Conquest Of Egypt ibn Khallikan (5th vol., p. 377) estimated at more in Nihayat alArab (ed. M. JabirA. al his forces, Jawhar reached Barqa, whose governor, aflah received him
Extractions: We have heretofore noticed that the Fatimid attempt to conquer Egypt began early in their reign. Al-Muizz, however, with a comprehensive and more cautious policy in the Mediterranean and the Muslim world, was able to succeed where his predecessors failed. Having completely subjected the Maghrib to his control, he was able to rally the Katama tribe under the capable leadership of Jawhar for impending expedition against Egypt. Egypt was under the rule of the Ikhshids from 323/935 to 358/969 before the advent of the Fatimids. It was a Turkish dynasty under the Abbasid suzerainty. Muhammad Ikhshid, the founder of the rule, died in 355/966 and his two minor sons, Abu Kassim and Ali ruled after him in succession as the nominal rulers, and the virtual authority was held by an Abyssinian, called Abul Misk Kafur (camphor, the father of musk). He was an able governor, and died in 357/968 after ruling for 22 years. Kafur's death left Egypt in a state of confusion. It was a time of acute disorders and anarchy. Famine broke out as a result of scarcity of water in Nile and it was also followed by plague. The soldiers had their pay diminished, their gratuities were in arrear. The whole administration failed to relieve the people from distress due to lack of capable governor. Thus, al-Muizz made his farewell speech to Jawhar's troops on the eve of their departure from the Maghrib in which he greatly emphasised the political and religious policy to be followed in the new dominion. He admonished his troops that "justice was the basis of the state, not oppression." If this principal were to be observed by all, he thought, the Katama warriors would eventually conquer the East as easily as they had conquered the West.
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Islamic Math Biblio BASIC ARITHMETIC. ibn alBannâ ( ed. Souissi) 1969 Al-Khwârizmî ( ed. Vogel) 1963. ibn Labbân ( ed. Levey Petruck), 1965 Rosen) 1831. Sayili ( ibn Turk) 1962. Al-Karajî ( ed
Extractions: Dates importantes Début de l'histoire Omeyyades d'Espagne Emirs Omeyyades ... Effondrement Ibn Jabir Aflah Ibn Jabir Aflah est souvent connu par la forme Latin de son nom, à savoir Geber . Bien qu'il ne soit pas le meilleur mathématiciens arabes, il est plus connu depuis que ses travaux ont été traduits dans le latin, et que donc ces traveaux ont été étudiés par les mathématiciens européens. Ibn Jabir Aflah a inventé un instrument d'observation connu comme le torquetum, un appareil mécanique qui permet la transformation entre systèmes de coordonnée sphériques . Il a aussi donné son nom à un théorème dans la trigonométrie sphérique, et ses critiques de l'Almagest de P t olémée sont bien connues. Ces critiques paraissent dans ibn Jabir le travail le plus célèbre d'Aflah "
Al-andalus ibn Abi Mahalli dit-au début du XVIIème siècle -que Malte était devenu le serpent qui guette et gobe les pèlerins musulmans
Extractions: En effet, l'itinéraire singulier de cet éminent savant résume à lui seul la nouvelle situation caractérisée par le basculement des rapports de force en faveur de l'Europe; capturé par les corsaires chrétiens, Hassan Al Wazzan sera livré au Pape Léo X le rapprochera de lui pour mieux l'utiliser. Vivant dans ce nouvel environnement, notre savant devait assumer une double identité il était né Hassan Al Wazzan mais sur proposition du Pape il devint Léo l'Africain; musulman grenadin d'origine et fassi de formation, il devint italien de situation. Par sa personne, Al Wazzan incarne toutes les interférences méditerranéennes de son époque. Imbibé de l'atmosphère de la Renaissance et encouragé par le Pape, il rédigea son livre descriptif de l'Afrique qui demeure une référence en la matière. L'itinéraire de cet illustre savant est le reflet du destin qu'a connu le monde musulman : né et ayant grandi dans la gloire et la splendeur, il avait ébloui les sens et subjugué les âmes par l'étendue de sa splendeur et la richesse de son patrimoine culturel avant de connaître une fin terne et sans reconnaissance. Paradoxalement, et à la même époque, l'Europe s'émancipait et sortait de son cocon à la conquête de nouveaux espaces. Ainsi, la mer devenait son fer de lance : domptant les océans, elle cherchait à connaître l'autre afin de le maîtriser et le dominer dans le , but d'asseoir et d'étendre ses zones d'influence. Cette prospection au niveau mondial allait lui conférer le contrôle du commerce international, et par là même la suprématie au niveau mondial, grâce à la maîtrise des voies maritimes.
