HZ.IBRAHIM (S.A.) Firavunu cok zâlim ve cebbâr, sinan bin Ulvân güler yüzlü birer´genc suretindeIbrahim aleyhisselamin karsisina as) ve Israfil (as) oldugu ibni Abbas http://www.enfal.de/ibrahim.htm
Extractions: demeyip, "Âzer'e dedigi zaman" veya "Babasina dedigi zaman" demek yetisirdi . Âzer, kendi babasi olsaydi "Babasi" kelimesi fazla olurdu demektedirler. Bir kanit olarak Sua'ra suresinin 219. ayetini göstermektedirler. Bu surede Allah 2.2. Hz. Ibrahim'in dogumundan peygamberligine kadar olan hayati 2.2.1. Hz. Ibrahim'in dogumuna kadar vukuu bulan olaylar Bu sirada Hz. Ibrahim'in annesi hâmile idi. Âzer'in durumunu bildigi icin, onu doguma yaklasinca kendisinden uzaklastirdi ve gizlice bir magaraya gitti ve orda Hz. Ibrahim'i dünyaya getirdi. Dogduktan sonra annesi onu emzirdi ve magarayi kapatip geri sehre döndü. Âzer'e ," Cocuk cok zayif dogdu ve hemen öldü" dedi. Bundan sonra magaraya - gizlice -gelip Ibrahim aleyhisselami emzirip geri eve dönerdi. Rivâyetlere göre, Hz. Ibrahim magarada 7, 13, 16 veya 17 yasina kadar kaldi . 2.3. Hz.Ibrahim'in tebligi
Science -- Rashed 297 (5582): 773 Scholars such as Banu Musa, Thabit ibn Qurra, ibrahim ibn sinan, alQuhi (1), andibn Sahl measured curved surfaces and solids, invented new geometrical methods http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/297/5582/773
Extractions: (10 to 11th century A.D.) T he turn of the first millennium was a time of intense research in mathematics, physics, and astronomy. One scientist active and productive in all of these fields was Ibn al-Haytham, called by his successors of the 12th century "Ptolemy the Second." Ibn al-Haytham, also known as Alhazen (the Latin transliteration of his first name al-Hasan), was born in Iraq, most likely in Bassorah, in the second half of the 10th century. He arrived in Cairo under the reign of Fatimid Caliph al-Hakim, a patron of the sciences who was particularly interested in astronomy. Ibn al-Haytham proposed to the Caliph a hydraulic project to control the flow of the Nilean early Aswan dam. The Caliph refused, but al-Haytham continued to live in Cairo, in the neighborhood of the famous University of al-Azhar, until his death after 1040.
Yeni Asya Vakfý | Risale-i Nur Enstitüsü Muaviye elCumahi den, Vasit ta Ahmed ibn sinan el-Kattan ibn Mâce, çok sayidatalebe de yetistirdi. bin Yezîd el-Kazvinî, Ahmed bin ibrahim el-Kazvinî http://www.yeniasya.org.tr/index.asp?Section=Enstitu&SubSection=EnstituSayfasi&D
Muslim Science Thabit ibn Qurrah, his grandson ibrahim ibn sinan (909946), Abu Sahl al-Kuhi(dc 995), and Alhazen solved problems involving the pure geometry of conic http://www.amualumni.8m.com/MScience.htm
Extractions: One of its languages became the universal language of much of the world, the bridge between the peoples of a hundred lands. Its armies were made up of people of many nationalities, and its military protection allowed a degree of peace and prosperity that had never been known. The reach of this civilizations commerce extended from Latin America to China, and everywhere in between.
