Extractions: Histoire des sciences et des techniques S'orienter sur le web Les domaines de l'histoire des sciences et des techniques septembre 2003 Thomas B. Settle, [ IMSS Firenze page Arts and science of the Middle Ages and Renaissance Medieval Sourcebook ... Internet History of Science Sourcebook sont de précieux auxilliaires. Ils sont malheureusement tenus à jour de façon irrégulière comme le laisse penser cette réflexion un peu désabusée de l'auteur en mars 2001 : "this list is now quite out dated. Many links are dead, and there are hundreds of additional resources around. Manual maintence of this list long ago became unfeasible. I do intend to update it, once I have located good links management software." Le vieux Labyrinth ORB The Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies de Bob Peckham, le
TIMELINE 11th CENTURY Page Of ULTIMATE SCIENCE FICTION WEB GUIDE a set of tables * Abu lSalt, Spanish physician from Denia, who wrote in the late11th century on geometry and astronomy * jabir ibn aflah (died between 1140 http://www.magicdragon.com/UltimateSF/timeline11.html
Extractions: Return to Ultimate SF Table of Contents May be posted electronically provided that it is transmitted unaltered, in its entirety, and without charge. We examine both works of fiction and important contemporaneous works on non-fiction which set the context for early Science Fiction and Fantasy. There are hotlinks here to authors, magazines, films, or television items elsewhere in the Ultimate Science Fiction Web Guide or beyond. Most recently updated: 25 April 2003 [from 65 to 81 kilobytes]. This web page draws heavily on FACTS as listed in " The Timetables of Science Facts were also checked against " The 1979 Hammond Almanac " [ed. Martin A. Bacheller et al., Maplewood, New Jersey, 1978], p.795; and the Wikipedia . It also utilizes facts from Volume I of D.E. Smith's " History of Mathematics " [(c) 1921 by David Eugene Smith; (c) 1951 by May Luse Smith; New York: Dover, 1958]. Executive Summary of the 11th Century Major Books of the Decade 1000-1010 Major Books of the Decade 1010-1020 Major Books of the Decade 1020-1030 ... Where to Go for More : 51 Useful Reference Books This was a major century for the Vikings ; the Great Schism (1054) between the Western (Roman Catholic) and Eastern Orthodox churches; the
Kongelige Bibliotek - CENTAURUS - Digital Version AG Drachmann, Ktesibios s waterclock and Heron s adjustable siphon (110). RP Lorch,The astronomical instruments of jabir ibn aflah and the torquetum (11-34). http://tidsskrift.kb.dk/centaurus/volcontents.pl?per_id&vol_id=20
Kongelige Bibliotek - CENTAURUS - Digital Version Reprints and New Editions (8184). RP Lorch, The astronomy of jabir ibn aflah(85-107). Louis Janin; René RJ Rohr, Deux astrolabes-quadran turcs (108-124). http://tidsskrift.kb.dk/centaurus/volcontents.pl?per_id&vol_id=19
Aa, Personal , Ahmet Kaya ,Þebnem Ferah , Göksel , Ebru Gündeþ Dionisio (486*) Galois, Evariste (2110*) Galton, Francis (188*) Gassendi, Pierre(284*) Gauss, Carl Friedrich (2364*) Geber, (jabir ibn aflah) (529) Gegenbauer http://www.newturk.net/index111.html
Extractions: HOVERFLY-2 INDOOR HELICOPTER Hoverfly is a great little helicopter. It comes attractively finished and ready to fly. Its small, tough and quiet - and it flies indoors. Yet it handles just like its bigger brothers. You have a web site and you want to earn money, then click here. We recommend you the Otherlandtoys.co.uk, Commission Junction Program
Science News Online - Ivars Peterson's MathLand - 1/18/97 earlier Greek work. One of these scholars was jabir ibn aflah, whoworked in Islamic Spain in the 12th century. His methods for http://www.sciencenews.org/pages/sn_arc97/1_18_97/mathland.htm
