Untitled Document the views of his Greek predecessors from the sixth to the fourth century BC includingthose of Pythagoras (c.560480B-C), hippocrates of chios (fl.440B.C.) and http://www.vigyanprasar.com/dream/mar2001/comets.htm
Extractions: Development of Cometary Thought PART - I Subodh Mahanti Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4B.C.-A.D.65) in Natural Questions ... In thick smoke of human sins, rising every day, every hour, every moment full of stench and horror, before the face of God and becoming gradually so thick as to form a comet, with curled and plaited tresses, which at last is kindled by hot and fiery anger of the supreme Heavenly Judge. Andreas Celichius in The Theologial Reminder of the New Comet (1578) Donald K.Yeomans in Comets : A Chronological History of observations, Science, Myth and Folklore (1991). The development of the scientific understanding about comets has a long and intriguing history. For centuries people (common people and scientists alike) have pondered the appearance of these mysterious apparitions. People's fascination for them, as seneca pointed out, was because they were unusual strange phenomena. They appear rarely. Before the seventeenth century comets were not considered as celestial bodies but as signals at a sinful Earth from God. celichius as quoted above was no doubt expressing the majority view of the comet prevalent in the 16th century. of course, there were opponents, though their number were few. for example Andreas Dudith (1533-89), the Hungarian scholar, countered celichius views by stating that if comets were caused by the sins of the mortals then they would never be absent from the sky.
Timeline Of Greek And Roman Philosophers Protagoras (480411 BC) Greek philosopher, Protagoras. hippocratesof chios (c. 470-c. 410 BC) Greek geometer, hippocrates. Socrates http://ancienthistory.about.com/library/bl/bl_time_philosophers.htm
Extractions: zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About History Ancient / Classical History Home ... Trojan War Hero Achilles - Troy zau(256,152,145,'gob','http://z.about.com/5/ad/go.htm?gs='+gs,''); Atlas and Places - Where? Ancient Greece - Greek Ancient Rome - Romans ANE Egypt Persia Israel... ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','http://z.about.com/0/ip/417/0.htm','');w(xb+xb); Subscribe to the About Ancient / Classical History newsletter. Search Ancient / Classical History Timelines Greek and Roman Philosophers and Mathematicians MORE INFORMATION Thales
2verk2c 3. hippocrates frá chios. Hér er ég komin í sögu af hippocratesfrá chios sem var uppi mörgum öldum fyrir fæðingu Krists. http://www.ismennt.is/vefir/heilabrot/2verk5c.htm
Web Data Structures And Algorithms More about Heron of Alexandria. The Lunes of hippocrates More about hippocratesof chios. Wonders of Ancient Greek Geometry. (3) Modern Models of Computation. http://cgm.cs.mcgill.ca/~godfried/teaching/algorithms-web.html
Extractions: "Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes." E. W. Dijkstra Useful General Links Godfried Toussaint's Course Topics on the Web 251B - Course Pages Mike Hallet's web page (Luc Devroye's Class Notes) ... The Algorithm Archive ( descriptions, references and downloadable code for many algorithms) The Complete Collection of Algorithm Animations David Eppstein's course on algorithms Algorithms Course at the University of Aberdeen Specific Course Material: 308-251A Chapter Index: The Complexity of Algorithms The Correctness of Algorithms Linear Data Structures Graphs ... Sequence Comparison Gravity as a Computer: Computing the Centroid of a Polygon with a Plumbline Centers of Gravity of Polygons The Knotted String Computer Pythagoras' Theorem: Pythagoras' Theorem (An award winning proof and interactive Java applet demo) Animated Proof of the Pythagoream Theorem by M. D. Meyerson A Hinged Dissection Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem Other Dissection Proof s (with interactive Java applets) More than forty other proofs of the Pythagorean theorem The Converse of Pythagoras' Theorem The Abacus The Abacus in various number systems ... Links to History of Computing Francois Labelle's Tutorial on the Complexity of Ruler and Compass Constructions (with interactive Java applet) GRACE (A graphical ruler and compass editor) The straight-edge and compass Constructive geometry of the Greeks Geometric constructions Geometrography and the Lemoine simplicity of geometric constructions ... More Euclid on the Web Relative computing power of models of computation:
Kwadratuur Van Een Cirkel In de tijd van hippocrates van chios herleefde de hoop op de mogelijkheidde cirkel te kunnen kwadreren. hippocrates was er nl. http://www.math.rug.nl/didactiek/hippocrates/kwadratuur.htm
Extractions: Kwadratuur van een cirkel De maantjes van Hippocrates De Griekse wiskundigen legden zichzelf de eis op om bij meetkundige constructies alleen gebruik te maken van een passer en een liniaal. Deze liniaal mag dan alleen een rechte lat zijn zonder deelstreepjes, de lengte doet er niet toe. Zie spelregels. Algemeen bekend zijn bijvoorbeeld de volgende constructies: Het midden van een gegeven lijnstuk, het halveren van een gegeven hoek, een regelmatige zeshoek. Er blijken ook meetkundige objecten te zijn die niet te construeren zijn, bijvoorbeeld een regelmatige 7-hoek, of trisectie van een hoek. We beperken ons tot kwadratuurproblemen. Bij dit soort problemen is het steeds de bedoeling om bij een gegeven figuur een vierkant (ook wel kwadraat genoemd) te construeren, dat dezelfde oppervlakte heeft. Als dat lukt zeggen we dat die figuur is gekwadreerd. Het werkwoord is kwadreren en niet kwadrateren.
À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï about 460 BC in Elis, Peloponnese, Greece Died about 400 BC hippocrates, hippocratesof chios Born about 470 BC in chios (now Khios), Greece Died about 410 http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=H
Biographies Hermite, Charles (18221901). Hilbert, David (18621943). Hippocratesof chios (ca. 470ca. 410 BC). Hudde, Johan van Waveren (16331704). http://occawlonline.pearsoned.com/bookbind/pubbooks/thomas_awl/chapter1/medialib
Math History Photos / Chios.jpg Church in chios, Greece. Birthplace of Hippocratesof chios. Previous Home Next. http://online.redwoods.cc.ca.us/instruct/molsen/photo_album/pages/chios_jpg.htm
Euclid's Elements, Book I, Proposition 3 According to Proclus (410485 CE) in his Commentary on Book I, Hippocratesof chios (fl. ca. 430 BCE) was the first to write an Elements. http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/java/elements/bookI/propI3.html
Extractions: Proposition 3 To cut off from the greater of two given unequal straight lines a straight line equal to the less. Let AB and C be the two given unequal straight lines, and let AB be the greater of them. It is required to cut off from AB the greater a straight line equal to C the less. Place AD at the point A equal to the straight line C, and describe the circle DEF with center A and radius AD. I.2 Post. 3 Now, since the point A is the center of the circle DEF, therefore AE equals AD. I.Def.15 But C also equals AD, therefore each of the straight lines AE and C equals AD, so that AE also equals C. C.N.1 Therefore, given the two straight lines AB and C, AE has been cut off from AB the greater equal to C the less. Q.E.F. Now it is clear that the purpose of Proposition 2 is to effect the construction in this proposition. According to Proclus (410-485 C.E.) in his Commentary on Book I, Hippocrates of Chios (fl. ca. 430 B.C.E.) was the first to write an Elements. Leon and Theudius also wrote versions before Euclid (fl. ca. 295 B.C.E.). These other Elements have all been lost since Euclid's replaced them. It is conceivable that in some of these earlier versions the construction in proposition I.2 was not known, so this proposition would instead have been a postulate (a stronger version of
HIPPOCRATES - Site Map - UK Shopping Directory - UK Shops Popular Searches for hippocrates, hippocrates. Shopping online for hippocratesor just looking for more information about hippocrates? http://www.ishop.co.uk/site-map/hi/hippocrates/index.shtml
Extractions: Please click here to return to the main site map index. Shopping online for hippocrates or just looking for more information about hippocrates? Here at www.ishop.co.uk we aim to provide the most comprehensive resource of sites selling hippocrates and links to online resources such as search, information and price comparison tools that should quickly ensure you find sites containing information about hippocrates or directly selling hippocrates or releted products/services. Whilst we do not sell hippocrates directly the independent shopping and information links provided will ensure that you find the web sites that do sell hippocrates quickly, simply and at the best prices available ensuring you get the best deals online.