Century: 16 ibrahim Pasa Palace Restoration, Istanbul, Istanbul Province, Turkey, public Mausoleumof Imam alLayth ibn Sa d, Mausoleum of Shaykh sinan, Cairo, Egypt, funerary. http://archnet.org/library/images/sites.tcl?key=16&collection_id=-1&select=centu
Necklaces Of Gems-2 As related by that highly erudite scholar, ibrahim adDairi ash-Shafi i, author ofthe compendium entitled The Beautiful Shaikh Abdu llah ibn sinan ar-Rudaini http://www.islam.co.za/abdalqadirjilani/necklaces_2.htm
Extractions: Necklaces of Gems Part 2 Abu Sa'id al-Mukharrimi and his schoolhouse [madrasa]. As for al-Mukharrimi, this is the proper spelling of his name, which indicates his connection with the quarter of Baghdad called al-Mukharrim. Some of the sons of Yazid ibn al-Mukharrim settled there, and that is how that quarter of the city acquired its name. It was al-Qadi [the Judge] Abu Sa'id al-Mukharrimi, referred to above, who said: "'Abd al-Qadir al-Jili wore a patched cloak [khirqa] that he received from me, and I wore a patched cloak that I received from him, so each of us obtained blessing by means of the other." As related by that highly erudite scholar, Ibrahim ad-Dairi ash-Shafi'i, author of the compendium entitled "The Beautiful Garden" [ar-Rawd az-Zahir], Shaikh 'Abd al-Qadir received his introduction to spiritual culture [tasawwuf] from Shaikh Abu Ya'qub Yusuf ibn Ayyub ibn Yusuf ibn al-Husain ibn Wahra al-Hamadani az-Zahid [the Ascetic], of whom we shall have more to say in due course. This was when he (may Allah be well pleased with him) first arrived in Baghdad, and met a number of the eminent ascetics of the time. Abu Sa'id al-Mukharrimi had a well-kept little schoolhouse by the Portico Gate [Bab al-Azaj]. This building was placed at the disposal of our master, Shaikh 'Abd al-Qadir, and in it he gave talks to the people, whom he addressed in the language of religious exhortation [wa'z] and spiritual reminding [tadhkir]. It soon became apparent that he was endowed with charismatic talents [karamat], his reputation grew, and he met with wide acceptance. The schoolhouse [madrasa] soon became too cramped, with so many people thronging to attend his regular discourse-session [majlis]. To cope with the overcrowding and the lack of space, he used to address the people while sitting by the wall, leaning on the door of the guesthouse, which opened onto the street.
Thankfulness Towards Allah Suhaib ibn sinan narrated that the Prophet said How remarkable is the case of the ofAllah, you will never be able to count them. {Soorah ibrahim (14) 34}. http://www.ahya.org/amm/modules.php?name=Sections&op=viewarticle&artid=46
H Z . ÝBRAHÝM A.S. Firavunu çok zâlim ve cebbâr, sinan bin Ulvân gayet güler yüzlü birer´gençsuretinde ibrahim aleyhisselam in as) ve Israfil (as) oldugu ibni Abbas http://www.menzil.net/ptarih/ibrahim.html
Extractions: Allahü Teâlâ Kur'an-ý Kerim'de : «Ýbrahim, babasý Âzer'e...» buyurmaktadýr. Bu âyetten anlaþýlacaðý gibi Hz. Ýbrahim'in babasý Âzer isminde idi. Ama, bazýlarýna göre Ýbrahim aleyhisselamýn babasý -Kur'anda bildirilen- putperest Âzer deðil, mü'min olan Târuh idi. Bu görüsü destekleyenler arasýnda meþhurlarý Abdülhakim Arvâsi, Kadi Beydâvi ve Senâullah Dehlevi vardýr, ama Þii'ler de bunu söylemektedirler . Bir rivâyete göre Âzer Hz. Ýbrahim'in - amcasý olup - Târuh'un ölmesiyle Emile ile evlenip, Hz. Ýbrahim'in üvey babasý oldu. Tefsir yönünden bunu böyle açýklamaktadýrlar : En'am suresinin manasý : «Ýbrahim, Âzer olan babasýna dediði zaman»
Peace Poem Two Baghdad remained luminous for years, a massive source of intellectual wattage burningright through the tenth century, when ibrahim ibn sinan studied tangents http://www.bmts.com/~damilos/dialogue2003.htm
Extractions: WORLD POETRY DAY - Readings from Owen Sound, Ontario Dialogue Poetry Owen Sound, Ontario Report by Daniel Kolos March 21 st is the traditional day for kicking off Words Aloud poetry Cooperatives yearly reading series. Since we have discovered last year that this is also the date of World Poetry Day sponsored by Dialogue Poetry, we have enthusiastically merged these intents. When I first began to advertise this years event, many of our traditional supporters contacted me expressing their interest in reading their own poetry. Some of these inquiries were shy, and we discovered a wealth of previously hidden poets in Grey and Bruce Counties of southern Ontario. Our featured poets were Gloria Alvernaz Mulcahy from London, Andrea Jarmai from Toronto and Penn Kemp from London. Gloria read very personal poems laced with shamanistic allusions. Her poem welcoming her grand-daughter into this world is reproduced below. Andrea Jarmai read from her Chapbook, I, Ahab, poems from her first full-length poetry book due in 2004, and translations she is doing of the Hungarian poet, George Faludy. Penn Kemps work followed in her own footsteps, something she started for World Poetry Day in 2002.