Extractions: Fragments of the Past The early history of mathematics is like a jigsaw puzzle missing many of its pieces. Historians and mathematicians have been painstakingly filling in the blanks, gradually constructing a richer, more complete story of how and where mathematical thought originated and spread. One period of considerable interest is that between the decline of Greek mathematics, which coincided with the collapse of the western Roman Empire in the fifth century, and the rise of European mathematics in the 15th century. Mathematics professor Morris Kline of New York University's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences expressed a common view of that period in his 1972 book Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times . "The Arabs made no significant advance in mathematics," he wrote. "What they did was absorb Greek and Hindu mathematics, preserve it, and ultimately, transmit it to Europe." In other words, Islamic scholars did little more than put Greek mathematics into cold storage until Europe was ready to accept it. Historian George G. Joseph challenged that view in his provocative book
ALHAMBRA 2000 - THE CONGRESS inquires into his attitude towards alFarghani, Thabit ibn Qurra, al-Bitruji, ibnRushd, Muhammad al Bagdadi, Pseudo-ibn al-Haytham, jabir ibn aflah, and Pseudo http://www.ugr.es/~alhambra2000/0Congr.htm
Extractions: European-Arabic Congress of Mathematics (with History of European and Arabic Mathematics and Mathematicians) SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE President: CONTENTS AND SCOPE The ALHAMBRA 2000 European-Arabic Congress of Mathematics (with History of European and Arabic Mathematics and Mathematicians) aims for presenting a global view of how mathematical schools around the Mediterranean Sea contributed to the development of Mathematics. It will especially focus on the following points: The role played by Spain during the Middle Ages in the advancement of Mathematics was twofold. First, the very development of Mathematics during the age of Al-Andalus was very important. On the other hand, various communities lived in Spain in good terms and worked together. Fm the 12th century onwards, this attracted scholars from the North of Europe who came to Spain to translate this body of knowledge into Latin. As a consequence, this symposium is designed for a wide audience, which is not limited to specialists on past and present-day Mathematics, Arabic, Medieval, Renaissance and Classical mathematics.
Godlike Productions Forum 1090c. 1167) *SB Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Yahya ibn al-Sa´igh ibn Bajja (Avenpace)(d. 1139) *SB Abu Muhammad jabir ibn aflah al-Ishbili (Geber) (c. 1125) *SB http://godlikeproductions.com/bbs/message.php?page=64&topic=3&message=278278&mpa
João Sedycias: História Da Língua Espanhola Translate this page suggesting that the orbits of the planets are not circular but ovoid.jabir ibn aflah (12th century) criticized the Ptolemaic system. http://home.yawl.com.br/hp/sedycias/historia11a.htm
Extractions: História da Língua Espanhola Observação importante ¡OJO! Esta página está actualizada hasta el: 04 de mayo de 2000 Source: Infoplease Encyclopedia (from The Columbia Encyclopedia) Present in Spain from 711 to 1492, that is, for 781 years or approximately eight centuries. Source: Funk and Wagnalls Multimedia Encyclopedia (Lat. Mauri ), a mixture of people, mostly derived from Arabs and Berbers inhabiting northern Africa. Following the Arab conquest of the Berbers in the 7th century AD , mixture and intermarriage was prevalent between the two groups. As a people the Moors traveled northward and conquered Spain. They also inhabited Morocco, Algeria, and Mauritania. The term Moors remains ambiguous. Some authorities consider the Moors equivalent to the Berbers; others restrict the name to an admixture of Arab ancestry and refer to as Moors only the more settled Arabic-speaking population of the towns. In European history the term is applied loosely to the inhabitants of the Barbary states under Turkish rule. The term lives in the names of the two countries, Morocco and Mauritania. Source: Encyclopaedia Britannica Muslim Spain The Conquest In the second half of the 7th century AD (1st century AH), Byzantine strongholds in North Africa gave way before the Arab advance. Carthage fell in 698. In 705 al-Walid I, caliph of the Umayyad dynasty, the first great Muslim dynasty centred in Damascus, appointed M
