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         Ibn Sina:     more books (100)
  1. Die Augenheilkund Des Ibn Sina (1902) (German Edition)
  2. Die Augenheilkunde Des Ibn Sina (1902) (German Edition)
  3. Die Augenheilkund Des Ibn Sina (1902) (German Edition)
  4. Die Augenheilkunde Des Ibn Sina: Aus Dem Arabischen Ubersetzt Und Erlautert (1902) (German Edition)
  5. The Significance of Ibn Sina's Canon of Medicine in the Arab and Western worlds: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Evelyn B. Kelly, 2001
  6. An Introduction to Islamic Cosmological Doctrines: Conceptions of Nature and Methods Used for Its Study by the Ikhwan al Safa, al-Biruni, and Ibn Sina by Seyyed Hossein Nasr, 1964
  7. The Metaphysica of Avicenna (IBN SINA): A critical translation-commentary and analysis of fundamental arguments in Avicenna¿s Metaphysica in the D2nish N2ma-i ¿al2¿4 (The Book of Scientific Knowlewdge) by Parviz Morewedge, 2001-10-23
  8. Lettre au vizir abu sa'd by Sina /Avicenne Ibn, 2001-05-01
  9. Knowing the Unknowable God: Ibn-Sina, Maimonides, Aquinas by David B. Burrell C.S.C., 1987-01
  10. The life of Ibn Sina;: A critical edition and annotated translation, (Studies in Islamic philosophy and science) by Avicenna, 1974
  11. Nazariyat al-nafs bayna Ibn Sina wa-al-Ghazzali (al-Turath) (Arabic Edition) by Jamal Rajab Sidbi, 2000
  12. Ibn Sina Avicenne: La vie & l'oeuvre (Collection Quartz) (French Edition) by Sleim Ammar, 1992
  13. Ibn Sina wa-talamidhuhu al-Latin (Arabic Edition) by Zaynab Mahmud Khudayri, 1986
  14. Falsafat al-tarbiyah inda Ibn Sina (Alam al-fikr al-tarbawi al-Arabi wa-al-Islami) (Arabic Edition) by Abd al-Rahman Abd al-Rahman Naqib, 1984

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