Heron Of Alexandria And His Motor back to list, heron of alexandria and His Motor. Q Also, here s a link to a really good page all about heron of alexandria. Good luck with your project! Tamara. http://van.hep.uiuc.edu/van/qa/section/Everything_Else/History/950749321.htm
Extractions: Although he's often called Hero, his actual name was Heron. He lived in Alexandria, Egypt in the first century A.D. (From around 10 A.D. to around 75 A.D., probably.) He was a mathematician and inventor, and he focused on geometry and things that had to do with water and air pressure. He's most famous for Heron's Formula, which has to do with the lengths of the sides of triangles. He wrote a lot of books about his work, many of which were stored in the Library of Alexandria. This library is pretty famous because it was lost, so to speak, during wars in that area, and the books inside weren't found until nearly a thousand years later. He came up with a lot of inventions, including what he called the aeolipile, which was the first ever steam-based motor. It was basically a metal ball that could turn on a metal tube that ran through it. It had two bent pipes sticking out opposite sides. Steam came in through the tube in the middle and went out through the pipes on the sides. The steam pushing out through the holes in the sides made the ball spin. Unfortunately, no one ever really used this motor.
Heron Of Alexandria encyclopediaEncyclopedia heron of alexandria, hEr on Pronunciation Key. heron of alexandria or Hero,mathematician and inventor. http://www.factmonster.com/cgi-bin/id/A0823538.hmtl
Extractions: Heron of Alexandria [h E Pronunciation Key Heron of Alexandria or Hero, mathematician and inventor. The dates of his birth and death are unknown; conjecture places them between the 2d cent. B.C. and the 3d cent. A.D. He is believed to have lived in Alexandria; although he wrote in Greek, his origin is uncertain. Several of his works survive either in Greek or in Latin translation. He wrote on the measurement of geometric figures, and a formula for finding the area of a triangle has been ascribed to him. Known for his study of mechanics and pneumatics, he invented many contrivances operated by water, steam, or compressed air; these include a fountain, a fire engine, siphons, and an engine in which the recoil of steam revolves a ball or a wheel. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia,
Wundersames, Heron Translate this page Technical works by heron of alexandria, Aristides Quintilianus and Johannes Pediasimos, with diagrams, later 16th cent. http//image http://www.wundersamessammelsurium.de/Heron/
Extractions: Heron from Alexandria, Hero from Alexandria Unter allen "alten" Findern und Erfindern ist der Grieche Heron von Alexandrien als außerordentlich bemerkenswert hervorzuheben. Er war ein gelehrter Wissenschaftler, Mathematiker, Mechaniker, Physiker, Naturforscher, Techniker, Ingenieur der Antike und lebte in Alexandrien, Ägypten. Von wann bis wann er genau lebte ist unklar, ein Gelehrtenstreit, aber es war wohl in der Zeitspanne 150 v. Chr. - 250 n. Chr. De Automatis (Automat = griech.: Selbstbeweger). Eine Sammlung von Konstruktionen von 'thaumata', "Wunder"-erzeugenden Geräten speziell für Tempel. Heron beschreibt u. a.: sich selbst entzündende Opferfeuer, drehende und bewegende und tanzende Figuren, Bühnenblitze, Bühnendonner, selbsttätig öffnende und schließende Türen, automatische Musik auf Zimbeln und Trommeln, den Ausfluss von Wein oder Milch aus dem Becher einer Figur. Automaten gibt es mindestens seit dem 3. Jh. v. Chr. Der griechische Mechaniker Philon von Byzanz beschreibt in seiner "Mechanike syntaxis" pneumatische Apparate. Damals gab es sogar automatische astronomische Anzeigegeräte.
