Sunahpenerbitan bin Uyun, yunusiyah daripada pengikut yunus alQummi Hashimiyah yang dinisbahkankepada Abu Hashim ibn al-Jubba usulud-din iaitu Syaikh Abul Hasan al-Ash
Extractions: PENDAHULUAN I Sebelum dilihatkan kembali segi-segi sejarahnya, eloklah dimulakan perbincangan ini dengan meneliti istilah Ahlis-Sunnah wal-Jamaah itu sendiri dan punca-puncanya. Penggunaan istilah Jamaah Muslimin memang terdapat dalam hadith-hadith, terutamanya dua istilah iaitu jamaah dan firqah dengan pluralnya firaq. Dalam Sunan Ibn Majah riwayat dari Abu Hurairah (r.a.): Orang-orang Yahudi telah berpecah menjadi tujuh puluh satu golongan atau puak (firqah); dan umatku akan berpecah menjadi tujuh puluh tiga golongan. Dalam catatan nota kakinya oleh Muhammad Fuad Abdul Baqi, dinyatakan bahawa mereka yang dikatakan umatku itu adalah umat ijabah, ahli Qiblat. Dan perpecahan yang dimaksudkan itu adalah dalam bidang usul dan aqidah, bukan dimaksudkan dalam bidang furu dan amaliyat. Sebuah hadith lagi ialah diriwayatkan daripada Auf bin Malik bahawa baginda s.a.w. bersabda: Orang-orang Yahudi telah berpecah kepada tujuh puluh satu golongan (ihda wa sabina firqatan). Satu golongan daripada mereka itu dalam syurga dan yang tujuh puluhnya dalam neraka. Orang-orang Nasara pula berpecah menjadi tujuh puluh dua golongan, tujuh puluh satu golongan mereka dalam neraka, dan satu golongan dalam syurga. Demi Tuhan yang diri Muhammad berada dalam tangan kekuasaan-Nya, benar-benar umatku akan berpecah kepada tujuh puluh tiga golongan, satu golongan berada dalam syurga dan tujuh puluh dua dari mereka dalam neraka. Baginda ditanya: Siapakah mereka (yang masuk syurga) itu?. Jawab Baginda Jamaah.
As-Shifa. Qadi Iyad. Parte 1. Capítulo 1. Sección 7 Translate this page Abul-Hasan al-Qasibi dijo al respecto, Allah escogió a Yaqub, las Tribus,Isa, Ayyub, yunus ya Harun ya Se ha relatado mientras Umar ibn al-Khattab
Prediction Of Own Death Islam 2. Abu lHasan Ali ibn Abd al-Rahman ibn yunus. http//
Extractions: Prediction of own Death in catholic and non-catholic cultures (excerpt of web chosen par Dr Bernard Auriol) In our page regarding Saints predictor of their own death, we pointed out that in other cults and cultures, there is, by the world, many other famous women and men who were able to do so. Here is some examples... Polytheism Dieux de Hawaï The old gods were disavowed just prior to the coming of Christian missionaries in 1820. Temple idols were pushed over and destroyed, but often commoners were faced with the problem of what to do with stone images that represented various gods, since neglect of the idols might cause unknown disasters. One stone god literally re-surfaced in 1885. An old man who lived with his son and a brother and sister near a fish pond in Kawaihae on the Big Island, woke them all one night, commanding his son to catch three fish from the pond. The girl was told to chew a mouthful of awa and her brother was told to climb a tree for coconuts. The old man directed them to dig in a certain place, where they uncovered a stone idol. The old man circled the idol's neck with coconuts, laid the fish in front of it and poured the awa over its mouth. He told the three young people the god's name was Kane; then he predicted his own death. In three days he was gone.