Islamic Mathematics `Universal means for all localities. *156. Lorch, R. jabir ibn aflah and theEstablishment of Trigonometry in the West. Published (only) in *189 no. VIII. http://www.math.uu.nl/people/hogend/Islamath.html
Extractions: Version 13 January 1999. This bibliography is a revised, enlarged and updated version of the bibliography on Islamic mathematics by Richard Lorch on pp. 65-86 of Joseph W. Dauben's The History of Mathematics from Antiquity to the Present: A Selective Bibliography , New York and London: Garland, 1985. This bibliography of Islamic mathematics will appear as a chapter in the updated (1999?) version of Dauben's book which will be made available as a CD-Rom. Reactions and suggestions are very welcome, and can be sent to hogend@math.uu.nl . In this preliminary form, no attention has been paid to diacritical marks in Arabic names. The items in the bibliography have been numbered *1, *2, ... *122, *122a, *122b, *123 etc. and many cross-references have been provided. General Introduction Introductory Works Bibliographies and Handbooks Illustrated Works ... Texts and Commentaries (Specific Authors in Chronological Order) Studies on Specific Subjects Transmission of Mathematics Mathematics in Specific Areas in the Islamic World Arithmetic Irrational Magnitudes ... Number Theory, Indeterminate Equations and Magic Squares
Uni...M treatise. jabir ibn aflah and the Establishmentof Trigonometry in the West. In Ri-chard P. Lorch http://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/technikhist/uni/unim.htm
Extractions: Webmaster: lars.bluma@ruhr-uni-bochum.de Universitäten, Technische Hochschulen, Fachhochschulen Die "Universitäten, Technische Hochschulen, Fachhochschulen" und "Außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtungen" wurden nochmals untergliedert. Hauptordnungskriterium ist dabei wie in der Druckfassung der Heimatort der entsprechenden Institution, also nicht ihr Name! A B C D ... L M N O P/Q R S ... T U/V W X/Y/Z Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Philipps-Universität Marburg:
Stevins Hemelloop De Revolutionibus, inhoud, autograaf, passim Everaerts, M. (Martinus Everarti, tabellen15901615), 12 Geber (jabir ibn aflah, 12e eeuw), 157 Gemma Frisius http://www.xs4all.nl/~adcs/stevin/weerelt/hemelloop.html
Extractions: Stevin Woordenlijst Overzicht , Inleiding I: Begin dag jaar ... Namen (fragmenten) Wisconstige Gedachtenissen , I: Vant Weereltschrift, Derde deel: Vanden Hemelloop verscheen in 1608, en omvat drie boeken met samen 357 bladzijden. Gedeelten daar uit: Tweede bouck: idem met wiskundige bewerkingen (cirkels) Derde bouck: wiskundige bewerkingen met Copernicus' stelling: bewegende Aarde Cortbegryp I - Hemelen: zeilstenige stilstand, Son vercoren, verwondering II - Langdeloop: bepalingen, baan van Aarde IV V - Breedeloop: seker ghetuychnis vant roersel des Eertcloots Byvough : voorgaende tijtslijtighe haspeling verlaten Anhang : Nova Zembla, Ptolemeus en Tycho Brahe, conclusie
Untitled jabir ibn aflah, alle intuizioni http://www.kandjatravels.com/pag/racconti.html
Extractions: Superati i quartieri di Dawpatan, Siphal e Cabahil ci troviamo ai piedi del grande stupa di Bodhnat cuore della tradizione buddista tibetana in Nepal. Come al solito molte persone affollano la piazza. Turisti, perlopiù impegnati a scattare foto, vengono attirati dai mille particolari e dalle moltitudini di colori che caratterizzano questo luogo, dal continuo sussurrare dei tibetani che pregano circoambulando lo stupa e dagli oggetti che si vendono nei negozietti che fanno da corona alla piazza. Incontro Rinji Sherpa, mio compagno di scalate; anche lui sta circoambulando attorno alla stupa per la morte di un importante monaco del suo villaggio.