Heron Von Alexandrien Heron von Alexandrien heron of alexandria, Hauptseite/Main Page. Deutsch. English. Heron von http://www.niester.de/g_antike/aegypter/heron/heron.html
®üÛ¡]Heron Of Alexandria, ¤½¤¸62¦~¥ª¥k¡^ The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.edp.ust.hk/math/history/3/3_86.htm
"Natural Magick" - "Glossary/Index - H" heron of alexandria Greek mathematician heron of alexandria, who lived in 1 AC. Heron teaches, that in burning of walls, after http://homepages.tscnet.com/omard1/h.htm
Extractions: Home Page "Natural Magick" The Author And His Work Editor/Producer ... Book Store A B C D ... Z note : herbs/plants ref. w/" The English Physitian ", Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654. where possible. or ( B otanical.com A Modern Herbal , Mrs. M. Grieve) Habergeon Habergeon (Hauberk) - Properly, a short hauberk, but often used loosely for the hauberk. A coat of mail; especially, the long coat of mail of the European Middle Ages, as contrasted with the habergeon, which is shorter and sometimes sleeveless. "...How an Habergeon or Coat of Arms is to be tempered..." Hackle Hackle - One of the peculiar, long, narrow feathers on the neck of fowls, most noticeable on the cock. "...And if a women with a child meets a Serpent , her fruit becomes abortive. Hence it is, that when a woman is in very Fore Travel , if she does but smell the fume of an Adder's Hackle , it will presently either drive out, or destroy her child. .." Hack Hack - A frame or grating of various kinds; as, a frame for drying bricks, fish, or cheese; a rack for feeding cattle; a grating in a mill race, etc. And it is fit for to make wicks for candles. Yet that is stuck in with
ThinkQuest : Library : Start Your Engines! Although there were about 18 Greek writers under the name of Hero or Heron, this specific Greek scientist was known as Hero or heron of alexandria. http://library.thinkquest.org/C006011/english/sites/heron_bio.php3?v=2
Heron In Directory.co.uk 8. Heron heron of alexandria. Born about Sometimes called Hero, heron of alexandria was an important geometer and worker in mechanics. Perhaps the http://www.directory.co.uk/Heron.htm
Final Project Contents. I. A brief history of heron of alexandria. II. V. Resources. heron of alexandria. Not much is known about the man named heron of alexandria. http://jwilson.coe.uga.edu/EMT668/EMAT6680.2000/Umberger/MATH7200/HeronFormulaPr
Extractions: Final Project: Heron's Formula Contents I. A brief history of Heron of Alexandria II. Heron's Formula , including a GSP sketch to test III. Three proofs of Heron's Formula: one algebraic, one geometric, and one trigonometric IV. Related topics: A. Brahmagupta's Generalization , including a GSP sketch to test and a proof B. An extension of Brahmagupta's Generalization, including a GSP sketch to test C. The Pythagorean Theorem , including a proof using Heron's Formula V. Resources Heron of Alexandria Not much is known about the man named Heron of Alexandria. Even his name is not definite; he has been called Heron and Hero. No one knows exactly when he lived, though it is commonly believed that he lived sometime between 150 B.C. and 250 A.D. Heron did live in the great scholarly city of Alexandria, Egypt, where many Greek mathematicians and scientists studied. Yet it is not known whether he was a Greek or actually an Egyptian with Greek training. What is sure, though, is that Heron of Alexandria was a brilliant man who gave the modern world much insight into the mathematical and physical sciences. Heron wrote so many works on mathematical and physical subjects that "it is customary to described him as an encyclopedic writer in these fields" (Eves, p. 178). Most of these works can be divided into two categories: geometric and mechanical. While approximately fourteen of his treatises have been uncovered, there are references to other lost works.
Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math heron of alexandria Born about 65 in (possibly) Alexandria, Egypt Died about 125 Sometimes called Hero, Heron was an important geometer and worker in http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/52532.html
Extractions: Associated Topics Dr. Math Home Search Dr. Math Date: 11/12/97 at 12:50:48 From: Jeff Kilgore Subject: Who was Hero? I have been trying to find information on the Greek mathematician Hero. The encyclopedias that I have referenced either do not give any information, or they just state that he was a Greek who found a formula for the area of triangles. Any references would be helpful. http://mathforum.org/dr.math/ Associated Topics
About "Heron's Calculation Of Triangle Area (MSTE)" The area of a triangle can be calculated using a formula attributed to heron of alexandria. This calculation requires http://mathforum.org/library/view/7888.html
Extractions: Visit this site: http://www.mste.uiuc.edu/dildine/heron/triarea.html Author: James P. Dildine; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Description: The area of a triangle can be calculated using a formula attributed to Heron of Alexandria. This calculation requires that the lengths of all three sides be known. This activity includes an Excel file to calculate the area of a triangle, and Java and Sketchpad files to experiment with interactive triangles. Explore the Triangle Inequality Theorem while exmining the acceptable ranges for the third side of a triangle. Levels: Middle School (6-8) High School (9-12) Languages: English Resource Types: Lesson Plans and Activities Problems/Puzzles Documents/Sketches/Galleries General Software Miscellaneous ... Web Interactive/Java Math Topics: Triangles and Other Polygons
Heron's Cheiroballistra By Aitor Iriarte The Heron named in the title of most manuscripts is currently identified with the famous heron of alexandria, who lived during the second half of first century Sources.htm
Extractions: ANALYSIS OF "THE CHEIROBALLISTRA" The Cheiroballistra is a very short treatise, written in Attic Greek. It is clearly divided into five sections, each one of them followed by a diagram. The four main manuscript sources for establishing text and diagrams of the Cheiroballistra are the following ones M : Codex Parisinus inter supplementa Graeca 607 (foll. 56 r v ). Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. F : Fragmenta Vindobonensia 120, olim 113 (foll. 12 r v ). Österreichische NationalBibliothek, Vienna. P : Codex Parisinus Gr. 2442 (foll. 68 v v ). Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. V : Codex Vaticanus Gr. 1164 (foll. 106 v v ). Biblioteca Vaticana, Rome. The treatise has reached us obviously incomplete. Only the components of one small arrow-shooting catapult (or should we say ballista ?) are described. The text lacks a foreword, which is present even in the driest treatises , and, maybe, more instructions about how to assemble the machine out from the already described components. From the kind of machine described, the
Heron heron of alexandria. Born about 65 in (possibly) Alexandria, Egypt Died about 125 in Not known. http://intranet.woodvillehs.sa.edu.au/pages/resources/maths/History/Hrn.htm
Extractions: Previous (Alphabetically) Next Welcome page Sometimes called Hero, Heron was an important geometer and worker in mechanics. Book I of his treatise Metrica deals with areas of triangles, quadrilaterals, regular polygons of between 3 and 12 sides, surfaces of cones, cylinders, prisms, pyramids, spheres etc. A method, known to the Babylonians 2000 years before, is also given for approximating the square root of a number. Heron also proves his famous formula: if A is the area of a triangle with sides a, b and c and s=(a+b+c)/2 then A = s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c). In Book II of Metrica , Heron deals with volumes of various 3-dimensional figures such as spheres, cylinders, cones, prisms, pyramids etc. Book III of Metrica deals with dividing areas and volumes according to a given ratio. Dioptra deals with theodolites and surveying. It contains a chapter on astronomy giving a method to find the distance between Alexandria and Rome using the difference between local times at which an eclipse of the Moon is observed at each cities. Catoptrica deals with mirrors. Heron, in his study of light, states that vision results from light rays emitted by the eyes. He believes that these rays travel with infinite velocity.
