Science And Society Picture Library Caption Model made by olaus henrici. henrici taught mechanical engineering at theCity and Guilds College, South Kensington, London, in the late 19th Century.
Science And Society Picture Library This one, designed by Professor olaus henrici (18401918) and made by G Coradi,uses the motions of three glass spheres which turn numbered dials.
Ingelbertus Olai Helsingus Gift med olaus henrici Salamontanus, född 157090 ca i Kumla, död 1636-08-02i Mora, Mora sn (W). Komminister i Mora, Mora sn (W). Prästvigd 1615-09-21.
Clifford Article Endnotes 117. Ball, Content, p.151. 118. olaus henrici, The Theory of Screws, Nature, 5 January 1890, 42 127132, on p.131. 119. Robert
Extractions: 1. William Kingdon Clifford, The Common Sense of the Exact Sciences , edited by Karl Pearson, newly edited with an introduction by James R. Newman and preface by Bertrand Russell, (New York: Dover, 1955; Reprint of the 1946 Knopf edition; Unaltered reprint of the third edition of 1899; First English edition, London: Macmillan, 1885; First American edition, New York: Appleton, 1885). See Chapter on "Position," pp.184-204. 2. William K. Clifford, "On the Space-Theory of Matter," presented 2 February 1870, Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society , 1866/1876, 2: 157-158; Reprinted in William K. Clifford, Mathematical Papers, edited by Robert Tucker, with an introduction by H.J.S. Smith, (New York: Chelsea, 1968; An unaltered reproduction of the 1882 original): 21-22. 3. Sir Arthur S. Eddington, Space, Time, and Gravitation , (Cambridge: at the University Press, 1921), on p.192; E.T. Bell
FILE Authors.lst A Supplement To Webster S Revised Unabridged Hendyng. i Proverbs /i 12721307 Henfrey Henfrey, Arthur (Eng.botanist) 1819-1859 henrici henrici, olaus (Ger. math. at Univ.
Extractions: Abp. Abbot Abbot, Abp. George (English divine) 1562-1633 Abbott Abbott, Benj. Vaughan. [ Law Dict. ] 1830-1890 E. A. Abbott Abbott, Edwin Abbott (Eng. author) 1838- L. Abbott Abbott, Lyman (Am. Clergyman) 1835- Ld. Abinger Abinger, Sir James Scarlett, Ld. (English advocate) 1769-1844 Abney Abney, Capt. Wm. de Wiveleslie (English writer on photog.) 1843- James Adair Adair, James (Indian trader) [ Hist. of Am. Indians Cath. Dict. Dict. of Authors , Phila., 1886] 1816-1889 The American (a weekly journal pub. in Phila.) ND Am. Chem. Journal American Chemical Journal (bi-monthly, estab. 1879). ND Amer. Cyc. American Cyclop Voyage round the World in 1740-44] 1697-1762 Ansted Ansted, David Thomas (Eng. geol.) 1814-1880 F. Anstey Pseud. of Thomas Anstey Guthrie (Eng. novelist) 1856- Anti-Jacobin Anti-Jacobin Review and Mag. (Eng. pub., 1798-1821). ND Arbuthnot Arbuthnot, John (Brit. author) 1667-1735 Arch. Pub. Soc. Dict. of Arch. Issued by Architectural Pub. Soc. of Lond. ND Arden of Feversham (anon. historical tragedy, 1592.) ND Duke of Argyll Argyll, Geo. J. Douglas Campbell, eighth duke of (Brit. author) 1823-1900 Armstrong Armstrong, John (Scot. physician and poet) 1709-1779 E. Arnold Arnold, Sir Edwin (Eng. poet) 1832- M. Arnold Arnold, Matthew (Eng. poet and essayist) 1822-1888 T. Arnold Arnold, Thomas (Eng. historian) 1795-1842 Arnould Arnould, Joseph. [