Answering Bahaullah / Baha U Llah And The Bahai / Baha I Faith 3. ibn Asakir quoted yunus ibn Maysara ibn Halbas as saying that AH included Muhammadibn Hatim ibn Muhammad ibn Abd AlKarim Al-Ta i, Abu l-Hasan Al-Tusi
Extractions: Jerusalem By Dr Abd al-Fattah El-Awaisi, Lecturer in Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Stirling. Hence, this study is an attempt to offer a glimpse of the Islamic perspectives on Jerusalem. It depends on the Holy Quran and the commentaries on it, as well as books of the Prophet Muhammad's traditions, Islamic historical sources and other sources or secondary references. It should be noted that this study is not a study of the history of Jerusalem. This study deals with the reasons for Muslims' having close links with Jerusalem, their intense concern for it, and their action to save, care for and preserve it, by demonstrating Jerusalem's special character, moral qualities and status in Islam. The researcher has endeavoured - in his interpretation, analysis and clarification of this history - to concentrate on, and look with complete openness at, the main events and focus on them all without confining himself to a part of them. He has also tried to have a comprehensive, realistic view of these events. He has followed a scientific historical methodology. He has dealt with subjects according to the historical course of events, so as to be able to analyse causes, factors, circumstances and historical data. He has divided this study into two sections: The status of Jerusalem in Islam The manifestations of this status The Status of Jerusalem in Islam Jerusalem is regarded as a distinctive - if not the most distinctive - place on the Earth that differs it from any other places. This is because God has set it apart from all other places on Earth, specially honouring and glorying it. God has mobilised the souls, feelings and emotions of believers, attached their hearts to Jerusalem and made them yearn towards it. Jerusalem has been linked to the Muslims' faith, and it has come to represent a living image in their minds and conception as a result of the numerous verses that were revealed about it in the Holy Quran, and because of the frequency with which the Prophet Muhammad spoke about it, enumerating its virtues and special features.
Islam Perusteet (13); ibn Asakir kirjoitti kuulleensa yunus ibn Maysara ibn olivat esimerkiksiMuhammad ibn Hatim ibn Muhammad ibn Abd AlKarim Al-Tai, Abu l-Hasan Al-Tusi
Extractions: FAQ Tr. Abd al-Fattah El-Awaisi, arabian ja islamin opettaja Stirlingin yliopistossa Niinpä tämä tutkielma on yritys tarjota silmäys Jerusalemiin islamilaisesta perspektiivistä. Se nojaa Pyhään Koraaniin ja sen selityksiin, samoin kuin profeetta Muhammedin (saas) perimätietoa sisältäviin kirjoihin (hadith), islamilaisen historian lähteisiin ja muihin islamilaisiin lähteisiin. Huomattakoon, että tämä tutkielma ei ole Jerusalemin historian kuvaus, vaan se esittelee syitä siihen, miksi muslimeilla on niin läheinen suhde Jerusalemiin, miksi he kantavat niin suurta huolta sen kohtalosta ja pyrkivät pelastamaan, varjelemaan ja säilyttämään sen; kertomalla Jerusalemin erityisluonteesta, moraalisesta merkityksestä ja asemasta islamissa. Kirjoittaja on pyrkinyt tulkitsemaan, analysoimaan ja selvittämään tätä historiaa avoimesti ja tasapuolisesti ja tarkastelemaan kaikkia tärkeimpiä tapahtumia kokonaisuutena. Hän on myös yrittänyt luoda näistä tapahtumista kattavan ja realistisen näkemyksen, noudattaen tässä tieteellisen historiantutkimuksen menetelmiä. Tutkimus jakautuu seuraaviin kahteen osaan:
Variant Readings Of The Quran ibn Aslam from alQaqa ibn Hakim that Abu yunus, the mawla (2) ibn Khalawayh grammarian itto ya in accordance with the school of Abul-Hasan al-Farisi
Extractions: The following list of Quranic variant readings is compiled from several Muslims sources. These sources provide evidence that there were many conflicting readings of the Quran in circulation, destroying the Muslim myth and lie that the Quran is a perfectly compiled book. The facts clearly show that the Quran underwent textual corruption via additions, omissions and conflicting variant readings, casting doubt on its integrity. We begin with Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 30, Dialects and Readings of the Qur'an Kitab Al-Huruf Wa Al-Qira'at Zaid b. Thabit said that the Prophet (may peace be upon him) used to read: "Not equal are those believers who sit (at home) and receive no hurt ( ) but the narrator Said did not say the words "used to read." (Number 3964) The translator states: The word ghair in this verse has three variants, namely, ghaira ghairu and ghairi ghairu , with short vowel u ghaira with short vowel a . A rare reading goes ghairi with a short vowel i , IV, 57). (p. 1115)
