdcit.h
From Kirk@cs.pitt.edu Sun Mar 1 181307 1998 Received From Gomez 4 13 JAGOTA, ARUN K. 117 165 271 370 216 5 47 JANSON, SVANTE 9 15 38 271 405 2170 6 jarnik, vojtech 218 2 4 JIN, GUO PING 38 63 219 2 0 JONES, FRED B. 115 255 http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~algorith/biblio/testdata/erdos-number
Extractions: From kirk@cs.pitt.edu Sun Mar 1 18:13:07 1998 Received: from gomez.cs.pitt.edu (gomez.cs.pitt.edu []) by cs.sunysb.edu (8.6.12/8.6.9) with ESMTP id SAA19649 for ; Sun, 1 Mar 1998 18:13:04 -0500 Received: from bucky.cs.pitt.edu (bucky.cs.pitt.edu []) by gomez.cs.pitt.edu (8.8.7/8.8.7) with ESMTP id SAA30354 for ; Sun, 1 Mar 1998 18:13:50 -0500 (EST) Received: from bucky (localhost []) by bucky.cs.pitt.edu (8.8.3/8.8.3) with SMTP id SAA12786 for ; Sun, 1 Mar 1998 18:13:49 -0500 (EST) Sender: kirk@cs.pitt.edu Message-ID: Date: Sun, 01 Mar 1998 18:13:48 -0500 From: Kirk Pruhs
The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of J Jarnigan, Richard, City University of New York, 1984. jarnik, vojtech,University of Prague, Jaroma, John, University of Rhode Island, 1993. http://genealogy.impa.br/html/letter.phtml?letter=J&fShow=1
A KöMaL 2001. Májusi Matematika Feladatai (1x n ) m +(1-(1-x) m ) n 1. vojtech jarnik emlékverseny, Ostrava,2000. A. 268. Egy vojtech jarnik emlékverseny, Ostrava, 2000. A http://www.komal.hu/verseny/2001-05/mat.h.shtml
Extractions: 2001. május C. 630. Egy négyjegyû szám elsõ két számjegyének összege egyenlõ az utolsó két számjegy összegével. Az elsõ és az utolsó számjegy összege a harmadik számjegyet adja. A második és negyedik számjegy összege az elsõ és a harmadik összegének kétszerese. Melyik ez a négyjegyû szám? C. 631. Az y x x y c egyenletû egyenes által közrezárt síkidom területe 30. Mekkora a c állandó értéke? C. 632. A 3, 15, 24, 48, ... sorozat a 3 azon többszöröseibõl áll, amelyek 1-gyel kisebbek egy négyzetszámnál. Mennyi a maradék, ha a sorozat 2001-edik tagját elosztjuk 1000-rel? Javasolta: Magyar Zsolt, Budapest C. 633. Egy tetraéder lapjainak területe egyenlõ, továbbá a háromszög lapok beírható köreinek sugarai is egyenlõek. Mutassuk meg, hogy a tetraéder lapjai egybevágóak. C. 634. Csonkakúp alakú, felfelé szélesedõ 1 literes háztartási mérõedényen a 1/2 liter jele az edény magasságának 2/3 részénél található. Mekkora az alapkör és a fedõkör átmérõjének aránya? B. 3462.
New Exercises And Problems In Mathematics - May 2001 10th vojtech jarnik Mathematical Competition, Ostrava, 2000. A. 268. 10thvojtech jarnik Mathematical Competition, Ostrava, 2000. http://www.komal.hu/verseny/2001-05/mat.e.shtml
Extractions: May 2001 C. 630. In a 4-digit number, the sum of the first two digits is equal to that of the last two digits. The sum of the first and last digits is equal to the third digit. Finally, the sum of the second and fourth digits is twice the sum of the other two digits. Which number has all these properties? C. 631. Determine the value of c so that the area enclosed by the graphs y x x y c is 30. C. 632. The sequence 3, 15, 24, 48, ... contains those multiples of 3, in increasing order, which are 1 less than a perfect square. Determine the remainder when the 2001st term of the sequence is divided by 1000. Proposed by Zs. Magyar, Budapest C. 633. Each face of a tetrahedron has the same area, moreover, they all have equal inradii. Prove that the faces are all congruent. C. 634. A 1 litre measure is in the shape of a frustum of a cone. Half a litre can be measured at the 2/3 of the altitude of the frustum. Find the ratio of the diameters of the bases. B. 3462.