Sliceform Abstrations The Sliceform technique originated with a mathematician called olaus henrici whotaught in London at the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Extractions: @import url(../silver.css); Home Sliceform Abstractions My friend Ayn is a talented artist. Amongst her talents is the making of Sliceforms . Sliceform models are three-dimensional objects created by slicing a solid many times in two directions. The models are a series of cross sections which are made of a set of planes cut from card (or other material) slotted together. The Sliceform technique originated with a mathematician called Olaus Henrici who taught in London at the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He made models using cross sections of quartic surfaces; these are similar to a sphere but have with cross sections which are ellipses, hyperbolae or parabolae. These photographs are of a single slice form. Click on an image for a larger version contact @ futurafish dot com Last Updated: February 26, 2004
The King's Library, Copenhagen Elementa Chymia. 2. olaus Borrichius. MS. 1735. Defective collection of chemicaland alchemical books, including Trifolium novellum henrici Pragensis , and
Extractions: This is a list of 183 hermetic manuscripts in the King's Library, Copenhagen. This was compiled by scanning through the 19th century handwritten catalogue, which I had access to in a microfilm resource. The descriptions are inadequate in places but do give us a sense of the importance of this much neglected hermetic collection. There are a number of items in English. I would welcome any further information on items from this collection - Adam McLean. Back to manuscripts page - Dansk Biografisk Leksikon/index 1. Udgave Bind 7 Julius, f. 1828, Journalist, Politiker 1114 Hansen, Jens olaus, 1795-1854 Henrichsen,Rudolph Johannes Frederik, 1800-71, Rektor 359-360 henrici, Paul Christian
Extractions: Dansk biografisk leksikon/index 1. udgave bind 7 Startsida Dansk biografisk leksikon Senaste nytt ... Inställningar Sök: NE Wikipedia Google Titelside Startsida Dansk biografisk leksikon Senaste nytt Inställningar Sök: NE Wikipedia Google ... Visa andra versioner drivs av Projekt Runeberg
Repertorium Fontium Historiae Medii Aevi. Lemmario VIII, 354. Olahus, Nicolaus vol. VIII, 354; olaus, Ericus v. Ericus Olai vol. IV,370. olaus Petri vol. VIII, 425 v. Vita henrici IV imperatoris. Othelboldus vol.
Extractions: Oberrheinische Chronik v. Obertus Cancellarius v. Obertus episcopus Ianuensis v. Obertus de Orto v. Obertus Stanconus v. Obituarium v. Obituarium S. Sergii Andegavensis v. Obitus Eugenii IV et creatio Nicolai V vol. VIII, 311 Obitus divi domini Friderici Tercii imperatoris vol. VIII, 311 Obitus Willelmi filii regis Angliae a. 1120 v. O bitve u Krescaku vol. VIII, 312 Obo Ravennas vol. VIII, 312 Obrana viery proti Pikartuom vol. VIII, 312 Obrecht, Jacob vol. VIII, 312 Obscezemskij Privilej velikogo knjazja litovskogo Sigizmunda Augusta (1563) vol. VIII, 313 Obscezemskij Privilej velikogo knjazja litovskogo Sigismunda Augusta (1565) vol. VIII, 313 vol. VIII, 313 Observantiae consuetudinesque Regni Aragoniae vol. VIII, 314
The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Otto Hesse 1862, Heinrich Weber, RuprechtKarls-Universität Heidelberg, 1863,144. olaus henrici, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, 1863, Jacob
Suomalaisen Filosofian Kronikka ERITEO Marcus henrici Helsingius (15551609), helsinkiläissyntyinen tuleva Agricolapaneutui reformitehtäviinsä ruotsalaiskollegaansa olaus Petriä hieman