Ciencia Islamica Translate this page astronómicos. Na trigonometria esférica destacou-se também jabir ibnAflah (século XII), de Sevilha, cujo nome foi latinizado para Geber.
Scientific Instruments: Rita Shenton Horological Booksellers 252pp 1995 Collected Studies Series includes Horary Quadrant, Astronomy of Jabiribn aflah, AlKhazini s Balance Clock and the Chinese Steelyard Clepsydra, instruments.htm
Extractions: Scientific Instruments: Rita Shenton Horological Booksellers Contact us at: E Website: 142, Percy Road, Twickenham, TW2 6JG, United Kingdom Telephone: 020 8894 6888 ( London) or if dialing from Overseas 4420 8894 6888 Fax: 020 8893 8766 (London) or if dialing from Overseas 4420 8893 8766 Please note that all prices are shown in pounds sterling and do not include post and packing see home page for details AMERICAN WATCH CO NEW ORLEANS EXPOSITION 1884-85 Illus SC OP 1972 reprint of souvenir catalogue Interesting articles on exhibitors and their products as well as colourful advertisements ANDERSON RGW THE MARINER'S ASTROLABE Illus SC OP 1972 Well written informative catalogue of astrolabe exhibition held at Royal Scottish Museum ANDERSON RGW BENNETT JA RYAN WF MAKING INSTRUMENTS COUNT Illus 1993 Studies include astrolabe by Berselius, pendulums as British length standard, astronomical clocks of Hohwn, early navigation instruments in Scotland ARCHINARD M BAROMETRES Illus Sc 1978 Describes many of the barometers on display at Musee d'art et d'histoire Geneva ASHMORE O THE INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY OF NW ENGLAND 241pp Illus OP 1982 Towns/villages listed alphabetically with mention of local industries - mills, pit heads, factories etc
WhoWasThere Reply Rabbi Ben Ezra was 8 this year and would die in a further 67 years. jabir ibnAflah was born about this year and would die in about a further 60 years.
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Extractions: O p e r a m a t e m a t i c a d i F r a n c e s c o M a u r o l i c o Introduzione Help Pianta Sommario Catalogo topografico descrittivo Manoscritti autografi Cortes 2787 , The Works of Francesco Maurolico , cit., p. 149; tuttavia, a mio parere, per la parte corrispondente al volume mauroliciano degli Sphaerica (le sole cc. 1-211), esso non rappresenta affatto, contrariamente a quanto afferma Clagett ( op. cit. , 165), il testo sottomesso dallo scienziato al tipografo, quanto una copia dell'edizione del 1558, magari esemplata dal nipote o da altra persona vicina al Maurolico e sotto la sua supervisione; sono sicuramente di sua mano tutte le figure geometriche, didascalie comprese, ed alcune aggiunte marginali. cc. 1*r-1*v bianche. c. 2*r - Frontespizio dell'intero ms., con indicazione del contenuto: Theodosij, Menelai, et Francisci Maurolici [ sic elementa sphaerica. AVTOLYCI de sphaera quae mouetur liber. Theodosij de habitationibus Liber. EVCLIDIS, ex traditione Maurolyci phaenomena. Tabellae Sinus recti, Foecundae et Beneficae, cum
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Extra Credit
Extractions: Mr. Meyer's Extra Credit Signup It seems like there are always people who want to do extra credit. I do not like giving out a bunch of problems...that is just busy work. I have decided that extra credit should be in the form of a report or project .These will be done on either a Mathematician , a Math Problem or a Type of Math (see the form below). The report may be either written or oral to your class. A project would be some sort of multimedia presentation to the class using either PowerPoint or Hyperstudio. If written, the report must be at least 3 pages double spaced with 1 inch margins. A 10 or 12 font is prefered and at least 3 sources must be cited in a bibliograpy. If an oral report or project is done it must be at least 5 minutes in length and must convey what you did, where you found things, etc. All extra credit must be signed up for before the last two weeks of the quarter. No projects will be accepted that were signed up with less than two weeks left in the quarter. The reports and projects will count up to 5% of a quarter grade...meaning that if you have 78% and do a really good job, it will raise you to 83%. They may be done one time a Quarter . 5% is a big they need to be good. Time and planning are essential. Group projects are not recommemded as the extra credit received will be split amongst all the participants. You should also be aware that a multimedia presentation or oral report to your class will most likely get you a better percent than a written regurgitation to me.