Heron's Formula Definition Meaning Information Explanation History. The formula is credited to heron of alexandria in the 1st century AD, and a proof can be found in his book Metrica. It is http://www.free-definition.com/Herons-formula.html
Extractions: 4 See also The formula is credited to Heron of Alexandria in the 1st century A.D., and a proof can be found in his book Metrica . It is now believed that Archimedes already knew the formula, and it is of course possible that it has been known long before. A modern proof, which uses algebra and trigonometry and is quite unlike the one provided by Heron, follows. Let a b c be the sides of the triangle and A B C the angle s opposite those sides. We have by the law of cosines . From this we get with some algebra The altitude of the triangle on base a has length b sin(C), and it follows Here the somewhat tedious but simple algebra in the last step was omitted. The formula is in fact a special case of Brahmagupta's formula for the area of a cyclic quadrilateral ; both of which are special cases of Bretschneider's formula for the area of a quadrilateral Expressing Heron's formula with a determinant in terms of the squares of the distances between the three given vertices
FUSION Anomaly. Alexandria, Egypt heron of alexandria; where Euclid was born; born in Alexandria, Egypt July 16, 1952 - ex-Curved Air, ex-Police drummer Stewart Copeland. http://fusionanomaly.net/alexandriaegypt.html
Extractions: 1. A city of northern Egypt on the Mediterranean Sea at the western tip of the Nile Delta . It was founded by Alexander the Great in 332 B.C. and became a repository of Jewish, Arab, and Hellenistic culture famous for its extensive libraries . Its pharos ( lighthouse ) was one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Population, 2,821,000. 3. An independent city of northern Virginia on the Potomac River opposite Washington, D.C. Primarily a residential suburb of the capital, the city has many historic buildings, including Gadsby's Tavern, built in 1752. George Washington helped lay out the streets in 1749. Population, 111,183. Alexandria
News - Eastern Door Service, Inc. Alexandria, Egypt heron of alexandria aka Hero was a great mathematician and mechanics inventor that was born around 10 AD. Some http://www.edsdoors.com/news4.htm
Extractions: First Automated Door Heron Invents First Automatic Door Alexandria, Egypt - Heron of Alexandria a.k.a. Hero was a great mathematician and mechanics inventor that was born around 10 AD. Some historians say earlier and some say later. Although it seems no one can agree exactly when Heron was born, the scientific community recognizes the important contributions this man has made to civilization or could have made if discovered sooner. Heron authored two books know as the Pneumatica. His work was lost for some centuries, but when found it described his theories and his experiments and constructive works in pneumatics, steam and water pressure. One can only wonder if human civilization would have mechanized sooner if his works were not lost. Heron describes in detail and through drawings many mechanical devices operated by air, water or steam pressure. Most of these devices he actually constructed. These include a steam turbine engine he called an aeolipile (Greek for wind ball), a toy jet propelled vehicle, automated dancing puppets, a steam powered fire engine, a water clock, heavy lifting machines, a coin operated vending machine, a pipe organ and a machine to automatically change scenery in the cities theatre. One of Heron's designs for a steam engine was discovered in 1668. Heron's designs may have served as inspiration to Thomas Savery who invented a steam engine in 1698 to pump water from mine shafts. Later Thomas Watt invented the modern piston driven steam engine in 1765.