Extractions: SUOMALAISEN FILOSOFIAN KRONIKKA ENNEN AKATEMIAA 1900-LUKU ... Myös kaksi muuta historiallista ketjua hahmotellaan. Ensimmäinen koostuu niistä erityistieteilijöistä, joiden työssä filosofisilla kysymyksillä on ollut tavalla tai toisella korostunut osansa. Toinen on luokka "muut", johon kootaan enemmän tai vähemmän yliopistoista riippumattomia toimijoita - kirkonmiehiä, poliitikoita, taiteilijoita, journalisteja ja muita - jotka niin ikään ovat esimerkillistäneet filosofista suhtautumistapaa ja kykyä. ENNEN AKATEMIAA Kalevala Varsinaisen oppilaitoshistorian ja esifilosofista kulttuurikerrosta koskevan kehittelyn lisäksi akateemisen Suomi-filosofian taustaksi voidaan selvittää opiskelijoiden kokemuksia ulkomaisista koulutuskeskuksista. Tästä näkökulmasta katsoen sopii ajatella Pohjolan vähittäistä yhdentymistä kristilliseen Eurooppaan. Kun kirkollinen järjestys 1200-luvulla vakiintui, myös "filosofia kohtasi" Thiodolf Reinin sanoin "maamme pojat". Uuden testamentin kreikkalais-latinalaisen standardilaitoksen ja Luther vuorostaan valmisti Sanasta saksannoksen. Lutherin hengessä Agricola muotoili moton: "kylle se cwle somen kielen/ joka ymmerdä caikein mielen". Hän myös pönkitti omaa hankettaan lausumalla, että "simplex translatio potest errorem habene, non crimen" (yksinkertainen käännös voi olla virheellinen, vaan ei rikos). Tämäkin teesi on lainaus eikä siis ns. originaali oivallus, mutta mikä voisikaan olla kääntäjälle sattuvampaa kuin lainata, siirtää ja sovittaa ajatuksia, sen sijaan että kuvittelisi keksivänsä niitä.
ET Genealogi - Swedish Names Danielis Bengt Eriksson = Benedictus Erici Johan Henriksson = Johannes henrici NilsHåkansson century, we find a few of these names olaus Andreæ Arosiensis
Extractions: In the beginning every person had but one name, the given name . If you look at the Bible and study the first chapter of the Gospel of St. Matthew or the third chapter of the Gospel of St. Luke you will find that the genealogy of Jesus consists of single male names, with an occasonal mention of a female. As time went on it became necessary to differentiate between two persons with the same given name, thus we find John, the Baptist and John, the Evangelist In most cultures, where confusion might exist between two persons with the same given name, the father's name was used to separate the two individuals. The Latin name for son, filius , thus becomes fils in French, fitz in Norman French, and vich, witz in the Slavic languages. In Ireland, the prefix O' signifies the son of, as Mac or Mc in Scottish names. In northern Europe the patronymic was indicated by adding the father's given name to -son and -dotter in Sweden, -son and -datter in Danish and Norwegian. The extra
Articles For Wittenberg Encyclopedia olaus Petri olaus Petri originally Olof Persson 1493 1552 Sweden Swedish PicanderPicander was the pseudonym of Christian Friedrich henrici January 14 1700 May
Extractions: (son, dau. by) English Adamus Adami Adamo Adam Adam Ade Ada Adam Ademarus Ademari Adamora Aymer Adhelina Adhelinae Adhelina Adeline Adomarus Adomari Adomaro Aymer Aegidius Aegidii Aegidio Giles Agelwinus Agelwini Agelwino Aylwin Agnes Agnetis Agnete Agnes Ailbertus Ailberti Ailberto Ethelbert, Albert Ailmaricus Ailmarici Ailmarico Emery Ailmerus Ailmeri Ailmero Aylmer Alanus Alani Alano Alan Alberedus Alberedi Alberedo Alfred Albaricus Albarici Albarico Aubrey Albinus Albini Albino Aubyn Albredus Albredi Albredo Aubrey Alexander Alexandri Alexandro