La Ciencia En Persia Translate this page Más tarde fue a casa de Abul Hasan Kushyar, donde estudió astronomía Este libroy las obras de ibn yunus y Ulug Beg constituyen las tres obras maestras de
Extractions: Introducción El hecho de la enorme contribución de los persas a la ciencia árabe ha sido, naturalmente, reconocido de siempre por los escritores expertos en la materia. Así, el autor de la sección de astronomía y matemáticas en El legado del Islam (pág. 491) tiene mucho cuidado de señalar que los términos "árabe" y "musulmán" deben ser tomados en un sentido muy amplio, ya que comprenden pueblos que van desde España hasta el Turquestán, incluyendo muchos no musulmanes. Como una manera de enfocar esta materia, podríamos muy bien preguntar en primer lugar: ¿por qué, pues, llamarla árabe?. La lengua que emplearon fue la arábiga, en parte, sin duda porque era el idioma de sus patronos, y en pare porque resultaba a la vez de buen tono y de fácil compresión en todo el vasto mundo musulmán. No encontraban en esto ninguna desventaja, ya que el árabe es una lengua muy flexible y muy apropiada para las tareas científicas. El profesor Browne nos da un excelente ejemplo en la palabra istisq , formada por reglas ordinarias de gramática a partir del término saqa . Este último significa "dar de beber a" lo que hace que la palabra citada en primer lugar tenga el significado de "ansia por la bebida" y de aquí "hidropesía". Mejor ejemplo aún lo constituye el término
Extractions: Top Categories Menu: Services Beliefs And Practices Business And Economy Comparative Religions Computers And Internet Countries Discover Islam Education Islamic Virtual Library Media Resources Miscellaneous Mosques And Centers Organizations Quran And Hadith Religion Of Islam Society And Culture
Mad1. yunus ibn Abdu lA la said, He is the master of In it, Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al Asreportedthat he Abu l-Hasan al-Qabisi related that he said, A man came
Extractions: The famous Maliki jurist of Qayrawan, author of the Mudawwana His kunya was Abu Sa'id. His family was was Syrian from Hims. His father Sa'id came in the army of Hims. His son Muhammad said, "I asked, 'My father, are we descended from Tanukh?' He said to me, 'What need do you have of that?' I continued at him until he told me, 'Yes, and that will not avail anything with Allah.'" Sahnun was his title. His name was actually 'Abdu's-Salam. One of the shaykhs of the people of hadith reported that one of the shaykhs of North Africa said, "Sahnun was named after a sharp bird because of his sharpness in questions of fiqh Concerning his quest and journey Sahnun studied knowledge in the Qayrawan with its shaykhs: Abu Kharija, Bahlul, 'Ali ibn Ziyad, Ibn Abi Hassan, Ibn Ghanim, Ibn Ashras, Ibn Abi Karima, hir brother Habib, Mu'awiya as-Samadahi and Abu Ziyad ar-Ra'ini. His son said, "He went out to Egypt at the beginning of 178 AH while Malik was still alive. Malik died when he was 18 or 17. He travelled to Ibn Ziyad in Tunis during the time when Ibn Bukayr travelled to Malik." Sahnun said, "I was with Ibn Wahb when the answers of Malik were repeated to him." He was asked, "What stops you from listening to them?" He replied, "Lack of dirhams."
INTRODUCTION Zuhak Khazrami, Hisham ibn Salim and yunus ibn Ya qub Aghani ), Abu Dihbai Jamhi,Wahib ibn Rabi ah as Sharif Radi, Murtada, Sharif Abu l Hasan , Ali Alawin
Extractions: who go astray from His path, and He knows best those who are rightly guided. (Qur'an, 16:125) INTRODUCTION It was about two years ago that I received a long letter from an Iraqi student in Egypt. Briefly speaking, the writer of the letter had had an exchange of views with some eminent scholars of al-Azhar. Perhaps they talked about Najaf al-Ashraf, the scholars of that seat of learning and their ways of studies and also about those devoted to the spiritual atmosphere at the mausoleum of Hazrat Ali (a.s.). There is no doubt, of course, that the educated class of Cairo are all praise for the great seat of learning at Najaf and are also well impressed with the intellectual advancement of its scholars. In spite of all this they do not refrain from saying: "Oh! What a pity! They are Shi'as." The writer of the letter says that he was very astonished and often used to plead with them, "Gentlemen! The Shi'as are a Muslim sect and a part of the Muslim community." But their reply was, "No, Sir! The Shi'as are not Muslims. What has Shi'ism to do with Islam? It is wrong to count it as a sect among the sects and a religion among the religions of the world; it was a plan devised by the Iranians and a political stunt to overthrow the Umayyad rule and bring about the 'Abbasid Caliphate. What has it to do with the ways prescribed by God?"