Untitled Document is about the begining of scientific research of propulsive motion in ancient times, including the first reactive engine created by heron of alexandria. http://www.informatics.org/museum/origins.html
Extractions: The Origins Of Ideas of Space Flight. This exposition is about humanity's dreams about wings, flight, and space flight. From the earliest folk tales to fantasy and science fiction. The exhibition includes some information about Icarus and Kai-Kaus, Russian folk tales, and Lucian of Samosata, among others. - Lucian of Samosata (II Cent. A.D.). He was a Greek sophist and satirist. He wrote the very first science fiction space travel novels "True History" and "Icaro-Menippus". He described an accidental trip to the Moon by means of a sailing vessel. - Kai-Kaus. The hero king from epic poem "Shah-Nama", was published by the Persian poet Firdausi (1010 B.C.). Kai-Kaus acheived flight with the help of four eagles. This part of the exposition is about the begining of scientific research of propulsive motion in ancient times, including the first reactive engine created by Heron of Alexandria. Visitors can see here a model of the Ho-Tsyan Arrow (Fiery Arrow), and to learn about Van-Ghu's tragic flight. Additional information about Middle Century rocketry and Mongolphier's new hot air baloon flight technology are here as well.
InterMath | Investigations | Algebra | Functions & Equation Heron triangles are named after heron of alexandria, a Greek scientist who lived during the first century AD and is credited with the ingenious formula http://www.intermath-uga.gatech.edu/topics/algebra/functns/a37.htm
Extractions: Search the Site Investigations Algebra Additional Investigations In the world of triangles with sides of integral length, the Heron triangle has an integral area. Heron triangles are named after Heron of Alexandria, a Greek scientist who lived during the first century A.D. and is credited with the ingenious formula relating the area of a triangle to the length of its sides: . Here a, b, c stand for the length of the sides and s = (a + b + c) / 2. Note that s stands for half of the perimeter, or the semi-perimeter. Primitive Heron triangles have side measurements whose greatest common divisor is one. List all the different primitive Heron triangles with area less than or equal to 100. How many different primitive Heron triangles are there with sides less than or equal to 25? 50? 100? Which of the triangles in questions 1 and 2 is closest to be an equilateral? Comment on the truth of the following statements: a. The length of a side of a Heron triangle is even. b. The length of a side of a Heron triangle is a multiple of 3. c. The length of a side of a Heron triangle is a multiple of 5.
Trivia-Man Made Machines Its inventor was a mechanical genius named heron of alexandria, who came up with a way to dispense holy water in return for one of the Greek coins used in http://twotrees.www.50megs.com/attic/trivia/machines.html
Extractions: ~ Machines ~ The cruise liner, Queen Elizabeth II, moves only six inches for each gallon of diesel that it burns. The first motorbike, built in 1868 was not powered by a gasoline engine, but by a steam engine. Its builder was Sylvester Roper. His steam-powered bike did not catch on, but it anticipated many modern motorbike features, including the twisting-handgrip throttle control. The electric chair was invented by a dentist. One day, in 1945. the Big Ben in London was slowed by five minutes. There was no mechanical defect. It was not manually switched off. A group of Starlings decided to rest on the minute hand It took engineers 22 years to design the Zipper. The first traffic light was installed at the intersection of Euclid Avenue and East 105th Street in Cleveland, Ohio. in 1914 You might think that coin operated vending machines were invented during the industrial revolution, but actually the first one was installed in ancient Greece around 215 BC. Its inventor was a mechanical genius named Heron of Alexandria, who came up with a way to dispense holy water in return for one of the Greek coins used in those days. The heavy coin would drop onto a lever, causing a cork to be pulled out of a spigot just long enough to release a trickle of holy water.