Lali Community ibn Malik ibn sinan al-Khudri (r 3. Anas ibn Malik, (r) berichtete Wir traten mit dem Schmied Abu Saif, dem Pflegevater des ibrahim (Sohn des http://210049.homepagemodules.de/topic.php?board=210049&id=370271&forum=11740148
Free-Minds, A Place To Discover Islam Based On GOD Alone humanism 7, 8. Humaydi 32. hypocrites 9. I. ibrahim ibn sinan 68. ibn Babuwayh1, 30, 36. ibn Hanbal 32, 48, 55. ibn Ishaq 20, 31. ibn Khaldun 1, 6, 74. http://www.free-minds.org/books/kassim12.htm
Ismailism - Dictionnary - MOT - De A à Z (Page 1 De 1) MaNSOUDH; MASSOOD B. ibrahim; MATA SALAMAT; MATA SALAMAT, 44è PIR; MAYMUN ALQADDAH; SHISH;SIFFIN (BATAILLE); SINA, ABOU ALI; SINA, ibn; sinan, RASHID AL-DIN; SITT http://www.ismaili.net/noms/idx/i0000001.htm
Taliy Ah Al-Mahdi Frequently Asked Questions ibn `Umar ibn Yazid and Muhammad ibn alWalid ibn Khalid al-Khazzaz from Hammadibn `Uthman from Abdullah ibn sinan from Muhammad ibn ibrahim ibn Abu-l http://www.taliyah.org/faqs/
Fashionlines - The E-Magazine For The Elegant Edge your own translation of The Rubiyat of Omar Khayyam, or, to maintain the Cartesianimage, your commentary on the mathematical philosophy of ibrahim ibn sinan. http://www.fashionlines.com/2003/apr/editorsnote.php
Extractions: You have been like a son to me, but sometimes even the most gifted of children go beyond the bounds of Cartesian rationality, not to speak of Anglo-Saxon common sense. My telephone now rings constantly. The complaints of hotel keepers, owners of vineyards and producers of luxury goods have one uniform outcry: "Where are les Americains ?" They all give me the same message: "Jacques, we love you, but we all know that in these times, even for the best of Gaullists, les affaires must come first." The president of Madame Coco's once thriving enterprise has gone so far as to say, "If things don't change, they'll be calling us Chunnel because the business has gone underground."
Welcome To Pakistan Link The greatest philosopher, alFarabi, was a Muslim; the greatest mathematicians,Abu Kamil and ibrahim ibn sinan, were Muslims; the greatest geographer and http://www.pakistanlink.com/religion.html
Extractions: Secondly, I want to emphasize that although women are allowed to use lipstick or other cosmetics to beautify themselves, like all other things in Islam, this should also be done in moderation. Too much involvement in cosmetics and wasting too much money and time on these things is not acceptable in Islamic value system. Islam wants to develop in its followers, both males and females, a mindset of modesty, moderation and simplicity. In case you find it difficult to bring the two together, you may seek the help of the local Imam of your Masjid or some other community leaders, brothers or sisters. Please also pray for them. Your good prayers for the well being of your children will surely be very useful for them. May Allah bless you all. Q 3. I know a friend who came to this country illegally. He has a wife and children back home, but in order to take a green card, he is planning to send a paper divorce to his wife and then have a paper marriage in this country. When he will have his green card, he will divorce his paper wife here and resume his relationship with his real wife back home and hopefully will be able to bring her here. The question is whether the paper divorce to the wife back home be considered an Islamic divorce? He actually has no intention to divorce her.
