Extractions: ENCYCLOPEDIA U com Lists of articles by category ... SEARCH : For the purpose and extent of this list, see list of mathematical topics A-C D-F - G-I - J-L M-O P-R S-U ... V-Z G2 (mathematics) G-delta set Gabriel's horn Galilean transformation ... Gaussian quadrature Guassian rational Gauss-Jordan elimination Gauss-Legendre algorithm Gauss-Markov Gauss-Markov process ... Gauss's law Gauss-Wantzel theorem Gelfand-Naimark-Segal Gelfand representation General linear group General number field sieve ... Geometric shape Geometric solid Geometry Geometry of numbers Gergonne point Germain ... Gosset, William Sealey Gowers, William Timothy Graded algebra Gradient Gradient descent Graftals ... Guldin, Paul Gumbel, Eric H infinity Haar integral Haar measure Haar wavelet ... Harmonic series (music) Harsanyi, John Hash function Hash table Hasse diagram Hausdorff, Felix ... Helix Hellman, Martin Heng, Zhang Henkin Henkin, Leon Henstock-Kurzweil Integral Henstock-Kurzweil-Stieltjes Integral Heptadecagon Herbrand, Jacques Herbrand theory Herbrand universe Hereditarily finite set Charles Hermite Hermite polynomials ... Hessian Hestenes, David
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Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page Ernst (75*) Helly, Eduard (157*) Helmholtz, Hermann von (120*) Heng, Zhang (228*)Henrici, Olaus (117*) Hensel, Kurt (252*) herbrand, jacques (376) Hérigone http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4142/matematici.html
Argonne News 06/19/00 The award is named for French mathematician jacques herbrand (19081931) who developedan important theorem in mathematical logic with applications to theorem http://www.anl.gov/OPA/local/news00/an000619.html
Extractions: for contributions to automated deduction Senior scientist William McCune (MCS) will receive the 2000 Herbrand Award for exceptional contributions to the field of automated deduction. The award is given by the Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE) Inc. to honor exceptional contributions to the field. McCune was cited for his outstanding success in answering the Robbins question, which had challenged mathematicians and logicians for six decades, and for his design of the powerful program Otter, which has become a benchmark for automated deduction programs. McCune's contributions to the field also include powerful inference rules and numerous new strategies that have dramatically increased the likelihood of finding a proof.
CAUL Database Translate this page Abstract Em 1930, jacques herbrand deu uma caracterização das validadesde primeira ordem em termos de tautologias apropriadas. http://caul.cii.fc.ul.pt/pt/seminar212.html
Extractions: (CMAF, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal) Sexta-feira, 21 de Fevereiro de 2003, 16h, Anfiteatro Abstract: Em 1930, Jacques Herbrand deu uma caracterização das validades de primeira ordem em termos de tautologias apropriadas. Enunciaremos e daremos um esboço de demonstração (via teoria dos modelos) deste teorema para um caso particular. Com base neste teorema, damos uma nova demonstração do teorema de Charles Parsons de 1970/72 que caracteriza as funções demonstravelmente totais da aritmética de Peano com indução restrita a predicados r.e.. Este resultado de Parsons pode ser visto como uma realização "parcial" do programa de Hilbert. Falaremos brevemente sobre esta temática. Local:
Index For Surnames Beginning With H (Pedigree Pages) 1826) HEBERT, jacques HEBERT, Malvina (b. ABT d. 7 JUL 1934) Herbert, Jean BaptisteHerbey, Bonnie Herbey, Edith Irene (b. Not Shown) herbrand, AARON JAMES http://www.ged4web.com/derik/l_h.htm
Index Des Noms Commençant Par Un H (Ascendance Pages) Translate this page 1826) HEBERT, jacques HEBERT, Malvina (n. ABT. 7 JUL 1934) Herbert, Jean BaptisteHerbey, Bonnie Herbey, Edith Irene (n. Non Montré) herbrand, AARON JAMES http://www.ged4web.com/derik/fl_h.htm
FOM: Herbrand-Godel, Speed-up: Request For Information 1) The herbrandGodel correspondance about recursive functions had been first declaredlost Many thanks for your help, jacques Dubucs jacques Dubucs IHPST CNRS http://www.cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/1999-March/002822.html
Extractions: Tue, 9 Mar 1999 21:26:03 +0100 1) The Herbrand-Godel correspondance about recursive functions had been first declared lost by Godel in Vienna during the thirties; but Sieg reports, in his paper for the volume edited by A. George ("Mathematics and Mind", Oxford 94, p. 82), that it has been found again in Godel's Nachlass. Could someone tell me if these letters are now published or accessible ? 2) In his introductory note to Godels 1936 paper on speed-up (Collected Works I, 394 sq), Parikh evokes some infelicities in Godel's proof, and he refers the reader to an unpublished typescript by M.K. Solomon in 1981. Is this paper (or, better, some paper superseding it) now published ? More generally, what could be considered as a good introduction to the present state of art concerning speed-up ? Many thanks for your help, Jacques Dubucs Jacques Dubucs IHPST CNRS Paris I 13, rue du Four 75006 Paris Tel (33) 01 43 54 60 36 (33) 01 43 54 94 60 Fax (33) 01 44 07 16 49 Previous message: FOM: Intuition, Logic, and Induction.