Diophantus On the other hand Theon of alexandria, the father of Hypatia, quotes one of lived earlier than the third century, possibly even earlier that heron in the first http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Diophantus.html
Extractions: Diophantus , often known as the 'father of algebra', is best known for his Arithmetica , a work on the solution of algebraic equations and on the theory of numbers. However, essentially nothing is known of his life and there has been much debate regarding the date at which he lived. There are a few limits which can be put on the dates of Diophantus's life. On the one hand Diophantus quotes the definition of a polygonal number from the work of Hypsicles so he must have written this later than 150 BC. On the other hand Theon of Alexandria, the father of Hypatia , quotes one of Diophantus's definitions so this means that Diophantus wrote no later than 350 AD. However this leaves a span of 500 years, so we have not narrowed down Diophantus's dates a great deal by these pieces of information. There is another piece of information which was accepted for many years as giving fairly accurate dates. Heath [3] quotes from a letter by Michael Psellus who lived in the last half of the 11 th century. Psellus wrote (Heath's translation in [3]):-
ThinkQuest : Library : Start Your Engines! Hero (heron) von alexandria (20 62 n.Chr.) gab, die unter dem Namen Hero oder heron schrieben, ist dieser bestimmte Grieche als heron von alexandria bekannt. http://library.thinkquest.org/C006011/german/sites/heron_bio.php3?f=2&b=50&a
Heron, Grekland heron från alexandria. Stor uppfinnare, matematiker och fysiker från alexandria i Egypten, som skrev böcker om matematik, fysik och mekanik. http://www.in2greece.com/swedish/historymyth/history/ancient/heron_alexandria.ht
Hero Of Alexandria - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Hero of alexandria. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Hero (or heron) of alexandria (roughly AD 10 to roughly AD 70) was a Greek engineer and geometer. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hero_of_Alexandria
Extractions: Hero (or Heron of Alexandria (roughly A.D. to roughly A.D. ) was a Greek engineer and geometer. His most famous invention was the first documented steam engine , the aeolipile . He is said to have been a follower of the Atomists . Some of his ideas were derived from the works of Ctesibius A number of references mention dates around 150 BC, but these are inconsistent with the dates of his publications and inventions. Perhaps this is due to a misinterpretation of the phrase "first century". edit The complete surviving works are: In optics , Hero proposed that light travels along the shortest geometric path. This view is no longer accepted, having been replaced by the least-time principle. In geometry , he stated and proved a formula, now known as Heron's formula , for calculating the area of a triangle in terms of its sides. He also came up with an iterative process for calculating square roots of numbers. Hero is credited with inventing many feedback control devices using water, fire and compressed air in various combinations, and the first type of analogue
Heron Von Alexandria Translate this page heron von alexandria. heron lebte um 60 n. Chr. in alexandria, denn er hat dort wahrscheinlich die Sonnenfinsternis von 62 n. Chr. http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/heron.html
Extractions: Heron lebte um 60 n. Chr. in Alexandria, denn er hat dort wahrscheinlich die Sonnenfinsternis von 62 n. Chr. beobachtet, da er in seiner Dioptria Dioptra Elementen des Euklid Geometrika Metrika Heronschen Formel a b und c F = sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)), wobei s=(a + b + c)/2 der halbe Umfang des Dreiecks ist. Nach arabischen Quellen stammt diese Formel allerdings bereits von Archimedes Ebenfalls in der Metrika gibt er das manchmal nach ihm benannte Verfahren des Wurzelziehens an, das aber bereits babylonischen Mathematikern bekannt war: sqrt(a) a zwischen sqrt(a) und sqrt(a)+1 und definiere die folgenden Werte durch a n+1 =(a n +a/a n n gegen sqrt(a)
Heron Von Alexandria | Mathe Board Lexikon Translate this page heron von alexandria. Definition, Erklärung, Bedeutung. heron von alexandria. heron von alexandria war ein antiker Mathematiker und Ingenieur. http://www.matheboard.de/lexikon/index.php/Heron_von_Alexandria