MUTTAQUN.COM-- Names: According To Quran And Sunnah 5331, Narrated jabir ibn Abdullah Allah s Messenger decided to forbid (his followers)to name persons as Ya la (Elevated), Barakah (Blessing), aflah (Successful http://muttaqun.com/names.html
Extractions: Names According to Quran and Sunnah If something is not classified as haram (prohibited) in the Deen (religion/way of life of a Muslim), then it is halal (permitted). Retaining a name that (1) does not identify itself with/contain anything Islamically forbidden and (2) is not a Name of Allah , has not been declared haram. It is according to sunnah (the examples of the Prophet's life what he said, did, implemented, how he implemented), to change a bad name (whether it is an arabic name or any other language) immediately, and it is permissible according to sunnah to exchange a name for a better one. According to Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid, "...if one's name is Abdul-Messiah, for example, or similar such names, then he is obligated to change it, as the Prophet had people with the names Abdul-Ka'bah and Abdul-Uzzah change their names upon accepting Islaam. If the original name does not comprise or imply anything forbidden in Islaam, then he or she is permitted to retain it (such as the name George, for example). As noted, though, it is preferable to change it to an Islaamic name, as this also distinguishes him or her from the kuffaar." While it is not haram to retain the name under the conditions listed above, the muslim has a responsibility to the Sunnah of the Prophet
:: || :: Jamila Bint Thabit Bin Abi Al-Aflah :: || :: Jamila bint Thabit bin Abi alaflah. . Jamila bint Thabit bin Abi al-aflah, wasthe sister of Asim. ibn Sa d mentions on the authority of jabir that Umar http://www.geocities.com/mutmainaa/people/jamila.html
O Sistema De Nomes Islâmicos Translate this page jabir ibn Abdullah(RA) relatou que o Profeta(SAW) decidiu proibir nomes como Yalaa(elevado), Barakah (benção), aflah (bem sucedido), Yasaar ( riqueza http://www.geocities.com/islamicchat/nomes_islamicos.html
Extractions: O Sistema de Nomes Islâmicos Extraído do Tafseer da Surata Al-Hujuraat pelo Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips O Islam dá grande ênfase à identificação clara das relações familiares. O próprio profeta (SAW) disse, Aprenda de forma suficiente sobre a sua linhagem para conhecer seus parentes de sangue e tratá-los adequadamente. (At-Tirmidhee) Isto é, os laços familiares deveriam ser conhecidos o suficiente para evitarem casamentos ilícitos e determinarem as obrigações de sangue e familiares. Embora seja tarefa do Estado Islâmico cuidar dos seus cidadãos, a responsabilidade principal recai primeiramente sobre os membros da família. Além disso, conforme a Lei Islâmica, parentescos de sangue deveriam ser claramente definidos, sendo qualquer alteração relativa aos mesmos, estritamente proibida. Esta preocupação torna-se clara, segundo as regras dos nomes islâmicos, na qual cada nome e sua seqüência implicam em um relacionamento genealógico específico. Por exemplo, o nome Khaalid ibn Abdullah ibn Zakee al-Harbee, que atualmente é escrito Khaalid Abdullah Zakee al-Harbee; significa: Khaalid filho de Abdullah, o qual é filho de Zakee (pertencente à tribo Harb). Este sistema de nomear as pessoas, fazendo-se referência ao nome do pai e seqüencialmente ao nome do avô já havia surgido na maioria das culturas. Até mesmo em língua inglesa, George, o filho de John, tornou-se George Johns son e finalmente George Johnson. Nos tempos pré-islâmicos, os árabes costumavam a modificar a linhagem dos seus filhos adotivos, para a sua propriamente dita, e esta prática também ocorreu em época anteriormente próxima ao advento do Profeta Mohammad (SAW).
IslamWeb.Net - The Islamic Naming System jabir ibn Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (PBUH)forbade names like Ya laa (elevated,) Barakah (blessing,) aflah (successful http://www.islamweb.net/php/php_arabic/readArt.php?lang=E&id=38189
ZAWAJ.COM: Articles And Essays jabir ibn Abdullah (RA) reported that the Prophet (SAW) decided to forbid nameslike Ya laa (elevated), Barakah (blessing), aflah (successful), Yasaar (wealth http://www.zawaj.com/articles/naming.html
Extractions: Articles Taken From Tafseer Surat Al-Hujuraat By Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips Islam places great emphasis on the clear identification of family relationships. The Prophet (SAW) himself said, "Learn enough about your lineage to know your blood relatives and treat them accordingly." (At-Tirmidhee) That is, family lines should be known well enough to prevent marriages within the forbidden degrees and to determine blood and family obligations. "Call them by (the names of) their father's, that is more just in the sight of Allah..." (Al-Ahzab 33:5) Once this principle became part of the divine law, the Prophet (SAW) was instructed to further emphasize it by a series of warnings. For example, on one occasion he said, "He who knowingly attributed his fatherhood to someone other than his real father will be excluded from paradise." (Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood) Abu Dharr (RA) also related that he heard the Prophet (SAW) say, "He who deliberately lets himself be called the son of someone other than his father is guilty of disbelief (kufr)." (Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood)