Higman Graham Higman. Born 19 Jan 1917. Click the picture above to see two largerpictures Graham Higman is the second son of the Reverend Joseph Higman. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Higman.html
Extractions: Graham Higman is the second son of the Reverend Joseph Higman. He was educated at Sutton Secondary School in Plymouth and won a natural sciences scholarship to study at Balliol College Oxford. He chose Balliol College because that was the College where his elder brother had studied but, since his elder brother had read chemistry, Graham decided he had to be different in some respect and so, despite holding a natural sciences scolarship, he chose to read mathematics. Higman's tutor was Henry Whitehead and it took a while before he realised that Higman was a natural pure mathematician since most students on a natural sciences scholarship would only take mathematics courses to support their science studies. Following a suggestion by Whitehead , Higman founded the Invariant Society (an Oxford undergraduate mathematical society). The first speaker was G H Hardy who addressed the Invariant Society on round numbers. After taking special topic courses on
DVD Videos Music Games Maps Gifts Bargain Books Your search for higman+graham yielded 1 results using author Displayingresults 1 to 1. 1. Existentially Closed Groups Higman, Graham http://www.countrybookshop.co.uk/cgi-bin/search.pl?searchtype=author&searchtext=
Higman Graham Higman. Born 1917. Graham Higman is the second son of the ReverendJoseph Higman. He was educated at Sutton Secondary School http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/Hgmn.htm
Extractions: Previous (Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Graham Higman is the second son of the Reverend Joseph Higman. He was educated at Sutton Secondary School in Plymouth and then at Balliol College Oxford from where he received an M.A. He continued to study for his doctorate at Oxford, graduating with a DPhil. When he completed his studies World War II had started and Higman's first work was war service in the Meteorological Office from 1940 to 1946. In 1946 Higman was appointed as a lecturer in mathematics at the University of Manchester, and he held that post until 1955 when he returned to Oxford as a Reader in Mathematics. In 1958 he was honoured with election as a fellow of the Royal Society of London and, in the same year, he became a Senior Research fellow at his old College, Balliol College. Higman was appointed Waynflete Professor of Pure Mathematics at Oxford in October 1960 and he was elected a fellow of Magdalen College Oxford. He held these positions until he retired in 1984. Immediately after he retired from Oxford, Higman went to the United States where he was George A Miller visiting professor at the University of Illinois for the two years from 1984 to 1986.
Personal Homepages Translate this page Haines Thomas J. - Hanaki Akihide - Happel Dieter - Hemmer David J. - Henke Anne- Henn Hans-Werner - Herzog M. (Tel-Aviv) - higman graham - Hille Lutz - Hiß http://www.maths.may.ie/staff/jmurray/mathematicians.html
The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Graham Higman Select a mirror. NDSU (main) Bielefeld. Ole Miss. AMS. graham higman. Biography. D. Phil. University of Oxford 1941. Name. School. Year. Descendants. Jonathan Alperin. Princeton University. 1961. 22 . http://genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/id.phtml?id=22466
Biography-center - Letter H arthp/bio/h/highmore/biograph.html. higman, graham. wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/ Mathematicians/higman.html. Higonnet, René Alphonse http://www.biography-center.com/h.html
Extractions: random biography ! Any language Arabic Bulgarian Catalan Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Turkish 745 biographies
Higman Biography of graham higman (19170BC) graham higman. Born 19 Jan 1917 graham higman is the second son of the Reverend Joseph higman http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Higman.html
Extractions: Graham Higman is the second son of the Reverend Joseph Higman. He was educated at Sutton Secondary School in Plymouth and won a natural sciences scholarship to study at Balliol College Oxford. He chose Balliol College because that was the College where his elder brother had studied but, since his elder brother had read chemistry, Graham decided he had to be different in some respect and so, despite holding a natural sciences scolarship, he chose to read mathematics. Higman's tutor was Henry Whitehead and it took a while before he realised that Higman was a natural pure mathematician since most students on a natural sciences scholarship would only take mathematics courses to support their science studies. Following a suggestion by Whitehead , Higman founded the Invariant Society (an Oxford undergraduate mathematical society). The first speaker was G H Hardy who addressed the Invariant Society on round numbers. After taking special topic courses on
References For Higman References for graham higman. Articles 116. A Rice, R Wilson, Looking backgraham higman, European Math Soc Newsletter 41 (Sept 2001) 1213. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Higman.html
AIM Reprint Library: Listing for higman, graham. Viewing Page Hall, Philip higman, graham. 2. Oninverse systems with trivial limits. higman, graham Stone, AH. Viewing Page http://www.aimath.org/library/library.cgi?database=reprints;mode=display;BrowseT
A Group Of Graham Higman A group of graham higman. post a message on this topic. post a message on a new topic. 11 Mar 1997 A group of graham higman, by MikeAt1140. 12 Mar 1997. Re A group of graham higman, by Ariel Mazzarelli. The Math Forum http://mathforum.com/epigone/sci.math.research/blosnegy
AIM Reprint Library: Translate this page Robert G. Hibbard, Thomas N. Hibi, Takayuki Hickerson, Dean Hickson, Robert E.Higgins, PJ Higgins, Philip J. Higgs, Denis A. higman, graham Higson Higson http://www.aimath.org/library/library.cgi?database=reprints;mode=display;BrowseL
OUP USA: Existentially Closed Groups: Graham Higman Subjects Existentially Closed Groups graham higman and Elizabeth Scott 0198535430 About the Author(s) graham higman, Mathematical Institute, Oxford University http://www.oup-usa.org/isbn/0198535430.html
Extractions: More Oxford email lists Enter Sales Promo Code Subjects Existentially Closed Groups Graham Higman and Elizabeth Scott hardback 176 pages Jul 1988 In Stock Price: $110.00 $5.00 (US) $10.00 (INTL) Series Reviews Product Details About the Author(s) Working from a group-theoretical rather than a model-theoretical point of view, Higman defines existentially closed groups and summarizes some of the techniques basic to infinite group theory. Recently discovered results are proved and discussed. Learn more about this title... Browse More Titles In Pure Mathematics
Names There are several group theorist Neumanns, but HNN extensions refer to higman, graham; Neumann, B 1918) homological algebra, Zurich 17 higman, graham (b. 1917) group theory, Oxford http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/98/MSC.names
DVD Videos Music Games Maps Gifts Bargain Books 23. Existentially Closed Groups higman, graham Usually dispatched within 2-3working days Hardback - Published June 1988 publisher Oxf.UP Price £55.00 http://www.countrybookshop.co.uk/cgi-bin/search.pl?searchtype=author&searchtext=
On A Question Posed By Graham Higman On a Question Posed by graham higman. Gerard M. Enright. (Irish MathematicalSociety Bulletin, Number 28, 1992). Consider a function http://www.mic.ul.ie/maths/GMEnright/gfstring.htm
Couple Of Thousand Briggs, William E. Brigham, Robert C. Brightwell, graham R. BRILLHART, JOHN D. BRINDZA, BELA Brinkmann E. HIGGS, DENIS A. higman, graham HILDEBRAND, ADOLF J. Hildrum, Kris Hill http://personalwebs.oakland.edu/~grossman/ErdosA
Matches For: MR=30:1189 30 1189 20.00. Feit, Walter; higman, graham. The nonexistence of certain generalized polygons http://www.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=30:1189
H Index Caroline (188*) Herschel, John (143*) Herstein, Israel (295*) Hesse, Ludwig (165*)Heuraet, Hendrik van (170) Heyting, Arend (62*) higman, graham (751*) Hilbert http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/H.htm
My PhD Project higman, graham, Enumerating pgroups I Inequalities, Proc. London Math. Soc. higman,graham, Enumerating p-groups II Problems whose solution is PORC, Proc. http://wwwmaths.anu.edu.au/~witty/phd.html
Extractions: Here is a collection of stuff related to my current PhD project. The general idea (at the moment) is to turn the approach of Higman's PORC conjecture for p-groups of Frattini class 2 into an algorithm. My supervisor is the ever helpful Mike Newman So far my project has touched on several areas: finite fields, combinatorial representation theory, homological algebra, enumerative combinatorics and some number theory. Of course there has been heaps of group theory and computational algebra. I enjoy seeing the different areas and how they interact in interesting ways. There also seems to be a common thread through a line of eminent mathematicians, some of them my mathematical ancestors! What is PORC?