Titres Par Discipline l-Hasan, BLACHERE. 2600,La fondation de Badajoz par Abd al-Rahman ibn yunus Al-Jilliki (fin
The American Muslim day in Almeria at the shop of Ismail ibn yunus, the Jewish The final Muslim portrayalof ibn Naghrila Brann presents is that of Abu lHasan Ali ibn
Godlike Productions Forum 940998) *SB *MT Gerbert d´Aurillac, Pope Sylvester II (c. 945-1003) *SB Abd al-Jalilal-Sijzi (c. 970) Abu´l-Hasan ibn yunus (950-1009) *MT Abu Mahmud Hamid
Extractions: Get a Search Eine For Your Site TRANSLATE this page The Phoenicians were the first converts to Christianity after the Jews; and the bishops of major Phoenician (Lebanese) cities today still carry the honorary title, Metropolitan of Phoenicia Maritima Introduction The Phoenician Church is one of the most ancient or the original churches which came into being during the Apostolic Age. Early Church Fathers and scholars left written accounts of the valiant spirit which early Phoenician Christians maintained in their new faith. At the beginning of Christ's ministry, and later during the beginning of Apostolic evangelization, the new faith was reserved for the Jews. Nevertheless, Phoenicians of all walks of life accepted the new faith and the Church recognized them as valid Christians particular after the first council of Jerusalem.
Bukhari42 yunus and anNu man related from az-Zuhri, And his blessings. . ibn Ka b relatedthat ibn Abbas told him that Ali ibn Abi Talib People asked, O Abu l-Hasan!
Extractions: Chapter 82. Book of Asking Permission to Enter I. Initiating the Greeting 5873. Hammam related from Abu Hurayra that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Allah created Adam on His form and his height was sixty cubits. When He created him, He said, 'Go and greet that group angels and listen to how they greet you. It will be your greeting and the greeting of your descendants.' He said, 'Peace be upon you,' and they said, 'Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah,' and they added, 'and the mercy of Allah.' Everyone who enters the Garden will be in form of Adam. People have been getting shorter until now." II. Chapter. The words of Allah Almighty, Sa'id ibn Abi'l-Hasan said to al-Hasan, "Non-Arab women show their chests and heads." He said, "Avert your gaze from them. Allah Almighty says, 'Say to the believing men that they should lower their eyes and guard their private parts.' (24:30) Qatada said, 'They guard them from what is not lawful for them. "Say to the believing women that they should lower their eyes and guard their private parts. "The dishonesty of eyes" (40:19) refers to looking at what is forbidden.
Imamate Isra il ibn yunus ibn Abi Ishaq asSabi i Abu Yusuf al wounded by the poisoned swordof ibn Muljam while Seventh Imam Abu l-Hasan al-Awwal, MUSA al-Kazim, son
Extractions: 5. THE NECESSITY OF IMAMATE AND THE QUALIFICATIONS OF AN IMAM A. Necessity of Imamate FROM THE Shi'ite point of view, the institution of Imamate is necessary, according to reason. It is lutf (grace) of Allah which brings the creature towards obedience and keeps him away from disobedience, without compelling the creature in any way. It has been proved in the Shi'ite theology that lutf is incumbent on Allah. When Allah orders that man to do something yet is aware that man cannot do it or that it is very difficult without His assistance, then if Allah does not provide this assistance, He would be contradicting His own aim. Obviously, such negligence is evil according to reason. Therefore lutf is incumbent on Allah. Imamate is a lutf , because as we know when men have a chief ( ra'is ) and guide ( murshid ) whom they obey, who avenges the oppressed of their oppressor and restrains the oppressor, then they draw nearer to righteousness and depart from corruption. And because it is a lutf , it is incumbent on Allah to appoint an Imam to guide and lead the ummah after the Prophet.