Extractions: Startseite Mathe Board Lexikon Mathe Tools ... Partner Das Mathe Board: Kostenlose Nachhilfe in Mathematik von der Grundschule bis zur Hochschule. A B C D ... Z Definition, Erklärung, Bedeutung Verbessern Mitmachen Heron von Alexandria war ein antiker Mathematiker und Ingenieur. Seine Lebensdaten lassen sich nur sehr ungefähr angeben; er muss nach Archimedes , aber vor Pappos gelebt haben, d. h. etwa zwischen 200 v. Chr. und 300 n. Chr. Einige Indizien in seinen Werken sprechen für das 1. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Herons Werke sind teilweise nur fragmentarisch überliefert. Sie beschäftigen sich unter anderem mit mathematischen, optischen und mechanischen Themen. Bekannt sind vor allem seine Ausführungen zu automatischen Geräten und der Ausnutzung von Wasser und Luft als treibende Kraft, hier insbesondere die Erfindung der Aeolipile . Außerdem ist die Heron'sche Formel sehr bekannt, die es erlaubt, den Flächeninhalt eines Dreiecks nur mit Kenntnis der drei Seiten zu berechnen, ohne Winkel oder andere Teile des Dreiecks zu kennen. Hits Verweisseiten Verlinkte Seiten Vielen Dank an "
Hero Of Alexandria Hero of alexandria. Hero (or heron) of alexandria (roughly AD 10 to roughly AD 70) was a Greek engineer and geometer. His most famous http://www.fact-index.com/h/he/hero_of_alexandria.html
Extractions: Main Page See live article Alphabetical index Hero (or Heron of Alexandria (roughly A.D. to roughly A.D. ) was a Greek engineer and geometer. His most famous invention was the first documented steam engine , the aeolipile . He is said to have been a follower of the Atomists . Some of his ideas were derived from the works of Ctesibius. A number of references mention dates around 150 BC, but these are inconsistent with the dates of his publications and inventions. Perhaps this is due to a misinterpretation of the phrase "first century". Table of contents 1 Publications 3 References The complete surviving works are: In optics , Hero proposed that light travels along the shortest geometric path. This view is no longer accepted, having been replaced by the least-time principle. In geometry , he stated and proved a formula, now known as Heron's formula , for calculating the area of a triangle in terms of its sides.
Heron Från Alexandria - Susning.nu heron från alexandria, matematiker, ca 1075, lärare vid akademien i alexandria. I verket Dioptra? finns många exempel på tillämpad matematik? http://susning.nu/Heron_från_Alexandria
Extractions: Heron från Alexandria matematiker , ca 10-75, lärare vid akademien i Alexandria . I verket Dioptra finns många exempel på [tillämpad matematik] inom dåtidens mekanik och optik . Mest känd är han nog för den eleganta formel som uttrycker triangelytan ur triangelns sidlängder. Hitta mer information om samma ämne på webben På svenska ( Heron från Alexandria ) sök i A D G W ... SAOB A = Alltheweb , D = Dmoz , G = Google , W = Wikipedia , Y = Yahoo , NE = Nationalencyklopedin , SAOB = Svenska Akademiens ordbok Sätt betyg på den här artikeln: Startsida Senaste nytt Länkspegel Inställningar Sök:
Hero Of Alexandria :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius Hero of alexandria. Online Encyclopedia Hero (or heron) of alexandria (roughly AD 10 to roughly AD 70) was a Greek engineer and geometer. http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/h/he/hero_of_alexandria.html
Extractions: Hero (or Heron of Alexandria (roughly A.D. to roughly A.D. ) was a Greek engineer and geometer. His most famous invention was the first documented steam engine , the aeolipile . He is said to have been a follower of the Atomists . Some of his ideas were derived from the works of Ctesibius. A number of references mention dates around 150 BC, but these are inconsistent with the dates of his publications and inventions. Perhaps this is due to a misinterpretation of the phrase "first century". Table of contents 1 Publications 3 References The complete surviving works are: In optics , Hero proposed that light travels along the shortest geometric path. This view is no longer accepted, having been replaced by the least-time principle. In geometry , he stated and proved a formula, now known as Heron's formula , for calculating the area of a triangle in terms of its sides.