Institut De France / Actualités Translate this page Séance publique. - Remise des prix thématiques de mathématique Le prixJacques herbrand sera remis à M. Albert COHEN, professeur au laboratoire d http://www.institut-de-france.fr/actualites/archives/lettreinfo11.htm
Extractions: Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Noun Jacques Lipchitz - United States sculptor (born in Lithuania) who pioneered cubist sculpture (1891-1973) Lipchitz sculptor sculpturer statue maker ... carver - an artist who creates sculptures Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Some words with "Jacques Lipchitz" in the definition: Anatole France
Extractions: Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Noun Jacques Derrida - French philosopher and critic; exponent of deconstructionism (born in 1930) Derrida literary critic - a critic of literature philosopher - a specialist in philosophy Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms Some words with "Jacques Derrida" in the definition: Anatole France
A Guide To The Jean Van Heijenoort Papers, 1946-1988. Letter to de Rouilhan, April 28, 1981. L oeuvre logique de jacques Herbrandet son contexte historique, 1981. Letter to Quine, November 13, 1981. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/utcah/00245/00245b.html
Extractions: Descriptive Summary Creator: Van Heijenoort, Jean, 1912- Title: Jean Van Heijenoort Papers, Dates: Abstract: Collection documents the career of Jean van Heijenoort (1912-1986) in mathematical logic and its history. Extent: 16 ft. manuscript, typescript, printed. Languages: Materials are written in English and French. Repository: Archives of American Mathematics, Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin Van Heijenoort is best-known for his work in the history of logic; he was the editor of (1967). He was also the author of several non-historical works in mathematical logic. Some of this work appeared in his Selected Essays (1985), but most remains unpublished. His experiences with Trotsky are recounted in his The Jean van Heijenoort Papers consist of two parts: (1) papers transferred to the Archives of American Mathematics after his death, (2) records of the preparation of (donated by Professor van Heijenoort in 1981). The posthumous donation consists of his writings (including his thesis and dissertation, reprints, texts of lectures, unpublished works, and some letters) (1946-1982; 8 in.), correspondence (1956-1983; 1 in.), research notes and unfinished work (3.5 ft.), and a collection of writings of others (including reprints, preprints, duplicated lecture notes, etc.) (7 ft.). The records of
LaTeX Bib Format Perthes et I. H. http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~russell/aima-bib.bib
Ferrater Mora: Diccionario De Filosofía: Cuadro Cronológico Prólogos. Previous Pres. por Priscilla Cohn (1994) Next Prólogo a la sexta edición (1979) Cuadro Cronológico. Figuran en este cuadro, en orden cronológico, los nombres de todos los autores a los cuales se han dedicado artículos. http://www.ferratermora.com/ency_prologo_qz_cu-cron.html
Simon Finch Rare Books Bibliopoly search books in database stock catalogue of antiquarian booksellers, for rare editions, manuscripts, incunabula http://www.polybiblio.com/finch
Church-Turing Thesis As An Immature Form Of Zuse-Fredkin Thesis (More Arguments The ChurchTuring Thesis as an Immature Form of the Zuse-Fredkin Thesis (More Arguments in Support of the "Universe as a Cellular Automaton" Idea)* Plamen Petrov ppetrov@digitalphysics.org http://www.digitalphysics.org/Publications/Petrov/Pet02a2/Pet02a2.htm
Extractions: ppetrov@digitalphysics.org Abstract: In [ ] we have shown a strong argument in support of the "Universe as a computer" idea. In the current work, we continue our exposition by showing more arguments that reveal why our Universe is not only "some kind of computer", but also a concrete computational model known as a "cellular automaton". Last revised: September 6, 2003, 1:35 AM 1. Introduction Footnotes This paper is essentially an addition and continuation of the main idea described previously in [ In fact, it will be best if [ ], the current work, and the forthcoming [ ] are read in a rapid succession. These three works may be considered something like a "triad of papers" that essentially describes a single topic, but only with gradually increasing depth of understanding. While we are certain that the first article of the "triad" [