The History Channel Friday May 14, Time Machine Ancient Discoveries heron of alexandria, Modern Marvels The Wheel, Investigating History Billy the Kid. http://www.historychannel.com/global/listings/listings_weekly.jsp?NetwCode=THC&t
The History Channel On Now 67pm, Time Machine Ancient Discoveries heron of alexandria In Part 3, we travel to Alexandria, Egyptthe home of inventors and philosophers in ancient http://www.historychannel.com/global/listings/listings.jsp?NetwCode=THC&View=Now
Heron's Criterion heron of alexandria lived in the first century BC and contributed massively to mechanics, optics, and geometry. Today he is mainly http://www.math.ubc.ca/~hoek/Teaching/Heron/Herocrit.html
Extractions: Part of the Geometry Primer for Mathematics 337 at the University of British Columbia. Heron of Alexandria lived in the first century BC and contributed massively to mechanics, optics, and geometry. Today he is mainly remembered for a remarkable way of computing the area of a triangle (Heron's Formula) namely as the square root of a four-dimensional volume! A bold stroke which we shall hide by jumping from shapes to numbers before we get to the famous formula. For the moment staying with shapes let us consider a triangle ABC decomposed as shown on the left by cutting along the angle bisectors and the perpendiculars dropped onto the sides from the centre of the inscribed circle. The resulting six wedges can then be arranged into a rectangular strip marked with a zig-zag pattern like so. First question: given a strip subdivided as on the right, with obtuse angles LAM and AMB, how can one tell (without taking it apart) that its pieces can be assembled into triangle as shown above? By the way, if angle AMB were not obtuse, the angles around M in the next diagram below would add to at most 180 degrees (see?), and there would no "crater" at M to fit the purple wedge and its twin. Likewise for LAM.
The Area Of A Triangle Numerically unstable and numerically stable solution. The classical formula due to heron of alexandria first calculates a semiperimeter, S, as half the sum of http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Garage/3323/aat/a_atria.html
Extractions: The area of a triangle PROBLEM Given the lengths of three sides of a triangle X Y Z . How to calculate the area of this triangle? Numerically unstable and numerically stable solution The classical formula due to Heron of Alexandria first calculates a semiperimeter, S , as half the sum of the sides, and then evaluates the area as in the following internal function HERON IMPLEMENTATION Unit: internal function
Heron Aerospace Heron Aerospace is named in honor of heron of alexandria (sometimes called Hero born about 10 AD and died about 75 AD) an important geometer and worker http://www.heronaerospace.com/name-and-logo.html
Extractions: Home Projects Store ... Company Info. Heron Aerospace is named in honor of Heron of Alexandria (sometimes called Hero born about 10 A.D. and died about 75 A.D.) an important geometer and worker in mechanics, and possibly the inventor of the first steam engine (Heron's Aeolipile). Heron wrote a number of important treatises on mechanics. They give methods of lifting heavy weights and describe simple mechanical machines. His works also examine the theory of motion, statics problems, balance, levers, pulleys, screws, etc. The aeolipile was a hollow sphere mounted so that it could turn on a pair of hollow tubes that provided steam to the sphere from a pot of boiling water. The steam escaped from the sphere from one or more bent tubes projecting from its equator, causing the sphere to revolve. The aeolipile is the first known device to transform steam into rotary motion. The Heron Aerospace logo is designed to be an abstraction of Heron's aeolipile. Interestingly, this abstraction also bears abstract resemblance to the head-on-view of the turbines in many modern jet engines.