MSN Encarta - Heron Von Alexandria Translate this page Melden Sie sich oben an. heron von alexandria. heron von alexandria (um 20 bis ca. heron von alexandria wurde vermutlich in Ägypten geboren und http://de.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761552636/Heron_von_Alexandria.html
MSN Encarta - Suchergebnisse - Alexandria (Ägypten) Translate this page Gefunden im Artikel Ägypten. 4. heron von alexandria*. Artikel Encarta Enzyklopädie. Gefunden im Artikel heron von alexandria. 5. Heß, Rudolf*. http://de.encarta.msn.com/Alexandria_(Ãgypten).html
Extractions: MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Suche ... Upgrade auf Encarta Premium Encarta - Suche Encarta Suchergebnisse f¼r "Alexandria (gypten)" Seite von 2 weiter Nur f¼r Abonnenten von MSN Encarta Premium. gypten: Alexandria (gypten) Artikel â Encarta Enzyklop¤die Alexandria (gypten) , (Al-IskandarÄ«ya), Stadt und wichtigster Seehafen im n¶rdlichen gypten, liegt im Flussdelta des Nil auf einer Nehrung, die den... gypten : Bev¶lkerung : Weitere Artikel: Kyrill von Alexandria, heiliger Artikel â Encarta Enzyklop¤die Kyrill von Alexandria, heiliger (376-444), Bischof und Theologe. Der in Alexandria geborene und ausgebildete Kyrill wurde 412 zum Patriarchen von... gypten Artikel â Encarta Enzyklop¤die Gefunden im Artikel gypten Heron von Alexandria Artikel â Encarta Enzyklop¤die Gefunden im Artikel Heron von Alexandria He, Rudolf Artikel â Encarta Enzyklop¤die Gefunden im Artikel He, Rudolf Hellenismus Artikel â Encarta Enzyklop¤die Gefunden im Artikel Hellenismus Judentum Artikel â Encarta Enzyklop¤die Gefunden im Artikel Judentum Moustaki, Georges
Lexikon - Heron Von Alexandria Definition Erklärung Bedeutung Translate this page Was Wer Wo ist heron von alexandria - Definition Erklärung Bedeutung von heron von alexandria. heron von alexandria. Definition, Bedeutung http://www.net-lexikon.de/Heron-von-Alexandria.html
Extractions: PostgreSQL ... englischen Lexikon Google News zum Stichwort Heron von Alexandria war ein antiker Mathematiker und Ingenieur. Seine Lebensdaten lassen sich nur sehr ungef¤hr angeben; er muss nach Archimedes , aber vor Pappos gelebt haben, d. h. etwa zwischen 200 v. Chr. und 300 n. Chr. Einige Indizien in seinen Werken sprechen f¼r das 1. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Herons Werke sind teilweise nur fragmentarisch ¼berliefert. Sie besch¤ftigen sich unter anderem mit mathematischen, optischen und mechanischen Themen. Bekannt sind vor allem seine Ausf¼hrungen zu automatischen Ger¤ten und der Ausnutzung von Wasser und Luft als treibende Kraft. Auerdem ist die Heron'sche Formel sehr bekannt, die es erlaubt, den Fl¤cheninhalt eines Dreiecks nur mit Kenntnis der drei Seiten zu berechnen, ohne Winkel oder andere Teile des Dreiecks zu kennen. B¼cher bei Amazon.de zum Stichwort: Heron von Alexandria Info: Dieser Artikel aus Wikipedia wird durch die GNU FDL lizenziert.
Heron Von Alexandria :|: Im Infobitte.de InfoBitte Universal-Lexikon Translate this page Abstract heron von alexandria im infobitte.de InfoBitte Universal-Lexikon. Hier klicken heron von alexandria. InfoBitte Universal-Lexikon. http://www.infobitte.de/free/lex/allgLex0/h/heronVonAlexandria.htm
E-Hausaufgaben.de - Support-Forum Heron Von Alexandria (Kategorie Translate this page es in Info a nucleonweb community, Forum, Fragen, Antworten, Support-Forum, User helfen Usern, Support-Forum heron von alexandria (Kategorie Informatik). http://www.e-hausaufgaben.de/support_forum_show.php?id=20040329135023