Lib_Sid-Siw references in Andalus Sufis. ibn Arabi/Austin. Sufis of Andalusia. Beshara.1971. 0 904 975 13 4. ibrahim Umm-i sinan (d. 1551). references in- Sufi Orders. http://www.zahuri.dircon.co.uk/lib_sid-siwa
Extractions: Sharib Press Library (updated Feb 03) SITE MAP LIBRARY HOME PAGE Library Index A - J Library Index K - Z ... Sikandri Ashraf Simnani ad-Daula Simnani Ali Simnani Simnavna ... Soqta subject author/translator short/abbreviated title publisher date isbn Shah Sibghat Allah (d. 1606) referred to in: Islamic Mystics Baldick Mystical Islam I.B.Tauris 1 85043 137 X 1 85043 140 X (pbk) Khawaja Ahmad Siddiq references in:- IKhawajagan Sushud/Holland The Masters of Wisdom of C. Asia Coombe Springs Press Hasan Amir Hasan 'Ala Sijzi Dhilawi referred to in: sufism Ernst Eternal Garden SUNY Press 0-7914-0884-1(pbk) sufism Ernst Shambala Guide to Sufism Shambala Ibn Ata Allah Sikandri referred to in: Islamic Mystics Sharib Reflections of the Mystics of Islam Sharib Press Abdullah Ilahi Simabi (d. 1491) referred to in: Islamic Mystics Lewisohn (ed) The Heritage of Sufism (vol 2) One World (Ox) Mir Sayyed Ashraf Jahangir Simnani (d. 1405 or 1425)) referred to in: Islamic Mystics Baldick Mystical Islam I.B.Tauris
JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC STUDIES Vol. XIV No. 2 May 2003 216. Roshdi Rashed and Hélène Bellosta ibrahim ibn sinan Logiqueet géométrie au X e siècle. by François Charette, 217219. http://www.ttk.gov.tr/data/2003/jis14-2.htm
Untitled said The Substitutes in this Community are thirty like ibrahim the Friend of inIraq? He said Yes, Muhammad ibn Wasi`, Hassan ibn Abi sinan, and Malik http://www.sunnah.org/publication/salafi/salafi_unveiled/p14.htm
Extractions: One of the tenets of "Salafi" philosophy is their disbelief in the hadiths of the Prophet which contradict their opinion. Thus they deny the reality of the abdal , Allah's great saints to whom He granted a rank of blessing and favor in creation through which all of creation benefits. They even adduce verses of Qur'an to justify their blind and irrational rejection of them. We find the following in the "Salafi" book of misguidance: The Islaamic Belief [is]: Allaah is in charge of creation [because] Allaah (Subhaanahuwata`ala) says "And Allaah is a Wakil (Guardian) over all things" (11:12) [and] "He (Allaah) arranges (every) affair from the heavens to the earth" (Qur'aan, Chapter 32, Verse 4) [But] The Naqshbandi Belief [is]: Shaykh is in charge of creation. Answer It is part of the belief of Muslims that the abdal or Substitute-saints exist so called because, as the Prophet said (see below), "None of them dies except Allah substitutes another in his place" and that they are among the religious leaders of the Community concerning whom there is no doubt among Muslims. No less than Ibn Taymiyya writes at the end of his `Aqida wasitiyya The true adherents of Islam in its pristine purity are Ahl al-Sunna wa al-Jama`a . In their ranks the truthful saints (siddiqin) , the martyrs, and the righteous are to be found. Among them are the great men of guidance and illumination, of recorded integrity and celebrated virtue. The Substitutes
Ammar Ibn Yaser O fire be cool and peaceful on Ammar as you were on ibrahim peace be Abu sinan AlDuali, the Companion of the Prophet says I saw Ammar ibn Yaser (on http://www.ummah.net/islam/taqwapalace/stories/ammar-ibn-yaser.html