Chapter 16: Archimedes Among the earlier ones were Archytas of Tarentum, Plato s geometry teacher, Hippocratesof chios, who tried to fit together all the rules, and Theodorus of http://www.anselm.edu/homepage/dbanach/arch.htm
Extractions: During the 4th century B.C., Greek geometry burst its bonds and went on to the tremendous discoveries of the "age of giants." And Greek culture, too, burst from the mainland of Hellas and spread to most of the eastern Mediterranean. Both developments were connected with the romantic figure of Alexander the Great. After Plato's time, teachers and alumni from the Academy had gone on to found schools of their own. In particular, Plato's most famous associate, the great philosopher Aristotle, had set up the Lyceum in Athens, and started the systematic classification of human knowledge. And Aristotle's most renowned pupil was the warrior king Alexander of Macedon, who tried to conquer the world. In thirteen years, Alexander extended his rule over Greece proper, and Ionia, Phoenicia, Egypt, and the vast Persian domains as far as India. Then he died, and his empire broke up. But throughout those far-flung lands, he had founded Greek cities and planted the seeds of Greek civilization-the Greek language, Greek art, and, of course, Greek mathematics. Mathematicians traveled with his armies. And there is even a
Table Of Contents 4, THE FAMOUS PROBLEMS OF GREEK ANTIQUITY. 41, Introduction. 4-2, hippocrates ofChios and the quadrature of lunes. 4-3, Other quadratures. 4-4, hippocrates geometry. http://web.doverpublications.com/cgi-bin/toc.pl/0486255638
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Ch 3 Euclid was not the first to write such a work. It is known that Hippocratesof chios (440 BC) and others had composed books of elements before him. http://www.k12.hi.us/~csanders/ch_03Theorems.html
Extractions: Connecting Geometry Chapter 3 Theorems in Geometry In our study of geometry, we will be deal with many geometric figures such as triangles and circles, and we will be concerned mostly with their properties. A property of a geometric figure is some interesting or important thing that is true about the figure. For example, a property of a triangle is that it has 3 sides; this property comes from the definition of a triangle. But once we define "triangle", we might notice that it has other properties. For example, in GSP activity 1.1, you probably noticed that when you drag a vertex of the triangle, the lengths of the sides change. I hope you noticed that the measures of the angles change also. Do you think there is a relationship between the lengths of the sides and the sizes of the angles? If so, this would be an important property of triangles! In the diagram below, notice the measures of the sides and angles. What appears to be true about the relationship between the side and angle measures? If you said that the sides of the first triangle are all equal and the angles are all equal also, but in the second triangle the sides are unequal and the angles are unequal, then this is a good answer! Other answers are, of course, possible.
CUBEBS CUBEBS. CUBEBS (Arab. ka ba bah) , the fruit of several species ofpepper (Piper), belonging to the natural order Piperaceae. The http://83.1911encyclopedia.org/C/CU/CUBEBS.htm
Extractions: CUBEBS A closely allied species, Piper Clusii, produces the African cubebs or West African black-pepper, the berry of which is smoother than that of common cubebs and usually has a curved pedicel. In the I4th century it was imported into Europe from the Grain Coast, under the name of pepper, by merchants of Rouen and Lippe. CUBE CUBICLE
Matematika - Geometrija U Grckoj The summary for this Macedonian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://rastko.8m.net/antika/grckaost.html