Acta Arithmetica Vol. 20, 1972 B. Novak, St. Schwarz, vojtech jarnik. (22.12.189722.9.1970)., 107115; S.Chowla, P. Hartung, Bibliography of scientific works of V. jarnik., 117123; http://www.impan.gov.pl/PUBL/Old_Archive/AA/V20.html
Extractions: J. H. E. Cohn, Waring's problem in quadratic number fields. E. T. Avanesov, A bound for the number of representations by a special class of binary cubic forms of positive discriminant. H. C. Williams, On a generalization of the Lucas functions. Stephen D. Cohen, The distribution of polynomials over finite fields. II. B. Steinle, Fixpunktmannigfaltigkeiten symplektischer Matrizen. B. Novak, St. Schwarz, Vojtech Jarnik. (22.12.189722.9.1970). S. Chowla, P. Hartung, Bibliography of scientific works of V. Jarnik. F. Schweiger, Kapazitat und Dimension verallgemeinerter Cantorscher Mengen. Hans Jurgen Glaeske, Eine einheitliche Herleitung einer gewissen Klasse von Transformationsformeln der analytischen Zahlentheorie. I. Alan Zame, On normal sets of numbers. P. D. T. A. Elliott, M. Bhaskaran, Diagonal forms of prime degree $p$ in a $P$-adic ring. H. L. Abbott, D. Hanson, A problem of Schur and its generalizations. Edward Spence, Matrix divisors of $mI$. Marthe Grandet-Hugot, T. N. Shorey
Extractions: In order to recognize achievement and to increase interest in mathematics, the twelfth annual Vojtech Jarnik international mathematical competition will be held at the University of Ostrava on Wednesday, April 10, 2002. The competition is designed for university students of mathematics. This competition is divided into two categories. The first one is designed for university students of the first or second year, and the second one for students of the third, fourth and fifth year. The competition is free of charge. It is sponsored by the University of Ostrava. Prizes for winners are: CZK 6000 for the winner in each category, CZK 2500 and CZK 1500 for the student in the second and third place respectively in each category. The competition is controlled by the International Competition Committee. It consists of delegates from participating universities. Each university sends one representative to the Committee. The Competition Committee is responsible for: selection and evaluation of competition problems which will be solved in each category
Extractions: 9th Vojtech Jarnik International Mathematical Competition Ostrava, March 1999 I category Name Town Probl. 1 Probl. 2 Probl. 3 Probl. 4 Sum Order Gabor Braun Budapest Gyula Pap Budapest Vladimir Marko Bratislava Pavel Podbrdsky Praha Gabor Lippner Budapest Tomas Hanzl Brno Marcin Stefaniak Warszawa Tomasz Elsner Wroclaw Marcin Petrykowski Wroclaw Grzegorz Kapustka Krakow Juraj Foldes Bratislava Uzelac Aleksandar Beograd Petr Zima Praha Andrejic Vladica Beograd Szymon Plis Krakow Gabor Szucs Szeged Miklos Hartman Szeged Roman Roznik Brno Filip Zagorski Wroclaw 9th Vojtech Jarnik International Mathematical Competition Ostrava, March 1999 II category Name Town Probl. 1 Probl. 2 Probl. 3 Probl. 4 Sum Order Witold Jarnicki Krakow Mihaly Barasz Budapest Marcin Mucha Warszawa Marcin Sawicki Warszawa Andrej Zlatos Bratislava Michal Benes Praha Andrzej Nagorko Warszawa David Pavlica Praha Milicevic Djordje Beograd Robert Samal Praha Marcin Kulczycki Krakow Ivan Cimrak Bratislava Jozef Hales Kosice Marko Stosic Beograd Szymon Zeberski Wroclaw Eugen Kovac Bratislava Radoslaw Ceszkiel Wroclaw Adam Timar Szeged Peter Diko Kosice Piotr Lipinski Wroclaw Participating universities: University of Beograd, University of Bratislava, University of Budapest, University of Krakow, University of Warszawa, University of Praha, University of Kosice, University of Wroclaw, University of Szeged, University of Ostrava, University of Katowice, University of Brno