Alexander Alianora Alianorae Alionora Eleanor Aloysius Aloysii Aloysio Lewis Aluredus Aluredi Aluredo Alfred Alricus Alrici Alrico Elfrie Amabilla Amabillae Amabilla Mabel Ambrosius Ambrosii Ambrosio Ambrose Amia Amiae Amia Amy Amicia Amiciae Amicia Amice Amicius Amicii Amicio Amyas Anabilia Anabiliae Anabilia Annabel Andreas Andreae Andrea Andrew Andreus Andrei Andreo Andrew Anicia Aniciae Anicia Annis Anthonius Anthonii Anthonio Anthony Araldus Araldi Araldo Harold Areturus Areturi Areturo Arthur Artorius Artorii Artorio Arthur Archibaldus Archibaldi Archibaldo Archibald Audoinus Audoini Audoino Owen Audomarus Audomari Audomaro Omer Augustinus Augustini Augustino Austin Avicia Aviciae Avicia Avis Bartholomaeus Bartholomaei Bartholomaeo Bartholomew Basilius Basilii Basilii Basil Baudwinus Baudwini Baudwino Baldwin Benedictus Benedicti Benedicto Bennet Bevicius Bevicii Bevicio Bevis Blasius Blasii Blasio Blaise Bogo Bogonis Bogone Bew, Bevis, Boeges
Tableau 2806, Jakobus henrici Brennerus; syntynyt .05.1607 Vaasa, Rovasti, Kruununkylä,valtiopäivämies 5186, olaus Martini Nycopensis; Ärkebiskop i Uppsala, magister
Esipolvitaulu Nimellä olaus Michaelis Elgfooth Gubanitsin kirkkoherra 164757, ilmeisesti myös PojistaJohannes henrici Gummeruksesta tuli Iisalmen kappalainen ja hän
Skeppningsverksamhet Under åren 1580-1589 Men även efterträdaren till herr Henrich, kyrkoherden Eschillus henrici drevsom Säljakt i Bottenviken enligt olaus Magnus Carta Marina och Historia.
Extractions: Tillbaka Introduktion Skeppare 1541-1608 Skepparna 1560-1570 Sk Under skeppningsperioden 1580-1589 hade Närpesbönderna verkställt sammanlagt 89 leveranser. Detta innebar nu inte, att 89 skeppare skulle ha besökt Stockholm under den ovannämnda perioden. Säkerligen var mycket mindre gods, som omtalas i skeppningslistorna, "medskickat" då yrkesskepparna besökte huvudstaden. Kalax Yttermark : Byn har i Nils Persson fått en ny skeppare, troligen fader till den styrman Hans Nilsson i Yttermark, som omtalas 1627 som styrman på den bolagsskuta, som var "olaglig skutbyggning". Lasten om 23 tunnor råg, 33 tunnor malt blev "bortskämt" av ovannämnda orsak. Skeppare var Åke Persson från Vörå, styrman Hans Nilsson från Yttermark samt båtsmän Hinrich Henrichsson i Pjelax och Staffan Andersson i Korsnäs, Närpes Historia band II sid 273. Kyrkotiondet utskeppas till Stockholm Redan den 26 september 1548 seglade kyrkoherden i Näpes benämnd "Herr Matz" med 3 tunnor smör till Stockholm, enligt Stockholms vågbok nr.501.
Noituus - Noitavainojen Ja Magian Historiaa Vuosilukuina 1555 olaus Magnus julkaisee kirjan Pohjoisten kansojen historia . Kalajoen kirkkoherraGregorius henrici syyttää Etelänkylän Martti Rautiota karhun
Extractions: Yhteystiedot Koonneet Timo Kervinen ja Marko Nenonen N. 1750 eaa. Hammurabin laki määrää vesikokeen noituudesta syyttäjän väitteiden tuomioksi. Jos virtaan mennyt syyttäjä puhuu totta, jumala pelastaa hänet. (Jumalantuomio.) Vesikoe tunnetaan jo maailman vanhimmasta säilyneestä lakikokoelmasta Ur-Nammun laista (n. 2050 ekr.).
WhoWasThere Reply Johannes Thomae was 70 this year and would die in a further 11 years.olaus henrici was 70 this year and would die in a further 8 years.
Dansk Biografisk Lexikon / VII. Bind. I. Hansen - Holmsted f. 1828, Journalist, Politiker 9, 10, 11 Hansen, Jens olaus, 1795-1854 RudolphJohannes Frederik, 1800-71, Rektor - 357, 358, 359 henrici, Paul Christian, f